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+++ b/components/form/demo/advanced-search.vue
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Three columns layout is often used for advanced searching of data table.
Because the width of label is not fixed, you may need to adjust it by customizing its style.
diff --git a/components/form/demo/customized-form-controls.md b/components/form/demo/customized-form-controls.vue
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--- a/components/form/demo/customized-form-controls.md
+++ b/components/form/demo/customized-form-controls.vue
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Customized or third-party form controls can be used in Form, too. Controls must
> * It must be a class component.
diff --git a/components/form/demo/dynamic-form-item.md b/components/form/demo/dynamic-form-item.vue
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@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
Add or remove form items dynamically.
diff --git a/components/form/demo/form-in-modal.md b/components/form/demo/form-in-modal.vue
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@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
When user visit a page with a list of items, and want to create a new item. The page can popup a form in Modal, then let user fill in the form to create an item.
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@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
#### Store Form Data into Upper Component
We can store form data into upper component.
You must wrap field data with `Form.createFormField` in `mapPropsToFields`.
The properties passed by the upper component must be declared in the props of `Form.create({ props: ...})`.
diff --git a/components/form/demo/index.vue b/components/form/demo/index.vue
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@@ -1,25 +1,37 @@
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index 174c860f4..80ce03c6b 100644
--- a/components/form/demo/layout.md
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@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
There are three layout for form: `horizontal`, `vertical`, `inline`.
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ There are three layout for form: `horizontal`, `vertical`, `inline`.
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@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
Normal login form which can contain more elements.
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3dc8fdc54..000000000
--- a/components/form/demo/test.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
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@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
the `value` of time-related components is `moment`. So, we need to pre-process those values.
diff --git a/components/form/demo/validate-other.md b/components/form/demo/validate-other.vue
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--- a/components/form/demo/validate-other.md
+++ b/components/form/demo/validate-other.vue
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
Demostration for validataion configuration for form controls which are not show in the above demos.
diff --git a/components/form/demo/without-form-create.md b/components/form/demo/without-form-create.vue
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@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
`Form.create` will collect and validate form data automatically. But if you don't need this feature or the default behaviour cannot satisfy your business, you can drop `Form.create` and handle form data manually.
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--- a/components/form/index.en-US.md
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@@ -1,29 +1,31 @@
## API
### Form
-**more example [rc-form](http://react-component.github.io/form/)**。
| Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------------- |
-| form | Decorated by `Form.create()` will be automatically set `this.props.form` property, so just pass to form, you don't need to set it by yourself after 1.7.0. | object | n/a |
+| form | Decorated by `Form.create()` will be automatically set `this.form` property, so just pass to form, you don't need to set it by yourself after 1.7.0. | object | n/a |
| hideRequiredMark | Hide required mark of all form items | Boolean | false |
| layout | Define form layout(Support after 2.8) | 'horizontal'\|'vertical'\|'inline' | 'horizontal' |
-| onSubmit | Defines a function will be called if form data validation is successful. | Function(e:Event) | |
+### Events
+| Events Name | Description | Arguments |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| submit | Defines a function will be called if form data validation is successful. | Function(e:Event) |
### Form.create(options)
How to use:
-class CustomizedForm extends React.Component {}
+const CustomizedForm = {}
CustomizedForm = Form.create({})(CustomizedForm);
@@ -32,12 +34,13 @@ The following `options` are available:
| Property | Description | Type |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- |
+| props | declare props on form(和[like vue props]( https://vuejs.org/v2/api/#props)) | {} |
| mapPropsToFields | Convert props to field value(e.g. reading the values from Redux store). And you must mark returned fields with [`Form.createFormField`](#Form.createFormField) | (props) => Object{ fieldName: FormField { value } } |
| validateMessages | Default validate message. And its format is similar with [newMessages](https://github.com/yiminghe/async-validator/blob/master/src/messages.js)'s returned value | Object { [nested.path]: String } |
| onFieldsChange | Specify a function that will be called when the value a `Form.Item` gets changed. Usage example: saving the field's value to Redux store. | Function(props, fields) |
| onValuesChange | A handler while value of any field is changed | (props, values) => void |
-If the form has been decorated by `Form.create` then it has `this.props.form` property. `this.props.form` provides some APIs as follows:
+If the form has been decorated by `Form.create` then it has `this.form` property. `this.form` provides some APIs as follows:
> Note: Before using `getFieldsValue` `getFieldValue` `setFieldsValue` and so on, please make sure that corresponding field had been registered with `getFieldDecorator`.
@@ -52,13 +55,13 @@ If the form has been decorated by `Form.create` then it has `this.props.form` pr
| isFieldTouched | Check whether a field is touched by `getFieldDecorator`'s `options.trigger` event | (name: string) => boolean |
| isFieldValidating | Check if the specified field is being validated. | Function(name) |
| resetFields | Reset the specified fields' value(to `initialValue`) and status. If you don't specify a parameter, all the fields will be reset. | Function(\[names: string\[]]) |
-| setFields | Set the value and error of a field. [Code Sample](https://github.com/react-component/form/blob/3b9959b57ab30b41d8890ff30c79a7e7c383cad3/examples/server-validate.js#L74-L79) | Function({ [fieldName]: { value: any, errors: [Error] } }) |
+| setFields | Set the value and error of a field. | Function({ [fieldName]: { value: any, errors: [Error] } }) |
| setFields | | Function(obj: object) |
-| setFieldsValue | Set the value of a field.(Note: please don't use it in `componentWillReceiveProps`, otherwise, it will cause an endless loop, [more](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/2985)) | Function({ [fieldName]: value } |
+| setFieldsValue | Set the value of a field. | Function({ [fieldName]: value } |
| validateFields | Validate the specified fields and get theirs values and errors. If you don't specify the parameter of fieldNames, you will vaildate all fields. | Function(\[fieldNames: string\[]], [options: object], callback: Function(errors, values)) |
| validateFieldsAndScroll | This function is similar to `validateFields`, but after validation, if the target field is not in visible area of form, form will be automatically scrolled to the target field area. | same as `validateFields` |
-### this.props.form.validateFields/validateFieldsAndScroll(\[fieldNames: string\[]], [options: object], callback: Function(errors, values))
+### this.form.validateFields/validateFieldsAndScroll(\[fieldNames: string\[]], [options: object], callback: Function(errors, values))
| Method | Description | Type | Default |
| ------ | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
@@ -71,18 +74,18 @@ If the form has been decorated by `Form.create` then it has `this.props.form` pr
To mark the returned fields data in `mapPropsToFields`, [demo](#components-form-demo-global-state).
-### this.props.form.getFieldDecorator(id, options)
+### this.form.getFieldDecorator(id, options)
After wrapped by `getFieldDecorator`, `value`(or other property defined by `valuePropName`) `onChange`(or other property defined by `trigger`) props will be added to form controls,the flow of form data will be handled by Form which will cause:
1. You shouldn't use `onChange` to collect data, but you still can listen to `onChange`(and so on) events.
2. You can not set value of form control via `value` `defaultValue` prop, and you should set default value with `initialValue` in `getFieldDecorator` instead.
-3. You shouldn't call `setState` manually, please use `this.props.form.setFieldsValue` to change value programmatically.
+3. You shouldn't call `v-model` manually, please use `this.form.setFieldsValue` to change value programmatically.
#### Special attention
1. `getFieldDecorator` can not be used to decorate stateless component.
-2. If you use `react@<15.3.0`, then, you can't use `getFieldDecorator` in stateless component:
+2. you can't use `getFieldDecorator` in stateless component:
#### getFieldDecorator(id, options) parameters
@@ -98,14 +101,13 @@ After wrapped by `getFieldDecorator`, `value`(or other property defined by `valu
| options.validateTrigger | When to validate the value of children node. | string\|string\[] | 'onChange' |
| options.valuePropName | Props of children node, for example, the prop of Switch is 'checked'. | string | 'value' |
-More option at [rc-form option](https://github.com/react-component/form#option-object)。
+More option can be referenced at [rc-form option](https://github.com/react-component/form#option-object)。
### Form.Item
- If Form.Item has multiple children that had been decorated by `getFieldDecorator`, `help` and `required` and `validateStatus` can't be generated automatically.
-- Before `2.2.0`, form controls must be child of Form.Item, otherwise, you need to set `help`, `required` and `validateStatus` by yourself.
| Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------------- |
@@ -114,10 +116,10 @@ Note:
| hasFeedback | Used with `validateStatus`, this option specifies the validation status icon. Recommended to be used only with `Input`. | boolean | false |
| help | The prompt message. If not provided, the prompt message will be generated by the validation rule. | string\|ReactNode | |
| label | Label text | string\|ReactNode | |
-| labelCol | The layout of label. You can set `span` `offset` to something like `{span: 3, offset: 12}` or `sm: {span: 3, offset: 12}` same as with `` | [object](https://ant.design/components/grid/#Col) | |
+| labelCol | The layout of label. You can set `span` `offset` to something like `{span: 3, offset: 12}` or `sm: {span: 3, offset: 12}` same as with `` | [object](/ant-design/components/grid/#Col) | |
| required | Whether provided or not, it will be generated by the validation rule. | boolean | false |
| validateStatus | The validation status. If not provided, it will be generated by validation rule. options: 'success' 'warning' 'error' 'validating' | string | |
-| wrapperCol | The layout for input controls, same as `labelCol` | [object](https://ant.design/components/grid/#Col) | |
+| wrapperCol | The layout for input controls, same as `labelCol` | [object](/ant-design/components/grid/#Col) | |
### Validation Rules
@@ -137,24 +139,3 @@ Note:
See more advanced usage at [async-validator](https://github.com/yiminghe/async-validator).
-## Using in TypeScript
-import { Form } from 'antd';
-import { FormComponentProps } from 'antd/lib/form';
-interface UserFormProps extends FormComponentProps {
- age: number;
- name: string;
-class UserForm extends React.Component {
diff --git a/components/form/index.zh-CN.md b/components/form/index.zh-CN.md
index 2a104b59f..096bafdd8 100644
--- a/components/form/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/form/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -1,29 +1,31 @@
## API
### Form
-**更多示例参考 [rc-form](http://react-component.github.io/form/)**。
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| form | 经 `Form.create()` 包装过的组件会自带 `this.form` 属性,直接传给 Form 即可。无需手动设置 | object | 无 |
| hideRequiredMark | 隐藏所有表单项的必选标记 | Boolean | false |
-| layout | 表单布局(2.8 之后支持) | 'horizontal'\|'vertical'\|'inline' | 'horizontal' |
-| onSubmit | 数据验证成功后回调事件 | Function(e:Event) | |
+| layout | 表单布局 | 'horizontal'\|'vertical'\|'inline' | 'horizontal' |
+### 事件
+| 事件名称 | 说明 | 回调参数 |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| submit | 数据验证成功后回调事件 | Function(e:Event) |
### Form.create(options)
-class CustomizedForm extends React.Component {}
+const CustomizedForm = {}
CustomizedForm = Form.create({})(CustomizedForm);
@@ -32,12 +34,13 @@ CustomizedForm = Form.create({})(CustomizedForm);
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 |
| --- | --- | --- |
+| props | 父组件需要映射到表单项上的属性声明(和[vue组件props一致]( https://vuejs.org/v2/api/#props)) | {} |
| mapPropsToFields | 把父组件的属性映射到表单项上(如:把 Redux store 中的值读出),需要对返回值中的表单域数据用 [`Form.createFormField`](#Form.createFormField) 标记 | (props) => Object{ fieldName: FormField { value } } |
| validateMessages | 默认校验信息,可用于把默认错误信息改为中文等,格式与 [newMessages](https://github.com/yiminghe/async-validator/blob/master/src/messages.js) 返回值一致 | Object { [nested.path]: String } |
| onFieldsChange | 当 `Form.Item` 子节点的值发生改变时触发,可以把对应的值转存到 Redux store | Function(props, fields) |
| onValuesChange | 任一表单域的值发生改变时的回调 | (props, values) => void |
-经过 `Form.create` 包装的组件将会自带 `this.props.form` 属性,`this.props.form` 提供的 API 如下:
+经过 `Form.create` 包装的组件将会自带 `this.form` 属性,`this.form` 提供的 API 如下:
> 注意:使用 `getFieldsValue` `getFieldValue` `setFieldsValue` 等时,应确保对应的 field 已经用 `getFieldDecorator` 注册过了。
@@ -52,12 +55,12 @@ CustomizedForm = Form.create({})(CustomizedForm);
| isFieldTouched | 判断一个输入控件是否经历过 `getFieldDecorator` 的值收集时机 `options.trigger` | (name: string) => boolean |
| isFieldValidating | 判断一个输入控件是否在校验状态 | Function(name) |
| resetFields | 重置一组输入控件的值(为 `initialValue`)与状态,如不传入参数,则重置所有组件 | Function(\[names: string\[]]) |
-| setFields | 设置一组输入控件的值与 Error。 [代码](https://github.com/react-component/form/blob/3b9959b57ab30b41d8890ff30c79a7e7c383cad3/examples/server-validate.js#L74-L79) | Function({ [fieldName]: { value: any, errors: [Error] } }) |
-| setFieldsValue | 设置一组输入控件的值(注意:不要在 `componentWillReceiveProps` 内使用,否则会导致死循环,[更多](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/2985)) | Function({ [fieldName]: value } |
+| setFields | 设置一组输入控件的值与 Error。 | Function({ [fieldName]: { value: any, errors: [Error] } }) |
+| setFieldsValue | 设置一组输入控件的值 | Function({ [fieldName]: value } |
| validateFields | 校验并获取一组输入域的值与 Error,若 fieldNames 参数为空,则校验全部组件 | Function(\[fieldNames: string\[]], [options: object], callback: Function(errors, values)) |
| validateFieldsAndScroll | 与 `validateFields` 相似,但校验完后,如果校验不通过的菜单域不在可见范围内,则自动滚动进可见范围 | 参考 `validateFields` |
-### this.props.form.validateFields/validateFieldsAndScroll(\[fieldNames: string\[]], [options: object], callback: Function(errors, values))
+### this.form.validateFields/validateFieldsAndScroll(\[fieldNames: string\[]], [options: object], callback: Function(errors, values))
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
@@ -70,24 +73,24 @@ CustomizedForm = Form.create({})(CustomizedForm);
用于标记 `mapPropsToFields` 返回的表单域数据,[例子](#components-form-demo-global-state)。
-### this.props.form.getFieldDecorator(id, options)
+### this.form.getFieldDecorator(id, options)
经过 `getFieldDecorator` 包装的控件,表单控件会自动添加 `value`(或 `valuePropName` 指定的其他属性) `onChange`(或 `trigger` 指定的其他属性),数据同步将被 Form 接管,这会导致以下结果:
1. 你**不再需要也不应该**用 `onChange` 来做同步,但还是可以继续监听 `onChange` 等事件。
2. 你不能用控件的 `value` `defaultValue` 等属性来设置表单域的值,默认值可以用 `getFieldDecorator` 里的 `initialValue`。
-3. 你不应该用 `setState`,可以使用 `this.props.form.setFieldsValue` 来动态改变表单值。
+3. 你不应该用 `v-modle`,可以使用 `this.form.setFieldsValue` 来动态改变表单值。
#### 特别注意
1. `getFieldDecorator` 不能用于装饰纯函数组件。
-2. 如果使用的是 `react@<15.3.0`,则 `getFieldDecorator` 调用不能位于纯函数组件中:
+2. `getFieldDecorator` 调用不能位于纯函数组件中 。
#### getFieldDecorator(id, options) 参数
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| id | 必填输入控件唯一标志。支持嵌套式的[写法](https://github.com/react-component/form/pull/48)。 | string | |
+| id | 必填输入控件唯一标志。支持嵌套式的写法。 | string | |
| options.getValueFromEvent | 可以把 onChange 的参数(如 event)转化为控件的值 | function(..args) | [reference](https://github.com/react-component/form#option-object) |
| options.initialValue | 子节点的初始值,类型、可选值均由子节点决定(注意:由于内部校验时使用 `===` 判断是否变化,建议使用变量缓存所需设置的值而非直接使用字面量)) | | |
| options.normalize | 转换默认的 value 给控件,[一个选择全部的例子](https://codepen.io/afc163/pen/JJVXzG?editors=001) | function(value, prevValue, allValues): any | - |
@@ -97,14 +100,13 @@ CustomizedForm = Form.create({})(CustomizedForm);
| options.validateTrigger | 校验子节点值的时机 | string\|string\[] | 'onChange' |
| options.valuePropName | 子节点的值的属性,如 Switch 的是 'checked' | string | 'value' |
-更多参数请查看 [rc-form option](https://github.com/react-component/form#option-object)。
+更多参数可参考 [rc-form option](https://github.com/react-component/form#option-object)。
### Form.Item
- 一个 Form.Item 建议只放一个被 getFieldDecorator 装饰过的 child,当有多个被装饰过的 child 时,`help` `required` `validateStatus` 无法自动生成。
-- `2.2.0` 之前,只有当表单域为 Form.Item 的子元素时,才会自动生成 `help` `required` `validateStatus`,嵌套情况需要自行设置。
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
@@ -113,10 +115,10 @@ CustomizedForm = Form.create({})(CustomizedForm);
| hasFeedback | 配合 validateStatus 属性使用,展示校验状态图标,建议只配合 Input 组件使用 | boolean | false |
| help | 提示信息,如不设置,则会根据校验规则自动生成 | string\|ReactNode | |
| label | label 标签的文本 | string\|ReactNode | |
-| labelCol | label 标签布局,同 `` 组件,设置 `span` `offset` 值,如 `{span: 3, offset: 12}` 或 `sm: {span: 3, offset: 12}` | [object](https://ant.design/components/grid/#Col) | |
+| labelCol | label 标签布局,同 `` 组件,设置 `span` `offset` 值,如 `{span: 3, offset: 12}` 或 `sm: {span: 3, offset: 12}` | [object](/ant-design/components/grid-cn/#Col) | |
| required | 是否必填,如不设置,则会根据校验规则自动生成 | boolean | false |
| validateStatus | 校验状态,如不设置,则会根据校验规则自动生成,可选:'success' 'warning' 'error' 'validating' | string | |
-| wrapperCol | 需要为输入控件设置布局样式时,使用该属性,用法同 labelCol | [object](https://ant.design/components/grid/#Col) | |
+| wrapperCol | 需要为输入控件设置布局样式时,使用该属性,用法同 labelCol | [object](/ant-design/components/grid-cn/#Col) | |
### 校验规则
@@ -136,24 +138,4 @@ CustomizedForm = Form.create({})(CustomizedForm);
更多高级用法可研究 [async-validator](https://github.com/yiminghe/async-validator)。
-## 在 TypeScript 中使用
-import { Form } from 'antd';
-import { FormComponentProps } from 'antd/lib/form';
-interface UserFormProps extends FormComponentProps {
- age: number;
- name: string;
-class UserForm extends React.Component {
diff --git a/site/components/demoBox.vue b/site/components/demoBox.vue
index 9cfeee022..79f54f2d4 100644
--- a/site/components/demoBox.vue
+++ b/site/components/demoBox.vue
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ export default {
data () {
const { name = '' } = this.$route.params
- const { html, script, style, us, cn } = this.jsfiddle
- let sourceCode = `${html}\n`
- sourceCode = script ? sourceCode + '\
diff --git a/site/components/md.vue b/site/components/md.vue
index 0e00e56f6..2e4c4d2f1 100644
--- a/site/components/md.vue
+++ b/site/components/md.vue
@@ -4,18 +4,18 @@