diff --git a/components/rate/index.en-US.md b/components/rate/index.en-US.md
index b17ac15c8..966321445 100644
--- a/components/rate/index.en-US.md
+++ b/components/rate/index.en-US.md
@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@ Rate component.
## API
-| Property | Description | type | Default |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| allowClear | whether to allow clear when click again | boolean | true |
-| allowHalf | whether to allow semi selection | boolean | false |
-| autofocus | get focus when component mounted | boolean | false |
-| character | custom character of rate | String or slot="character" | `` |
-| count | star count | number | 5 |
-| disabled | read only, unable to interact | boolean | false |
-| tooltips | Customize tooltip by each character | string\[] | - |
-| value(v-model) | current value | number | - |
+| Property | Description | type | Default |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------- | -------------- | ------------------ |
+| allowClear | whether to allow clear when click again | boolean | true |
+| allowHalf | whether to allow semi selection | boolean | false |
+| autofocus | get focus when component mounted | boolean | false |
+| character | custom character of rate | string \| slot | `` |
+| count | star count | number | 5 |
+| disabled | read only, unable to interact | boolean | false |
+| tooltips | Customize tooltip by each character | string[] | - |
+| value(v-model) | current value | number | - |
### events
diff --git a/components/rate/index.zh-CN.md b/components/rate/index.zh-CN.md
index 6fc8961c1..4d8acec2a 100644
--- a/components/rate/index.zh-CN.md
+++ b/components/rate/index.zh-CN.md
@@ -15,16 +15,16 @@ cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/R5uiIWmxe/Rate.svg
## API
-| 属性 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
-| -------------- | ---------------------- | -------------------------- | ------------------ |
-| allowClear | 是否允许再次点击后清除 | boolean | true |
-| allowHalf | 是否允许半选 | boolean | false |
-| autofocus | 自动获取焦点 | boolean | false |
-| character | 自定义字符 | String or slot="character" | `` |
-| count | star 总数 | number | 5 |
-| disabled | 只读,无法进行交互 | boolean | false |
-| tooltips | 自定义每项的提示信息 | string\[] | - |
-| value(v-model) | 当前数,受控值 | number | - |
+| 属性 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
+| -------------- | ---------------------- | -------------- | ------------------ |
+| allowClear | 是否允许再次点击后清除 | boolean | true |
+| allowHalf | 是否允许半选 | boolean | false |
+| autofocus | 自动获取焦点 | boolean | false |
+| character | 自定义字符 | string \| slot | `` |
+| count | star 总数 | number | 5 |
+| disabled | 只读,无法进行交互 | boolean | false |
+| tooltips | 自定义每项的提示信息 | string[] | - |
+| value(v-model) | 当前数,受控值 | number | - |
### 事件