# Change Log --- ## 0.5.0 `2018-05-08` - 🌟 `Form`: add Form component - 💄 `Upload.Dragger`: Modify `name` name to `a-upload-dragger` - 🐞 `Upload`: Fix `name` prop not working ## 0.4.3 `2018-05-02` - 🐞 Fix component style loss problem - 🌟 site add babel-polyfill ## 0.4.2 `2018-04-24` - 🐞 fix menu click bug ## 0.4.1 #### bug - Transfer Vue's dependencies to devDependencies to avoid unstable bugs caused by inconsistency with business versions ## 0.4.0 #### Layout - add `layout` component #### Others - support use [Vue.use(antd)](https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design/issues/3) ## 0.3.1 #### Features - first version, provide 45 [components](https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design/blob/c7e83d6142f0c5e72ef8fe794620478e69a50a8e/site/components.js)