import type { CSSProperties, ExtractPropTypes } from 'vue'; import { computed, watchEffect, defineComponent, ref, watch, toRaw } from 'vue'; import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import { getPropsSlot } from '../_util/props-util'; import classNames from '../_util/classNames'; import List from './list'; import Operation from './operation'; import LocaleReceiver from '../locale-provider/LocaleReceiver'; import defaultLocale from '../locale/en_US'; import type { VueNode } from '../_util/type'; import { withInstall, stringType, arrayType, someType, booleanType, objectType, functionType, } from '../_util/type'; import useConfigInject from '../config-provider/hooks/useConfigInject'; import type { TransferListBodyProps } from './ListBody'; import type { PaginationType } from './interface'; import { FormItemInputContext, useInjectFormItemContext } from '../form/FormItemContext'; import type { RenderEmptyHandler } from '../config-provider/renderEmpty'; import type { InputStatus } from '../_util/statusUtils'; import { getStatusClassNames, getMergedStatus } from '../_util/statusUtils'; import { groupKeysMap, groupDisabledKeysMap } from '../_util/transKeys'; // CSSINJS import useStyle from './style'; export type { TransferListProps } from './list'; export type { TransferOperationProps } from './operation'; export type { TransferSearchProps } from './search'; export type TransferDirection = 'left' | 'right'; export interface RenderResultObject { label: VueNode; value: string; } export type RenderResult = VueNode | RenderResultObject | string | null; export interface TransferItem { key?: string; title?: string; description?: string; disabled?: boolean; [name: string]: any; } export type KeyWise = T & { key: string }; export type KeyWiseTransferItem = KeyWise; type TransferRender = (item: RecordType) => RenderResult; export interface ListStyle { direction: TransferDirection; } export type SelectAllLabel = | VueNode | ((info: { selectedCount: number; totalCount: number }) => VueNode); export interface TransferLocale { titles?: VueNode[]; notFoundContent?: VueNode; searchPlaceholder: string; itemUnit: string; itemsUnit: string; remove?: string; selectAll?: string; selectCurrent?: string; selectInvert?: string; removeAll?: string; removeCurrent?: string; } export const transferProps = () => ({ id: String, prefixCls: String, dataSource: arrayType([]), disabled: booleanType(), targetKeys: arrayType(), selectedKeys: arrayType(), render: functionType>(), listStyle: someType<((style: ListStyle) => CSSProperties) | CSSProperties>( [Function, Object], () => ({}), ), operationStyle: objectType(undefined as CSSProperties), titles: arrayType(), operations: arrayType(), showSearch: booleanType(false), filterOption: functionType<(inputValue: string, item: TransferItem) => boolean>(), searchPlaceholder: String, notFoundContent: PropTypes.any, locale: objectType(), rowKey: functionType<(record: TransferItem) => string>(), showSelectAll: booleanType(), selectAllLabels: arrayType(), children: functionType<(props: TransferListBodyProps) => VueNode>(), oneWay: booleanType(), pagination: someType([Object, Boolean]), status: stringType(), onChange: functionType< (targetKeys: string[], direction: TransferDirection, moveKeys: string[]) => void >(), onSelectChange: functionType<(sourceSelectedKeys: string[], targetSelectedKeys: string[]) => void>(), onSearch: functionType<(direction: TransferDirection, value: string) => void>(), onScroll: functionType<(direction: TransferDirection, e: UIEvent) => void>(), 'onUpdate:targetKeys': functionType<(keys: string[]) => void>(), 'onUpdate:selectedKeys': functionType<(keys: string[]) => void>(), }); export type TransferProps = Partial>>; const Transfer = defineComponent({ compatConfig: { MODE: 3 }, name: 'ATransfer', inheritAttrs: false, props: transferProps(), slots: [ 'leftTitle', 'rightTitle', 'children', 'render', 'notFoundContent', 'leftSelectAllLabel', 'rightSelectAllLabel', 'footer', ], // emits: ['update:targetKeys', 'update:selectedKeys', 'change', 'search', 'scroll', 'selectChange'], setup(props, { emit, attrs, slots, expose }) { const { configProvider, prefixCls, direction } = useConfigInject('transfer', props); // style const [wrapSSR, hashId] = useStyle(prefixCls); const sourceSelectedKeys = ref([]); const targetSelectedKeys = ref([]); const formItemContext = useInjectFormItemContext(); const formItemInputContext = FormItemInputContext.useInject(); const mergedStatus = computed(() => getMergedStatus(formItemInputContext.status, props.status)); watch( () => props.selectedKeys, () => { sourceSelectedKeys.value = props.selectedKeys?.filter(key => props.targetKeys.indexOf(key) === -1) || []; targetSelectedKeys.value = props.selectedKeys?.filter(key => props.targetKeys.indexOf(key) > -1) || []; }, { immediate: true }, ); const getLocale = (transferLocale: TransferLocale, renderEmpty: RenderEmptyHandler) => { // Keep old locale props still working. const oldLocale: { notFoundContent?: any; searchPlaceholder?: string } = { notFoundContent: renderEmpty('Transfer'), }; const notFoundContent = getPropsSlot(slots, props, 'notFoundContent'); if (notFoundContent) { oldLocale.notFoundContent = notFoundContent; } if (props.searchPlaceholder !== undefined) { oldLocale.searchPlaceholder = props.searchPlaceholder; } return { ...transferLocale, ...oldLocale, ...props.locale }; }; const moveTo = (direction: TransferDirection) => { const { targetKeys = [], dataSource = [] } = props; const moveKeys = direction === 'right' ? sourceSelectedKeys.value : targetSelectedKeys.value; const dataSourceDisabledKeysMap = groupDisabledKeysMap(dataSource); // filter the disabled options const newMoveKeys = moveKeys.filter(key => !dataSourceDisabledKeysMap.has(key)); const newMoveKeysMap = groupKeysMap(newMoveKeys); // move items to target box const newTargetKeys = direction === 'right' ? newMoveKeys.concat(targetKeys) : targetKeys.filter(targetKey => !newMoveKeysMap.has(targetKey)); // empty checked keys const oppositeDirection = direction === 'right' ? 'left' : 'right'; direction === 'right' ? (sourceSelectedKeys.value = []) : (targetSelectedKeys.value = []); emit('update:targetKeys', newTargetKeys); handleSelectChange(oppositeDirection, []); emit('change', newTargetKeys, direction, newMoveKeys); formItemContext.onFieldChange(); }; const moveToLeft = () => { moveTo('left'); }; const moveToRight = () => { moveTo('right'); }; const onItemSelectAll = (direction: TransferDirection, selectedKeys: string[]) => { handleSelectChange(direction, selectedKeys); }; const onLeftItemSelectAll = (selectedKeys: string[]) => { return onItemSelectAll('left', selectedKeys); }; const onRightItemSelectAll = (selectedKeys: string[]) => { return onItemSelectAll('right', selectedKeys); }; const handleSelectChange = (direction: TransferDirection, holder: string[]) => { if (direction === 'left') { if (!props.selectedKeys) { sourceSelectedKeys.value = holder; } emit('update:selectedKeys', [...holder, ...targetSelectedKeys.value]); emit('selectChange', holder, toRaw(targetSelectedKeys.value)); } else { if (!props.selectedKeys) { targetSelectedKeys.value = holder; } emit('update:selectedKeys', [...holder, ...sourceSelectedKeys.value]); emit('selectChange', toRaw(sourceSelectedKeys.value), holder); } }; const handleFilter = (direction: TransferDirection, e) => { const value =; emit('search', direction, value); }; const handleLeftFilter = (e: Event) => { handleFilter('left', e); }; const handleRightFilter = (e: Event) => { handleFilter('right', e); }; const handleClear = (direction: TransferDirection) => { emit('search', direction, ''); }; const handleLeftClear = () => { handleClear('left'); }; const handleRightClear = () => { handleClear('right'); }; const onItemSelect = (direction: TransferDirection, selectedKey: string, checked: boolean) => { const holder = direction === 'left' ? [...sourceSelectedKeys.value] : [...targetSelectedKeys.value]; const index = holder.indexOf(selectedKey); if (index > -1) { holder.splice(index, 1); } if (checked) { holder.push(selectedKey); } handleSelectChange(direction, holder); }; const onLeftItemSelect = (selectedKey: string, checked: boolean) => { return onItemSelect('left', selectedKey, checked); }; const onRightItemSelect = (selectedKey: string, checked: boolean) => { return onItemSelect('right', selectedKey, checked); }; const onRightItemRemove = (targetedKeys: string[]) => { const { targetKeys = [] } = props; const newTargetKeys = targetKeys.filter(key => !targetedKeys.includes(key)); emit('update:targetKeys', newTargetKeys); emit('change', newTargetKeys, 'left', [...targetedKeys]); }; const handleScroll = (direction: TransferDirection, e: UIEvent) => { emit('scroll', direction, e); }; const handleLeftScroll = (e: UIEvent) => { handleScroll('left', e); }; const handleRightScroll = (e: UIEvent) => { handleScroll('right', e); }; const handleListStyle = ( listStyle: ((style: ListStyle) => CSSProperties) | CSSProperties, direction: TransferDirection, ) => { if (typeof listStyle === 'function') { return listStyle({ direction }); } return listStyle; }; const leftDataSource = ref([]); const rightDataSource = ref([]); watchEffect(() => { const { dataSource, rowKey, targetKeys = [] } = props; const ld = []; const rd = new Array(targetKeys.length); const targetKeysMap = groupKeysMap(targetKeys); dataSource.forEach(record => { if (rowKey) { record.key = rowKey(record); } // rightData should be ordered by targetKeys // leftData should be ordered by dataSource if (targetKeysMap.has(record.key)) { rd[targetKeysMap.get(record.key)!] = record; } else { ld.push(record); } }); leftDataSource.value = ld; rightDataSource.value = rd; }); expose({ handleSelectChange }); const renderTransfer = (transferLocale: TransferLocale) => { const { disabled, operations = [], showSearch, listStyle, operationStyle, filterOption, showSelectAll, selectAllLabels = [], oneWay, pagination, id =, } = props; const { class: className, style } = attrs; const children = slots.children; const mergedPagination = !children && pagination; const renderEmpty = configProvider.renderEmpty; const locale = getLocale(transferLocale, renderEmpty); const { footer } = slots; const renderItem = props.render || slots.render; const leftActive = targetSelectedKeys.value.length > 0; const rightActive = sourceSelectedKeys.value.length > 0; const cls = classNames( prefixCls.value, className, { [`${prefixCls.value}-disabled`]: disabled, [`${prefixCls.value}-customize-list`]: !!children, [`${prefixCls.value}-rtl`]: direction.value === 'rtl', }, getStatusClassNames(prefixCls.value, mergedStatus.value, formItemInputContext.hasFeedback), hashId.value, ); const titles = props.titles; const leftTitle = (titles && titles[0]) ?? slots.leftTitle?.() ?? (locale.titles || ['', ''])[0]; const rightTitle = (titles && titles[1]) ?? slots.rightTitle?.() ?? (locale.titles || ['', ''])[1]; return (
leftTitle, footer }} /> rightTitle, footer }} />
); }; return () => wrapSSR( , ); }, }); export default withInstall(Transfer);