import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { asyncExpect, sleep } from '@/tests/utils'; import KeyCode from '../../_util/KeyCode'; import copy from '../../_util/copy-to-clipboard'; import Typography from '../Typography'; import Title from '../Title'; import Paragraph from '../Paragraph'; import Link from '../Link'; import mountTest from '../../../tests/shared/mountTest'; import { nextTick, createTextVNode } from 'vue'; const Base = Typography.Base; describe('Typography', () => { mountTest(Paragraph); mountTest(Base); mountTest(Title); mountTest(Link); const LINE_STR_COUNT = 20; const errorSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {}); // Mock offsetHeight const originOffsetHeight = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLElement.prototype, 'offsetHeight') .get; Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'offsetHeight', { get() { let html = this.innerHTML; html = html.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, ''); const lines = Math.ceil(html.length / LINE_STR_COUNT); return lines * 16; }, }); // Mock getComputedStyle const originGetComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle; window.getComputedStyle = ele => { const style = originGetComputedStyle(ele); style.lineHeight = '16px'; return style; }; afterEach(() => { errorSpy.mockReset(); }); afterAll(() => { errorSpy.mockRestore(); Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'offsetHeight', { get: originOffsetHeight, }); window.getComputedStyle = originGetComputedStyle; }); describe('Base', () => { describe('trigger ellipsis update', () => { const fullStr = 'Bamboo is Little Light Bamboo is Little Light Bamboo is Little Light Bamboo is Little Light Bamboo is Little Light'; it('should trigger update', async () => { const onEllipsis = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount(Base, { props: { ellipsis: { onEllipsis }, component: 'p', editable: true, content: fullStr, }, }); await sleep(20); expect(wrapper.text()).toEqual('Bamboo is Little ...'); expect(onEllipsis).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true); onEllipsis.mockReset(); wrapper.setProps({ ellipsis: { rows: 2, onEllipsis } }); await sleep(20); expect(wrapper.text()).toEqual('Bamboo is Little Light Bamboo is Litt...'); expect(onEllipsis).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); wrapper.setProps({ ellipsis: { rows: 99, onEllipsis } }); await sleep(20); expect(wrapper.find('p').text()).toEqual(fullStr); expect(onEllipsis).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false); }); it('should middle ellipsis', async () => { const suffix = '--suffix'; const wrapper = mount(Base, { props: { ellipsis: { rows: 1, suffix, }, component: 'p', content: fullStr, }, }); await sleep(20); expect(wrapper.find('p').text()).toEqual('Bamboo is...--suffix'); }); it('should front or middle ellipsis', async () => { const suffix = '--The information is very important'; const wrapper = mount(Base, { props: { ellipsis: { rows: 1, suffix, }, component: 'p', content: fullStr, }, }); await sleep(20); expect(wrapper.find('p').text()).toEqual('...--The information is very important'); wrapper.setProps({ ellipsis: { rows: 2, suffix } }); await sleep(20); expect(wrapper.find('p').text()).toEqual('Ba...--The information is very important'); wrapper.setProps({ ellipsis: { rows: 99, suffix } }); await sleep(20); expect(wrapper.find('p').text()).toEqual(fullStr + suffix); }); // it('connect children', async () => { // const bamboo = 'Bamboo'; // const is = ' is '; // const wrapper = mount(Base, { // props: { // ellipsis: true, // component: 'p', // editable: true, // }, // slots: { // default: [ // createTextVNode(bamboo), // createTextVNode(is), // createVNode('code', null, 'Little'), // createVNode('code', null, 'Light'), // ], // }, // }); // await sleep(20); // expect(wrapper.find('span').text()).toEqual('Bamboo is Little...'); // }); it('should expandable work', async () => { const onExpand = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount(Base, { props: { ellipsis: { expandable: true, onExpand, }, component: 'p', copyable: true, editable: true, content: fullStr, }, }); await sleep(20); wrapper.find('.ant-typography-expand').trigger('click'); expect(onExpand).toHaveBeenCalled(); await sleep(20); expect(wrapper.find('p').text()).toEqual(fullStr); }); it('should have custom expand style', async () => { const symbol = 'more'; const wrapper = mount(Base, { props: { ellipsis: { expandable: true, symbol, }, component: 'p', content: fullStr, }, }); await sleep(20); expect(wrapper.find('.ant-typography-expand').text()).toEqual('more'); }); it('can use css ellipsis', async () => { const wrapper = mount(Base, { props: { ellipsis: true, component: 'p', }, }); await sleep(20); expect(wrapper.findAll('.ant-typography-ellipsis-single-line').length).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('copyable', () => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function copyTest(name, text, target, icon) { it(name, async () => { jest.useFakeTimers(); const onCopy = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount(Base, { props: { component: 'p', copyable: { text, onCopy }, }, slots: { default: [createTextVNode('test copy')], copyableIcon: icon ? () => icon : undefined, }, }); if (icon) { expect(wrapper.findAll('.anticon-smile').length).toBeTruthy(); } else { expect(wrapper.findAll('.anticon-copy').length).toBeTruthy(); } wrapper.find('.ant-typography-copy').trigger('click'); await asyncExpect(() => { expect(copy.lastStr).toEqual(target); }); await asyncExpect(() => { expect(onCopy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); expect(wrapper.findAll('.anticon-check').length).toBeTruthy(); jest.runAllTimers(); // Will set back when 3 seconds pass await nextTick(); expect(wrapper.findAll('.anticon-check').length).toBeFalsy(); jest.useRealTimers(); }); } //copyTest('basic copy', undefined, 'test copy'); //copyTest('customize copy', 'bamboo', 'bamboo'); }); describe('editable', async () => { function testStep(name, submitFunc, expectFunc) { fit(name, async () => { const onStart = jest.fn(); const onChange = jest.fn(); const className = 'test'; const Component = { setup() { return () => ( Bamboo ); }, }; const wrapper = mount(Component, { props: { editable: { onChange, onStart }, }, }); // Should have class const component = wrapper.find('div'); expect('red'); expect(component.classes()).toContain(className); wrapper.find('.ant-typography-edit').trigger('click'); await sleep(20); expect(onStart).toHaveBeenCalled(); await sleep(20); wrapper.find('textarea').element.value = 'Bamboo'; //wrapper.find('textarea').trigger('change'); if (submitFunc) { submitFunc(wrapper); } else { return; } if (expectFunc) { expectFunc(onChange); } else { expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Bamboo'); expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); } }); } await testStep('by key up', async wrapper => { // Not trigger when inComposition wrapper.find('textarea').trigger('compositionstart'); wrapper.find('textarea').trigger('keydown', { keyCode: KeyCode.ENTER }); wrapper.find('textarea').trigger('compositionend'); wrapper.find('textarea').trigger('keyup', { keyCode: KeyCode.ENTER }); // // Now trigger wrapper.find('textarea').trigger('keydown', { keyCode: KeyCode.ENTER }); await sleep(); wrapper.find('textarea').trigger('keyup', { keyCode: KeyCode.ENTER }); }); await testStep( 'by esc key', async wrapper => { wrapper.find('textarea').trigger('keydown', { keyCode: KeyCode.ESC }); await sleep(); wrapper.find('textarea').trigger('keyup', { keyCode: KeyCode.ESC }); }, onChange => { expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }, ); await testStep('by blur', wrapper => { wrapper.find('textarea').trigger('blur'); }); }); it('should focus at the end of textarea', async () => { const wrapper = mount(Paragraph, { props: { editable: true, content: 'content', }, }); await sleep(); wrapper.find('.ant-typography-edit').trigger('click'); await sleep(); const textareaNode = wrapper.find('textarea').element; expect(textareaNode.selectionStart).toBe(7); expect(textareaNode.selectionEnd).toBe(7); }); }); });