docs: typo (#6256)
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Different button styles can be generated by setting Button properties. The recom
| htmlType | set the original html `type` of `button`, see: [MDN]( | string | `button` | |
| icon | set the icon of button, see: Icon component | v-slot | - | |
| loading | set the loading status of button | boolean \| { delay: number } | `false` | |
| shape | Can be set button shape | `default` \| `circle` \| `round` | 'default' | |
| shape | Can be set button shape | `default` \| `circle` \| `round` | `default` | |
| size | set the size of button | `large` \| `middle` \| `small` | `middle` | |
| target | same as target attribute of a, works when href is specified | string | - | |
| type | can be set button type | `primary` \| `ghost` \| `dashed` \| `link` \| `text` \| `default` | `default` | |
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ cover:
| htmlType | 设置 `button` 原生的 `type` 值,可选值请参考 [HTML 标准]( | string | `button` | |
| icon | 设置按钮的图标类型 | v-slot | - | |
| loading | 设置按钮载入状态 | boolean \| { delay: number } | `false` | |
| shape | 设置按钮形状 | `default` \| `circle` \| `round` | 'default' | |
| shape | 设置按钮形状 | `default` \| `circle` \| `round` | `default` | |
| size | 设置按钮大小 | `large` \| `middle` \| `small` | `middle` | |
| target | 相当于 a 链接的 target 属性,href 存在时生效 | string | - | |
| type | 设置按钮类型 | `primary` \| `ghost` \| `dashed` \| `link` \| `text` \| `default` | `default` | |
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ For multi-line input.
<a-textarea v-model:value="value" placeholder="Basic usage" :rows="4" />
<br />
<br />
<a-textarea :rows="4" placeholder="maxLength is 6" :maxlength="6" />
<a-textarea :rows="4" placeholder="maxlength is 6" :maxlength="6" />
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue';
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Select component to select value from options.
| maxTagTextLength | Max text length to show | number | - | |
| menuItemSelectedIcon | The custom menuItemSelected icon | VNode \| slot | - | |
| mode | Set mode of Select | 'multiple' \| 'tags' | - | |
| notFoundContent | Specify content to show when no result matches.. | string\|slot | 'Not Found' | |
| notFoundContent | Specify content to show when no result matches.. | string\|slot | `Not Found` | |
| open | Controlled open state of dropdown | boolean | - | |
| option | custom render option by slot | v-slot:option="{value, label, [disabled, key, title]}" | - | 2.2.5 |
| optionFilterProp | Which prop value of option will be used for filter if filterOption is true | string | value | |
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ cover:
| filterOption | 是否根据输入项进行筛选。当其为一个函数时,会接收 `inputValue` `option` 两个参数,当 `option` 符合筛选条件时,应返回 `true`,反之则返回 `false`。 | `boolean` \| `function(inputValue, option)` | true | |
| filterSort | 搜索时对筛选结果项的排序函数, 类似[Array.sort](里的 compareFunction | (optionA: Option, optionB: Option) => number | - | 3.0 |
| firstActiveValue | 默认高亮的选项 | string\|string\[] | - | |
| getPopupContainer | 菜单渲染父节点。默认渲染到 body 上,如果你遇到菜单滚动定位问题,试试修改为滚动的区域,并相对其定位。 | Function(triggerNode) | () => document.body | |
| getPopupContainer | 菜单渲染父节点。默认渲染到 body 上,如果你遇到菜单滚动定位问题,试试修改为滚动的区域,并相对其定位。 | function(triggerNode) | () => document.body | |
| labelInValue | 是否把每个选项的 label 包装到 value 中,会把 Select 的 value 类型从 `string` 变为 `{key: string, label: vNodes, originLabel: any}` 的格式, originLabel(3.1) 保持原始类型,如果通过 a-select-option children 构造的节点,该值是是个函数(即 a-select-option 的默认插槽) | boolean | false | |
| listHeight | 设置弹窗滚动高度 | number | 256 | |
| maxTagCount | 最多显示多少个 tag | number | - | |
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ cover:
| maxTagTextLength | 最大显示的 tag 文本长度 | number | - | |
| menuItemSelectedIcon | 自定义当前选中的条目图标 | VNode \| slot | - | |
| mode | 设置 Select 的模式为多选或标签 | 'multiple' \| 'tags' \| 'combobox' | - | |
| notFoundContent | 当下拉列表为空时显示的内容 | string\|slot | 'Not Found' | |
| notFoundContent | 当下拉列表为空时显示的内容 | string\|slot | `Not Found` | |
| open | 是否展开下拉菜单 | boolean | - | |
| option | 通过 option 插槽,自定义节点 | v-slot:option="{value, label, [disabled, key, title]}" | - | 2.2.5 |
| optionFilterProp | 搜索时过滤对应的 option 属性,不支持 children | string | value | |
Reference in New Issue