import PropTypes from './vue-types'; import switchScrollingEffect from './switchScrollingEffect'; import setStyle from './setStyle'; import Portal from './Portal'; let openCount = 0; const windowIsUndefined = !( typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.document && window.document.createElement ); // // let cacheOverflow = {}; export default { name: 'PortalWrapper', props: { wrapperClassName: PropTypes.string, forceRender: PropTypes.bool, getContainer: PropTypes.any, children: PropTypes.func, visible: PropTypes.bool, }, data() { this._component = null; const { visible } = this.$props; openCount = visible ? openCount + 1 : openCount; return {}; }, updated() { this.setWrapperClassName(); }, watch: { visible(val) { openCount = val ? openCount + 1 : openCount - 1; }, getContainer(getContainer, prevGetContainer) { const getContainerIsFunc = typeof getContainer === 'function' && typeof prevGetContainer === 'function'; if ( getContainerIsFunc ? getContainer.toString() !== prevGetContainer.toString() : getContainer !== prevGetContainer ) { this.removeCurrentContainer(false); } }, }, beforeUnmount() { const { visible } = this.$props; // 离开时不会 render, 导到离开时数值不变,改用 func 。。 openCount = visible && openCount ? openCount - 1 : openCount; this.removeCurrentContainer(visible); }, methods: { getParent() { const { getContainer } = this.$props; if (getContainer) { if (typeof getContainer === 'string') { return document.querySelectorAll(getContainer)[0]; } if (typeof getContainer === 'function') { return getContainer(); } if (typeof getContainer === 'object' && getContainer instanceof window.HTMLElement) { return getContainer; } } return document.body; }, getDomContainer() { if (windowIsUndefined) { return null; } if (!this.container) { this.container = document.createElement('div'); const parent = this.getParent(); if (parent) { parent.appendChild(this.container); } } this.setWrapperClassName(); return this.container; }, setWrapperClassName() { const { wrapperClassName } = this.$props; if (this.container && wrapperClassName && wrapperClassName !== this.container.className) { this.container.className = wrapperClassName; } }, savePortal(c) { // Warning: don't rename _component // this._component = c; }, removeCurrentContainer() { this.container = null; this._component = null; }, /** * Enhance ./switchScrollingEffect * 1. Simulate document body scroll bar with * 2. Record body has overflow style and recover when all of PortalWrapper invisible * 3. Disable body scroll when PortalWrapper has open * * @memberof PortalWrapper */ switchScrollingEffect() { if (openCount === 1 && !Object.keys(cacheOverflow).length) { switchScrollingEffect(); // Must be set after switchScrollingEffect cacheOverflow = setStyle({ overflow: 'hidden', overflowX: 'hidden', overflowY: 'hidden', }); } else if (!openCount) { setStyle(cacheOverflow); cacheOverflow = {}; switchScrollingEffect(true); } }, }, render() { const { children, forceRender, visible } = this.$props; let portal = null; const childProps = { getOpenCount: () => openCount, getContainer: this.getDomContainer, switchScrollingEffect: this.switchScrollingEffect, }; if (forceRender || visible || this._component) { portal = ( <Portal getContainer={this.getDomContainer} children={children(childProps)} ref={this.savePortal} ></Portal> ); } return portal; }, };