import type { BaseOptionType, DefaultOptionType, RawValueType, FieldNames } from '../Select'; import { warning } from '../../vc-util/warning'; import type { FlattenOptionData } from '../interface'; function getKey(data: BaseOptionType, index: number) { const { key } = data; let value: RawValueType; if ('value' in data) { ({ value } = data); } if (key !== null && key !== undefined) { return key; } if (value !== undefined) { return value; } return `rc-index-key-${index}`; } export function fillFieldNames(fieldNames: FieldNames | undefined, childrenAsData: boolean) { const { label, value, options } = fieldNames || {}; return { label: label || (childrenAsData ? 'children' : 'label'), value: value || 'value', options: options || 'options', }; } /** * Flat options into flatten list. * We use `optionOnly` here is aim to avoid user use nested option group. * Here is simply set `key` to the index if not provided. */ export function flattenOptions( options: OptionType[], { fieldNames, childrenAsData }: { fieldNames?: FieldNames; childrenAsData?: boolean } = {}, ): FlattenOptionData[] { const flattenList: FlattenOptionData[] = []; const { label: fieldLabel, value: fieldValue, options: fieldOptions, } = fillFieldNames(fieldNames, false); function dig(list: OptionType[], isGroupOption: boolean) { list.forEach(data => { const label = data[fieldLabel]; if (isGroupOption || !(fieldOptions in data)) { const value = data[fieldValue]; // Option flattenList.push({ key: getKey(data, flattenList.length), groupOption: isGroupOption, data, label, value, }); } else { let grpLabel = label; if (grpLabel === undefined && childrenAsData) { grpLabel = data.label; } // Option Group flattenList.push({ key: getKey(data, flattenList.length), group: true, data, label: grpLabel, }); dig(data[fieldOptions], true); } }); } dig(options, false); return flattenList; } /** * Inject `props` into `option` for legacy usage */ export function injectPropsWithOption(option: T): T { const newOption = { ...option }; if (!('props' in newOption)) { Object.defineProperty(newOption, 'props', { get() { warning( false, 'Return type is option instead of Option instance. Please read value directly instead of reading from `props`.', ); return newOption; }, }); } return newOption; } export function getSeparatedContent(text: string, tokens: string[]): string[] { if (!tokens || !tokens.length) { return null; } let match = false; function separate(str: string, [token, ...restTokens]: string[]) { if (!token) { return [str]; } const list = str.split(token); match = match || list.length > 1; return list .reduce((prevList, unitStr) => [...prevList, ...separate(unitStr, restTokens)], []) .filter(unit => unit); } const list = separate(text, tokens); return match ? list : null; }