// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`renders ./antdv-demo/docs/result/demo/403.md correctly 1`] = `
Sorry, you are not authorized to access this page.
`; exports[`renders ./antdv-demo/docs/result/demo/404.md correctly 1`] = `
Sorry, the page you visited does not exist.
`; exports[`renders ./antdv-demo/docs/result/demo/500.md correctly 1`] = `
Sorry, the server is wrong.
`; exports[`renders ./antdv-demo/docs/result/demo/customIcon.md correctly 1`] = `
Great, we have done all the operations!
`; exports[`renders ./antdv-demo/docs/result/demo/error.md correctly 1`] = `
Submission Failed
Please check and modify the following information before resubmitting.

The content you submitted has the following error:

Your account has been frozen Thaw immediately >

Your account is not yet eligible to apply Apply Unlock >

`; exports[`renders ./antdv-demo/docs/result/demo/info.md correctly 1`] = `
Your operation has been executed
`; exports[`renders ./antdv-demo/docs/result/demo/success.md correctly 1`] = `
Successfully Purchased Cloud Server ECS!
Order number: 2017182818828182881 Cloud server configuration takes 1-5 minutes, please wait.
`; exports[`renders ./antdv-demo/docs/result/demo/warning.md correctly 1`] = `
There are some problems with your operation.