/** * To match accessibility requirement, we always provide an input in the component. * Other element will not set `tabindex` to avoid `onBlur` sequence problem. * For focused select, we set `aria-live="polite"` to update the accessibility content. * * ref: * - keyboard: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/listbox_role#Keyboard_interactions * * New api: * - listHeight * - listItemHeight * - component * * Remove deprecated api: * - multiple * - tags * - combobox * - firstActiveValue * - dropdownMenuStyle * - openClassName (Not list in api) * * Update: * - `backfill` only support `combobox` mode * - `combobox` mode not support `labelInValue` since it's meaningless * - `getInputElement` only support `combobox` mode * - `onChange` return OptionData instead of ReactNode * - `filterOption` `onChange` `onSelect` accept OptionData instead of ReactNode * - `combobox` mode trigger `onChange` will get `undefined` if no `value` match in Option * - `combobox` mode not support `optionLabelProp` */ import BaseSelect, { baseSelectPropsWithoutPrivate, isMultiple } from './BaseSelect'; import type { DisplayValueType, BaseSelectRef, BaseSelectProps } from './BaseSelect'; import OptionList from './OptionList'; import useOptions from './hooks/useOptions'; import type { SelectContextProps } from './SelectContext'; import { useProvideSelectProps } from './SelectContext'; import useId from './hooks/useId'; import { fillFieldNames, flattenOptions, injectPropsWithOption } from './utils/valueUtil'; import warningProps from './utils/warningPropsUtil'; import { toArray } from './utils/commonUtil'; import useFilterOptions from './hooks/useFilterOptions'; import useCache from './hooks/useCache'; import type { Key, VueNode } from '../_util/type'; import { computed, defineComponent, ref, shallowRef, toRef, watchEffect } from 'vue'; import type { ExtractPropTypes, PropType } from 'vue'; import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import { initDefaultProps } from '../_util/props-util'; import useMergedState from '../_util/hooks/useMergedState'; import useState from '../_util/hooks/useState'; import { toReactive } from '../_util/toReactive'; import omit from '../_util/omit'; const OMIT_DOM_PROPS = ['inputValue']; export type OnActiveValue = ( active: RawValueType, index: number, info?: { source?: 'keyboard' | 'mouse' }, ) => void; export type OnInternalSelect = (value: RawValueType, info: { selected: boolean }) => void; export type RawValueType = string | number; export interface LabelInValueType { label: any; originLabel?: any; value: RawValueType; /** @deprecated `key` is useless since it should always same as `value` */ key?: Key; } export type DraftValueType = | RawValueType | LabelInValueType | DisplayValueType | (RawValueType | LabelInValueType | DisplayValueType)[]; export type FilterFunc = (inputValue: string, option?: OptionType) => boolean; export interface FieldNames { value?: string; label?: string; options?: string; } export interface BaseOptionType { disabled?: boolean; [name: string]: any; } export interface DefaultOptionType extends BaseOptionType { label?: any; value?: string | number | null; children?: Omit[]; } export type SelectHandler = | ((value: RawValueType | LabelInValueType, option: OptionType) => void) | ((value: ValueType, option: OptionType) => void); export function selectProps< ValueType = any, OptionType extends BaseOptionType = DefaultOptionType, >() { return { ...baseSelectPropsWithoutPrivate(), prefixCls: String, id: String, backfill: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, // >>> Field Names fieldNames: Object as PropType, // >>> Search /** @deprecated Use `searchValue` instead */ inputValue: String, searchValue: String, onSearch: Function as PropType<(value: string) => void>, autoClearSearchValue: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, // >>> Select onSelect: Function as PropType>, onDeselect: Function as PropType>, // >>> Options /** * In Select, `false` means do nothing. * In TreeSelect, `false` will highlight match item. * It's by design. */ filterOption: { type: [Boolean, Function] as PropType>, default: undefined, }, filterSort: Function as PropType<(optionA: OptionType, optionB: OptionType) => number>, optionFilterProp: String, optionLabelProp: String, options: Array as PropType, defaultActiveFirstOption: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, virtual: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, listHeight: Number, listItemHeight: Number, // >>> Icon menuItemSelectedIcon: PropTypes.any, mode: String as PropType<'combobox' | 'multiple' | 'tags'>, labelInValue: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, value: PropTypes.any, defaultValue: PropTypes.any, onChange: Function as PropType<(value: ValueType, option: OptionType | OptionType[]) => void>, children: Array as PropType, }; } export type SelectProps = Partial>>; function isRawValue(value: DraftValueType): value is RawValueType { return !value || typeof value !== 'object'; } export default defineComponent({ name: 'Select', inheritAttrs: false, props: initDefaultProps(selectProps(), { prefixCls: 'vc-select', autoClearSearchValue: true, listHeight: 200, listItemHeight: 20, }), setup(props, { expose, attrs, slots }) { const mergedId = useId(toRef(props, 'id')); const multiple = computed(() => isMultiple(props.mode)); const childrenAsData = computed(() => !!(!props.options && props.children)); const mergedFilterOption = computed(() => { if (props.filterOption === undefined && props.mode === 'combobox') { return false; } return props.filterOption; }); // ========================= FieldNames ========================= const mergedFieldNames = computed(() => fillFieldNames(props.fieldNames, childrenAsData.value)); // =========================== Search =========================== const [mergedSearchValue, setSearchValue] = useMergedState('', { value: computed(() => props.searchValue !== undefined ? props.searchValue : props.inputValue, ), postState: search => search || '', }); // =========================== Option =========================== const parsedOptions = useOptions( toRef(props, 'options'), toRef(props, 'children'), mergedFieldNames, ); const { valueOptions, labelOptions, options: mergedOptions } = parsedOptions; // ========================= Wrap Value ========================= const convert2LabelValues = (draftValues: DraftValueType) => { // Convert to array const valueList = toArray(draftValues); // Convert to labelInValue type return valueList.map(val => { let rawValue: RawValueType; let rawLabel: any; let rawKey: Key; let rawDisabled: boolean | undefined; // Fill label & value if (isRawValue(val)) { rawValue = val; } else { rawKey = val.key; rawLabel = val.label; rawValue = val.value ?? rawKey; } const option = valueOptions.value.get(rawValue); if (option) { // Fill missing props if (rawLabel === undefined) rawLabel = option?.[props.optionLabelProp || mergedFieldNames.value.label]; if (rawKey === undefined) rawKey = option?.key ?? rawValue; rawDisabled = option?.disabled; // Warning if label not same as provided // if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && !isRawValue(val)) { // const optionLabel = option?.[mergedFieldNames.value.label]; // if (optionLabel !== undefined && optionLabel !== rawLabel) { // warning(false, '`label` of `value` is not same as `label` in Select options.'); // } // } } return { label: rawLabel, value: rawValue, key: rawKey, disabled: rawDisabled, option, }; }); }; // =========================== Values =========================== const [internalValue, setInternalValue] = useMergedState(props.defaultValue, { value: toRef(props, 'value'), }); // Merged value with LabelValueType const rawLabeledValues = computed(() => { const values = convert2LabelValues(internalValue.value); // combobox no need save value when it's empty if (props.mode === 'combobox' && !values[0]?.value) { return []; } return values; }); // Fill label with cache to avoid option remove const [mergedValues, getMixedOption] = useCache(rawLabeledValues, valueOptions); const displayValues = computed(() => { // `null` need show as placeholder instead // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/25057 if (!props.mode && mergedValues.value.length === 1) { const firstValue = mergedValues.value[0]; if ( firstValue.value === null && (firstValue.label === null || firstValue.label === undefined) ) { return []; } } return mergedValues.value.map(item => ({ ...item, label: (typeof item.label === 'function' ? item.label() : item.label) ?? item.value, })); }); /** Convert `displayValues` to raw value type set */ const rawValues = computed(() => new Set(mergedValues.value.map(val => val.value))); watchEffect( () => { if (props.mode === 'combobox') { const strValue = mergedValues.value[0]?.value; if (strValue !== undefined && strValue !== null) { setSearchValue(String(strValue)); } } }, { flush: 'post' }, ); // ======================= Display Option ======================= // Create a placeholder item if not exist in `options` const createTagOption = (val: RawValueType, label?: any) => { const mergedLabel = label ?? val; return { [mergedFieldNames.value.value]: val, [mergedFieldNames.value.label]: mergedLabel, } as DefaultOptionType; }; // Fill tag as option if mode is `tags` const filledTagOptions = shallowRef(); watchEffect(() => { if (props.mode !== 'tags') { filledTagOptions.value = mergedOptions.value; return; } // >>> Tag mode const cloneOptions = mergedOptions.value.slice(); // Check if value exist in options (include new patch item) const existOptions = (val: RawValueType) => valueOptions.value.has(val); // Fill current value as option [...mergedValues.value] .sort((a, b) => (a.value < b.value ? -1 : 1)) .forEach(item => { const val = item.value; if (!existOptions(val)) { cloneOptions.push(createTagOption(val, item.label)); } }); filledTagOptions.value = cloneOptions; }); const filteredOptions = useFilterOptions( filledTagOptions, mergedFieldNames, mergedSearchValue, mergedFilterOption, toRef(props, 'optionFilterProp'), ); // Fill options with search value if needed const filledSearchOptions = computed(() => { if ( props.mode !== 'tags' || !mergedSearchValue.value || filteredOptions.value.some( item => item[props.optionFilterProp || 'value'] === mergedSearchValue.value, ) ) { return filteredOptions.value; } // Fill search value as option return [createTagOption(mergedSearchValue.value), ...filteredOptions.value]; }); const orderedFilteredOptions = computed(() => { if (!props.filterSort) { return filledSearchOptions.value; } return [...filledSearchOptions.value].sort((a, b) => props.filterSort(a, b)); }); const displayOptions = computed(() => flattenOptions(orderedFilteredOptions.value, { fieldNames: mergedFieldNames.value, childrenAsData: childrenAsData.value, }), ); // =========================== Change =========================== const triggerChange = (values: DraftValueType) => { const labeledValues = convert2LabelValues(values); setInternalValue(labeledValues); if ( props.onChange && // Trigger event only when value changed (labeledValues.length !== mergedValues.value.length || labeledValues.some((newVal, index) => mergedValues.value[index]?.value !== newVal?.value)) ) { const returnValues = props.labelInValue ? labeledValues.map(v => { return { ...v, originLabel: v.label, label: typeof v.label === 'function' ? v.label() : v.label, }; }) : labeledValues.map(v => v.value); const returnOptions = labeledValues.map(v => injectPropsWithOption(getMixedOption(v.value)), ); props.onChange( // Value multiple.value ? returnValues : returnValues[0], // Option multiple.value ? returnOptions : returnOptions[0], ); } }; // ======================= Accessibility ======================== const [activeValue, setActiveValue] = useState(null); const [accessibilityIndex, setAccessibilityIndex] = useState(0); const mergedDefaultActiveFirstOption = computed(() => props.defaultActiveFirstOption !== undefined ? props.defaultActiveFirstOption : props.mode !== 'combobox', ); const onActiveValue: OnActiveValue = (active, index, { source = 'keyboard' } = {}) => { setAccessibilityIndex(index); if (props.backfill && props.mode === 'combobox' && active !== null && source === 'keyboard') { setActiveValue(String(active)); } }; // ========================= OptionList ========================= const triggerSelect = (val: RawValueType, selected: boolean) => { const getSelectEnt = (): [RawValueType | LabelInValueType, DefaultOptionType] => { const option = getMixedOption(val); const originLabel = option?.[mergedFieldNames.value.label]; return [ props.labelInValue ? { label: typeof originLabel === 'function' ? originLabel() : originLabel, originLabel, value: val, key: option.key ?? val, } : val, injectPropsWithOption(option), ]; }; if (selected && props.onSelect) { const [wrappedValue, option] = getSelectEnt(); props.onSelect(wrappedValue, option); } else if (!selected && props.onDeselect) { const [wrappedValue, option] = getSelectEnt(); props.onDeselect(wrappedValue, option); } }; // Used for OptionList selection const onInternalSelect = (val, info) => { let cloneValues: (RawValueType | DisplayValueType)[]; // Single mode always trigger select only with option list const mergedSelect = multiple.value ? info.selected : true; if (mergedSelect) { cloneValues = multiple.value ? [...mergedValues.value, val] : [val]; } else { cloneValues = mergedValues.value.filter(v => v.value !== val); } triggerChange(cloneValues); triggerSelect(val, mergedSelect); // Clean search value if single or configured if (props.mode === 'combobox') { // setSearchValue(String(val)); setActiveValue(''); } else if (!multiple.value || props.autoClearSearchValue) { setSearchValue(''); setActiveValue(''); } }; // ======================= Display Change ======================= // BaseSelect display values change const onDisplayValuesChange: BaseSelectProps['onDisplayValuesChange'] = (nextValues, info) => { triggerChange(nextValues); if (info.type === 'remove' || info.type === 'clear') { info.values.forEach(item => { triggerSelect(item.value, false); }); } }; // =========================== Search =========================== const onInternalSearch: BaseSelectProps['onSearch'] = (searchText, info) => { setSearchValue(searchText); setActiveValue(null); // [Submit] Tag mode should flush input if (info.source === 'submit') { const formatted = (searchText || '').trim(); // prevent empty tags from appearing when you click the Enter button if (formatted) { const newRawValues = Array.from(new Set([...rawValues.value, formatted])); triggerChange(newRawValues); triggerSelect(formatted, true); setSearchValue(''); } return; } if (info.source !== 'blur') { if (props.mode === 'combobox') { triggerChange(searchText); } props.onSearch?.(searchText); } }; const onInternalSearchSplit: BaseSelectProps['onSearchSplit'] = words => { let patchValues: RawValueType[] = words; if (props.mode !== 'tags') { patchValues = words .map(word => { const opt = labelOptions.value.get(word); return opt?.value; }) .filter(val => val !== undefined); } const newRawValues = Array.from(new Set([...rawValues.value, ...patchValues])); triggerChange(newRawValues); newRawValues.forEach(newRawValue => { triggerSelect(newRawValue, true); }); }; const realVirtual = computed( () => props.virtual !== false && props.dropdownMatchSelectWidth !== false, ); useProvideSelectProps( toReactive({ ...parsedOptions, flattenOptions: displayOptions, onActiveValue, defaultActiveFirstOption: mergedDefaultActiveFirstOption, onSelect: onInternalSelect, menuItemSelectedIcon: toRef(props, 'menuItemSelectedIcon'), rawValues, fieldNames: mergedFieldNames, virtual: realVirtual, listHeight: toRef(props, 'listHeight'), listItemHeight: toRef(props, 'listItemHeight'), childrenAsData, } as unknown as SelectContextProps), ); // ========================== Warning =========================== if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { watchEffect( () => { warningProps(props); }, { flush: 'post' }, ); } const selectRef = ref(); expose({ focus() { selectRef.value?.focus(); }, blur() { selectRef.value?.blur(); }, scrollTo(arg) { selectRef.value?.scrollTo(arg); }, } as BaseSelectRef); const pickProps = computed(() => { return omit(props, [ 'id', 'mode', 'prefixCls', 'backfill', 'fieldNames', // Search 'inputValue', 'searchValue', 'onSearch', 'autoClearSearchValue', // Select 'onSelect', 'onDeselect', 'dropdownMatchSelectWidth', // Options 'filterOption', 'filterSort', 'optionFilterProp', 'optionLabelProp', 'options', 'children', 'defaultActiveFirstOption', 'menuItemSelectedIcon', 'virtual', 'listHeight', 'listItemHeight', // Value 'value', 'defaultValue', 'labelInValue', 'onChange', ]); }); return () => { return ( >> MISC id={mergedId} prefixCls={props.prefixCls} ref={selectRef} omitDomProps={OMIT_DOM_PROPS} mode={props.mode} // >>> Values displayValues={displayValues.value} onDisplayValuesChange={onDisplayValuesChange} // >>> Search searchValue={mergedSearchValue.value} onSearch={onInternalSearch} onSearchSplit={onInternalSearchSplit} dropdownMatchSelectWidth={props.dropdownMatchSelectWidth} // >>> OptionList OptionList={OptionList} emptyOptions={!displayOptions.value.length} // >>> Accessibility activeValue={activeValue.value} activeDescendantId={`${mergedId}_list_${accessibilityIndex.value}`} v-slots={slots} /> ); }; }, });