feat: table add filterMode...
@ -158,10 +158,12 @@ export const tableProps = () => {
default: undefined,
indentSize: { type: Number as PropType<TableProps['indentSize']>, default: undefined },
/** @deprecated Please use `EXPAND_COLUMN` in `columns` directly */
expandIconColumnIndex: {
type: Number as PropType<TableProps['expandIconColumnIndex']>,
default: undefined,
showExpandColumn: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
expandedRowClassName: {
type: Function as PropType<TableProps['expandedRowClassName']>,
default: undefined,
@ -494,6 +496,7 @@ const InteralTable = defineComponent<
const expandIconColumnIndex = computed(() => {
if (props.showExpandColumn === false) return -1;
// Adjust expand icon index, no overwrite expandIconColumnIndex if set.
if (expandType.value === 'nest' && props.expandIconColumnIndex === undefined) {
return props.rowSelection ? 1 : 0;
@ -32,14 +32,10 @@ import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import type { TableColumnType } from 'ant-design-vue';
// In the fifth row, other columns are merged into first column
// by setting it's colSpan to be 0
const renderContent = ({ index }: any) => {
const obj = {
props: {} as any,
const sharedOnCell = (_, index) => {
if (index === 4) {
obj.props.colSpan = 0;
return { colSpan: 0 };
return obj;
const data = [
@ -91,53 +87,42 @@ export default defineComponent({
title: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'name',
customRender: ({ index }) => {
if (index < 4) {
return {
props: {
colSpan: 5,
customCell: (_, index) => ({
colSpan: index < 4 ? 1 : 5,
title: 'Age',
dataIndex: 'age',
customRender: renderContent,
customCell: sharedOnCell,
title: 'Home phone',
colSpan: 2,
dataIndex: 'tel',
customRender: ({ index }) => {
const obj = {
props: {} as any,
customCell: (_, index) => {
if (index === 2) {
obj.props.rowSpan = 2;
return { rowSpan: 2 };
// These two are merged into above cell
if (index === 3) {
obj.props.rowSpan = 0;
return { rowSpan: 0 };
if (index === 4) {
obj.props.colSpan = 0;
return { colSpan: 0 };
return obj;
title: 'Phone',
colSpan: 0,
dataIndex: 'phone',
customRender: renderContent,
customCell: sharedOnCell,
title: 'Address',
dataIndex: 'address',
customRender: renderContent,
customCell: sharedOnCell,
return {
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Table with editable rows.
<template v-else-if="column.dataIndex === 'operation'">
<div class="editable-row-operations">
<span v-if="editableData[record.key]">
<a @click="save(record.key)">Save</a>
<a-typography-link @click="save(record.key)">Save</a-typography-link>
<a-popconfirm title="Sure to cancel?" @confirm="cancel(record.key)">
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
order: 6.1
version: 3.0
en-US: Filter in Tree
zh-CN: 树型筛选菜单
## zh-CN
可以使用 `filterMode` 来修改筛选菜单的 UI,可选值有 `menu`(默认)和 `tree`。
> `filterSearch` 用于开启筛选项的搜索。
## en-US
You can use `filterMode` to change default filter interface, options: `menu`(default) and `tree`.
> `filterSearch` is used for making filter dropdown items searchable.
<a-table :columns="columns" :data-source="data" @change="onChange"></a-table>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import type { TableProps } from 'ant-design-vue';
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const columns: TableProps['columns'] = [
title: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'name',
filters: [
text: 'Joe',
value: 'Joe',
text: 'Category 1',
value: 'Category 1',
children: [
text: 'Yellow',
value: 'Yellow',
text: 'Pink',
value: 'Pink',
text: 'Category 2',
value: 'Category 2',
children: [
text: 'Green',
value: 'Green',
text: 'Black',
value: 'Black',
filterMode: 'tree',
filterSearch: true,
onFilter: (value, record) => record.name.includes(value),
width: '30%',
title: 'Age',
dataIndex: 'age',
sorter: (a, b) => a.age - b.age,
title: 'Address',
dataIndex: 'address',
filters: [
text: 'London',
value: 'London',
text: 'New York',
value: 'New York',
onFilter: (value, record) => record.address.startsWith(value),
filterSearch: true,
width: '40%',
const data = [
key: '1',
name: 'John Brown',
age: 32,
address: 'New York No. 1 Lake Park',
key: '2',
name: 'Jim Green',
age: 42,
address: 'London No. 1 Lake Park',
key: '3',
name: 'Joe Black',
age: 32,
address: 'Sidney No. 1 Lake Park',
key: '4',
name: 'Jim Red',
age: 32,
address: 'London No. 2 Lake Park',
function onChange(pagination, filters, sorter, extra) {
console.log('params', pagination, filters, sorter, extra);
return {
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
<Bordered />
<Ellipsis />
<ColspanRowspan />
<CustomFilterPanel />
<EditCell />
<EditRow />
<ExpandChildren />
@ -14,9 +13,10 @@
<FixedColumns />
<FixedHeader />
<GroupingColumns />
<Head />
<MultipleSorter />
<NestedTable />
<Head />
<CustomFilterPanel />
<ResetFilter />
<RowSelectionAndOperation />
<RowSelectionCustom />
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
order: 14.1
version: 3.0
en-US: Order Specific Column
zh-CN: 特殊列排序
## zh-CN
你可以通过 `Table.EXPAND_COLUMN` 和 `Table.SELECT_COLUMN` 来控制选择和展开列的顺序。
## en-US
You can control the order of the expand and select columns by using `Table.EXPAND_COLUMN` and `Table.SELECT_COLUMN`.
<a-table :columns="columns" :data-source="data" :row-selection="{}">
<template #expandedRowRender="{ record }">
<p style="margin: 0">
{{ record.description }}
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import { Table } from 'ant-design-vue';
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const columns = [
{ title: 'Name', dataIndex: 'name', key: 'name' },
{ title: 'Age', dataIndex: 'age', key: 'age' },
{ title: 'Address', dataIndex: 'address', key: 'address' },
const data = [
key: 1,
name: 'John Brown',
age: 32,
address: 'New York No. 1 Lake Park',
'My name is John Brown, I am 32 years old, living in New York No. 1 Lake Park.',
key: 2,
name: 'Jim Green',
age: 42,
address: 'London No. 1 Lake Park',
description: 'My name is Jim Green, I am 42 years old, living in London No. 1 Lake Park.',
key: 3,
name: 'Not Expandable',
age: 29,
address: 'Jiangsu No. 1 Lake Park',
description: 'This not expandable',
key: 4,
name: 'Joe Black',
age: 32,
address: 'Sidney No. 1 Lake Park',
description: 'My name is Joe Black, I am 32 years old, living in Sidney No. 1 Lake Park.',
return {
@ -22,9 +22,15 @@ For long table,need to scroll to view the header and scroll bar,then you can
<template v-if="column.key === 'operation'"><a>action</a></template>
<template #summary>
<a-table-summary :fixed="fixedTop ? 'top' : 'bottom'">
<a-table-summary-cell :index="0" :col-span="2">Fix Left</a-table-summary-cell>
<a-table-summary-cell :index="0" :col-span="2">
checked-children="Fixed Top"
un-checked-children="Fixed Top"
<a-table-summary-cell :index="2" :col-span="8">Scroll Context</a-table-summary-cell>
<a-table-summary-cell :index="10">Fix Right</a-table-summary-cell>
@ -117,6 +123,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
return {
fixedTop: ref(false),
@ -3,10 +3,13 @@ import { renderSlot } from 'vue';
import type { Ref } from 'vue';
import type { ContextSlots } from '../context';
import type { TransformColumns, ColumnsType } from '../interface';
import { SELECTION_COLUMN } from './useSelection';
import { EXPAND_COLUMN } from '../../vc-table';
function fillSlots<RecordType>(columns: ColumnsType<RecordType>, contextSlots: Ref<ContextSlots>) {
const $slots = contextSlots.value;
return columns.map(column => {
if (column === SELECTION_COLUMN || column === EXPAND_COLUMN) return column;
const cloneColumn = { ...column };
const { slots = {} } = cloneColumn;
cloneColumn.__originColumn__ = column;
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import type {
} from '../../interface';
import FilterDropdownMenuWrapper from './FilterWrapper';
import type { FilterState } from '.';
@ -25,6 +26,11 @@ import type { CheckboxChangeEvent, EventHandler } from '../../../_util/EventInte
import FilterSearch from './FilterSearch';
import Tree from '../../../tree';
interface FilterRestProps {
confirm?: Boolean;
closeDropdown?: Boolean;
const { SubMenu, Item: MenuItem } = Menu;
function hasSubMenu(filters: ColumnFilterItem[]) {
@ -44,12 +50,14 @@ function renderFilterItems({
}: {
filters: ColumnFilterItem[];
prefixCls: string;
filteredKeys: Key[];
filterMultiple: boolean;
searchValue: string;
filterSearch: FilterSearchType;
}) {
return filters.map((filter, index) => {
const key = String(filter.value);
@ -67,6 +75,7 @@ function renderFilterItems({
@ -81,6 +90,9 @@ function renderFilterItems({
if (searchValue.trim()) {
if (typeof filterSearch === 'function') {
return filterSearch(searchValue, filter) ? item : undefined;
return searchValueMatched(searchValue, filter.text) ? item : undefined;
return item;
@ -131,7 +143,7 @@ export default defineComponent<FilterDropdownProps<any>>({
(props.filterState.filteredKeys?.length || props.filterState.forceFiltered)
const filterFlattenKeys = computed(() => flattenKeys(props.column?.filters));
const filterDropdownRef = computed(() => {
const { filterDropdown, slots = {}, customFilterDropdown } = props.column;
return (
@ -188,6 +200,8 @@ export default defineComponent<FilterDropdownProps<any>>({
{ immediate: true },
// const expandKeys = shallowRef(filterFlattenKeys.value.slice());
// const onExpandChange = keys => (expandKeys.value = keys);
const openKeys = shallowRef([]);
const openRef = ref();
@ -241,7 +255,15 @@ export default defineComponent<FilterDropdownProps<any>>({
const onReset = () => {
const onReset = (
{ confirm, closeDropdown }: FilterRestProps = { confirm: false, closeDropdown: false },
) => {
if (confirm) {
if (closeDropdown) {
searchValue.value = '';
filteredKeys.value = [];
@ -270,7 +292,7 @@ export default defineComponent<FilterDropdownProps<any>>({
const onCheckAll = (e: CheckboxChangeEvent) => {
if (e.target.checked) {
const allFilterKeys = flattenKeys(props.column?.filters).map(key => String(key));
const allFilterKeys = filterFlattenKeys.value;
filteredKeys.value = allFilterKeys;
} else {
filteredKeys.value = [];
@ -289,6 +311,8 @@ export default defineComponent<FilterDropdownProps<any>>({
return item;
const treeData = computed(() => getTreeData({ filters: props.column.filters }));
// ======================== Style ========================
const dropdownMenuClass = computed(() =>
@ -338,6 +362,10 @@ export default defineComponent<FilterDropdownProps<any>>({
checked={selectedKeys.length === filterFlattenKeys.value.length}
selectedKeys.length > 0 && selectedKeys.length < filterFlattenKeys.value.length
@ -353,9 +381,11 @@ export default defineComponent<FilterDropdownProps<any>>({
treeData={getTreeData({ filters: column.filters })}
// expandedKeys={expandKeys.value as Key[]}
// onExpand={onExpandChange}
? node => searchValueMatched(searchValue.value, node.title)
@ -390,6 +420,7 @@ export default defineComponent<FilterDropdownProps<any>>({
default: () =>
filters: column.filters || [],
filterSearch: filterSearch.value,
filteredKeys: filteredKeys.value,
@ -430,7 +461,7 @@ export default defineComponent<FilterDropdownProps<any>>({
disabled={selectedKeys.length === 0}
onClick={() => onReset()}
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export const SELECTION_COLUMN = {} as const;
export const SELECTION_ALL = 'SELECT_ALL' as const;
export const SELECTION_INVERT = 'SELECT_INVERT' as const;
export const SELECTION_NONE = 'SELECT_NONE' as const;
const EMPTY_LIST: Key[] = [];
interface UseSelectionConfig<RecordType> {
prefixCls: Ref<string>;
pageData: Ref<RecordType[]>;
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ export default function useSelection<RecordType>(
const [mergedSelectedKeys, setMergedSelectedKeys] = useMergedState(
mergedRowSelection.value.selectedRowKeys ||
mergedRowSelection.value.defaultSelectedRowKeys ||
value: computed(() => mergedRowSelection.value.selectedRowKeys),
@ -82,9 +82,10 @@ Specify `dataSource` of Table as an array of data.
| expandFixed | Set column to be fixed: `true`(same as left) `'left'` `'right'` | boolean \| string | false | 3.0 |
| expandIcon | Customize row expand Icon. | Function(props):VNode \| v-slot:expandIcon="props" | - | |
| expandRowByClick | Whether to expand row by clicking anywhere in the whole row | boolean | `false` | |
| expandIconColumnIndex | Customize expand icon column index. Not render when `-1` | 0 | |
| footer | Table footer renderer | Function(currentPageData)\| v-slot:footer="currentPageData" | |
| indentSize | Indent size in pixels of tree data | number | 15 | |
| rowExpandable | Enable row can be expandable | (record) => boolean | - | |
| showExpandColumn | Show expand column | boolean | true | 3.0 |
| loading | Loading status of table | boolean\|[object](/components/spin) | `false` |
| locale | i18n text including filter, sort, empty text, etc | object | filterConfirm: 'Ok' <br /> filterReset: 'Reset' <br /> emptyText: 'No Data' | |
| pagination | Config of pagination. You can ref table pagination [config](#pagination) or full [`pagination`](/components/pagination/) document, hide it by setting it to `false` | object | | |
@ -109,10 +110,6 @@ Specify `dataSource` of Table as an array of data.
| summary | Summary content | v-slot:summary | - | 3.0 |
| transformCellText | The data can be changed again before rendering, generally used for the default configuration of empty data. You can configured globally through [ConfigProvider](/components/config-provider-cn/) | Function({ text, column, record, index }) => any, The `text` here is the data processed by other defined cell api, and it may be of type VNode \| string \| number | - | 1.5.4 | |
- `expandFixed`
- When set to true or `left` and `expandIconColumnIndex` is not set or is 0, enable fixed
- When set to true or `right` and `expandIconColumnIndex` is set to the number of table columns, enable fixed
### Events
| Events Name | Description | Arguments |
@ -166,10 +163,12 @@ One of the Table `columns` prop for describing the table's columns, Column has t
| filteredValue | Controlled filtered value, filter icon will highlight | string\[] | - | |
| filterIcon | Customized filter icon | ({filtered: boolean, column: Column}) | `false` | |
| filterMultiple | Whether multiple filters can be selected | boolean | `true` | |
| filterMode | To specify the filter interface | 'menu' \| 'tree' | 'menu' | 3.0 |
| filterSearch | Whether to be searchable for filter menu | Boolean | false | 3.0 |
| filters | Filter menu config | object\[] | - | |
| fixed | Set column to be fixed: `true`(same as left) `'left'` `'right'` | boolean\|string | `false` | |
| key | Unique key of this column, you can ignore this prop if you've set a unique `dataIndex` | string | - | |
| customRender | Renderer of the table cell. The return value should be a VNode, or an object for colSpan/rowSpan config | Function({text, record, index}) {} | - | |
| customRender | Renderer of the table cell. The return value should be a VNode | Function({text, record, index}) {} | - | |
| responsive | The list of breakpoints at which to display this column. Always visible if not set. | [Breakpoint](#Breakpoint)\[] | - | 3.0 |
| sorter | Sort function for local sort, see [Array.sort](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort)'s compareFunction. If you need sort buttons only, set to `true` | Function\|boolean | - | |
| sortOrder | Order of sorted values: `'ascend'` `'descend'` `false` | boolean\|string | - | |
@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/f-SbcX2Lx/Table.svg
| expandFixed | 控制展开图标是否固定,可选 true `left` `right` | boolean \| string | false | 3.0 |
| expandIcon | 自定义展开图标 | Function(props):VNode \| v-slot:expandIcon="props" | - | |
| expandRowByClick | 通过点击行来展开子行 | boolean | `false` | |
| expandIconColumnIndex | 自定义展开按钮的列顺序,`-1` 时不展示 | number | - | |
| footer | 表格尾部 | Function(currentPageData)\|v-slot:footer="currentPageData" | | |
| getPopupContainer | 设置表格内各类浮层的渲染节点,如筛选菜单 | (triggerNode) => HTMLElement | `() => TableHtmlElement` | 1.5.0 |
| loading | 页面是否加载中 | boolean\|[object](/components/spin-cn) | false | |
@ -105,6 +104,7 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/f-SbcX2Lx/Table.svg
| title | 表格标题 | Function(currentPageData)\|v-slot:title="currentPageData" | | |
| indentSize | 展示树形数据时,每层缩进的宽度,以 px 为单位 | number | 15 | |
| rowExpandable | 设置是否允许行展开 | (record) => boolean | - | 3.0 |
| showExpandColumn | 设置是否展示行展开列 | boolean | true | 3.0 |
| customHeaderRow | 设置头部行属性 | Function(columns, index) | - | |
| customRow | 设置行属性 | Function(record, index) | - | |
| headerCell | 个性化头部单元格 | v-slot:headerCell="{title, column}" | - | 3.0 |
@ -115,10 +115,6 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/f-SbcX2Lx/Table.svg
| summary | 总结栏 | v-slot:summary | - | 3.0 |
| transformCellText | 数据渲染前可以再次改变,一般用于空数据的默认配置,可以通过 [ConfigProvider](/components/config-provider-cn/) 全局统一配置 | Function({ text, column, record, index }) => any,此处的 text 是经过其它定义单元格 api 处理后的数据,有可能是 VNode \| string \| number 类型 | - | 1.5.4 |
- `expandFixed`
- 当设置为 true 或 `left` 且 `expandIconColumnIndex` 未设置或为 0 时,开启固定
- 当设置为 true 或 `right` 且 `expandIconColumnIndex` 设置为表格列数时,开启固定
### 事件
| 事件名称 | 说明 | 回调参数 |
@ -171,10 +167,12 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/f-SbcX2Lx/Table.svg
| filteredValue | 筛选的受控属性,外界可用此控制列的筛选状态,值为已筛选的 value 数组 | string\[] | - | |
| filterIcon | 自定义 filter 图标。 | VNode \| ({filtered: boolean, column: Column}) => vNode | false | |
| filterMultiple | 是否多选 | boolean | true | |
| filterMode | 指定筛选菜单的用户界面 | 'menu' \| 'tree' | 'menu' | 3.0 |
| filterSearch | 筛选菜单项是否可搜索 | Boolean | false | 3.0 |
| filters | 表头的筛选菜单项 | object\[] | - | |
| fixed | 列是否固定,可选 `true`(等效于 left) `'left'` `'right'` | boolean\|string | false | |
| key | Vue 需要的 key,如果已经设置了唯一的 `dataIndex`,可以忽略这个属性 | string | - | |
| customRender | 生成复杂数据的渲染函数,参数分别为当前行的值,当前行数据,行索引,@return 里面可以设置表格行/列合并,可参考 demo 表格行/列合并 | Function({text, record, index, column}) {} | - | |
| customRender | 生成复杂数据的渲染函数,参数分别为当前行的值,当前行数据,行索引 | Function({text, record, index, column}) {} | - | |
| responsive | 响应式 breakpoint 配置列表。未设置则始终可见。 | [Breakpoint](#Breakpoint)\[] | - | 3.0 |
| showSorterTooltip | 表头显示下一次排序的 tooltip 提示, 覆盖 table 中 `showSorterTooltip` | boolean \| [Tooltip props](/components/tooltip/#API) | true | |
| sorter | 排序函数,本地排序使用一个函数(参考 [Array.sort](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort) 的 compareFunction),需要服务端排序可设为 true | Function\|boolean | - | |
@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ export type ColumnTitle<RecordType> = VueNode | ((props: ColumnTitleProps<Record
export type FilterValue = (Key | boolean)[];
export type FilterKey = Key[] | null;
export type FilterSearchType = boolean | ((input: string, record: {}) => boolean);
export interface FilterConfirmProps {
closeDropdown: boolean;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import classNames from '../../_util/classNames';
import { flattenChildren, isValidElement, parseStyleText } from '../../_util/props-util';
import type { CSSProperties, TdHTMLAttributes } from 'vue';
import type { CSSProperties } from 'vue';
import { computed, defineComponent, isVNode, renderSlot } from 'vue';
import type {
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import type {
} from '../interface';
import { getPathValue, validateValue } from '../utils/valueUtil';
import { useInjectSlots } from '../../table/context';
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ export interface CellProps<RecordType = DefaultRecordType> {
/** @private Used for `expandable` with nest tree */
appendNode?: any;
additionalProps?: TdHTMLAttributes;
additionalProps?: AdditionalProps;
rowType?: 'header' | 'body' | 'footer';
@ -106,10 +107,18 @@ export default defineComponent<CellProps>({
const contextSlots = useInjectSlots();
const { onHover, startRow, endRow } = useInjectHover();
const colSpan = computed(() => {
return props.colSpan ?? (props.additionalProps?.colspan as number);
return (
props.colSpan ??
props.additionalProps?.colSpan ??
(props.additionalProps?.colspan as number)
const rowSpan = computed(() => {
return props.rowSpan ?? (props.additionalProps?.rowspan as number);
return (
props.rowSpan ??
props.additionalProps?.rowSpan ??
(props.additionalProps?.rowspan as number)
const hovering = computed(() => {
const { index } = props;
@ -43,9 +43,7 @@ export default defineComponent<SummaryCellProps>({
customRender={() => ({
children: slots.default?.(),
customRender={() => slots.default?.()}
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ export interface TableProps<RecordType = DefaultRecordType> {
defaultExpandAllRows?: boolean;
indentSize?: number;
expandIconColumnIndex?: number;
showExpandColumn?: boolean;
expandedRowClassName?: RowClassName<RecordType>;
childrenColumnName?: string;
rowExpandable?: (record: RecordType) => boolean;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
* - onFilterDropdownVisibleChange
import type { CSSProperties, HTMLAttributes, Ref, TdHTMLAttributes } from 'vue';
import type { CSSProperties, Ref, TdHTMLAttributes } from 'vue';
export type Key = number | string;
@ -132,13 +132,16 @@ export interface StickyOffsets {
right: readonly number[];
isSticky?: boolean;
export type AdditionalProps = TdHTMLAttributes & {
colSpan?: number;
rowSpan?: number;
// ================= Customized =================
export type GetComponentProps<DataType> = (
data: DataType,
index?: number,
column?: ColumnType<any>,
) => Omit<HTMLAttributes | TdHTMLAttributes, 'style'> & { style?: CSSProperties };
) => AdditionalProps;
// type Component<P> = DefineComponent<P> | FunctionalComponent<P> | string;
@ -195,9 +198,11 @@ export interface LegacyExpandableProps<RecordType> {
defaultExpandAllRows?: boolean;
indentSize?: number;
/** @deprecated Please use `EXPAND_COLUMN` in `columns` directly */
expandIconColumnIndex?: number;
showExpandColumn?: boolean;
expandedRowClassName?: RowClassName<RecordType>;
childrenColumnName?: string;
Reference in New Issue