import * as moment from 'moment'; import RangeCalendar from '../vc-calendar/src/RangeCalendar'; import VcDatePicker from '../vc-calendar/src/Picker'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import shallowequal from 'shallowequal'; import Icon from '../icon'; import Tag from '../tag'; import { ConfigConsumerProps } from '../config-provider'; import interopDefault from '../_util/interopDefault'; import { RangePickerProps } from './interface'; import { hasProp, getOptionProps, initDefaultProps, mergeProps, getComponentFromProp, isValidElement, } from '../_util/props-util'; import BaseMixin from '../_util/BaseMixin'; import { cloneElement } from '../_util/vnode'; function noop() {} function getShowDateFromValue(value) { const [start, end] = value; // value could be an empty array, then we should not reset showDate if (!start && !end) { return; } const newEnd = end && end.isSame(start, 'month') ? end.clone().add(1, 'month') : end; return [start, newEnd]; } function formatValue(value, format) { return (value && value.format(format)) || ''; } function pickerValueAdapter(value) { if (!value) { return; } if (Array.isArray(value)) { return value; } return [value, value.clone().add(1, 'month')]; } function isEmptyArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { return arr.length === 0 || arr.every(i => !i); } return false; } function fixLocale(value, localeCode) { if (!localeCode) { return; } if (!value || value.length === 0) { return; } const [start, end] = value; if (start) { start.locale(localeCode); } if (end) { end.locale(localeCode); } } export default { name: 'ARangePicker', mixins: [BaseMixin], model: { prop: 'value', event: 'change', }, props: initDefaultProps(RangePickerProps(), { allowClear: true, showToday: false, }), inject: { configProvider: { default: () => ({}) }, }, data() { const value = this.value || this.defaultValue || []; const [start, end] = value; if ( (start && !interopDefault(moment).isMoment(start)) || (end && !interopDefault(moment).isMoment(end)) ) { throw new Error( 'The value/defaultValue of RangePicker must be a moment object array after `antd@2.0`, ' + 'see:', ); } const pickerValue = !value || isEmptyArray(value) ? this.defaultPickerValue : value; return { sValue: value, sShowDate: pickerValueAdapter(pickerValue || interopDefault(moment)()), sOpen:, sHoverValue: [], }; }, watch: { value(val) { const value = val || []; let state = { sValue: value }; if (!shallowequal(val, this.sValue)) { state = { ...state, sShowDate: getShowDateFromValue(value) || this.sShowDate, }; } this.setState(state); this.prevState = { ...this.$data, ...state }; }, open(val) { const state = { sOpen: val }; this.setState(state); this.prevState = { ...this.$data, ...state }; }, }, mounted() { this.prevState = { ...this.$data }; }, updated() { this.$nextTick(() => { if (!hasProp(this, 'open') && this.prevState.sOpen && !this.sOpen) { this.focus(); } }); }, methods: { clearSelection(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.setState({ sValue: [] }); this.handleChange([]); }, clearHoverValue() { this.setState({ sHoverValue: [] }); }, handleChange(value) { if (!hasProp(this, 'value')) { this.setState(({ sShowDate }) => ({ sValue: value, sShowDate: getShowDateFromValue(value) || sShowDate, })); } const [start, end] = value; this.$emit('change', value, [formatValue(start, this.format), formatValue(end, this.format)]); }, handleOpenChange(open) { if (!hasProp(this, 'open')) { this.setState({ sOpen: open }); } if (open === false) { this.clearHoverValue(); } this.$emit('openChange', open); }, handleShowDateChange(showDate) { this.setState({ sShowDate: showDate }); }, handleHoverChange(hoverValue) { this.setState({ sHoverValue: hoverValue }); }, handleRangeMouseLeave() { if (this.sOpen) { this.clearHoverValue(); } }, handleCalendarInputSelect(value) { const [start] = value; if (!start) { return; } this.setState(({ sShowDate }) => ({ sValue: value, sShowDate: getShowDateFromValue(value) || sShowDate, })); }, handleRangeClick(value) { if (typeof value === 'function') { value = value(); } this.setValue(value, true); this.$emit('ok', value); this.$emit('openChange', false); }, setValue(value, hidePanel) { this.handleChange(value); if ((hidePanel || !this.showTime) && !hasProp(this, 'open')) { this.setState({ sOpen: false }); } }, onMouseEnter(e) { this.$emit('mouseenter', e); }, onMouseLeave(e) { this.$emit('mouseleave', e); }, focus() { this.$refs.picker.focus(); }, blur() { this.$refs.picker.blur(); }, renderFooter(...args) { const { ranges, $scopedSlots, $slots } = this; const { _prefixCls: prefixCls, _tagPrefixCls: tagPrefixCls } = this; const renderExtraFooter = this.renderExtraFooter || $scopedSlots.renderExtraFooter || $slots.renderExtraFooter; if (!ranges && !renderExtraFooter) { return null; } const customFooter = renderExtraFooter ? ( ) : null; const operations = Object.keys(ranges || {}).map(range => { const value = ranges[range]; return ( this.handleRangeClick(value)} onMouseenter={() => this.setState({ sHoverValue: value })} onMouseleave={this.handleRangeMouseLeave} > {range} ); }); const rangeNode = operations && operations.length > 0 ? ( ) : null; return [rangeNode, customFooter]; }, }, render() { const props = getOptionProps(this); let suffixIcon = getComponentFromProp(this, 'suffixIcon'); suffixIcon = Array.isArray(suffixIcon) ? suffixIcon[0] : suffixIcon; const { sValue: value, sShowDate: showDate, sHoverValue: hoverValue, sOpen: open, $listeners, $scopedSlots, } = this; const { calendarChange = noop, ok = noop, focus = noop, blur = noop, panelChange = noop, } = $listeners; const { prefixCls: customizePrefixCls, tagPrefixCls: customizeTagPrefixCls, popupStyle, disabledDate, disabledTime, showTime, showToday, ranges, locale, localeCode, format, } = props; const getPrefixCls = this.configProvider.getPrefixCls || ConfigConsumerProps.getPrefixCls; const prefixCls = getPrefixCls('calendar', customizePrefixCls); const tagPrefixCls = getPrefixCls('tag', customizeTagPrefixCls); this._prefixCls = prefixCls; this._tagPrefixCls = tagPrefixCls; const dateRender = props.dateRender || $scopedSlots.dateRender; fixLocale(value, localeCode); fixLocale(showDate, localeCode); const calendarClassName = classNames({ [`${prefixCls}-time`]: showTime, [`${prefixCls}-range-with-ranges`]: ranges, }); // 需要选择时间时,点击 ok 时才触发 onChange const pickerChangeHandler = { on: { change: this.handleChange, }, }; let calendarProps = { on: { ok: this.handleChange, }, props: {}, }; if (props.timePicker) { pickerChangeHandler.on.change = changedValue => this.handleChange(changedValue); } else { calendarProps = { on: {}, props: {} }; } if ('mode' in props) { calendarProps.props.mode = props.mode; } const startPlaceholder = 'placeholder' in props ? props.placeholder[0] : locale.lang.rangePlaceholder[0]; const endPlaceholder = 'placeholder' in props ? props.placeholder[1] : locale.lang.rangePlaceholder[1]; const rangeCalendarProps = mergeProps(calendarProps, { props: { format: format, prefixCls: prefixCls, renderFooter: this.renderFooter, timePicker: props.timePicker, disabledDate: disabledDate, disabledTime: disabledTime, dateInputPlaceholder: [startPlaceholder, endPlaceholder], locale: locale.lang, dateRender: dateRender, value: showDate, hoverValue: hoverValue, showToday: showToday, }, on: { change: calendarChange, ok: ok, valueChange: this.handleShowDateChange, hoverChange: this.handleHoverChange, panelChange, inputSelect: this.handleCalendarInputSelect, }, class: calendarClassName, scopedSlots: $scopedSlots, }); const calendar = ; // default width for showTime const pickerStyle = {}; if (props.showTime) { pickerStyle.width = '350px'; } const [startValue, endValue] = value; const clearIcon = !props.disabled && props.allowClear && value && (startValue || endValue) ? ( ) : null; const inputIcon = (suffixIcon && (isValidElement(suffixIcon) ? ( cloneElement(suffixIcon, { class: `${prefixCls}-picker-icon`, }) ) : ( {suffixIcon} ))) || ; const input = ({ value: inputValue }) => { const [start, end] = inputValue; return ( ~ {clearIcon} {inputIcon} ); }; const vcDatePickerProps = mergeProps( { props, on: $listeners, }, pickerChangeHandler, { props: { calendar: calendar, value: value, open: open, prefixCls: `${prefixCls}-picker-container`, }, on: { openChange: this.handleOpenChange, }, style: popupStyle, scopedSlots: { default: input, ...$scopedSlots }, }, ); return ( ); }, };