import { getSeparatedContent } from './utils/valueUtil'; import type { RefTriggerProps } from './SelectTrigger'; import SelectTrigger from './SelectTrigger'; import type { RefSelectorProps } from './Selector'; import Selector from './Selector'; import useSelectTriggerControl from './hooks/useSelectTriggerControl'; import useDelayReset from './hooks/useDelayReset'; import TransBtn from './TransBtn'; import useLock from './hooks/useLock'; import type { BaseSelectContextProps } from './hooks/useBaseProps'; import { useProvideBaseSelectProps } from './hooks/useBaseProps'; import type { Key, VueNode } from '../_util/type'; import type { FocusEventHandler, KeyboardEventHandler, MouseEventHandler, } from '../_util/EventInterface'; import type { ScrollConfig, ScrollTo } from '../vc-virtual-list/List'; import { computed, defineComponent, getCurrentInstance, onBeforeUnmount, onMounted, provide, shallowRef, toRefs, watch, watchEffect, ref, } from 'vue'; import type { CSSProperties, ExtractPropTypes, PropType } from 'vue'; import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import { initDefaultProps, isValidElement } from '../_util/props-util'; import isMobile from '../vc-util/isMobile'; import KeyCode from '../_util/KeyCode'; import { toReactive } from '../_util/toReactive'; import classNames from '../_util/classNames'; import createRef from '../_util/createRef'; import type { BaseOptionType } from './Select'; import useInjectLegacySelectContext from '../vc-tree-select/LegacyContext'; import { cloneElement } from '../_util/vnode'; import type { AlignType } from '../vc-trigger/interface'; const DEFAULT_OMIT_PROPS = [ 'value', 'onChange', 'removeIcon', 'placeholder', 'autofocus', 'maxTagCount', 'maxTagTextLength', 'maxTagPlaceholder', 'choiceTransitionName', 'onInputKeyDown', 'onPopupScroll', 'tabindex', 'OptionList', 'notFoundContent', ] as const; export type RenderNode = VueNode | ((props: any) => VueNode); export type RenderDOMFunc = (props: any) => HTMLElement; export type Mode = 'multiple' | 'tags' | 'combobox'; export type Placement = 'bottomLeft' | 'bottomRight' | 'topLeft' | 'topRight'; export type RawValueType = string | number; export interface RefOptionListProps { onKeydown: KeyboardEventHandler; onKeyup: KeyboardEventHandler; scrollTo?: (index: number | ScrollConfig) => void; } export type CustomTagProps = { label: any; value: any; disabled: boolean; onClose: (event?: MouseEvent) => void; closable: boolean; option: BaseOptionType; }; export interface DisplayValueType { key?: Key; value?: RawValueType; label?: any; disabled?: boolean; option?: BaseOptionType; } export type BaseSelectRef = { focus: () => void; blur: () => void; scrollTo: ScrollTo; }; const baseSelectPrivateProps = () => { return { prefixCls: String, id: String, omitDomProps: Array as PropType, // >>> Value displayValues: Array as PropType, onDisplayValuesChange: Function as PropType< ( values: DisplayValueType[], info: { type: 'add' | 'remove' | 'clear'; values: DisplayValueType[]; }, ) => void >, // >>> Active /** Current dropdown list active item string value */ activeValue: String, /** Link search input with target element */ activeDescendantId: String, onActiveValueChange: Function as PropType<(value: string | null) => void>, // >>> Search searchValue: String, /** Trigger onSearch, return false to prevent trigger open event */ onSearch: Function as PropType< ( searchValue: string, info: { source: | 'typing' //User typing | 'effect' // Code logic trigger | 'submit' // tag mode only | 'blur'; // Not trigger event }, ) => void >, /** Trigger when search text match the `tokenSeparators`. Will provide split content */ onSearchSplit: Function as PropType<(words: string[]) => void>, maxLength: Number, OptionList: PropTypes.any, /** Tell if provided `options` is empty */ emptyOptions: Boolean, }; }; export type DropdownObject = { menuNode?: VueNode; props?: Record; }; export type DropdownRender = (opt?: DropdownObject) => VueNode; export const baseSelectPropsWithoutPrivate = () => { return { showSearch: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, tagRender: { type: Function as PropType<(props: CustomTagProps) => any> }, optionLabelRender: { type: Function as PropType<(option: Record) => any> }, direction: { type: String as PropType<'ltr' | 'rtl'> }, // MISC tabindex: Number, autofocus: Boolean, notFoundContent: PropTypes.any, placeholder: PropTypes.any, onClear: Function as PropType<() => void>, choiceTransitionName: String, // >>> Mode mode: String as PropType, // >>> Status disabled: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, loading: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, // >>> Open open: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, defaultOpen: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, onDropdownVisibleChange: { type: Function as PropType<(open: boolean) => void> }, // >>> Customize Input /** @private Internal usage. Do not use in your production. */ getInputElement: { type: Function as PropType<() => any> }, /** @private Internal usage. Do not use in your production. */ getRawInputElement: { type: Function as PropType<() => any> }, // >>> Selector maxTagTextLength: Number, maxTagCount: { type: [String, Number] as PropType }, maxTagPlaceholder: PropTypes.any, // >>> Search tokenSeparators: { type: Array as PropType }, // >>> Icons allowClear: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, showArrow: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, inputIcon: PropTypes.any, /** Clear all icon */ clearIcon: PropTypes.any, /** Selector remove icon */ removeIcon: PropTypes.any, // >>> Dropdown animation: String, transitionName: String, dropdownStyle: { type: Object as PropType }, dropdownClassName: String, dropdownMatchSelectWidth: { type: [Boolean, Number] as PropType, default: undefined, }, dropdownRender: { type: Function as PropType }, dropdownAlign: Object as PropType, placement: { type: String as PropType, }, getPopupContainer: { type: Function as PropType }, // >>> Focus showAction: { type: Array as PropType<('focus' | 'click')[]> }, onBlur: { type: Function as PropType<(e: FocusEvent) => void> }, onFocus: { type: Function as PropType<(e: FocusEvent) => void> }, // >>> Rest Events onKeyup: Function as PropType<(e: KeyboardEvent) => void>, onKeydown: Function as PropType<(e: KeyboardEvent) => void>, onMousedown: Function as PropType<(e: MouseEvent) => void>, onPopupScroll: Function as PropType<(e: UIEvent) => void>, onInputKeyDown: Function as PropType<(e: KeyboardEvent) => void>, onMouseenter: Function as PropType<(e: MouseEvent) => void>, onMouseleave: Function as PropType<(e: MouseEvent) => void>, onClick: Function as PropType<(e: MouseEvent) => void>, }; }; const baseSelectProps = () => { return { ...baseSelectPrivateProps(), ...baseSelectPropsWithoutPrivate(), }; }; export type BaseSelectPrivateProps = Partial< ExtractPropTypes> >; export type BaseSelectProps = Partial>>; export type BaseSelectPropsWithoutPrivate = Omit; export function isMultiple(mode: Mode) { return mode === 'tags' || mode === 'multiple'; } export default defineComponent({ compatConfig: { MODE: 3 }, name: 'BaseSelect', inheritAttrs: false, props: initDefaultProps(baseSelectProps(), { showAction: [], notFoundContent: 'Not Found' }), setup(props, { attrs, expose, slots }) { const multiple = computed(() => isMultiple(props.mode)); const mergedShowSearch = computed(() => props.showSearch !== undefined ? props.showSearch : multiple.value || props.mode === 'combobox', ); const mobile = shallowRef(false); onMounted(() => { mobile.value = isMobile(); }); const legacyTreeSelectContext = useInjectLegacySelectContext(); // ============================== Refs ============================== const containerRef = shallowRef(null); const selectorDomRef = createRef(); const triggerRef = shallowRef(null); const selectorRef = shallowRef(null); const listRef = shallowRef(null); const blurRef = ref(false); /** Used for component focused management */ const [mockFocused, setMockFocused, cancelSetMockFocused] = useDelayReset(); const focus = () => { selectorRef.value?.focus(); }; const blur = () => { selectorRef.value?.blur(); }; expose({ focus, blur, scrollTo: arg => listRef.value?.scrollTo(arg), }); const mergedSearchValue = computed(() => { if (props.mode !== 'combobox') { return props.searchValue; } const val = props.displayValues[0]?.value; return typeof val === 'string' || typeof val === 'number' ? String(val) : ''; }); // ============================== Open ============================== const initOpen = !== undefined ? : props.defaultOpen; const innerOpen = shallowRef(initOpen); const mergedOpen = shallowRef(initOpen); const setInnerOpen = (val: boolean) => { innerOpen.value = !== undefined ? : val; mergedOpen.value = innerOpen.value; }; watch( () =>, () => { setInnerOpen(; }, ); // Not trigger `open` in `combobox` when `notFoundContent` is empty const emptyListContent = computed(() => !props.notFoundContent && props.emptyOptions); watchEffect(() => { mergedOpen.value = innerOpen.value; if ( props.disabled || (emptyListContent.value && mergedOpen.value && props.mode === 'combobox') ) { mergedOpen.value = false; } }); const triggerOpen = computed(() => (emptyListContent.value ? false : mergedOpen.value)); const onToggleOpen = (newOpen?: boolean) => { const nextOpen = newOpen !== undefined ? newOpen : !mergedOpen.value; if (mergedOpen.value !== nextOpen && !props.disabled) { setInnerOpen(nextOpen); props.onDropdownVisibleChange && props.onDropdownVisibleChange(nextOpen); } }; const tokenWithEnter = computed(() => (props.tokenSeparators || []).some(tokenSeparator => ['\n', '\r\n'].includes(tokenSeparator)), ); const onInternalSearch = (searchText: string, fromTyping: boolean, isCompositing: boolean) => { let ret = true; let newSearchText = searchText; props.onActiveValueChange?.(null); // Check if match the `tokenSeparators` const patchLabels: string[] = isCompositing ? null : getSeparatedContent(searchText, props.tokenSeparators); // Ignore combobox since it's not split-able if (props.mode !== 'combobox' && patchLabels) { newSearchText = ''; props.onSearchSplit?.(patchLabels); // Should close when paste finish onToggleOpen(false); // Tell Selector that break next actions ret = false; } if (props.onSearch && mergedSearchValue.value !== newSearchText) { props.onSearch(newSearchText, { source: fromTyping ? 'typing' : 'effect', }); } return ret; }; // Only triggered when menu is closed & mode is tags // If menu is open, OptionList will take charge // If mode isn't tags, press enter is not meaningful when you can't see any option const onInternalSearchSubmit = (searchText: string) => { // prevent empty tags from appearing when you click the Enter button if (!searchText || !searchText.trim()) { return; } props.onSearch?.(searchText, { source: 'submit' }); }; // Close will clean up single mode search text watch( mergedOpen, () => { if (!mergedOpen.value && !multiple.value && props.mode !== 'combobox') { onInternalSearch('', false, false); } }, { immediate: true, flush: 'post' }, ); // ============================ Disabled ============================ // Close dropdown & remove focus state when disabled change watch( () => props.disabled, () => { if (innerOpen.value && !!props.disabled) { setInnerOpen(false); } if (props.disabled && !blurRef.value) { setMockFocused(false); } }, { immediate: true }, ); // ============================ Keyboard ============================ /** * We record input value here to check if can press to clean up by backspace * - null: Key is not down, this is reset by key up * - true: Search text is empty when first time backspace down * - false: Search text is not empty when first time backspace down */ const [getClearLock, setClearLock] = useLock(); // KeyDown const onInternalKeyDown: KeyboardEventHandler = (event, => { const clearLock = getClearLock(); const { which } = event; if (which === KeyCode.ENTER) { // Do not submit form when type in the input if (props.mode !== 'combobox') { event.preventDefault(); } // We only manage open state here, close logic should handle by list component if (!mergedOpen.value) { onToggleOpen(true); } } setClearLock(!!mergedSearchValue.value); // Remove value by `backspace` if ( which === KeyCode.BACKSPACE && !clearLock && multiple.value && !mergedSearchValue.value && props.displayValues.length ) { const cloneDisplayValues = [...props.displayValues]; let removedDisplayValue = null; for (let i = cloneDisplayValues.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { const current = cloneDisplayValues[i]; if (!current.disabled) { cloneDisplayValues.splice(i, 1); removedDisplayValue = current; break; } } if (removedDisplayValue) { props.onDisplayValuesChange(cloneDisplayValues, { type: 'remove', values: [removedDisplayValue], }); } } if (mergedOpen.value && listRef.value) { listRef.value.onKeydown(event,; } props.onKeydown?.(event,; }; // KeyUp const onInternalKeyUp: KeyboardEventHandler = (event: KeyboardEvent, => { if (mergedOpen.value && listRef.value) { listRef.value.onKeyup(event,; } if (props.onKeyup) { props.onKeyup(event,; } }; // ============================ Selector ============================ const onSelectorRemove = (val: DisplayValueType) => { const newValues = props.displayValues.filter(i => i !== val); props.onDisplayValuesChange(newValues, { type: 'remove', values: [val], }); }; // ========================== Focus / Blur ========================== /** Record real focus status */ const focusRef = shallowRef(false); const onContainerFocus: FocusEventHandler = (...args) => { setMockFocused(true); if (!props.disabled) { if (props.onFocus && !focusRef.value) { props.onFocus(...args); } // `showAction` should handle `focus` if set if (props.showAction && props.showAction.includes('focus')) { onToggleOpen(true); } } focusRef.value = true; }; const popupFocused = ref(false); const onContainerBlur: FocusEventHandler = (...args) => { if (popupFocused.value) { return; } blurRef.value = true; setMockFocused(false, () => { focusRef.value = false; blurRef.value = false; onToggleOpen(false); }); if (props.disabled) { return; } const searchVal = mergedSearchValue.value; if (searchVal) { // `tags` mode should move `searchValue` into values if (props.mode === 'tags') { props.onSearch(searchVal, { source: 'submit' }); } else if (props.mode === 'multiple') { // `multiple` mode only clean the search value but not trigger event props.onSearch('', { source: 'blur', }); } } if (props.onBlur) { props.onBlur(...args); } }; const onPopupFocusin = () => { popupFocused.value = true; }; const onPopupFocusout = () => { popupFocused.value = false; }; provide('VCSelectContainerEvent', { focus: onContainerFocus, blur: onContainerBlur, }); // Give focus back of Select const activeTimeoutIds: any[] = []; onMounted(() => { activeTimeoutIds.forEach(timeoutId => clearTimeout(timeoutId)); activeTimeoutIds.splice(0, activeTimeoutIds.length); }); onBeforeUnmount(() => { activeTimeoutIds.forEach(timeoutId => clearTimeout(timeoutId)); activeTimeoutIds.splice(0, activeTimeoutIds.length); }); const onInternalMouseDown: MouseEventHandler = (event, ...restArgs) => { const { target } = event; const popupElement: HTMLDivElement = triggerRef.value?.getPopupElement(); // We should give focus back to selector if clicked item is not focusable if (popupElement && popupElement.contains(target as HTMLElement)) { const timeoutId: any = setTimeout(() => { const index = activeTimeoutIds.indexOf(timeoutId); if (index !== -1) { activeTimeoutIds.splice(index, 1); } cancelSetMockFocused(); if (!mobile.value && !popupElement.contains(document.activeElement)) { selectorRef.value?.focus(); } }); activeTimeoutIds.push(timeoutId); } props.onMousedown?.(event, ...restArgs); }; // ============================= Dropdown ============================== const containerWidth = shallowRef(null); const instance = getCurrentInstance(); const onPopupMouseEnter = () => { // We need force update here since popup dom is render async instance.update(); }; onMounted(() => { watch( triggerOpen, () => { if (triggerOpen.value) { const newWidth = Math.ceil(containerRef.value?.offsetWidth); if (containerWidth.value !== newWidth && !Number.isNaN(newWidth)) { containerWidth.value = newWidth; } } }, { immediate: true, flush: 'post' }, ); }); // Close when click on non-select element useSelectTriggerControl([containerRef, triggerRef], triggerOpen, onToggleOpen); useProvideBaseSelectProps( toReactive({ ...toRefs(props), open: mergedOpen, triggerOpen, showSearch: mergedShowSearch, multiple, toggleOpen: onToggleOpen, } as unknown as BaseSelectContextProps), ); return () => { const { prefixCls, id, open, defaultOpen, mode, // Search related showSearch, searchValue, onSearch, // Icons allowClear, clearIcon, showArrow, inputIcon, // Others disabled, loading, getInputElement, getPopupContainer, placement, // Dropdown animation, transitionName, dropdownStyle, dropdownClassName, dropdownMatchSelectWidth, dropdownRender, dropdownAlign, showAction, direction, // Tags tokenSeparators, tagRender, optionLabelRender, // Events onPopupScroll, onDropdownVisibleChange, onFocus, onBlur, onKeyup, onKeydown, onMousedown, onClear, omitDomProps, getRawInputElement, displayValues, onDisplayValuesChange, emptyOptions, activeDescendantId, activeValue, OptionList, ...restProps } = { ...props, ...attrs } as BaseSelectProps; // ============================= Input ============================== // Only works in `combobox` const customizeInputElement: any = (mode === 'combobox' && getInputElement && getInputElement()) || null; // Used for customize replacement for `vc-cascader` const customizeRawInputElement: any = typeof getRawInputElement === 'function' && getRawInputElement(); const domProps = { ...restProps, } as Omit; // Used for raw custom input trigger let onTriggerVisibleChange: null | ((newOpen: boolean) => void); if (customizeRawInputElement) { onTriggerVisibleChange = (newOpen: boolean) => { onToggleOpen(newOpen); }; } DEFAULT_OMIT_PROPS.forEach(propName => { delete domProps[propName]; }); omitDomProps?.forEach(propName => { delete domProps[propName]; }); // ============================= Arrow ============================== const mergedShowArrow = showArrow !== undefined ? showArrow : loading || (!multiple.value && mode !== 'combobox'); let arrowNode: VueNode; if (mergedShowArrow) { arrowNode = ( ); } // ============================= Clear ============================== let clearNode: VueNode; const onClearMouseDown: MouseEventHandler = () => { onClear?.(); onDisplayValuesChange([], { type: 'clear', values: displayValues, }); onInternalSearch('', false, false); }; if (!disabled && allowClear && (displayValues.length || mergedSearchValue.value)) { clearNode = ( × ); } // =========================== OptionList =========================== const optionList = ( ); // ============================= Select ============================= const mergedClassName = classNames(prefixCls, attrs.class, { [`${prefixCls}-focused`]: mockFocused.value, [`${prefixCls}-multiple`]: multiple.value, [`${prefixCls}-single`]: !multiple.value, [`${prefixCls}-allow-clear`]: allowClear, [`${prefixCls}-show-arrow`]: mergedShowArrow, [`${prefixCls}-disabled`]: disabled, [`${prefixCls}-loading`]: loading, [`${prefixCls}-open`]: mergedOpen.value, [`${prefixCls}-customize-input`]: customizeInputElement, [`${prefixCls}-show-search`]: mergedShowSearch.value, }); // >>> Selector const selectorNode = ( selectorDomRef.current} onPopupVisibleChange={onTriggerVisibleChange} onPopupMouseEnter={onPopupMouseEnter} onPopupFocusin={onPopupFocusin} onPopupFocusout={onPopupFocusout} v-slots={{ default: () => { return customizeRawInputElement ? ( isValidElement(customizeRawInputElement) && cloneElement( customizeRawInputElement, { ref: selectorDomRef, }, false, true, ) ) : ( ); }, }} > ); // >>> Render let renderNode: VueNode; // Render raw if (customizeRawInputElement) { renderNode = selectorNode; } else { renderNode = (
{mockFocused.value && !mergedOpen.value && ( {/* Merge into one string to make screen reader work as expect */} {`${displayValues .map(({ label, value }) => ['number', 'string'].includes(typeof label) ? label : value, ) .join(', ')}`} )} {selectorNode} {arrowNode} {clearNode}
); } return renderNode; }; }, });