// Project: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue // Definitions by: akki-jat // Definitions: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue/types import { DatepickerMethod, DatepickerProps } from './common'; import { Moment } from 'moment'; import { VNodeChild } from 'vue'; declare class RangePickerProps extends DatepickerProps { /** * to set default date * @type [Moment, Moment] */ defaultValue?: [Moment, Moment] | [string, string]; /** * to set default picker date * @type [Moment, Moment] */ defaultPickerValue?: [Moment, Moment] | [string, string]; /** * to specify the time that cannot be selected * @type Function */ disabledTime?: (dates: [Moment, Moment], partial: 'start' | 'end') => any; /** * to set the date format, refer to moment.js * @default 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss' * @type string * @see http://momentjs.com */ format?: string; /** * preseted ranges for quick selection * @type object */ ranges?: { [range: string]: Moment[] } | { [range: string]: () => Moment[] }; /** * render extra footer in panel by setting a scoped slot * @type any (slot="renderExtraFooter") */ renderExtraFooter?: Function | VNodeChild | JSX.Element; /** * set separator between inputs * @default '~' * @version 1.5.0 */ separator?: string; /** * to provide an additional time selection * showTime.defaultValue to set default time of selected date - type Moment[] * @default TimePicker Options * @type object | boolean */ showTime?: object | boolean; /** * to set date * @type [Moment, Moment] */ value?: [Moment, Moment] | [string, string]; /** * a callback function, can be executed when the start time or the end time of the range is changing */ onCalendarChange?: ( dates?: [Moment, Moment] | [string, string], dateStrings?: [string, string], ) => void; /** * a callback function, can be executed when the selected time is changing */ onChange?: (dates?: [Moment, Moment] | [string, string], dateStrings?: [string, string]) => void; /** * callback when click ok button */ onOk?: (dates?: [Moment, Moment] | [string, string]) => void; } export declare class RangePicker extends DatepickerMethod { $props: RangePickerProps; }