import type { CSSObject } from '../../_util/cssinjs'; import type { FullToken, GenerateStyle } from '../../theme/internal'; import { genComponentStyleHook, mergeToken } from '../../theme/internal'; import type { GlobalToken } from '../../theme/interface'; import { clearFix, resetComponent } from '../../_style'; import { genCompactItemStyle } from '../../_style/compact-item'; export type InputToken> = T & { inputAffixPadding: number; inputPaddingVertical: number; inputPaddingVerticalLG: number; inputPaddingVerticalSM: number; inputPaddingHorizontal: number; inputPaddingHorizontalLG: number; inputPaddingHorizontalSM: number; inputBorderHoverColor: string; inputBorderActiveColor: string; }; export const genPlaceholderStyle = (color: string): CSSObject => ({ // Firefox '&::-moz-placeholder': { opacity: 1, }, '&::placeholder': { color, userSelect: 'none', // }, '&:placeholder-shown': { textOverflow: 'ellipsis', }, }); export const genHoverStyle = (token: InputToken): CSSObject => ({ borderColor: token.inputBorderHoverColor, borderInlineEndWidth: token.lineWidth, }); export const genActiveStyle = (token: InputToken) => ({ borderColor: token.inputBorderHoverColor, boxShadow: `0 0 0 ${token.controlOutlineWidth}px ${token.controlOutline}`, borderInlineEndWidth: token.lineWidth, outline: 0, }); export const genDisabledStyle = (token: InputToken): CSSObject => ({ color: token.colorTextDisabled, backgroundColor: token.colorBgContainerDisabled, borderColor: token.colorBorder, boxShadow: 'none', cursor: 'not-allowed', opacity: 1, '&:hover': { ...genHoverStyle(mergeToken(token, { inputBorderHoverColor: token.colorBorder })), }, }); const genInputLargeStyle = (token: InputToken): CSSObject => { const { inputPaddingVerticalLG, fontSizeLG, lineHeightLG, borderRadiusLG, inputPaddingHorizontalLG, } = token; return { padding: `${inputPaddingVerticalLG}px ${inputPaddingHorizontalLG}px`, fontSize: fontSizeLG, lineHeight: lineHeightLG, borderRadius: borderRadiusLG, }; }; export const genInputSmallStyle = (token: InputToken): CSSObject => ({ padding: `${token.inputPaddingVerticalSM}px ${token.controlPaddingHorizontalSM - 1}px`, borderRadius: token.borderRadiusSM, }); export const genStatusStyle = (token: InputToken, parentCls: string): CSSObject => { const { componentCls, colorError, colorWarning, colorErrorOutline, colorWarningOutline, colorErrorBorderHover, colorWarningBorderHover, } = token; return { [`&-status-error:not(${parentCls}-disabled):not(${parentCls}-borderless)${parentCls}`]: { borderColor: colorError, '&:hover': { borderColor: colorErrorBorderHover, }, '&:focus, &-focused': { ...genActiveStyle( mergeToken(token, { inputBorderActiveColor: colorError, inputBorderHoverColor: colorError, controlOutline: colorErrorOutline, }), ), }, [`${componentCls}-prefix`]: { color: colorError, }, }, [`&-status-warning:not(${parentCls}-disabled):not(${parentCls}-borderless)${parentCls}`]: { borderColor: colorWarning, '&:hover': { borderColor: colorWarningBorderHover, }, '&:focus, &-focused': { ...genActiveStyle( mergeToken(token, { inputBorderActiveColor: colorWarning, inputBorderHoverColor: colorWarning, controlOutline: colorWarningOutline, }), ), }, [`${componentCls}-prefix`]: { color: colorWarning, }, }, }; }; export const genBasicInputStyle = (token: InputToken): CSSObject => ({ position: 'relative', display: 'inline-block', width: '100%', minWidth: 0, padding: `${token.inputPaddingVertical}px ${token.inputPaddingHorizontal}px`, color: token.colorText, fontSize: token.fontSize, lineHeight: token.lineHeight, backgroundColor: token.colorBgContainer, backgroundImage: 'none', borderWidth: token.lineWidth, borderStyle: token.lineType, borderColor: token.colorBorder, borderRadius: token.borderRadius, transition: `all ${token.motionDurationMid}`, ...genPlaceholderStyle(token.colorTextPlaceholder), '&:hover': { ...genHoverStyle(token), }, '&:focus, &-focused': { ...genActiveStyle(token), }, '&-disabled, &[disabled]': { ...genDisabledStyle(token), }, '&-borderless': { '&, &:hover, &:focus, &-focused, &-disabled, &[disabled]': { backgroundColor: 'transparent', border: 'none', boxShadow: 'none', }, }, // Reset height for `textarea`s 'textarea&': { maxWidth: '100%', // prevent textearea resize from coming out of its container height: 'auto', minHeight: token.controlHeight, lineHeight: token.lineHeight, verticalAlign: 'bottom', transition: `all ${token.motionDurationSlow}, height 0s`, resize: 'vertical', }, // Size '&-lg': { ...genInputLargeStyle(token), }, '&-sm': { ...genInputSmallStyle(token), }, // RTL '&-rtl': { direction: 'rtl', }, '&-textarea-rtl': { direction: 'rtl', }, }); export const genInputGroupStyle = (token: InputToken): CSSObject => { const { componentCls, antCls } = token; return { position: 'relative', display: 'table', width: '100%', borderCollapse: 'separate', borderSpacing: 0, // Undo padding and float of grid classes [`&[class*='col-']`]: { paddingInlineEnd: token.paddingXS, '&:last-child': { paddingInlineEnd: 0, }, }, // Sizing options [`&-lg ${componentCls}, &-lg > ${componentCls}-group-addon`]: { ...genInputLargeStyle(token), }, [`&-sm ${componentCls}, &-sm > ${componentCls}-group-addon`]: { ...genInputSmallStyle(token), }, // Fix [`&-lg ${antCls}-select-single ${antCls}-select-selector`]: { height: token.controlHeightLG, }, [`&-sm ${antCls}-select-single ${antCls}-select-selector`]: { height: token.controlHeightSM, }, [`> ${componentCls}`]: { display: 'table-cell', '&:not(:first-child):not(:last-child)': { borderRadius: 0, }, }, [`${componentCls}-group`]: { [`&-addon, &-wrap`]: { display: 'table-cell', width: 1, whiteSpace: 'nowrap', verticalAlign: 'middle', '&:not(:first-child):not(:last-child)': { borderRadius: 0, }, }, '&-wrap > *': { display: 'block !important', }, '&-addon': { position: 'relative', padding: `0 ${token.inputPaddingHorizontal}px`, color: token.colorText, fontWeight: 'normal', fontSize: token.fontSize, textAlign: 'center', backgroundColor: token.colorFillAlter, border: `${token.lineWidth}px ${token.lineType} ${token.colorBorder}`, borderRadius: token.borderRadius, transition: `all ${token.motionDurationSlow}`, lineHeight: 1, // Reset Select's style in addon [`${antCls}-select`]: { margin: `-${token.inputPaddingVertical + 1}px -${token.inputPaddingHorizontal}px`, [`&${antCls}-select-single:not(${antCls}-select-customize-input)`]: { [`${antCls}-select-selector`]: { backgroundColor: 'inherit', border: `${token.lineWidth}px ${token.lineType} transparent`, boxShadow: 'none', }, }, '&-open, &-focused': { [`${antCls}-select-selector`]: { color: token.colorPrimary, }, }, }, // [`${antCls}-cascader-picker`]: { margin: `-9px -${token.inputPaddingHorizontal}px`, backgroundColor: 'transparent', [`${antCls}-cascader-input`]: { textAlign: 'start', border: 0, boxShadow: 'none', }, }, }, '&-addon:first-child': { borderInlineEnd: 0, }, '&-addon:last-child': { borderInlineStart: 0, }, }, [`${componentCls}`]: { float: 'inline-start', width: '100%', marginBottom: 0, textAlign: 'inherit', '&:focus': { zIndex: 1, // Fix borderInlineEndWidth: 1, }, '&:hover': { zIndex: 1, borderInlineEndWidth: 1, [`${componentCls}-search-with-button &`]: { zIndex: 0, }, }, }, // Reset rounded corners [`> ${componentCls}:first-child, ${componentCls}-group-addon:first-child`]: { borderStartEndRadius: 0, borderEndEndRadius: 0, // Reset Select's style in addon [`${antCls}-select ${antCls}-select-selector`]: { borderStartEndRadius: 0, borderEndEndRadius: 0, }, }, [`> ${componentCls}-affix-wrapper`]: { [`&:not(:first-child) ${componentCls}`]: { borderStartStartRadius: 0, borderEndStartRadius: 0, }, [`&:not(:last-child) ${componentCls}`]: { borderStartEndRadius: 0, borderEndEndRadius: 0, }, }, [`> ${componentCls}:last-child, ${componentCls}-group-addon:last-child`]: { borderStartStartRadius: 0, borderEndStartRadius: 0, // Reset Select's style in addon [`${antCls}-select ${antCls}-select-selector`]: { borderStartStartRadius: 0, borderEndStartRadius: 0, }, }, [`${componentCls}-affix-wrapper`]: { '&:not(:last-child)': { borderStartEndRadius: 0, borderEndEndRadius: 0, [`${componentCls}-search &`]: { borderStartStartRadius: token.borderRadius, borderEndStartRadius: token.borderRadius, }, }, [`&:not(:first-child), ${componentCls}-search &:not(:first-child)`]: { borderStartStartRadius: 0, borderEndStartRadius: 0, }, }, [`&${componentCls}-group-compact`]: { display: 'block', ...clearFix(), [`${componentCls}-group-addon, ${componentCls}-group-wrap, > ${componentCls}`]: { '&:not(:first-child):not(:last-child)': { borderInlineEndWidth: token.lineWidth, '&:hover': { zIndex: 1, }, '&:focus': { zIndex: 1, }, }, }, '& > *': { display: 'inline-block', float: 'none', verticalAlign: 'top', // borderRadius: 0, }, [`& > ${componentCls}-affix-wrapper`]: { display: 'inline-flex', }, [`& > ${antCls}-picker-range`]: { display: 'inline-flex', }, '& > *:not(:last-child)': { marginInlineEnd: -token.lineWidth, borderInlineEndWidth: token.lineWidth, }, // Undo float for .ant-input-group .ant-input [`${componentCls}`]: { float: 'none', }, // reset border for Select, DatePicker, AutoComplete, Cascader, Mention, TimePicker, Input [`& > ${antCls}-select > ${antCls}-select-selector, & > ${antCls}-select-auto-complete ${componentCls}, & > ${antCls}-cascader-picker ${componentCls}, & > ${componentCls}-group-wrapper ${componentCls}`]: { borderInlineEndWidth: token.lineWidth, borderRadius: 0, '&:hover': { zIndex: 1, }, '&:focus': { zIndex: 1, }, }, [`& > ${antCls}-select-focused`]: { zIndex: 1, }, // update z-index for arrow icon [`& > ${antCls}-select > ${antCls}-select-arrow`]: { zIndex: 1, // }, [`& > *:first-child, & > ${antCls}-select:first-child > ${antCls}-select-selector, & > ${antCls}-select-auto-complete:first-child ${componentCls}, & > ${antCls}-cascader-picker:first-child ${componentCls}`]: { borderStartStartRadius: token.borderRadius, borderEndStartRadius: token.borderRadius, }, [`& > *:last-child, & > ${antCls}-select:last-child > ${antCls}-select-selector, & > ${antCls}-cascader-picker:last-child ${componentCls}, & > ${antCls}-cascader-picker-focused:last-child ${componentCls}`]: { borderInlineEndWidth: token.lineWidth, borderStartEndRadius: token.borderRadius, borderEndEndRadius: token.borderRadius, }, // [`& > ${antCls}-select-auto-complete ${componentCls}`]: { verticalAlign: 'top', }, [`${componentCls}-group-wrapper + ${componentCls}-group-wrapper`]: { marginInlineStart: -token.lineWidth, [`${componentCls}-affix-wrapper`]: { borderRadius: 0, }, }, [`${componentCls}-group-wrapper:not(:last-child)`]: { [`&${componentCls}-search > ${componentCls}-group`]: { [`& > ${componentCls}-group-addon > ${componentCls}-search-button`]: { borderRadius: 0, }, [`& > ${componentCls}`]: { borderStartStartRadius: token.borderRadius, borderStartEndRadius: 0, borderEndEndRadius: 0, borderEndStartRadius: token.borderRadius, }, }, }, }, }; }; const genInputStyle: GenerateStyle = (token: InputToken) => { const { componentCls, controlHeightSM, lineWidth } = token; const FIXED_CHROME_COLOR_HEIGHT = 16; const colorSmallPadding = (controlHeightSM - lineWidth * 2 - FIXED_CHROME_COLOR_HEIGHT) / 2; return { [componentCls]: { ...resetComponent(token), ...genBasicInputStyle(token), ...genStatusStyle(token, componentCls), '&[type="color"]': { height: token.controlHeight, [`&${componentCls}-lg`]: { height: token.controlHeightLG, }, [`&${componentCls}-sm`]: { height: controlHeightSM, paddingTop: colorSmallPadding, paddingBottom: colorSmallPadding, }, }, }, }; }; const genAllowClearStyle = (token: InputToken): CSSObject => { const { componentCls } = token; return { // ========================= Input ========================= [`${componentCls}-clear-icon`]: { margin: 0, color: token.colorTextQuaternary, fontSize: token.fontSizeIcon, verticalAlign: -1, // // cursor: 'pointer', transition: `color ${token.motionDurationSlow}`, '&:hover': { color: token.colorTextTertiary, }, '&:active': { color: token.colorText, }, '&-hidden': { visibility: 'hidden', }, '&-has-suffix': { margin: `0 ${token.inputAffixPadding}px`, }, }, // ======================= TextArea ======================== '&-textarea-with-clear-btn': { padding: '0 !important', border: '0 !important', [`${componentCls}-clear-icon`]: { position: 'absolute', insetBlockStart: token.paddingXS, insetInlineEnd: token.paddingXS, zIndex: 1, }, }, }; }; const genAffixStyle: GenerateStyle = (token: InputToken) => { const { componentCls, inputAffixPadding, colorTextDescription, motionDurationSlow, colorIcon, colorIconHover, iconCls, } = token; return { [`${componentCls}-affix-wrapper`]: { ...genBasicInputStyle(token), display: 'inline-flex', [`&:not(${componentCls}-affix-wrapper-disabled):hover`]: { ...genHoverStyle(token), zIndex: 1, [`${componentCls}-search-with-button &`]: { zIndex: 0, }, }, '&-focused, &:focus': { zIndex: 1, }, '&-disabled': { [`${componentCls}[disabled]`]: { background: 'transparent', }, }, [`> input${componentCls}`]: { padding: 0, fontSize: 'inherit', border: 'none', borderRadius: 0, outline: 'none', '&:focus': { boxShadow: 'none !important', }, }, '&::before': { width: 0, visibility: 'hidden', content: '"\\a0"', }, [`${componentCls}`]: { '&-prefix, &-suffix': { display: 'flex', flex: 'none', alignItems: 'center', '> *:not(:last-child)': { marginInlineEnd: token.paddingXS, }, }, '&-show-count-suffix': { color: colorTextDescription, }, '&-show-count-has-suffix': { marginInlineEnd: token.paddingXXS, }, '&-prefix': { marginInlineEnd: inputAffixPadding, }, '&-suffix': { marginInlineStart: inputAffixPadding, }, }, ...genAllowClearStyle(token), // password [`${iconCls}${componentCls}-password-icon`]: { color: colorIcon, cursor: 'pointer', transition: `all ${motionDurationSlow}`, '&:hover': { color: colorIconHover, }, }, // status ...genStatusStyle(token, `${componentCls}-affix-wrapper`), }, }; }; const genGroupStyle: GenerateStyle = (token: InputToken) => { const { componentCls, colorError, colorSuccess, borderRadiusLG, borderRadiusSM } = token; return { [`${componentCls}-group`]: { // Style for input-group: input with label, with button or dropdown... ...resetComponent(token), ...genInputGroupStyle(token), '&-rtl': { direction: 'rtl', }, '&-wrapper': { display: 'inline-block', width: '100%', textAlign: 'start', verticalAlign: 'top', // '&-rtl': { direction: 'rtl', }, // Size '&-lg': { [`${componentCls}-group-addon`]: { borderRadius: borderRadiusLG, }, }, '&-sm': { [`${componentCls}-group-addon`]: { borderRadius: borderRadiusSM, }, }, // Status '&-status-error': { [`${componentCls}-group-addon`]: { color: colorError, borderColor: colorError, }, }, '&-status-warning': { [`${componentCls}-group-addon:last-child`]: { color: colorSuccess, borderColor: colorSuccess, }, }, }, }, }; }; const genSearchInputStyle: GenerateStyle = (token: InputToken) => { const { componentCls, antCls } = token; const searchPrefixCls = `${componentCls}-search`; return { [searchPrefixCls]: { [`${componentCls}`]: { '&:hover, &:focus': { borderColor: token.colorPrimaryHover, [`+ ${componentCls}-group-addon ${searchPrefixCls}-button:not(${antCls}-btn-primary)`]: { borderInlineStartColor: token.colorPrimaryHover, }, }, }, [`${componentCls}-affix-wrapper`]: { borderRadius: 0, }, // fix slight height diff in Firefox: // [`${componentCls}-lg`]: { lineHeight: token.lineHeightLG - 0.0002, }, [`> ${componentCls}-group`]: { [`> ${componentCls}-group-addon:last-child`]: { insetInlineStart: -1, padding: 0, border: 0, [`${searchPrefixCls}-button`]: { paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0, borderStartStartRadius: 0, borderStartEndRadius: token.borderRadius, borderEndEndRadius: token.borderRadius, borderEndStartRadius: 0, }, [`${searchPrefixCls}-button:not(${antCls}-btn-primary)`]: { color: token.colorTextDescription, '&:hover': { color: token.colorPrimaryHover, }, '&:active': { color: token.colorPrimaryActive, }, [`&${antCls}-btn-loading::before`]: { insetInlineStart: 0, insetInlineEnd: 0, insetBlockStart: 0, insetBlockEnd: 0, }, }, }, }, [`${searchPrefixCls}-button`]: { height: token.controlHeight, '&:hover, &:focus': { zIndex: 1, }, }, [`&-large ${searchPrefixCls}-button`]: { height: token.controlHeightLG, }, [`&-small ${searchPrefixCls}-button`]: { height: token.controlHeightSM, }, '&-rtl': { direction: 'rtl', }, // ===================== Compact Item Customized Styles ===================== [`&${componentCls}-compact-item`]: { [`&:not(${componentCls}-compact-last-item)`]: { [`${componentCls}-group-addon`]: { [`${componentCls}-search-button`]: { marginInlineEnd: -token.lineWidth, borderRadius: 0, }, }, }, [`&:not(${componentCls}-compact-first-item)`]: { [`${componentCls},${componentCls}-affix-wrapper`]: { borderRadius: 0, }, }, [`> ${componentCls}-group-addon ${componentCls}-search-button, > ${componentCls}, ${componentCls}-affix-wrapper`]: { '&:hover,&:focus,&:active': { zIndex: 2, }, }, [`> ${componentCls}-affix-wrapper-focused`]: { zIndex: 2, }, }, }, }; }; export function initInputToken(token: T): InputToken { // @ts-ignore return mergeToken>(token, { inputAffixPadding: token.paddingXXS, inputPaddingVertical: Math.max( Math.round(((token.controlHeight - token.fontSize * token.lineHeight) / 2) * 10) / 10 - token.lineWidth, 3, ), inputPaddingVerticalLG: Math.ceil(((token.controlHeightLG - token.fontSizeLG * token.lineHeightLG) / 2) * 10) / 10 - token.lineWidth, inputPaddingVerticalSM: Math.max( Math.round(((token.controlHeightSM - token.fontSize * token.lineHeight) / 2) * 10) / 10 - token.lineWidth, 0, ), inputPaddingHorizontal: token.paddingSM - token.lineWidth, inputPaddingHorizontalSM: token.paddingXS - token.lineWidth, inputPaddingHorizontalLG: token.controlPaddingHorizontal - token.lineWidth, inputBorderHoverColor: token.colorPrimaryHover, inputBorderActiveColor: token.colorPrimaryHover, }); } const genTextAreaStyle: GenerateStyle = token => { const { componentCls, inputPaddingHorizontal, paddingLG } = token; const textareaPrefixCls = `${componentCls}-textarea`; return { [textareaPrefixCls]: { position: 'relative', [`${textareaPrefixCls}-suffix`]: { position: 'absolute', top: 0, insetInlineEnd: inputPaddingHorizontal, bottom: 0, zIndex: 1, display: 'inline-flex', alignItems: 'center', margin: 'auto', }, [`&-status-error, &-status-warning, &-status-success, &-status-validating`]: { [`&${textareaPrefixCls}-has-feedback`]: { [`${componentCls}`]: { paddingInlineEnd: paddingLG, }, }, }, '&-show-count': { // [`> ${componentCls}`]: { height: '100%', }, '&::after': { color: token.colorTextDescription, whiteSpace: 'nowrap', content: 'attr(data-count)', pointerEvents: 'none', float: 'right', }, }, '&-rtl': { '&::after': { float: 'left', }, }, }, }; }; // ============================== Export ============================== export default genComponentStyleHook('Input', token => { const inputToken = initInputToken>(token); return [ genInputStyle(inputToken), genTextAreaStyle(inputToken), genAffixStyle(inputToken), genGroupStyle(inputToken), genSearchInputStyle(inputToken), // ===================================================== // == Space Compact == // ===================================================== genCompactItemStyle(inputToken), ]; });