import type { Ref, App, PropType, VNode, HTMLAttributes, ExtractPropTypes, Plugin, CSSProperties, InjectionKey, } from 'vue'; import { onBeforeMount, ref, defineComponent, onBeforeUnmount, provide, toRef, computed, } from 'vue'; import warning from '../_util/warning'; import type { Breakpoint, ScreenMap } from '../_util/responsiveObserve'; import ResponsiveObserve, { responsiveArray } from '../_util/responsiveObserve'; import Row from './Row'; import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import { cloneElement } from '../_util/vnode'; import { flattenChildren } from '../_util/props-util'; import useConfigInject from '../_util/hooks/useConfigInject'; import type { CustomSlotsType } from '../_util/type'; export const DescriptionsItemProps = { prefixCls: String, label: PropTypes.any, span: Number, }; const descriptionsItemProp = () => ({ prefixCls: String, label: PropTypes.any, labelStyle: { type: Object as PropType, default: undefined as CSSProperties }, contentStyle: { type: Object as PropType, default: undefined as CSSProperties }, span: { type: Number, default: 1 }, }); export type DescriptionsItemProp = Partial< ExtractPropTypes> >; export const DescriptionsItem = defineComponent({ compatConfig: { MODE: 3 }, name: 'ADescriptionsItem', props: descriptionsItemProp(), setup(_, { slots }) { return () => slots.default?.(); }, }); const DEFAULT_COLUMN_MAP: Partial> = { xxxl: 3, xxl: 3, xl: 3, lg: 3, md: 3, sm: 2, xs: 1, }; function getColumn(column: DescriptionsProps['column'], screens: ScreenMap): number { if (typeof column === 'number') { return column; } if (typeof column === 'object') { for (let i = 0; i < responsiveArray.length; i++) { const breakpoint: Breakpoint = responsiveArray[i]; if (screens[breakpoint] && column[breakpoint] !== undefined) { return column[breakpoint] || DEFAULT_COLUMN_MAP[breakpoint]; } } } return 3; } function getFilledItem(node: VNode, span: number | undefined, rowRestCol: number): VNode { let clone = node; if (span === undefined || span > rowRestCol) { clone = cloneElement(node, { span: rowRestCol, }); warning( span === undefined, 'Descriptions', 'Sum of column `span` in a line not match `column` of Descriptions.', ); } return clone; } function getRows(children: VNode[], column: number) { const childNodes = flattenChildren(children); const rows: VNode[][] = []; let tmpRow: VNode[] = []; let rowRestCol = column; childNodes.forEach((node, index) => { const span: number | undefined = node.props?.span; const mergedSpan = span || 1; // Additional handle last one if (index === childNodes.length - 1) { tmpRow.push(getFilledItem(node, span, rowRestCol)); rows.push(tmpRow); return; } if (mergedSpan < rowRestCol) { rowRestCol -= mergedSpan; tmpRow.push(node); } else { tmpRow.push(getFilledItem(node, mergedSpan, rowRestCol)); rows.push(tmpRow); rowRestCol = column; tmpRow = []; } }); return rows; } export const descriptionsProps = () => ({ prefixCls: String, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, size: { type: String as PropType<'default' | 'middle' | 'small'>, default: 'default' }, title: PropTypes.any, extra: PropTypes.any, column: { type: [Number, Object] as PropType>>, default: (): number | Partial> => DEFAULT_COLUMN_MAP, }, layout: String as PropType<'horizontal' | 'vertical'>, colon: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, labelStyle: { type: Object as PropType, default: undefined as CSSProperties }, contentStyle: { type: Object as PropType, default: undefined as CSSProperties }, }); export type DescriptionsProps = HTMLAttributes & Partial>>; export interface DescriptionsContextProp { labelStyle?: Ref; contentStyle?: Ref; } export const descriptionsContext: InjectionKey = Symbol('descriptionsContext'); const Descriptions = defineComponent({ compatConfig: { MODE: 3 }, name: 'ADescriptions', props: descriptionsProps(), slots: Object as CustomSlotsType<{ title?: any; extra?: any; default?: any; }>, Item: DescriptionsItem, setup(props, { slots }) { const { prefixCls, direction } = useConfigInject('descriptions', props); let token: number; const screens = ref({}); onBeforeMount(() => { token = ResponsiveObserve.subscribe(screen => { if (typeof props.column !== 'object') { return; } screens.value = screen; }); }); onBeforeUnmount(() => { ResponsiveObserve.unsubscribe(token); }); provide(descriptionsContext, { labelStyle: toRef(props, 'labelStyle'), contentStyle: toRef(props, 'contentStyle'), }); const mergeColumn = computed(() => getColumn(props.column, screens.value)); return () => { const { size, bordered = false, layout = 'horizontal', colon = true, title = slots.title?.(), extra = slots.extra?.(), } = props; const children = slots.default?.(); const rows = getRows(children, mergeColumn.value); return (
{(title || extra) && (
{title &&
} {extra &&
{, index) => ( ))}
); }; }, }); Descriptions.install = function (app: App) { app.component(, Descriptions); app.component(, Descriptions.Item); return app; }; export default Descriptions as typeof Descriptions & Plugin & { readonly Item: typeof DescriptionsItem; };