/** * Cursor rule: * 1. Only `showSearch` enabled * 2. Only `open` is `true` * 3. When typing, set `open` to `true` which hit rule of 2 * * Accessibility: * - https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/examples/combobox/aria1.1pattern/listbox-combo.html */ import KeyCode from '../../_util/KeyCode'; import MultipleSelector from './MultipleSelector'; import SingleSelector from './SingleSelector'; import { LabelValueType, RawValueType, CustomTagProps } from '../interface/generator'; import { RenderNode, Mode } from '../interface'; import useLock from '../hooks/useLock'; import { defineComponent, VNode, VNodeChild } from 'vue'; import createRef, { RefObject } from '../../_util/createRef'; import PropTypes from '../../_util/vue-types copy'; export interface InnerSelectorProps { prefixCls: string; id: string; mode: Mode; inputRef: RefObject; placeholder?: VNodeChild; disabled?: boolean; autofocus?: boolean; autocomplete?: string; values: LabelValueType[]; showSearch?: boolean; searchValue: string; accessibilityIndex: number; open: boolean; tabindex?: number; onInputKeyDown: EventHandlerNonNull; onInputMouseDown: EventHandlerNonNull; onInputChange: EventHandlerNonNull; onInputPaste: EventHandlerNonNull; onInputCompositionStart: EventHandlerNonNull; onInputCompositionEnd: EventHandlerNonNull; } export interface SelectorProps { id: string; prefixCls: string; showSearch?: boolean; open: boolean; /** Display in the Selector value, it's not same as `value` prop */ values: LabelValueType[]; multiple: boolean; mode: Mode; searchValue: string; activeValue: string; inputElement: JSX.Element; autofocus?: boolean; accessibilityIndex: number; tabindex?: number; disabled?: boolean; placeholder?: VNodeChild; removeIcon?: RenderNode; // Tags maxTagCount?: number; maxTagTextLength?: number; maxTagPlaceholder?: VNodeChild; tagRender?: (props: CustomTagProps) => VNode; /** Check if `tokenSeparators` contains `\n` or `\r\n` */ tokenWithEnter?: boolean; // Motion choiceTransitionName?: string; onToggleOpen: (open?: boolean) => void; /** `onSearch` returns go next step boolean to check if need do toggle open */ onSearch: (searchText: string, fromTyping: boolean, isCompositing: boolean) => boolean; onSearchSubmit: (searchText: string) => void; onSelect: (value: RawValueType, option: { selected: boolean }) => void; onInputKeyDown?: EventHandlerNonNull; /** * @private get real dom for trigger align. * This may be removed after React provides replacement of `findDOMNode` */ domRef: () => HTMLDivElement; } const Selector = defineComponent({ name: 'Selector', setup(props) { const inputRef = createRef(); let compositionStatus = false; // ====================== Input ====================== const [getInputMouseDown, setInputMouseDown] = useLock(0); const onInternalInputKeyDown = (event: KeyboardEvent) => { const { which } = event; if (which === KeyCode.UP || which === KeyCode.DOWN) { event.preventDefault(); } if (props.onInputKeyDown) { props.onInputKeyDown(event); } if (which === KeyCode.ENTER && props.mode === 'tags' && !compositionStatus && !props.open) { // When menu isn't open, OptionList won't trigger a value change // So when enter is pressed, the tag's input value should be emitted here to let selector know props.onSearchSubmit((event.target as HTMLInputElement).value); } if (![KeyCode.SHIFT, KeyCode.TAB, KeyCode.BACKSPACE, KeyCode.ESC].includes(which)) { props.onToggleOpen(true); } }; /** * We can not use `findDOMNode` sine it will get warning, * have to use timer to check if is input element. */ const onInternalInputMouseDown = () => { setInputMouseDown(true); }; // When paste come, ignore next onChange let pastedText = null; const triggerOnSearch = (value: string) => { if (props.onSearch(value, true, compositionStatus) !== false) { props.onToggleOpen(true); } }; const onInputCompositionStart = () => { compositionStatus = true; }; const onInputCompositionEnd = () => { compositionStatus = false; }; const onInputChange = (event: { target: { value: any } }) => { let { target: { value }, } = event; // Pasted text should replace back to origin content if (props.tokenWithEnter && pastedText && /[\r\n]/.test(pastedText)) { // CRLF will be treated as a single space for input element const replacedText = pastedText.replace(/\r\n/g, ' ').replace(/[\r\n]/g, ' '); value = value.replace(replacedText, pastedText); } pastedText = null; triggerOnSearch(value); }; const onInputPaste = (e: ClipboardEvent) => { const { clipboardData } = e; const value = clipboardData.getData('text'); pastedText = value; }; const onClick = ({ target }) => { if (target !== inputRef.current) { // Should focus input if click the selector const isIE = (document.body.style as any).msTouchAction !== undefined; if (isIE) { setTimeout(() => { inputRef.current.focus(); }); } else { inputRef.current.focus(); } } }; const onMousedown = (event: MouseEvent) => { const inputMouseDown = getInputMouseDown(); if (event.target !== inputRef.current && !inputMouseDown) { event.preventDefault(); } if ((props.mode !== 'combobox' && (!props.showSearch || !inputMouseDown)) || !props.open) { if (props.open) { props.onSearch('', true, false); } props.onToggleOpen(); } }; return { focus: () => { inputRef.current.focus(); }, blur: () => { inputRef.current.blur(); }, onMousedown, onClick, onInputPaste, inputRef, onInternalInputKeyDown, onInternalInputMouseDown, onInputChange, onInputCompositionEnd, onInputCompositionStart, }; }, render() { const { prefixCls, domRef, multiple } = this.$props as SelectorProps; const { onMousedown, onClick, inputRef, onInputPaste, onInternalInputKeyDown, onInternalInputMouseDown, onInputChange, onInputCompositionStart, onInputCompositionEnd, } = this; const sharedProps = { inputRef, onInputKeyDown: onInternalInputKeyDown, onInputMouseDown: onInternalInputMouseDown, onInputChange, onInputPaste, onInputCompositionStart, onInputCompositionEnd, }; const selectNode = multiple ? ( ) : ( ); return (
); }, }); Selector.inheritAttrs = false; Selector.props = { id: PropTypes.string, prefixCls: PropTypes.string, showSearch: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, open: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, /** Display in the Selector value, it's not same as `value` prop */ values: PropTypes.array, multiple: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, mode: PropTypes.string, searchValue: PropTypes.string, activeValue: PropTypes.string, inputElement: PropTypes.any, autofocus: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, accessibilityIndex: PropTypes.number, tabindex: PropTypes.number, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, placeholder: PropTypes.any, removeIcon: PropTypes.any, // Tags maxTagCount: PropTypes.number, maxTagTextLength: PropTypes.number, maxTagPlaceholder: PropTypes.any, tagRender: PropTypes.func, /** Check if `tokenSeparators` contains `\n` or `\r\n` */ tokenWithEnter: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, // Motion choiceTransitionName: PropTypes.string, onToggleOpen: PropTypes.func, /** `onSearch` returns go next step boolean to check if need do toggle open */ onSearch: PropTypes.func, onSearchSubmit: PropTypes.func, onSelect: PropTypes.func, onInputKeyDown: PropTypes.func, /** * @private get real dom for trigger align. * This may be removed after React provides replacement of `findDOMNode` */ domRef: PropTypes.func, }; export default Selector;