import { tuple, VueNode } from '../_util/type'; import { computed, CSSProperties, defineComponent, ExtractPropTypes, nextTick, onMounted, PropType, ref, watch, } from 'vue'; import { getPropsSlot } from '../_util/props-util'; import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import useBreakpoint from '../_util/hooks/useBreakpoint'; import { Breakpoint, responsiveArray, ScreenSizeMap } from '../_util/responsiveObserve'; import useConfigInject from '../_util/hooks/useConfigInject'; import ResizeObserver from '../vc-resize-observer'; import { useInjectSize } from '../_util/hooks/useSize'; export type AvatarSize = 'large' | 'small' | 'default' | number | ScreenSizeMap; export const avatarProps = { prefixCls: PropTypes.string, shape: PropTypes.oneOf(tuple('circle', 'square')).def('circle'), size: { type: [Number, String, Object] as PropType, default: (): AvatarSize => 'default', }, src: PropTypes.string, /** Srcset of image avatar */ srcset: PropTypes.string, icon: PropTypes.VNodeChild, alt: PropTypes.string, gap: PropTypes.number, draggable: PropTypes.bool, loadError: { type: Function as PropType<() => boolean>, }, }; export type AvatarProps = Partial>; const Avatar = defineComponent({ name: 'AAvatar', props: avatarProps, inheritAttrs: false, slots: ['icon'], setup(props, { slots, attrs }) { const isImgExist = ref(true); const isMounted = ref(false); const scale = ref(1); const avatarChildrenRef = ref(null); const avatarNodeRef = ref(null); const { prefixCls } = useConfigInject('avatar', props); const groupSize = useInjectSize(); const screens = useBreakpoint(); const responsiveSize = computed(() => { if (typeof props.size !== 'object') { return undefined; } const currentBreakpoint: Breakpoint = responsiveArray.find(screen => screens.value[screen])!; const currentSize = props.size[currentBreakpoint]; return currentSize; }); const responsiveSizeStyle = (hasIcon: boolean) => { if (responsiveSize.value) { return { width: `${responsiveSize.value}px`, height: `${responsiveSize.value}px`, lineHeight: `${responsiveSize.value}px`, fontSize: `${hasIcon ? responsiveSize.value / 2 : 18}px`, }; } return {}; }; const setScaleParam = () => { if (!avatarChildrenRef.value || !avatarNodeRef.value) { return; } const childrenWidth = avatarChildrenRef.value.offsetWidth; // offsetWidth avoid affecting be transform scale const nodeWidth = avatarNodeRef.value.offsetWidth; // denominator is 0 is no meaning if (childrenWidth !== 0 && nodeWidth !== 0) { const { gap = 4 } = props; if (gap * 2 < nodeWidth) { scale.value = nodeWidth - gap * 2 < childrenWidth ? (nodeWidth - gap * 2) / childrenWidth : 1; } } }; const handleImgLoadError = () => { const { loadError } = props; const errorFlag = loadError?.(); if (errorFlag !== false) { isImgExist.value = false; } }; watch( () => props.src, () => { nextTick(() => { isImgExist.value = true; scale.value = 1; }); }, ); watch( () =>, () => { nextTick(() => { setScaleParam(); }); }, ); onMounted(() => { nextTick(() => { setScaleParam(); isMounted.value = true; }); }); return () => { const { shape, size: customSize, src, alt, srcset, draggable } = props; const icon = getPropsSlot(slots, props, 'icon'); const pre = prefixCls.value; const size = customSize === 'default' ? groupSize.value : customSize; const classString = { [`${attrs.class}`]: !!attrs.class, [pre]: true, [`${pre}-lg`]: size === 'large', [`${pre}-sm`]: size === 'small', [`${pre}-${shape}`]: shape, [`${pre}-image`]: src && isImgExist.value, [`${pre}-icon`]: icon, }; const sizeStyle: CSSProperties = typeof size === 'number' ? { width: `${size}px`, height: `${size}px`, lineHeight: `${size}px`, fontSize: icon ? `${size / 2}px` : '18px', } : {}; const children: VueNode = slots.default?.(); let childrenToRender; if (src && isImgExist.value) { childrenToRender = ( {alt} ); } else if (icon) { childrenToRender = icon; } else if (isMounted.value || scale.value !== 1) { const transformString = `scale(${scale.value}) translateX(-50%)`; const childrenStyle: CSSProperties = { msTransform: transformString, WebkitTransform: transformString, transform: transformString, }; const sizeChildrenStyle = typeof size === 'number' ? { lineHeight: `${size}px`, } : {}; childrenToRender = ( {children} ); } else { childrenToRender = ( {children} ); } return ( {childrenToRender} ); }; }, }); export default Avatar;