@ -116,6 +116,6 @@ export { default as Tooltip } from './tooltip'
// export { default as Mention } from './mention'
// export { default as Mention } from './mention'
// export { default as Upload } from './upload'
export { default as Upload } from './upload'
export { default as version } from './version'
export { default as version } from './version'
@ -41,3 +41,4 @@ import './timeline/style'
import './input-number/style'
import './input-number/style'
import './transfer/style'
import './transfer/style'
import './tree/style'
import './tree/style'
import './upload/style'
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ export default {
render (h) {
render (h) {
const { $props, $data, $slots } = this
const { $props, $data, $slots } = this
const { prefixCls, openClassName, getPopupContainer } = $props
const { prefixCls, openClassName, getPopupContainer } = $props
const children = ($slots.default || []).filter(c => c.tag || c.text.trim() !== '')[0]
const children = ($slots.default || []).filter(c => c.tag || c.text.trim() !== '')
let sVisible = $data.sVisible
let sVisible = $data.sVisible
// Hide tooltip when there is no title
// Hide tooltip when there is no title
if (!hasProp(this, 'visible') && this.isNoTitle()) {
if (!hasProp(this, 'visible') && this.isNoTitle()) {
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import { getOptionProps } from '../_util/props-util'
import Upload from './Upload'
import { UploadProps } from './interface'
export default {
name: 'ADragger',
props: UploadProps,
render () {
const props = getOptionProps(this)
const draggerProps = {
props: {
type: 'drag',
on: this.$listeners,
style: { height: this.height },
return <Upload {...draggerProps} >{this.$slots.default}</Upload>
@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
import classNames from 'classnames'
import uniqBy from 'lodash/uniqBy'
import VcUpload from '../vc-upload'
import BaseMixin from '../_util/BaseMixin'
import { getOptionProps, initDefaultProps, hasProp } from '../_util/props-util'
import LocaleReceiver from '../locale-provider/LocaleReceiver'
import defaultLocale from '../locale-provider/default'
import Dragger from './Dragger'
import UploadList from './UploadList'
import { UploadProps } from './interface'
import { T, fileToObject, genPercentAdd, getFileItem, removeFileItem } from './utils'
export { UploadProps }
function noop () {}
export default {
name: 'AUpload',
Dragger: Dragger,
mixins: [BaseMixin],
props: initDefaultProps(UploadProps, {
prefixCls: 'ant-upload',
type: 'select',
multiple: false,
action: '',
data: {},
accept: '',
beforeUpload: T,
showUploadList: true,
listType: 'text', // or pictrue
disabled: false,
supportServerRender: true,
// recentUploadStatus: boolean | PromiseLike<any>;
data () {
this.progressTimer = null
return {
sFileList: this.fileList || this.defaultFileList || [],
dragState: 'drop',
beforeDestroy () {
watch: {
fileList (val) {
this.sFileList = val
methods: {
onStart (file) {
const nextFileList = this.sFileList.concat()
const targetItem = fileToObject(file)
targetItem.status = 'uploading'
file: targetItem,
fileList: nextFileList,
// fix ie progress
if (!window.FormData) {
this.autoUpdateProgress(0, targetItem)
autoUpdateProgress (_, file) {
const getPercent = genPercentAdd()
let curPercent = 0
this.progressTimer = setInterval(() => {
curPercent = getPercent(curPercent)
percent: curPercent,
}, file)
}, 200)
onSuccess (response, file) {
try {
if (typeof response === 'string') {
response = JSON.parse(response)
} catch (e) { /* do nothing */
const fileList = this.sFileList
const targetItem = getFileItem(file, fileList)
// removed
if (!targetItem) {
targetItem.status = 'done'
targetItem.response = response
file: { ...targetItem },
onProgress (e, file) {
const fileList = this.sFileList
const targetItem = getFileItem(file, fileList)
// removed
if (!targetItem) {
targetItem.percent = e.percent
event: e,
file: { ...targetItem },
fileList: this.sFileList,
onError (error, response, file) {
const fileList = this.sFileList
const targetItem = getFileItem(file, fileList)
// removed
if (!targetItem) {
targetItem.error = error
targetItem.response = response
targetItem.status = 'error'
file: { ...targetItem },
handleRemove (file) {
Promise.resolve(this.$emit('remove', file)).then(ret => {
// Prevent removing file
if (ret === false) {
const removedFileList = removeFileItem(file, this.sFileList)
if (removedFileList) {
fileList: removedFileList,
handleManualRemove (file) {
file.status = 'removed' // eslint-disable-line
onChange (info) {
if (!hasProp(this, 'fileList')) {
this.setState({ sFileList: info.fileList })
this.$emit('change', info)
onFileDrop (e) {
dragState: e.type,
reBeforeUpload (file, fileList) {
if (!this.beforeUpload) {
return true
const result = this.beforeUpload(file, fileList)
if (result === false) {
fileList: uniqBy(fileList.concat(this.sFileList), (item) => item.uid),
return false
} else if (result && result.then) {
return result
return true
clearProgressTimer () {
renderUploadList (locale) {
const { showUploadList = {}, listType } = getOptionProps(this)
const { showRemoveIcon, showPreviewIcon } = showUploadList
const uploadListProps = {
props: {
items: this.sFileList,
locale: { ...locale, ...this.$props.locale },
on: {
remove: this.handleManualRemove,
preview: this.$listeners.preview || noop,
return (
render () {
const {
prefixCls = '',
} = getOptionProps(this)
const vcUploadProps = {
props: {
beforeUpload: this.reBeforeUpload,
on: {
// ...this.$listeners,
start: this.onStart,
error: this.onError,
progress: this.onProgress,
success: this.onSuccess,
ref: 'uploadRef',
class: `${prefixCls}-btn`,
const uploadList = showUploadList ? (
) : null
const children = this.$slots.default
if (type === 'drag') {
const dragCls = classNames(prefixCls, {
[`${prefixCls}-drag`]: true,
[`${prefixCls}-drag-uploading`]: this.sFileList.some(file => file.status === 'uploading'),
[`${prefixCls}-drag-hover`]: this.dragState === 'dragover',
[`${prefixCls}-disabled`]: disabled,
return (
<VcUpload {...vcUploadProps}>
<div class={`${prefixCls}-drag-container`}>
const uploadButtonCls = classNames(prefixCls, {
[`${prefixCls}-select`]: true,
[`${prefixCls}-select-${listType}`]: true,
[`${prefixCls}-disabled`]: disabled,
const uploadButton = (
<div class={uploadButtonCls} style={{ display: children ? '' : 'none' }}>
<VcUpload {...vcUploadProps} >{children}</VcUpload>
if (listType === 'picture-card') {
return (
return (
@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
import BaseMixin from '../_util/BaseMixin'
import { getOptionProps, initDefaultProps } from '../_util/props-util'
import getTransitionProps from '../_util/getTransitionProps'
import Icon from '../icon'
import Tooltip from '../tooltip'
import Progress from '../progress'
import classNames from 'classnames'
import { UploadListProps } from './interface'
const previewFile = (file, callback) => {
const reader = new window.FileReader()
reader.onloadend = () => callback(reader.result)
const isImageUrl = (url) => {
return /^data:image\//.test(url) || /\.(webp|svg|png|gif|jpg|jpeg)$/.test(url)
export default {
name: 'AUploadList',
mixins: [BaseMixin],
props: initDefaultProps(UploadListProps, {
listType: 'text', // or picture
progressAttr: {
strokeWidth: 2,
showInfo: false,
prefixCls: 'ant-upload',
showRemoveIcon: true,
showPreviewIcon: true,
updated () {
this.$nextTick(() => {
if (this.listType !== 'picture' && this.listType !== 'picture-card') {
(this.items || []).forEach(file => {
if (typeof document === 'undefined' ||
typeof window === 'undefined' ||
!window.FileReader || !window.File ||
!(file.originFileObj instanceof window.File) ||
file.thumbUrl !== undefined) {
/*eslint-disable */
file.thumbUrl = '';
/*eslint -enable */
previewFile(file.originFileObj, (previewDataUrl) => {
/*eslint-disable */
file.thumbUrl = previewDataUrl;
/*eslint -enable todo */
// this.forceUpdate()
methods: {
handleClose (file) {
this.$emit('remove', file)
handlePreview (file, e) {
return this.$emit('preview', file)
render () {
const { prefixCls, items = [], listType, showPreviewIcon, showRemoveIcon, locale } = getOptionProps(this)
const list = => {
let progress
let icon = <Icon type={file.status === 'uploading' ? 'loading' : 'paper-clip'} />
if (listType === 'picture' || listType === 'picture-card') {
if (listType === 'picture-card' && file.status === 'uploading') {
icon = <div class={`${prefixCls}-list-item-uploading-text`}>{locale.uploading}</div>
} else if (!file.thumbUrl && !file.url) {
icon = <Icon class={`${prefixCls}-list-item-thumbnail`} type='picture' />
} else {
const thumbnail = isImageUrl(file.thumbUrl || file.url) ? (
<img src={file.thumbUrl || file.url} alt={} />
) : (
style={{ fontSize: '48px', color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)' }}
icon = (
onClick={e => this.handlePreview(file, e)}
href={file.url || file.thumbUrl}
rel='noopener noreferrer'
if (file.status === 'uploading') {
const progressProps = {
props: {
type: 'line',
percent: file.percent,
// show loading icon if upload progress listener is disabled
const loadingProgress = ('percent' in file) ? (
<Progress {...progressProps} />
) : null
progress = (
<div class={`${prefixCls}-list-item-progress`} key='progress'>
const infoUploadingClass = classNames({
[`${prefixCls}-list-item`]: true,
[`${prefixCls}-list-item-${file.status}`]: true,
const preview = file.url ? (
rel='noopener noreferrer'
onClick={e => this.handlePreview(file, e)}
) : (
onClick={e => this.handlePreview(file, e)}
const style = (file.url || file.thumbUrl) ? undefined : {
pointerEvents: 'none',
opacity: 0.5,
const previewIcon = showPreviewIcon ? (
href={file.url || file.thumbUrl}
rel='noopener noreferrer'
onClick={e => this.handlePreview(file, e)}
<Icon type='eye-o' />
) : null
const iconProps = {
props: {
type: 'delete',
title: locale.removeFile,
on: {
click: () => {
const iconProps1 = {...iconProps, ...{props: {type: 'cross'}}}
const removeIcon = showRemoveIcon ? (
<Icon {...iconProps} />
) : null
const removeIconCross = showRemoveIcon ? (
<Icon {...iconProps1}/>
) : null
const actions = (listType === 'picture-card' && file.status !== 'uploading')
? <span class={`${prefixCls}-list-item-actions`}>{previewIcon}{removeIcon}</span>
: removeIconCross
let message
if (file.response && typeof file.response === 'string') {
message = file.response
} else {
message = (file.error && file.error.statusText) || locale.uploadError
const iconAndPreview = (file.status === 'error')
? <Tooltip title={message}>{icon}{preview}</Tooltip>
: <span>{icon}{preview}</span>
const transitionProps = getTransitionProps('fade')
return (
<div class={infoUploadingClass} key={file.uid}>
<div class={`${prefixCls}-list-item-info`}>
<transition {...transitionProps}>
const listClassNames = classNames({
[`${prefixCls}-list`]: true,
[`${prefixCls}-list-${listType}`]: true,
const animationDirection =
listType === 'picture-card' ? 'animate-inline' : 'animate'
const transitionGroupProps = getTransitionProps(`${prefixCls}-${animationDirection}`)
return (
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
#### 用户头像
点击上传用户头像,并使用 `beforeUpload` 限制用户上传的图片格式和大小。
`beforeUpload` 的返回值可以是一个 Promise 以支持也支持异步检查
#### Avatar
Click to upload user's avatar, and validate size and format of picture with `beforeUpload`.
The return value of function `beforeUpload` can be a Promise to check asynchronously.
<img v-if="imageUrl" :src="imageUrl" alt="" />
<div v-else>
<a-icon :type="loading ? 'loading' : 'plus'" />
<div class="ant-upload-text">Upload</div>
function getBase64(img, callback) {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.addEventListener('load', () => callback(reader.result));
export default {
data () {
return {
loading: false,
imageUrl: '',
methods: {
handleChange(info) {
if (info.file.status === 'uploading') {
this.loading = true
if (info.file.status === 'done') {
// Get this url from response in real world.
getBase64(info.file.originFileObj, (imageUrl) => {
this.imageUrl = imageUrl
this.loading = false
beforeUpload(file) {
const isJPG = file.type === 'image/jpeg';
if (!isJPG) {
this.$message.error('You can only upload JPG file!');
const isLt2M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 2;
if (!isLt2M) {
this.$message.error('Image must smaller than 2MB!');
return isJPG && isLt2M;
<style scoped>
.avatar-uploader > .ant-upload {
width: 128px;
height: 128px;
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#### 点击上传
#### Upload by clicking
Classic mode. File selection dialog pops up when upload button is clicked.
<a-upload name="file" action="//" :headers="headers" @change="handleChange">
<a-icon type="upload" /> Click to Upload
export default {
data () {
return {
headers: {
authorization: 'authorization-text',
methods: {
handleChange(info) {
if (info.file.status !== 'uploading') {
console.log(info.file, info.fileList);
if (info.file.status === 'done') {
this.$message.success(`${} file uploaded successfully`);
} else if (info.file.status === 'error') {
this.$message.error(`${} file upload failed.`);
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#### 已上传的文件列表
使用 `defaultFileList` 设置已上传的内容。
#### Default Files
Use `defaultFileList` for uploaded files when page init.
<a-upload action="//" :defaultFileList="defaultFileList">
<a-icon type="upload" /> Upload
export default {
data () {
return {
defaultFileList: [{
uid: 1,
name: 'xxx.png',
status: 'done',
reponse: 'Server Error 500', // custom error message to show
url: '',
}, {
uid: 2,
name: 'yyy.png',
status: 'done',
url: '',
}, {
uid: 3,
name: 'zzz.png',
status: 'error',
reponse: 'Server Error 500', // custom error message to show
url: '',
methods: {
handleChange({file, fileList}) {
if (file.status !== 'uploading') {
console.log(file, fileList);
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#### 拖拽上传
设置 `multiple` 后,在 `IE10+` 可以一次上传多个文件。
#### Drag and Drop
Classic mode. File selection dialog pops up when upload button is clicked.
<a-dragger name="file" :multiple="true" action="//" @change="handleChange">
<p class="ant-upload-drag-icon">
<a-icon type="inbox" />
<p class="ant-upload-text">Click or drag file to this area to upload</p>
<p class="ant-upload-hint">Support for a single or bulk upload. Strictly prohibit from uploading company data or other band files</p>
export default {
data () {
return {}
methods: {
handleChange(info) {
const status = info.file.status;
if (status !== 'uploading') {
console.log(info.file, info.fileList);
if (status === 'done') {
this.$message.success(`${} file uploaded successfully.`);
} else if (status === 'error') {
this.$message.error(`${} file upload failed.`);
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
#### 完全控制的上传列表
使用 `fileList` 对列表进行完全控制,可以实现各种自定义功能,以下演示三种情况:
1) 上传列表数量的限制。
2) 读取远程路径并显示链接。
3) 按照服务器返回信息筛选成功上传的文件。
#### Complete control over file list
You can gain full control over filelist by configuring `fileList`. You can accomplish all kinds of customed functions. The following shows three circumstances:
1) limit the number of uploaded files.
2) read from response and show file link.
3) filter successfully uploaded files according to response from server.
<a-upload action="//" :multiple="true" :fileList="fileList" @change="handleChange">
<a-icon type="upload" /> Upload
export default {
data () {
return {
fileList: [{
uid: -1,
name: 'xxx.png',
status: 'done',
url: '',
methods: {
handleChange(info) {
let fileList = info.fileList;
// 1. Limit the number of uploaded files
// Only to show two recent uploaded files, and old ones will be replaced by the new
fileList = fileList.slice(-2);
// 2. read from response and show file link
fileList = => {
if (file.response) {
// Component will show file.url as link
file.url = file.response.url;
return file;
// 3. filter successfully uploaded files according to response from server
fileList = fileList.filter((file) => {
if (file.response) {
return file.response.status === 'success';
return true;
this.fileList = fileList
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
import Basic from './'
import Avatar from './'
import DefaultFileList from './'
import PictureCard from './'
import FileList from './'
import Drag from './'
import PictureStyle from './'
import UploadManually from './'
import CN from '../'
import US from '../'
const md = {
cn: `# 上传
## 何时使用
- 当需要上传一个或一些文件时。
- 当需要展现上传的进度时。
- 当需要使用拖拽交互时。
## 代码演示`,
us: `# Upload
Upload file by selecting or dragging.
## When To Use
Uploading is the process of publishing information (web pages, text, pictures, video, etc.) to a remote server via a web page or upload tool.
- When you need to upload one or more files.
- When you need to show the process of uploading.
- When you need to upload files by dragging and dropping.
## Examples
export default {
category: 'Components',
subtitle: '上传',
type: 'Data Entry',
title: 'Upload',
render () {
return (
<md cn={} us={}/>
<Basic />
<Avatar />
<br />
<DefaultFileList />
<PictureCard />
<FileList />
<Drag />
<PictureStyle />
<UploadManually />
<template slot='cn'>
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
#### 照片墙
#### Pictures Wall
After users upload picture, the thumbnail will be shown in list. The upload button will disappear when count meets limitation.
<div class="clearfix">
<div v-if="fileList.length < 3">
<a-icon type="plus" />
<div class="ant-upload-text">Upload</div>
<a-modal :visible="previewVisible" :footer="null" @cancel="handleCancel">
<img alt="example" style="width: '100%'" :src="previewImage" />
export default {
data () {
return {
previewVisible: false,
previewImage: '',
fileList: [{
uid: -1,
name: 'xxx.png',
status: 'done',
url: '',
methods: {
handleCancel() {
this.previewVisible = false
handlePreview(file) {
this.previewImage = file.url || file.thumbUrl
this.previewVisible = true
handleChange({ fileList }) {
this.fileList = fileList
<style scoped>
/* you can make up upload button and sample style by using stylesheets */
.ant-upload-select-picture-card i {
font-size: 32px;
color: #999;
.ant-upload-select-picture-card .ant-upload-text {
margin-top: 8px;
color: #666;
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
#### 图片列表样式
上传文件为图片,可展示本地缩略图。`IE8/9` 不支持浏览器本地缩略图展示([Ref](,可以写 `thumbUrl` 属性来代替。
#### Pictures with list style
If uploaded file is a picture, the thumbnail can be shown. `IE8/9` do not support local thumbnail show. Please use `thumbUrl` instead.
<a-icon type="upload" /> upload
<br />
<br />
<a-icon type="upload" /> upload
export default {
data () {
return {
fileList: [{
uid: -1,
name: 'xxx.png',
status: 'done',
url: '',
thumbUrl: '',
}, {
uid: -2,
name: 'yyy.png',
status: 'done',
url: '',
thumbUrl: '',
<style scoped>
/* tile uploaded pictures */
.upload-list-inline .ant-upload-list-item {
float: left;
width: 200px;
margin-right: 8px;
.upload-list-inline .ant-upload-animate-enter {
animation-name: uploadAnimateInlineIn;
.upload-list-inline .ant-upload-animate-leave {
animation-name: uploadAnimateInlineOut;
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#### 手动上传
`beforeUpload` 返回 `false` 后,手动上传文件。
#### Upload manually
Upload files manually after `beforeUpload` returns `false`.
<div class="clearfix">
<a-icon type="upload" /> Select File
:disabled="fileList.length === 0"
{{uploading ? 'Uploading' : 'Start Upload' }}
import reqwest from 'reqwest'
export default {
data () {
return {
fileList: [],
uploading: false,
methods: {
handleRemove: (file) => {
const index = this.fileList.indexOf(file);
const newFileList = this.fileList.slice();
newFileList.splice(index, 1);
this.fileList = newFileList
beforeUpload(file) {
this.fileList = [...this.fileList, file]
return false;
handleUpload() {
const { fileList } = this;
const formData = new FormData();
fileList.forEach((file) => {
formData.append('files[]', file);
this.uploading = true
// You can use any AJAX library you like
url: '//',
method: 'post',
processData: false,
data: formData,
success: () => {
this.fileList = []
this.uploading = false
this.$message.success('upload successfully.');
error: () => {
this.uploading = false
this.$message.error('upload failed.');
<style scoped>
.upload-demo-start {
margin-top: 16px;
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
## API
> You can consult [jQuery-File-Upload]( about how to implement server side upload interface.
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
| accept | File types that can be accepted. See [input accept Attribute]( | string | - |
| action | Required. Uploading URL | string | - |
| beforeUpload | Hook function which will be executed before uploading. Uploading will be stopped with `false` or a rejected Promise returned. **Warning:this function is not supported in IE9**。 | (file, fileList) => `boolean | Promise` | - |
| customRequest | override for the default xhr behavior allowing for additional customization and ability to implement your own XMLHttpRequest | Function | - |
| data | Uploading params or function which can return uploading params. | object\|function(file) | - |
| defaultFileList | Default list of files that have been uploaded. | object\[] | - |
| disabled | disable upload button | boolean | false |
| fileList | List of files that have been uploaded (controlled). Here is a common issue [#2423]( when using it | object\[] | - |
| headers | Set request headers, valid above IE10. | object | - |
| listType | Built-in stylesheets, support for three types: `text`, `picture` or `picture-card` | string | 'text' |
| multiple | Whether to support selected multiple file. `IE10+` supported. You can select multiple files with CTRL holding down while multiple is set to be true | boolean | false |
| name | The name of uploading file | string | 'file' |
| showUploadList | Whether to show default upload list, could be an object to specify `showPreviewIcon` and `showRemoveIcon` individually | Boolean or { showPreviewIcon?: boolean, showRemoveIcon?: boolean } | true |
| supportServerRender | Need to be turned on while the server side is rendering. | boolean | false |
| withCredentials | ajax upload with cookie sent | boolean | false |
### events
| Events Name | Description | Arguments |
| --- | --- | --- |
| change | A callback function, can be executed when uploading state is changing. See [change](#change) | Function | - |
| preview | A callback function, will be executed when file link or preview icon is clicked. | Function(file) | - |
| remove | A callback function, will be executed when removing file button is clicked, remove event will be prevented when return value is `false` or a Promise which resolve(false) or reject. | Function(file): `boolean | Promise` | - |
### change
> The function will be called when uploading is in progress, completed or failed
When uploading state change, it returns:
file: { /* ... */ },
fileList: [ /* ... */ ],
event: { /* ... */ },
1. `file` File object for the current operation.
uid: 'uid', // unique identifier,negative is recommend,to prevent interference with internal generated id
name: 'xx.png' // file name
status: 'done', // options:uploading, done, error, removed
response: '{"status": "success"}', // response from server
linkProps: '{"download": "image"}', // additional html props of file link
2. `fileList` current list of files
3. `event` response from server, including uploading progress, supported by advanced browsers.
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import Upload from './Upload'
import Dragger from './Dragger'
export { UploadProps, UploadListProps, UploadChangeParam } from './interface'
export { DraggerProps } from './Dragger'
Upload.Dragger = Dragger
export default Upload
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
## API
> 服务端上传接口实现可以参考 [jQuery-File-Upload](。
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| accept | 接受上传的文件类型, 详见 [input accept Attribute]( | string | 无 |
| action | 必选参数, 上传的地址 | string | 无 |
| beforeUpload | 上传文件之前的钩子,参数为上传的文件,若返回 `false` 则停止上传。支持返回一个 Promise 对象,Promise 对象 reject 时则停止上传,resolve 时开始上传。**注意:IE9 不支持该方法**。 | (file, fileList) => `boolean | Promise` | 无 |
| customRequest | 通过覆盖默认的上传行为,可以自定义自己的上传实现 | Function | 无 |
| data | 上传所需参数或返回上传参数的方法 | object\|function(file) | 无 |
| defaultFileList | 默认已经上传的文件列表 | object\[] | 无 |
| disabled | 是否禁用 | boolean | false |
| fileList | 已经上传的文件列表(受控) | object\[] | 无 |
| headers | 设置上传的请求头部,IE10 以上有效 | object | 无 |
| listType | 上传列表的内建样式,支持三种基本样式 `text`, `picture` 和 `picture-card` | string | 'text' |
| multiple | 是否支持多选文件,`ie10+` 支持。开启后按住 ctrl 可选择多个文件。 | boolean | false |
| name | 发到后台的文件参数名 | string | 'file' |
| showUploadList | 是否展示 uploadList, 可设为一个对象,用于单独设定 showPreviewIcon 和 showRemoveIcon | Boolean or { showPreviewIcon?: boolean, showRemoveIcon?: boolean } | true |
| supportServerRender | 服务端渲染时需要打开这个 | boolean | false |
| withCredentials | 上传请求时是否携带 cookie | boolean | false |
### 事件
| 事件名称 | 说明 | 回调参数 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| change | 上传文件改变时的状态,详见 [change](#change) | Function | 无 |
| preview | 点击文件链接或预览图标时的回调 | Function(file) | 无 |
| remove | 点击移除文件时的回调,返回值为 false 时不移除。支持返回一个 Promise 对象,Promise 对象 resolve(false) 或 reject 时不移除。 | Function(file): `boolean | Promise` | 无 |
### change
> 上传中、完成、失败都会调用这个函数。
file: { /* ... */ },
fileList: [ /* ... */ ],
event: { /* ... */ },
1. `file` 当前操作的文件对象。
uid: 'uid', // 文件唯一标识,建议设置为负数,防止和内部产生的 id 冲突
name: 'xx.png' // 文件名
status: 'done', // 状态有:uploading done error removed
response: '{"status": "success"}', // 服务端响应内容
linkProps: '{"download": "image"}', // 下载链接额外的 HTML 属性
2. `fileList` 当前的文件列表。
3. `event` 上传中的服务端响应内容,包含了上传进度等信息,高级浏览器支持。
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
import PropsTypes from '../_util/vue-types'
export const UploadFileStatus = PropsTypes.oneOf(['error', 'success', 'done', 'uploading', 'removed'])
// export const HttpRequestHeader {
// [key: string]: string;
// }
export const UploadFile = PropsTypes.shape({
uid: PropsTypes.oneOfType([
size: PropsTypes.number,
name: PropsTypes.string,
filename: PropsTypes.string,
lastModified: PropsTypes.number,
lastModifiedDate: PropsTypes.any,
url: PropsTypes.string,
status: UploadFileStatus,
percent: PropsTypes.number,
thumbUrl: PropsTypes.string,
originFileObj: PropsTypes.any,
response: PropsTypes.any,
error: PropsTypes.any,
linkProps: PropsTypes.any,
type: PropsTypes.string,
export const UploadChangeParam = {
file: UploadFile,
fileList: PropsTypes.arrayOf(UploadFile),
event: PropsTypes.object,
export const ShowUploadListInterface = PropsTypes.shape({
showRemoveIcon: PropsTypes.bool,
showPreviewIcon: PropsTypes.bool,
export const UploadLocale = PropsTypes.shape({
uploading: PropsTypes.string,
removeFile: PropsTypes.string,
uploadError: PropsTypes.string,
previewFile: PropsTypes.string,
export const UploadProps = {
type: PropsTypes.oneOf(['drag', 'select']),
name: PropsTypes.string,
defaultFileList: PropsTypes.arrayOf(UploadFile),
fileList: PropsTypes.arrayOf(UploadFile),
action: PropsTypes.string.isRequired,
data: PropsTypes.oneOfType([PropsTypes.object, PropsTypes.func]),
headers: PropsTypes.object,
showUploadList: PropsTypes.oneOfType([PropsTypes.bool, ShowUploadListInterface]),
multiple: PropsTypes.bool,
accept: PropsTypes.string,
beforeUpload: PropsTypes.func,
// onChange: PropsTypes.func,
listType: PropsTypes.oneOf(['text', 'picture', 'picture-card']),
// className: PropsTypes.string,
// onPreview: PropsTypes.func,
// onRemove: PropsTypes.func,
supportServerRender: PropsTypes.bool,
// style: PropsTypes.object,
disabled: PropsTypes.bool,
prefixCls: PropsTypes.string,
customRequest: PropsTypes.func,
withCredentials: PropsTypes.bool,
locale: UploadLocale,
height: PropsTypes.number,
export const UploadState = {
fileList: PropsTypes.arrayOf(UploadFile),
dragState: PropsTypes.string,
export const UploadListProps = {
listType: PropsTypes.oneOf(['text', 'picture', 'picture-card']),
// onPreview: PropsTypes.func,
// onRemove: PropsTypes.func,
items: PropsTypes.arrayOf(UploadFile),
// items: PropsTypes.any,
progressAttr: PropsTypes.object,
prefixCls: PropsTypes.string,
showRemoveIcon: PropsTypes.bool,
showPreviewIcon: PropsTypes.bool,
locale: UploadLocale,
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import '../../style/index.less'
import './index.less'
// style dependencies
import '../../progress/style'
import '../../tooltip/style'
@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
@import "../../style/themes/default";
@import "../../style/mixins/index";
@upload-prefix-cls: ~"@{ant-prefix}-upload";
@upload-item: ~"@{ant-prefix}-upload-list-item";
@upload-pictrue-card-size: 104px;
.@{upload-prefix-cls} {
outline: 0;
p {
margin: 0;
&-btn {
display: block;
width: 100%;
outline: none;
input[type="file"] {
cursor: pointer;
&&-select {
display: inline-block;
&&-select-picture-card {
border: @border-width-base dashed @border-color-base;
width: @upload-pictrue-card-size;
height: @upload-pictrue-card-size;
border-radius: @border-radius-base;
background-color: @background-color-light;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;
transition: border-color 0.3s ease;
vertical-align: top;
margin-right: 8px;
margin-bottom: 8px;
display: table;
> .@{upload-prefix-cls} {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: table-cell;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
padding: 8px;
&:hover {
border-color: @primary-color;
&&-drag {
border: @border-width-base dashed @border-color-base;
transition: border-color .3s;
cursor: pointer;
border-radius: @border-radius-base;
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: relative;
padding: 16px 0;
background: @background-color-light;
&.@{upload-prefix-cls}-drag-hover:not(.@{upload-prefix-cls}-disabled) {
border: 2px dashed @primary-5;
&.@{upload-prefix-cls}-disabled {
cursor: not-allowed;
.@{upload-prefix-cls}-btn {
display: table;
height: 100%;
.@{upload-prefix-cls}-drag-container {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
&:not(.@{upload-prefix-cls}-disabled):hover {
border-color: @primary-5;
p.@{upload-prefix-cls}-drag-icon {
.@{iconfont-css-prefix} {
font-size: 48px;
color: @primary-5;
margin-bottom: 20px;
p.@{upload-prefix-cls}-text {
font-size: @font-size-lg;
margin: 0 0 4px;
color: @heading-color;
p.@{upload-prefix-cls}-hint {
font-size: @font-size-base;
color: @text-color-secondary;
.@{iconfont-css-prefix}-plus {
font-size: 30px;
transition: all .3s;
color: @disabled-color;
&:hover {
color: @text-color-secondary;
&:hover .@{iconfont-css-prefix}-plus {
color: @text-color-secondary;
.@{upload-prefix-cls}-list {
&-item {
margin-top: 8px;
font-size: @font-size-base;
position: relative;
height: 22px;
&-name {
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
padding-left: @font-size-base + 8px;
width: 100%;
display: inline-block;
&-info {
height: 100%;
padding: 0 12px 0 4px;
transition: background-color .3s;
> span {
display: block;
.@{iconfont-css-prefix}-paper-clip {
font-size: @font-size-base;
color: @text-color-secondary;
position: absolute;
top: @font-size-base / 2 - 2px;
.@{iconfont-css-prefix}-cross {
transition: all .3s;
opacity: 0;
cursor: pointer;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 4px;
color: @text-color-secondary;
line-height: 22px;
&:hover {
color: @text-color;
&:hover &-info {
background-color: @item-hover-bg;
&:hover .@{iconfont-css-prefix}-cross {
opacity: 1;
&-error .@{iconfont-css-prefix}-paper-clip,
&-error &-name {
color: @error-color;
&-error .@{iconfont-css-prefix}-cross {
opacity: 1;
color: @error-color !important;
&-progress {
line-height: 0;
font-size: @font-size-base;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
bottom: -12px;
padding-left: @font-size-base + 12px;
&-picture-card {
.@{upload-item} {
padding: 8px;
border-radius: @border-radius-base;
border: @border-width-base @border-style-base @border-color-base;
height: 66px;
position: relative;
&:hover {
background: transparent;
&-error {
border-color: @error-color;
.@{upload-item}-info {
padding: 0;
.@{upload-item}:hover .@{upload-item}-info {
background: transparent;
.@{upload-item}-uploading {
border-style: dashed;
.@{upload-item}-thumbnail {
width: 48px;
height: 48px;
position: absolute;
top: 8px;
left: 8px;
.@{upload-item}-thumbnail img {
width: 48px;
height: 48px;
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
.@{upload-item}-thumbnail.@{iconfont-css-prefix}:before {
line-height: 48px;
font-size: 24px;
color: @text-color-secondary;
.@{upload-item}-name {
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
margin: 0 0 0 8px;
line-height: 44px;
transition: all .3s;
padding-left: 48px;
padding-right: 8px;
max-width: 100%;
display: inline-block;
box-sizing: border-box;
.@{upload-item}-uploading .@{upload-item}-name {
line-height: 28px;
.@{upload-item}-progress {
padding-left: 56px;
margin-top: 0;
bottom: 14px;
width: ~"calc(100% - 24px)";
.@{iconfont-css-prefix}-cross {
position: absolute;
right: 8px;
top: 8px;
line-height: 1;
&-picture-card {
display: inline;
&.@{upload-prefix-cls}-list:after {
display: none;
.@{upload-item} {
float: left;
width: @upload-pictrue-card-size;
height: @upload-pictrue-card-size;
margin: 0 8px 8px 0;
.@{upload-item}-info {
height: 100%;
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
&:before {
content: ' ';
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
transition: all .3s;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
opacity: 0;
.@{upload-item}:hover .@{upload-item}-info:before {
opacity: 1;
.@{upload-item}-actions {
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
z-index: 10;
white-space: nowrap;
opacity: 0;
transition: all .3s;
.@{iconfont-css-prefix}-delete {
z-index: 10;
transition: all .3s;
cursor: pointer;
font-size: 16px;
width: 16px;
color: @text-color-dark;
margin: 0 4px;
&:hover {
color: #fff;
.@{upload-item}-info:hover + .@{upload-item}-actions,
.@{upload-item}-actions:hover {
opacity: 1;
.@{upload-item}-thumbnail img {
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: static;
.@{upload-item}-name {
margin: 8px 0 0;
padding: 0;
text-align: center;
line-height: @line-height-base;
display: none;
.anticon-picture + .@{upload-item}-name {
display: block;
.@{upload-item}-uploading {
&.@{upload-item} {
background-color: @background-color-light;
.@{upload-item}-info {
height: auto;
.@{iconfont-css-prefix}-delete {
display: none;
&-text {
margin-top: 18px;
color: @text-color-secondary;
.@{upload-item}-progress {
padding-left: 0;
bottom: 32px;
.@{upload-prefix-cls}-success-icon {
color: @success-color;
font-weight: bold;
.@{upload-prefix-cls}-animate-inline-leave {
animation-duration: .3s;
animation-fill-mode: @ease-in-out-circ;
.@{upload-prefix-cls}-animate-enter {
animation-name: uploadAnimateIn;
.@{upload-prefix-cls}-animate-leave {
animation-name: uploadAnimateOut;
.@{upload-prefix-cls}-animate-inline-enter {
animation-name: uploadAnimateInlineIn;
.@{upload-prefix-cls}-animate-inline-leave {
animation-name: uploadAnimateInlineOut;
@keyframes uploadAnimateIn {
from {
height: 0;
margin: 0;
opacity: 0;
padding: 0;
@keyframes uploadAnimateOut {
to {
height: 0;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
opacity: 0;
@keyframes uploadAnimateInlineIn {
from {
width: 0;
height: 0;
margin: 0;
opacity: 0;
padding: 0;
@keyframes uploadAnimateInlineOut {
to {
width: 0;
height: 0;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
opacity: 0;
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
export function T () {
return true
// Fix IE file.status problem
// via coping a new Object
export function fileToObject (file) {
return {
lastModified: file.lastModified,
lastModifiedDate: file.lastModifiedDate,
name: file.filename ||,
size: file.size,
type: file.type,
uid: file.uid,
response: file.response,
error: file.error,
percent: 0,
originFileObj: file,
* 生成Progress percent: 0.1 -> 0.98
* - for ie
export function genPercentAdd () {
let k = 0.1
const i = 0.01
const end = 0.98
return function (s) {
let start = s
if (start >= end) {
return start
start += k
k = k - i
if (k < 0.001) {
k = 0.001
return start * 100
export function getFileItem (file, fileList) {
const matchKey = file.uid !== undefined ? 'uid' : 'name'
return fileList.filter(item => item[matchKey] === file[matchKey])[0]
export function removeFileItem (file, fileList) {
const matchKey = file.uid !== undefined ? 'uid' : 'name'
const removed = fileList.filter(item => item[matchKey] !== file[matchKey])
if (removed.length === fileList.length) {
return null
return removed
@ -143,6 +143,7 @@
"lodash": "^4.17.5",
"lodash": "^4.17.5",
"moment": "^2.21.0",
"moment": "^2.21.0",
"omit.js": "^1.0.0",
"omit.js": "^1.0.0",
"reqwest": "^2.0.5",
"shallow-equal": "^1.0.0",
"shallow-equal": "^1.0.0",
"shallowequal": "^1.0.2",
"shallowequal": "^1.0.2",
"vue": "^2.5.15",
"vue": "^2.5.15",
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ import {
// Mention,
// Mention,
// Upload,
// version,
// version,
} from 'antd'
} from 'antd'
@ -134,7 +134,8 @@ Vue.component(, Timeline)
Vue.component(, Timeline.Item)
Vue.component(, Timeline.Item)
Vue.component(, Tooltip)
Vue.component(, Tooltip)
// Vue.component(, Mention)
// Vue.component(, Mention)
// Vue.component(, Upload)
Vue.component(, Upload)
Vue.component(, Upload.Dragger)
Vue.prototype.$message = message
Vue.prototype.$message = message
Vue.prototype.$notification = notification
Vue.prototype.$notification = notification
@ -41,3 +41,4 @@ export { default as timeline } from 'antd/timeline/demo/index.vue'
export { default as table } from 'antd/table/demo/index.vue'
export { default as table } from 'antd/table/demo/index.vue'
export { default as inputNumber } from 'antd/input-number/demo/index.vue'
export { default as inputNumber } from 'antd/input-number/demo/index.vue'
export { default as transfer } from 'antd/transfer/demo/index.vue'
export { default as transfer } from 'antd/transfer/demo/index.vue'
export { default as upload } from 'antd/upload/demo/index.vue'
Reference in New Issue