Feat v4 fix type errors (#6285)
* fix compile type errors * fix menuprops type import * fix lint errors * fix lint errors * fix format error * fix node version * fix run dist error * fix run lint * fix as any * fix string typepull/6295/head
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export const PresetStatusColorTypes = [
export type PresetColorType = PresetColorKey | InverseColor;
export type PresetStatusColorType = typeof PresetStatusColorTypes[number];
export type PresetStatusColorType = (typeof PresetStatusColorTypes)[number];
* determine if the color keyword belongs to the `Ant Design` {@link PresetColors}.
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import classNames from './classNames';
const InputStatuses = ['warning', 'error', ''] as const;
export type InputStatus = typeof InputStatuses[number];
export type InputStatus = (typeof InputStatuses)[number];
export function getStatusClassNames(
prefixCls: string,
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import { nextTick, Transition, TransitionGroup } from 'vue';
import { tuple } from './type';
const SelectPlacements = tuple('bottomLeft', 'bottomRight', 'topLeft', 'topRight');
export type SelectCommonPlacement = typeof SelectPlacements[number];
export type SelectCommonPlacement = (typeof SelectPlacements)[number];
const getTransitionDirection = (placement: SelectCommonPlacement | undefined) => {
if (placement !== undefined && (placement === 'topLeft' || placement === 'topRight')) {
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ const iconMapOutlined = {
const AlertTypes = tuple('success', 'info', 'warning', 'error');
export type AlertType = typeof AlertTypes[number];
export type AlertType = (typeof AlertTypes)[number];
export const alertProps = () => ({
@ -44,11 +44,9 @@ function getGlobalIconPrefixCls() {
return globalConfigForApi.iconPrefixCls || defaultIconPrefixCls;
const globalConfigBySet = reactive<ConfigProviderProps>({}); // 权重最大
export const globalConfigForApi = reactive<
ConfigProviderProps & {
getRootPrefixCls?: (rootPrefixCls?: string, customizePrefixCls?: string) => string;
export const globalConfigForApi: ConfigProviderProps & {
getRootPrefixCls?: (rootPrefixCls?: string, customizePrefixCls?: string) => string;
} = reactive({});
export const configConsumerProps = [
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { asyncExpect, sleep } from '../../../tests/utils';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import DatePicker from '../';
import LocaleProvider from '../../locale-provider';
import locale from '../../locale-provider/zh_CN';
import locale from '../../locale/zh_CN';
const { MonthPicker, WeekPicker } = DatePicker;
@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ import type { KeyboardEventHandler, MouseEventHandler } from '../_util/EventInte
type ILevelMove = number | [number, number];
const PlacementTypes = tuple('top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left');
export type placementType = typeof PlacementTypes[number];
export type placementType = (typeof PlacementTypes)[number];
const SizeTypes = tuple('default', 'large');
export type sizeType = typeof SizeTypes[number];
export type sizeType = (typeof SizeTypes)[number];
export interface PushState {
distance: string | number;
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import type {
} from './interface';
import useConfigInject from '../config-provider/hooks/useConfigInject';
import { useProvideForm } from './context';
@ -42,7 +43,10 @@ export const formProps = () => ({
labelCol: { type: Object as PropType<ColProps & HTMLAttributes> },
wrapperCol: { type: Object as PropType<ColProps & HTMLAttributes> },
colon: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
labelAlign: PropTypes.oneOf(tuple('left', 'right')),
labelAlign: {
...PropTypes.oneOf(tuple('left', 'right')),
type: String as PropType<FormLabelAlign>,
labelWrap: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
prefixCls: String,
requiredMark: { type: [String, Boolean] as PropType<RequiredMark | ''>, default: undefined },
@ -32,7 +32,14 @@ import { toArray } from './utils/typeUtil';
import { warning } from '../vc-util/warning';
import find from 'lodash-es/find';
import { tuple } from '../_util/type';
import type { InternalNamePath, Rule, RuleError, RuleObject, ValidateOptions } from './interface';
import type {
} from './interface';
import useConfigInject from '../config-provider/hooks/useConfigInject';
import { useInjectForm } from './context';
import FormItemLabel from './FormItemLabel';
@ -44,7 +51,7 @@ import useDebounce from './utils/useDebounce';
import classNames from '../_util/classNames';
const ValidateStatuses = tuple('success', 'warning', 'error', 'validating', '');
export type ValidateStatus = typeof ValidateStatuses[number];
export type ValidateStatus = (typeof ValidateStatuses)[number];
export interface FieldExpose {
fieldValue: Ref<any>;
@ -105,7 +112,10 @@ export const formItemProps = () => ({
wrapperCol: { type: Object as PropType<ColProps & HTMLAttributes> },
hasFeedback: { type: Boolean, default: false },
colon: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
labelAlign: PropTypes.oneOf(tuple('left', 'right')),
labelAlign: {
...PropTypes.oneOf(tuple('left', 'right')),
type: String as PropType<FormLabelAlign>,
prop: { type: [String, Number, Array] as PropType<string | number | Array<string | number>> },
name: { type: [String, Number, Array] as PropType<string | number | Array<string | number>> },
rules: [Array, Object] as PropType<Rule[] | Rule>,
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Use `useBreakpoint` Hook provide personalized layout.
Current break point:
<template v-for="(value, key) in screens">
<a-tag v-if="!!value" color="blue" :key="key">
<a-tag v-if="!!value" :key="key" color="blue">
{{ key }}
@ -14,57 +14,57 @@ import {
} from '../..';
import LocaleProvider from '..';
import arEG from '../ar_EG';
import bgBG from '../bg_BG';
import caES from '../ca_ES';
import csCZ from '../cs_CZ';
import daDK from '../da_DK';
import deDE from '../de_DE';
import elGR from '../el_GR';
import enGB from '../en_GB';
import enUS from '../en_US';
import esES from '../es_ES';
import etEE from '../et_EE';
import faIR from '../fa_IR';
import fiFI from '../fi_FI';
import frBE from '../fr_BE';
import frFR from '../fr_FR';
import heIL from '../he_IL';
import hiIN from '../hi_IN';
import hrHR from '../hr_HR';
import huHU from '../hu_HU';
import hyAM from '../hy_AM';
import isIS from '../is_IS';
import itIT from '../it_IT';
import jaJP from '../ja_JP';
import knIN from '../kn_IN';
import koKR from '../ko_KR';
import kuIQ from '../ku_IQ';
import mkMK from '../mk_MK';
import mnMN from '../mn_MN';
import msMY from '../ms_MY';
import nbNO from '../nb_NO';
import neNP from '../ne-NP';
import nlBE from '../nl_BE';
import nlNL from '../nl_NL';
import plPL from '../pl_PL';
import ptBR from '../pt_BR';
import ptPT from '../pt_PT';
import roRO from '../ro_RO';
import ruRU from '../ru_RU';
import skSK from '../sk_SK';
import slSI from '../sl_SI';
import srRS from '../sr_RS';
import svSE from '../sv_SE';
import taIN from '../ta_IN';
import thTH from '../th_TH';
import trTR from '../tr_TR';
import ukUA from '../uk_UA';
import viVN from '../vi_VN';
import idID from '../id_ID';
import lvLV from '../lv_LV';
import zhCN from '../zh_CN';
import zhTW from '../zh_TW';
import arEG from '../../locale/ar_EG';
import bgBG from '../../locale/bg_BG';
import caES from '../../locale/ca_ES';
import csCZ from '../../locale/cs_CZ';
import daDK from '../../locale/da_DK';
import deDE from '../../locale/de_DE';
import elGR from '../../locale/el_GR';
import enGB from '../../locale/en_GB';
import enUS from '../../locale/en_US';
import esES from '../../locale/es_ES';
import etEE from '../../locale/et_EE';
import faIR from '../../locale/fa_IR';
import fiFI from '../../locale/fi_FI';
import frBE from '../../locale/fr_BE';
import frFR from '../../locale/fr_FR';
import heIL from '../../locale/he_IL';
import hiIN from '../../locale/hi_IN';
import hrHR from '../../locale/hr_HR';
import huHU from '../../locale/hu_HU';
import hyAM from '../../locale/hy_AM';
import isIS from '../../locale/is_IS';
import itIT from '../../locale/it_IT';
import jaJP from '../../locale/ja_JP';
import knIN from '../../locale/kn_IN';
import koKR from '../../locale/ko_KR';
import kuIQ from '../../locale/ku_IQ';
import mkMK from '../../locale/mk_MK';
import mnMN from '../../locale/mn_MN';
import msMY from '../../locale/ms_MY';
import nbNO from '../../locale/nb_NO';
import neNP from '../../locale/ne_NP';
import nlBE from '../../locale/nl_BE';
import nlNL from '../../locale/nl_NL';
import plPL from '../../locale/pl_PL';
import ptBR from '../../locale/pt_BR';
import ptPT from '../../locale/pt_PT';
import roRO from '../../locale/ro_RO';
import ruRU from '../../locale/ru_RU';
import skSK from '../../locale/sk_SK';
import slSI from '../../locale/sl_SI';
import srRS from '../../locale/sr_RS';
import svSE from '../../locale/sv_SE';
import taIN from '../../locale/ta_IN';
import thTH from '../../locale/th_TH';
import trTR from '../../locale/tr_TR';
import ukUA from '../../locale/uk_UA';
import viVN from '../../locale/vi_VN';
import idID from '../../locale/id_ID';
import lvLV from '../../locale/lv_LV';
import zhCN from '../../locale/zh_CN';
import zhTW from '../../locale/zh_TW';
const locales = [
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ const Mentions = defineComponent({
/* istanbul ignore next */
export const MentionsOption = defineComponent({
compatConfig: { MODE: 3 },
...(Option as any),
name: 'AMentionsOption',
props: optionProps,
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import type { ComputedRef, InjectionKey } from 'vue';
import { provide, computed, inject } from 'vue';
import type { MenuProps } from './menu';
import type { MenuProps } from './Menu';
// Used for Dropdown only
export interface OverrideContextProps {
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import { useProvideRadioGroupContext } from './context';
const RadioGroupSizeTypes = tuple('large', 'default', 'small');
export type RadioGroupSize = typeof RadioGroupSizeTypes[number];
export type RadioGroupSize = (typeof RadioGroupSizeTypes)[number];
export type RadioGroupOption = RadioGroupOptionType;
@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ const Skeleton = defineComponent({
const { loading, avatar, title, paragraph, active, round } = props;
const pre = prefixCls.value;
if (loading || props.loading === undefined) {
const hasAvatar = !!avatar || avatar === '';
const hasTitle = !!title || title === '';
const hasParagraph = !!paragraph || paragraph === '';
const hasAvatar = !!avatar || (avatar as string) === '';
const hasTitle = !!title || (title as string) === '';
const hasParagraph = !!paragraph || (paragraph as string) === '';
// Avatar
let avatarNode;
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ export type { ColumnProps } from './Column';
export type { ColumnsType, ColumnType, ColumnGroupType } from './interface';
export type { TableProps, TablePaginationConfig };
const TableSummaryRow = defineComponent({ ...SummaryRow, name: 'ATableSummaryRow' });
const TableSummaryCell = defineComponent({ ...SummaryCell, name: 'ATableSummaryCell' });
const TableSummaryRow = defineComponent({ ...(SummaryRow as any), name: 'ATableSummaryRow' });
const TableSummaryCell = defineComponent({ ...(SummaryCell as any), name: 'ATableSummaryCell' });
const TableSummary = Object.assign(Summary, {
Cell: TableSummaryCell,
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { genCommonStyle, genLinkStyle } from '../../_style';
import type { UseComponentStyleResult } from '../internal';
import { mergeToken, statisticToken, useToken } from '../internal';
import type { ComponentTokenMap, GlobalToken } from '../interface';
import useConfigInject from 'ant-design-vue/es/config-provider/hooks/useConfigInject';
import useConfigInject from '../../config-provider/hooks/useConfigInject';
import type { Ref } from 'vue';
import { computed } from 'vue';
@ -26,7 +26,11 @@ export type {
/* istanbul ignore next */
const TreeNode = defineComponent({ ...VcTreeNode, name: 'ATreeNode', props: treeNodeProps });
const TreeNode = defineComponent({
...(VcTreeNode as any),
name: 'ATreeNode',
props: treeNodeProps,
export { DirectoryTree, TreeNode };
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export type DatetimePanelProps<DateType> = {
} & Omit<DatePanelProps<DateType>, 'disabledHours' | 'disabledMinutes' | 'disabledSeconds'>;
const ACTIVE_PANEL = tuple('date', 'time');
type ActivePanelType = typeof ACTIVE_PANEL[number];
type ActivePanelType = (typeof ACTIVE_PANEL)[number];
function DatetimePanel<DateType>(_props: DatetimePanelProps<DateType>) {
const props = useMergeProps(_props);
@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
typeof getRawInputElement === 'function' && getRawInputElement();
const domProps = {
} as Omit<keyof typeof restProps, typeof DEFAULT_OMIT_PROPS[number]>;
} as Omit<keyof typeof restProps, (typeof DEFAULT_OMIT_PROPS)[number]>;
// Used for raw custom input trigger
let onTriggerVisibleChange: null | ((newOpen: boolean) => void);
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ export function flattenOptions<OptionType extends BaseOptionType = DefaultOption
* Inject `props` into `option` for legacy usage
export function injectPropsWithOption<T>(option: T): T {
export function injectPropsWithOption<T extends object>(option: T): T {
const newOption = { ...option };
if (!('props' in newOption)) {
Object.defineProperty(newOption, 'props', {
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ function externalDayjs(config) {
config.externals.push(function ({ _context, request }, callback) {
if (/^dayjs\/plugin\//.test(request)) {
const name = request.replaceAll('/', '_');
const name = request.replace(/\//g, '_');
return callback(null, {
root: name,
commonjs2: name,
Reference in New Issue