## API ````html <a-auto-complete :dataSource="dataSource" /> ```` | Property | Description | Type | Default | | -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------- | | allowClear | Show clear button, effective in multiple mode only. | boolean | false | | autoFocus | get focus when component mounted | boolean | false | | backfill | backfill selected item the input when using keyboard | boolean | false | | slot="default" (for customize input element) | customize input element | HTMLInputElement / HTMLTextAreaElement | `<Input />` | | dataSource | Data source for autocomplete | slot \| [DataSourceItemType](https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design/blob/724d53b907e577cf5880c1e6742d4c3f924f8f49/components/auto-complete/index.vue#L9)\[] | | | defaultActiveFirstOption | Whether active first option by default | boolean | true | | defaultValue | Initial selected option. | string\|string\[]\|{ key: string, label: string\|vNodes }\|Array<{ key: string, label: string\|vNodes }> | - | | disabled | Whether disabled select | boolean | false | | filterOption | If true, filter options by input, if function, filter options against it. The function will receive two arguments, `inputValue` and `option`, if the function returns `true`, the option will be included in the filtered set; Otherwise, it will be excluded. | boolean or function(inputValue, option) | true | | optionLabelProp | Which prop value of option will render as content of select. | string | `children` | | placeholder | placeholder of input | string | - | | value(v-model) | selected option | string\|string\[]\|{ key: string, label: string\|vNodes }\|Array<{ key: string, label: string\|vNodes }> | - | ### events | Events Name | Description | Arguments | | --- | --- | --- | | onChange | Called when select an option or input value change, or value of input is changed | function(value) | - | | onSearch | Called when searching items. | function(value) | - | | onSelect | Called when a option is selected. param is option's value and option instance. | function(value, option) | - | ## Methods | Name | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | blur() | remove focus | | focus() | get focus |