| title | Title | string\|vNode \|function(h) | - |
| width | Width of the modal dialog | string\|number | 416 |
| width | Width of the modal dialog | string\|number | 416 |
| zIndex | The `z-index` of the Modal | Number | 1000 |
| zIndex | The `z-index` of the Modal | Number | 1000 |
| onCancel | Specify a function that will be called when the user clicks the Cancel button. The parameter of this function is a function whose execution should include closing the dialog. You can also just return a promise and when the promise is resolved, the modal dialog will also be closed | function | - |
| onCancel | Specify a function that will be called when the user clicks the Cancel button. The parameter of this function is a function whose execution should include closing the dialog. You can also just return a promise and when the promise is resolved, the modal dialog will also be closed | function | - |