// Project: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue // Definitions by: akki-jat // Definitions: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue/types import { AntdComponent } from "../component"; import { Spin } from "../spin"; import { ScopedSlot, VNode } from "vue/types/vnode"; import { Pagination } from "../pagination"; import { Column } from "./column"; import { ColumnGroup } from "./column-group"; export declare class PaginationConfig extends Pagination { position: "top" | "bottom" | "both"; } export interface customSelction { /** * Key * @description Unique key of this selection * @default undefined * @type string */ key?: string; /** * Text * @description Display text of this selection * @default undefined * @type string | VNode */ text?: string | VNode; /** * On Select * @description Callback executed when this selection is clicked * @default undefined * @type Function */ onSelect?: (changeableRowKeys?: any) => any; } export interface TableRowSelection { /** * checkbox or radio * @default 'checkbox' * @type string */ type?: "checkbox" | "radio"; /** * Controlled selected row keys * @type string[] */ selectedRowKeys?: string[]; /** * Get Checkbox or Radio props * @type Function */ getCheckboxProps?: (record: any) => any; /** * Custom selection config, only displays default selections when set to true * @type boolean | object[] */ selections?: boolean | customSelction[]; /** * Remove the default Select All and Select Invert selections * @default false * @type boolean */ hideDefaultSelections?: boolean; /** * Fixed selection column on the left * @type boolean */ fixed?: boolean; /** * Set the width of the selection column * @type string | number */ columnWidth?: string | number; /** * Set the title of the selection column * @type string | VNode */ columnTitle?: string | VNode; /** * Callback executed when selected rows change * @type Function */ onChange?: ( selectedRowKeys: Array, selectedRows: object[] ) => any; /** * Callback executed when select/deselect one row * @type Function */ onSelect?: ( record: any, selected: boolean, selectedRows: object[], nativeEvent: Event ) => any; /** * Callback executed when select/deselect all rows * @type Function */ onSelectAll?: ( selected: boolean, selectedRows: object[], changeRows: object[] ) => any; /** * Callback executed when row selection is inverted * @type Function */ onSelectInvert?: (selectedRows: Object[]) => any; } export declare class Table extends AntdComponent { static Column: Column; static ColumnGroup: ColumnGroup; /** * Whether to show all table borders * @default false * @type boolean */ bordered: boolean; /** * The column contains children to display * @default 'children' * @type string | string[] */ childrenColumnName: string | string[]; /** * Columns of table * @type any */ columns: any; /** * Override default table elements * @type object */ components: object; /** * Data record array to be displayed * @type any */ dataSource: any; /** * Expand all rows initially * @default false * @type boolean */ defaultExpandAllRows: boolean; /** * Initial expanded row keys * @type string[] */ defaultExpandedRowKeys: string[]; /** * Current expanded row keys * @type string[] */ expandedRowKeys: string[]; /** * Expanded container render for each row * @type Function */ expandedRowRender: ( record: any, index: number, indent: number, expanded: boolean ) => any; /** * Whether to expand row by clicking anywhere in the whole row * @default false * @type boolean */ expandRowByClick: boolean; /** * Table footer renderer * @type Function | ScopedSlot */ footer: Function | ScopedSlot; /** * Indent size in pixels of tree data * @default 15 * @type number */ indentSize: number; /** * Loading status of table * @default false * @type boolean | object */ loading: boolean | Spin; /** * i18n text including filter, sort, empty text, etc * @default { filterConfirm: 'Ok', filterReset: 'Reset', emptyText: 'No Data' } * @type object */ locale: object; /** * Pagination config or [Pagination] (/ant-design-vue/components/pagination/), hide it by setting it to false * @type boolean | PaginationConfig */ pagination: boolean | PaginationConfig; /** * Row's className * @type Function */ rowClassName: (record: any, index: number) => string; /** * Row's unique key, could be a string or function that returns a string * @default 'key' * @type string | Function */ rowKey: string | Function; /** * Row selection config * @type object */ rowSelection: TableRowSelection; /** * Set horizontal or vertical scrolling, can also be used to specify the width and height of the scroll area. * It is recommended to set a number for x, if you want to set it to true, * you need to add style .ant-table td { white-space: nowrap; }. * @type object */ scroll: { x: number | true; y: number }; /** * Whether to show table header * @default true * @type boolean */ showHeader: boolean; /** * Size of table * @default 'default' * @type string */ size: "default" | "middle" | "small" | "large"; /** * Table title renderer * @type Function | ScopedSlot */ title: Function | ScopedSlot; /** * Set props on per header row * @type Function */ customHeaderRow: ( column: any, index: number ) => { props: object; attrs: object; on: object; class: object; style: object; nativeOn: object; }; /** * Set props on per row * @type Function */ customRow: ( record: any, index: number ) => { props: object; attrs: object; on: object; class: object; style: object; nativeOn: object; }; }