import type { ShallowRef, Ref } from 'vue'; import raf from '../../_util/raf'; import type { GetKey } from '../interface'; import type { CacheMap } from './useHeights'; export default function useScrollTo( containerRef: Ref, mergedData: ShallowRef, heights: CacheMap, props, getKey: GetKey, collectHeight: () => void, syncScrollTop: (newTop: number) => void, triggerFlash: () => void, ) { let scroll: number; return (arg?: any) => { // When not argument provided, we think dev may want to show the scrollbar if (arg === null || arg === undefined) { triggerFlash(); return; } // Normal scroll logic raf.cancel(scroll!); const data = mergedData.value; const itemHeight = props.itemHeight; if (typeof arg === 'number') { syncScrollTop(arg); } else if (arg && typeof arg === 'object') { let index: number; const { align } = arg; if ('index' in arg) { ({ index } = arg); } else { index = data.findIndex((item: object) => getKey(item) === arg.key); } const { offset = 0 } = arg; // We will retry 3 times in case dynamic height shaking const syncScroll = (times: number, targetAlign?: 'top' | 'bottom') => { if (times < 0 || !containerRef.value) return; const height = containerRef.value.clientHeight; let needCollectHeight = false; let newTargetAlign = targetAlign; // Go to next frame if height not exist if (height) { const mergedAlign = targetAlign || align; // Get top & bottom let stackTop = 0; let itemTop = 0; let itemBottom = 0; const maxLen = Math.min(data.length, index); for (let i = 0; i <= maxLen; i += 1) { const key = getKey(data[i]); itemTop = stackTop; const cacheHeight = heights.get(key); itemBottom = itemTop + (cacheHeight === undefined ? itemHeight : cacheHeight); stackTop = itemBottom; if (i === index && cacheHeight === undefined) { needCollectHeight = true; } } const scrollTop = containerRef.value.scrollTop; // Scroll to let targetTop: number | null = null; switch (mergedAlign) { case 'top': targetTop = itemTop - offset; break; case 'bottom': targetTop = itemBottom - height + offset; break; default: { const scrollBottom = scrollTop + height; if (itemTop < scrollTop) { newTargetAlign = 'top'; } else if (itemBottom > scrollBottom) { newTargetAlign = 'bottom'; } } } if (targetTop !== null && targetTop !== scrollTop) { syncScrollTop(targetTop); } } // We will retry since element may not sync height as it described scroll = raf(() => { if (needCollectHeight) { collectHeight(); } syncScroll(times - 1, newTargetAlign); }); }; syncScroll(3); } }; }