import { defineComponent, PropType, computed, ExtractPropTypes, HTMLAttributes, watch, ref, } from 'vue'; import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import classNames from '../_util/classNames'; import warning from '../_util/warning'; import FormItem, { FieldExpose } from './FormItem'; import { getNamePath, containsNamePath } from './utils/valueUtil'; import { defaultValidateMessages } from './utils/messages'; import { allPromiseFinish } from './utils/asyncUtil'; import { toArray } from './utils/typeUtil'; import isEqual from 'lodash-es/isEqual'; import scrollIntoView, { Options } from 'scroll-into-view-if-needed'; import initDefaultProps from '../_util/props-util/initDefaultProps'; import { tuple, VueNode } from '../_util/type'; import { ColProps } from '../grid/Col'; import { InternalNamePath, NamePath, ValidateErrorEntity, ValidateOptions } from './interface'; import { useInjectSize } from '../_util/hooks/useSize'; import useConfigInject from '../_util/hooks/useConfigInject'; import { useProvideForm } from './context'; import { SizeType } from '../config-provider'; export type RequiredMark = boolean | 'optional'; export type FormLayout = 'horizontal' | 'inline' | 'vertical'; export type ValidationRule = { /** validation error message */ message?: VueNode; /** built-in validation type, available options: */ type?: string; /** indicates whether field is required */ required?: boolean; /** treat required fields that only contain whitespace as errors */ whitespace?: boolean; /** validate the exact length of a field */ len?: number; /** validate the min length of a field */ min?: number; /** validate the max length of a field */ max?: number; /** validate the value from a list of possible values */ enum?: string | string[]; /** validate from a regular expression */ pattern?: RegExp; /** transform a value before validation */ transform?: (value: any) => any; /** custom validate function (Note: callback must be called) */ validator?: (rule: any, value: any, callback: any, source?: any, options?: any) => any; trigger?: string; }; export const formProps = { layout: PropTypes.oneOf(tuple('horizontal', 'inline', 'vertical')), labelCol: { type: Object as PropType }, wrapperCol: { type: Object as PropType }, colon: PropTypes.looseBool, labelAlign: PropTypes.oneOf(tuple('left', 'right')), prefixCls: PropTypes.string, requiredMark: { type: [String, Boolean] as PropType, default: undefined }, /** @deprecated Will warning in future branch. Pls use `requiredMark` instead. */ hideRequiredMark: PropTypes.looseBool, model: PropTypes.object, rules: { type: Object as PropType<{ [k: string]: ValidationRule[] | ValidationRule }> }, validateMessages: PropTypes.object, validateOnRuleChange: PropTypes.looseBool, // 提交失败自动滚动到第一个错误字段 scrollToFirstError: { type: [Boolean, Object] as PropType }, onSubmit: PropTypes.func, onFinish: PropTypes.func, onFinishFailed: PropTypes.func, name: PropTypes.string, validateTrigger: { type: [String, Array] as PropType }, size: { type: String as PropType }, }; export type FormProps = Partial>; function isEqualName(name1: NamePath, name2: NamePath) { return isEqual(toArray(name1), toArray(name2)); } const Form = defineComponent({ name: 'AForm', inheritAttrs: false, props: initDefaultProps(formProps, { layout: 'horizontal', hideRequiredMark: false, colon: true, }), Item: FormItem, emits: ['finishFailed', 'submit', 'finish'], setup(props, { emit, slots, expose }) { const size = useInjectSize(props); const { prefixCls, direction, form: contextForm } = useConfigInject('form', props); const requiredMark = computed(() => props.requiredMark === '' || props.requiredMark); const mergedRequiredMark = computed(() => { if (requiredMark.value !== undefined) { return requiredMark.value; } if (contextForm && contextForm.value?.requiredMark !== undefined) { return contextForm.value.requiredMark; } if (props.hideRequiredMark) { return false; } return true; }); const formClassName = computed(() => classNames(prefixCls.value, { [`${prefixCls.value}-${props.layout}`]: true, [`${prefixCls.value}-hide-required-mark`]: mergedRequiredMark.value === false, [`${prefixCls.value}-rtl`]: direction.value === 'rtl', [`${prefixCls.value}-${size.value}`]: size.value, }), ); const lastValidatePromise = ref(); const fields: Record = {}; const addField = (eventKey: string, field: FieldExpose) => { fields[eventKey] = field; }; const removeField = (eventKey: string) => { delete fields[eventKey]; }; const getFieldsByNameList = (nameList: NamePath) => { const provideNameList = !!nameList; const namePathList = provideNameList ? toArray(nameList).map(getNamePath) : []; if (!provideNameList) { return Object.values(fields); } else { return Object.values(fields).filter( field => namePathList.findIndex(namePath => isEqualName(namePath, field.fieldName.value)) > -1, ); } }; const resetFields = (name: NamePath) => { if (!props.model) { warning(false, 'Form', 'model is required for resetFields to work.'); return; } getFieldsByNameList(name).forEach(field => { field.resetField(); }); }; const clearValidate = (name: NamePath) => { getFieldsByNameList(name).forEach(field => { field.clearValidate(); }); }; const handleFinishFailed = (errorInfo: ValidateErrorEntity) => { const { scrollToFirstError } = props; emit('finishFailed', errorInfo); if (scrollToFirstError && errorInfo.errorFields.length) { let scrollToFieldOptions: Options = {}; if (typeof scrollToFirstError === 'object') { scrollToFieldOptions = scrollToFirstError; } scrollToField(errorInfo.errorFields[0].name, scrollToFieldOptions); } }; const validate = (...args: any[]) => { return validateField(...args); }; const scrollToField = (name: NamePath, options = {}) => { const fields = getFieldsByNameList(name); if (fields.length) { const fieldId = fields[0].fieldId.value; const node = fieldId ? document.getElementById(fieldId) : null; if (node) { scrollIntoView(node, { scrollMode: 'if-needed', block: 'nearest', ...options, }); } } }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars const getFieldsValue = (nameList: NamePath[] | true = true) => { const values: any = {}; Object.values(fields).forEach(({ fieldName, fieldValue }) => { values[fieldName.value] = fieldValue.value; }); if (nameList === true) { return values; } else { const res: any = {}; toArray(nameList as NamePath[]).forEach( namePath => (res[namePath as string] = values[namePath as string]), ); return res; } }; const validateFields = (nameList?: NamePath[], options?: ValidateOptions) => { warning( !(nameList instanceof Function), 'Form', 'validateFields/validateField/validate not support callback, please use promise instead', ); if (!props.model) { warning(false, 'Form', 'model is required for validateFields to work.'); return Promise.reject('Form `model` is required for validateFields to work.'); } const provideNameList = !!nameList; const namePathList: InternalNamePath[] = provideNameList ? toArray(nameList).map(getNamePath) : []; // Collect result in promise list const promiseList: Promise<{ name: InternalNamePath; errors: string[]; }>[] = []; Object.values(fields).forEach(field => { // Add field if not provide `nameList` if (!provideNameList) { namePathList.push(field.namePath.value); } // Skip if without rule if (!field.rules?.value.length) { return; } const fieldNamePath = field.namePath.value; // Add field validate rule in to promise list if (!provideNameList || containsNamePath(namePathList, fieldNamePath)) { const promise = field.validateRules({ validateMessages: { ...defaultValidateMessages, ...props.validateMessages, }, ...options, }); // Wrap promise with field promiseList.push( promise .then(() => ({ name: fieldNamePath, errors: [] })) .catch((errors: any) => Promise.reject({ name: fieldNamePath, errors, }), ), ); } }); const summaryPromise = allPromiseFinish(promiseList); lastValidatePromise.value = summaryPromise; const returnPromise = summaryPromise .then(() => { if (lastValidatePromise.value === summaryPromise) { return Promise.resolve(getFieldsValue(namePathList)); } return Promise.reject([]); }) .catch(results => { const errorList = results.filter(result => result && result.errors.length); return Promise.reject({ values: getFieldsValue(namePathList), errorFields: errorList, outOfDate: lastValidatePromise.value !== summaryPromise, }); }); // Do not throw in console returnPromise.catch(e => e); return returnPromise; }; const validateField = (...args: any[]) => { return validateFields(...args); }; const handleSubmit = (e: Event) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); emit('submit', e); const res = validateFields(); res .then(values => { emit('finish', values); }) .catch(errors => { handleFinishFailed(errors); }); }; expose({ resetFields, clearValidate, validateFields, getFieldsValue, validate, scrollToField, }); useProvideForm({ model: computed(() => props.model), name: computed(() =>, labelAlign: computed(() => props.labelAlign), labelCol: computed(() => props.labelCol), wrapperCol: computed(() => props.wrapperCol), vertical: computed(() => props.layout === 'vertical'), colon: computed(() => props.colon), requiredMark: mergedRequiredMark, validateTrigger: computed(() => props.validateTrigger), rules: computed(() => props.rules), addField, removeField, }); watch( () => props.rules, () => { if (props.validateOnRuleChange) { validateFields(); } }, ); return () => { return (
); }; }, }); export default Form as typeof Form & { readonly Item: typeof FormItem; };