import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import ScrollNumber from './ScrollNumber'; import classNames from '../_util/classNames'; import { getPropsSlot, flattenChildren } from '../_util/props-util'; import { cloneElement } from '../_util/vnode'; import { getTransitionProps, Transition } from '../_util/transition'; import type { ExtractPropTypes, CSSProperties, PropType } from 'vue'; import { defineComponent, computed, ref, watch } from 'vue'; import Ribbon from './Ribbon'; import useConfigInject from '../_util/hooks/useConfigInject'; import isNumeric from '../_util/isNumeric'; import useStyle from './style'; import type { PresetColorKey } from '../theme/interface'; import type { LiteralUnion } from '../_util/type'; import type { PresetStatusColorType } from '../_util/colors'; import { isPresetColor } from '../_util/colors'; export const badgeProps = () => ({ /** Number to show in badge */ count: PropTypes.any, showZero: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, /** Max count to show */ overflowCount: { type: Number, default: 99 }, /** whether to show red dot without number */ dot: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, prefixCls: String, scrollNumberPrefixCls: String, status: { type: String as PropType }, size: { type: String as PropType<'default' | 'small'>, default: 'default' }, color: String as PropType>, text: PropTypes.any, offset: Array as unknown as PropType<[number | string, number | string]>, numberStyle: { type: Object as PropType, default: undefined as CSSProperties }, title: String, }); export type BadgeProps = Partial>>; export default defineComponent({ compatConfig: { MODE: 3 }, name: 'ABadge', Ribbon, inheritAttrs: false, props: badgeProps(), slots: ['text', 'count'], setup(props, { slots, attrs }) { const { prefixCls, direction } = useConfigInject('badge', props); const [wrapSSR, hashId] = useStyle(prefixCls); // ================================ Misc ================================ const numberedDisplayCount = computed(() => { return ( (props.count as number) > (props.overflowCount as number) ? `${props.overflowCount}+` : props.count ) as string | number | null; }); const isZero = computed( () => numberedDisplayCount.value === '0' || numberedDisplayCount.value === 0, ); const ignoreCount = computed(() => props.count === null || (isZero.value && !props.showZero)); const hasStatus = computed( () => ((props.status !== null && props.status !== undefined) || (props.color !== null && props.color !== undefined)) && ignoreCount.value, ); const showAsDot = computed(() => && !isZero.value); const mergedCount = computed(() => (showAsDot.value ? '' : numberedDisplayCount.value)); const isHidden = computed(() => { const isEmpty = mergedCount.value === null || mergedCount.value === undefined || mergedCount.value === ''; return (isEmpty || (isZero.value && !props.showZero)) && !showAsDot.value; }); // Count should be cache in case hidden change it const livingCount = ref(props.count); // We need cache count since remove motion should not change count display const displayCount = ref(mergedCount.value); // We will cache the dot status to avoid shaking on leaved motion const isDotRef = ref(showAsDot.value); watch( [() => props.count, mergedCount, showAsDot], () => { if (!isHidden.value) { livingCount.value = props.count; displayCount.value = mergedCount.value; isDotRef.value = showAsDot.value; } }, { immediate: true }, ); // InternalColor const isInternalColor = computed(() => isPresetColor(props.color, false)); // Shared styles const statusCls = computed(() => ({ [`${prefixCls.value}-status-dot`]: hasStatus.value, [`${prefixCls.value}-status-${props.status}`]: !!props.status, [`${prefixCls.value}-status-${props.color}`]: isInternalColor.value, })); const statusStyle = computed(() => { if (props.color && !isInternalColor.value) { return { background: props.color, color: props.color }; } else { return {}; } }); const scrollNumberCls = computed(() => ({ [`${prefixCls.value}-dot`]: isDotRef.value, [`${prefixCls.value}-count`]: !isDotRef.value, [`${prefixCls.value}-count-sm`]: props.size === 'small', [`${prefixCls.value}-multiple-words`]: !isDotRef.value && displayCount.value && displayCount.value.toString().length > 1, [`${prefixCls.value}-status-${props.status}`]: !!props.status, [`${prefixCls.value}-status-${props.color}`]: isInternalColor.value, })); return () => { const { offset, title, color } = props; const style = as CSSProperties; const text = getPropsSlot(slots, props, 'text'); const pre = prefixCls.value; const count = livingCount.value; let children = flattenChildren(slots.default?.()); children = children.length ? children : null; const visible = !!(!isHidden.value || slots.count); // =============================== Styles =============================== const mergedStyle = (() => { if (!offset) { return { }; } const offsetStyle: CSSProperties = { marginTop: isNumeric(offset[1]) ? `${offset[1]}px` : offset[1], }; if (direction.value === 'rtl') { offsetStyle.left = `${parseInt(offset[0] as string, 10)}px`; } else { offsetStyle.right = `${-parseInt(offset[0] as string, 10)}px`; } return { ...offsetStyle,, }; })(); // =============================== Render =============================== // >>> Title const titleNode = title ?? (typeof count === 'string' || typeof count === 'number' ? count : undefined); // >>> Status Text const statusTextNode = visible || !text ? null : {text}; // >>> Display Component const displayNode = typeof count === 'object' || (count === undefined && slots.count) ? cloneElement( count ?? slots.count?.(), { style: mergedStyle, }, false, ) : null; const badgeClassName = classNames( pre, { [`${pre}-status`]: hasStatus.value, [`${pre}-not-a-wrapper`]: !children, [`${pre}-rtl`]: direction.value === 'rtl', }, attrs.class, hashId.value, ); // if (!children && hasStatus.value) { const statusTextColor = mergedStyle.color; return wrapSSR( {text} , ); } const transitionProps = getTransitionProps(children ? `${pre}-zoom` : '', { appear: false, }); let scrollNumberStyle: CSSProperties = { ...mergedStyle, ...(props.numberStyle as object) }; if (color && !isInternalColor.value) { scrollNumberStyle = scrollNumberStyle || {}; scrollNumberStyle.background = color; } return wrapSSR( {children} {displayNode} {statusTextNode} , ); }; }, });