category: Components
cols: 1
type: Data Display
title: Table
A table displays rows of data.
## When To Use
- To display a collection of structured data.
- To sort, search, paginate, filter data.
## How To Use
Specify `dataSource` of Table as an array of data.
const dataSource = [{
key: '1',
name: 'Mike',
age: 32,
address: '10 Downing Street'
}, {
key: '2',
name: 'John',
age: 42,
address: '10 Downing Street'
const columns = [{
title: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'name',
key: 'name',
}, {
title: 'Age',
dataIndex: 'age',
key: 'age',
}, {
title: 'Address',
dataIndex: 'address',
key: 'address',
## API
### Table
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
| bordered | Whether to show all table borders | boolean | `false` |
| columns | Columns of table | [ColumnProps](https://git.io/vMMXC)\[] | - |
| components | Override default table elements | object | - |
| dataSource | Data record array to be displayed | any\[] | - |
| defaultExpandAllRows | Expand all rows initially | boolean | `false` |
| defaultExpandedRowKeys | Initial expanded row keys | string\[] | - |
| expandedRowKeys | Current expanded row keys | string\[] | - |
| expandedRowRender | Expanded container render for each row | Function(record):ReactNode | - |
| expandRowByClick | Whether to expand row by clicking anywhere in the whole row | boolean | `false` |
| footer | Table footer renderer | Function(currentPageData) | |
| indentSize | Indent size in pixels of tree data | number | 15 |
| loading | Loading status of table | boolean\|[object](https://ant.design/components/spin-cn/#API) ([more](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/4544#issuecomment-271533135)) | `false` |
| locale | i18n text including filter, sort, empty text, etc | object | filterConfirm: 'Ok'
filterReset: 'Reset'
emptyText: 'No Data'
[Default](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/575#issuecomment-159169511) |
| pagination | Pagination [config](/components/pagination/), hide it by setting it to `false` | object | |
| rowClassName | Row's className | Function(record, index):string | - |
| rowKey | Row's unique key, could be a string or function that returns a string | string\|Function(record):string | `key` |
| rowSelection | Row selection [config](#rowSelection) | object | null |
| scroll | Whether table can be scrolled in x/y direction, `x` or `y` can be a number that indicates the width and height of table body | object | - |
| showHeader | Whether to show table header | boolean | `true` |
| size | Size of table | `default` \| `middle` \| `small` | `default` |
| title | Table title renderer | Function(currentPageData) | |
| onChange | Callback executed when pagination, filters or sorter is changed | Function(pagination, filters, sorter) | |
| onExpand | Callback executed when the row expand icon is clicked | Function(expanded, record) | |
| onExpandedRowsChange | Callback executed when the expanded rows change | Function(expandedRows) | |
| onHeaderRow | Set props on per header row | Function(column, index) | - |
| onRow | Set props on per row | Function(record, index) | - |
#### onRow usage
Same as `onRow` `onHeaderRow` `onCell` `onHeaderCell`
return {
onClick: () => {}, // click row
onMouseEnter: () => {}, // mouse enter row
onHeaderRow={(column) => {
return {
onClick: () => {}, // click header row
### Column
One of the Table `columns` prop for describing the table's columns, Column has the same API.
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
| className | className of this column | string | - |
| colSpan | Span of this column's title | number | |
| dataIndex | Display field of the data record, could be set like `a.b.c` | string | - |
| defaultSortOrder | Default order of sorted values: `'ascend'` `'descend'` `null` | string | - |
| filterDropdown | Customized filter overlay | ReactNode | - |
| filterDropdownVisible | Whether `filterDropdown` is visible | boolean | - |
| filtered | Whether the `dataSource` is filtered | boolean | `false` |
| filteredValue | Controlled filtered value, filter icon will highlight | string\[] | - |
| filterIcon | Customized filter icon | ReactNode | `false` |
| filterMultiple | Whether multiple filters can be selected | boolean | `true` |
| filters | Filter menu config | object\[] | - |
| fixed | Set column to be fixed: `true`(same as left) `'left'` `'right'` | boolean\|string | `false` |
| key | Unique key of this column, you can ignore this prop if you've set a unique `dataIndex` | string | - |
| render | Renderer of the table cell. The return value should be a ReactNode, or an object for [colSpan/rowSpan config](#components-table-demo-colspan-rowspan) | Function(text, record, index) {} | - |
| sorter | Sort function for local sort, see [Array.sort](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort)'s compareFunction. If you need sort buttons only, set to `true` | Function\|boolean | - |
| sortOrder | Order of sorted values: `'ascend'` `'descend'` `false` | boolean\|string | - |
| title | Title of this column | string\|ReactNode | - |
| width | Width of this column | string\|number | - |
| onCell | Set props on per cell | Function(record) | - |
| onFilter | Callback executed when the confirm filter button is clicked | Function | - |
| onFilterDropdownVisibleChange | Callback executed when `filterDropdownVisible` is changed | function(visible) {} | - |
| onHeaderCell | Set props on per header cell | Function(column) | - |
### ColumnGroup
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
| title | Title of the column group | string\|ReactNode | - |
### rowSelection
Properties for row selection.
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
| fixed | Fixed selection column on the left | boolean | - |
| getCheckboxProps | Get Checkbox or Radio props | Function(record) | - |
| hideDefaultSelections | Remove the default `Select All` and `Select Invert` selections | boolean | `false` |
| selectedRowKeys | Controlled selected row keys | string\[] | \[] |
| selections | Custom selection [config](#rowSelection), only displays default selections when set to `true` | object\[]\|boolean | - |
| type | `checkbox` or `radio` | `checkbox` \| `radio` | `checkbox` |
| onChange | Callback executed when selected rows change | Function(selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) | - |
| onSelect | Callback executed when select/deselect one row | Function(record, selected, selectedRows) | - |
| onSelectAll | Callback executed when select/deselect all rows | Function(selected, selectedRows, changeRows) | - |
| onSelectInvert | Callback executed when row selection is inverted | Function(selectedRows) | - |
### selection
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
| key | Unique key of this selection | string | - |
| text | Display text of this selection | string\|React.ReactNode | - |
| onSelect | Callback executed when this selection is clicked | Function(changeableRowKeys) | - |
## Using in TypeScript
import { Table } from 'antd';
import { ColumnProps } from 'antd/lib/table';
interface IUser {
key: number,
name: string;
const columns: ColumnProps[] = [{
key: 'name',
title: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'name',
const data: IUser[] = [{
key: 0,
name: 'Jack',
class UserTable extends Table {}
// Use JSX style API
class NameColumn extends Table.Column {}
## Note
According to [React documentation](https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/lists-and-keys.html#keys), every child in array should be assigned a unique key. The values inside `dataSource` and `columns` should follow this in Table, and `dataSource[i].key` would be treated as key value default for `dataSource`.
If `dataSource[i].key` is not provided, then you should specify the primary key of dataSource value via `rowKey`. If not, warnings like above will show in browser console.

// primary key is uid
return ;
// or