Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into feat-v4
@ -86,3 +86,5 @@ Become a sponsor and get your logo on our README on Github with a link to your s
## [More Sponsor (From Patreon、alipay、wechat、paypal...)](
This project is tested with BrowserStack.
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import type { PreviewGroupPreview } from '../vc-image/src/PreviewGroup';
import PreviewGroup from '../vc-image/src/PreviewGroup';
import type { ExtractPropTypes } from 'vue';
import { computed, defineComponent } from 'vue';
import useConfigInject from '../config-provider/hooks/useConfigInject';
@ -22,12 +23,17 @@ export const icons = {
left: <LeftOutlined />,
right: <RightOutlined />,
const previewGroupProps = () => ({
previewPrefixCls: String,
preview: anyType<boolean | PreviewGroupPreview>(),
export type ImageGroupProps = Partial<ExtractPropTypes<ReturnType<typeof previewGroupProps>>>;
const InternalPreviewGroup = defineComponent({
compatConfig: { MODE: 3 },
name: 'AImagePreviewGroup',
inheritAttrs: false,
props: { previewPrefixCls: String, preview: anyType<boolean | PreviewGroupPreview>() },
props: previewGroupProps(),
setup(props, { attrs, slots }) {
const { prefixCls } = useConfigInject('image', props);
const previewPrefixCls = computed(() => `${prefixCls.value}-preview`);
@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ The most basic usage.
<template #title="{ value: val, title }">
<template #title="{ value: val, label }">
<b v-if="val === 'parent 1-1'" style="color: #08c">sss</b>
<template v-else>{{ title }}</template>
<template v-else>{{ label }}</template>
@ -39,25 +40,35 @@ import type { TreeSelectProps } from 'ant-design-vue';
const value = ref<string>();
const treeData = ref<TreeSelectProps['treeData']>([
title: 'parent 1',
label: 'parent 1',
value: 'parent 1',
children: [
title: 'parent 1-0',
value: 'parent 1-0',
label: 'parent 1',
value: 'parent 1',
children: [
title: 'my leaf',
value: 'leaf1',
label: 'parent 1-0',
value: 'parent 1-0',
children: [
label: 'my leaf',
value: 'leaf1',
label: 'your leaf',
value: 'leaf2',
title: 'your leaf',
value: 'leaf2',
label: 'parent 1-1',
value: 'parent 1-1',
title: 'parent 1-1',
label: 'parent 1-1',
value: 'parent 1-1',
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Multiple and checkable.
placeholder="Please select"
<script lang="ts" setup>
@ -34,31 +35,31 @@ const SHOW_PARENT = TreeSelect.SHOW_PARENT;
const treeData: TreeSelectProps['treeData'] = [
title: 'Node1',
label: 'Node1',
value: '0-0',
children: [
title: 'Child Node1',
label: 'Child Node1',
value: '0-0-0',
title: 'Node2',
label: 'Node2',
value: '0-1',
children: [
title: 'Child Node3',
label: 'Child Node3',
value: '0-1-0',
disabled: true,
title: 'Child Node4',
label: 'Child Node4',
value: '0-1-1',
title: 'Child Node5',
label: 'Child Node5',
value: '0-1-2',
@ -28,15 +28,16 @@ Allows for custom rendering of tags.
<template #tagRender="{ label, closable, onClose, option }">
<a-tag :closable="closable" :color="option.color" style="margin-right: 3px" @close="onClose">
{{ label }}
<template #title="{ value: val, title }">
<template #title="{ value: val, label }">
<b v-if="val === 'parent 1-1'" style="color: #08c">{{ val }}</b>
<template v-else>{{ title }}</template>
<template v-else>{{ label }}</template>
@ -48,29 +49,41 @@ const SHOW_ALL = TreeSelect.SHOW_ALL;
const value = ref<string[]>(['parent 1', 'parent 1-0', 'leaf1']);
const treeData = ref<TreeSelectProps['treeData']>([
title: 'parent 1',
label: 'parent 1',
value: 'parent 1',
color: 'pink',
children: [
title: 'parent 1-0',
value: 'parent 1-0',
color: 'orange',
label: 'parent 1',
value: 'parent 1',
color: 'pink',
children: [
title: 'my leaf',
value: 'leaf1',
color: 'green',
label: 'parent 1-0',
value: 'parent 1-0',
color: 'orange',
children: [
label: 'my leaf',
value: 'leaf1',
color: 'green',
label: 'your leaf',
value: 'leaf2',
color: 'cyan',
title: 'your leaf',
value: 'leaf2',
color: 'cyan',
label: 'parent 1-1',
value: 'parent 1-1',
color: 'blue',
title: 'parent 1-1',
label: 'parent 1-1',
value: 'parent 1-1',
color: 'blue',
@ -27,12 +27,13 @@ Search Value Hightlight
<template #title="{ value: val, title }">
<template #title="{ value: val, label }">
<b v-if="val === 'parent 1-1'" style="color: #08c">sss</b>
<template v-else>
v-for="(fragment, i) in title
v-for="(fragment, i) in label
.split(new RegExp(`(?<=${searchValue})|(?=${searchValue})`, 'i'))"
@ -55,25 +56,35 @@ import { ref, watch } from 'vue';
const value = ref<string>();
const treeData = ref<TreeSelectProps['treeData']>([
title: 'parent 1',
label: 'parent 1',
value: 'parent 1',
children: [
title: 'parent 1-0',
value: 'parent 1-0',
label: 'parent 1',
value: 'parent 1',
children: [
title: 'my leaf',
value: 'leaf1',
label: 'parent 1-0',
value: 'parent 1-0',
children: [
label: 'my leaf',
value: 'leaf1',
label: 'your leaf',
value: 'leaf2',
title: 'your leaf',
value: 'leaf2',
label: 'parent 1-1',
value: 'parent 1-1',
title: 'parent 1-1',
label: 'parent 1-1',
value: 'parent 1-1',
@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ Multiple selection usage.
<template #title="{ value: val, title }">
<template #title="{ value: val, label }">
<b v-if="val === 'parent 1-1'" style="color: #08c">{{ val }}</b>
<template v-else>{{ title }}</template>
<template v-else>{{ label }}</template>
@ -41,25 +42,35 @@ import type { TreeSelectProps } from 'ant-design-vue';
const value = ref<string[]>([]);
const treeData = ref<TreeSelectProps['treeData']>([
title: 'parent 1',
label: 'parent 1',
value: 'parent 1',
children: [
title: 'parent 1-0',
value: 'parent 1-0',
label: 'parent 1',
value: 'parent 1',
children: [
title: 'my leaf',
value: 'leaf1',
label: 'parent 1-0',
value: 'parent 1-0',
children: [
label: 'my leaf',
value: 'leaf1',
label: 'your leaf',
value: 'leaf2',
title: 'your leaf',
value: 'leaf2',
label: 'parent 1-1',
value: 'parent 1-1',
title: 'parent 1-1',
label: 'parent 1-1',
value: 'parent 1-1',
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ You can manually specify the position of the popup via `placement`.
<template #title="{ value: val, title }">
<b v-if="val === 'parent 1-1'" style="color: #08c">sss</b>
@ -49,25 +50,25 @@ const placement = ref('topLeft' as const);
const value = ref<string>();
const treeData = ref<TreeSelectProps['treeData']>([
title: 'parent 1',
label: 'parent 1',
value: 'parent 1',
children: [
title: 'parent 1-0',
label: 'parent 1-0',
value: 'parent 1-0',
children: [
title: 'my leaf',
label: 'my leaf',
value: 'leaf1',
title: 'your leaf',
label: 'your leaf',
value: 'leaf2',
title: 'parent 1-1',
label: 'parent 1-1',
value: 'parent 1-1',
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ Replace the title,key and children fields in treeNode with the corresponding fie
label: 'name',
value: 'value',
<script lang="ts" setup>
@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ The most basic usage.
children: 'children',
value: 'value',
label: 'title',
<template #suffixIcon><SmileOutlined /></template>
@ -42,6 +48,12 @@ The most basic usage.
children: 'children',
value: 'value',
label: 'title',
<template #suffixIcon><SmileOutlined /></template>
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Use `treeLine` to show the line style.
placeholder="Please select"
:tree-line="treeLine && { showLeafIcon }"
<template #title="{ value: val, title }">
<b v-if="val === 'parent 1-1'" style="color: #08c">sss</b>
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Use virtual list through `height` prop.
<template #title="{ title, value }">
<span v-if="value === '0-0-1-0'" style="color: #1890ff">{{ title }}</span>
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Tree selection control.
| popupClassName | className of dropdown menu | string | - | | 4.0 |
| dropdownMatchSelectWidth | Determine whether the dropdown menu and the select input are the same width. Default set `min-width` same as input. Will ignore when value less than select width. `false` will disable virtual scroll | boolean \| number | true | | |
| dropdownStyle | To set the style of the dropdown menu | object | - | | |
| fieldNames | Replace the label,value, key and children fields in treeNode with the corresponding fields in treeData | object | {children:'children', label:'title', key:'key', value: 'value' } | | 3.0.0 |
| fieldNames | Replace the label,value and children fields in treeNode with the corresponding fields in treeData | object | { children:'children', label:'title', value:'value' } | | 3.0.0 |
| filterTreeNode | Whether to filter treeNodes by input value. The value of `treeNodeFilterProp` is used for filtering by default. | boolean\|Function(inputValue: string, treeNode: TreeNode) (should return boolean) | Function | | |
| getPopupContainer | To set the container of the dropdown menu. The default is to create a `div` element in `body`, you can reset it to the scrolling area and make a relative reposition. | Function(triggerNode) | () => document.body | | |
| labelInValue | whether to embed label in value, turn the format of value from `string` to `{value: string, label: VNode, halfChecked: string[]}` | boolean | false | | |
@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ const TreeSelect = defineComponent({
notFoundContent?: any;
default?: any;
leafIcon?: any;
tagRender?: any;
suffixIcon?: any;
setup(props, { attrs, slots, expose, emit }) {
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ coverDark:*Y5pcQLplFu4AAA
| popupClassName | 下拉菜单的 className 属性 | string | - | | 4.0 |
| dropdownMatchSelectWidth | 下拉菜单和选择器同宽。默认将设置 `min-width`,当值小于选择框宽度时会被忽略。false 时会关闭虚拟滚动 | boolean \| number | true | | |
| dropdownStyle | 下拉菜单的样式 | object | - | | |
| fieldNames | 替换 treeNode 中 label,value,key,children 字段为 treeData 中对应的字段 | object | {children:'children', label:'title', value: 'value' } | | 3.0.0 |
| fieldNames | 替换 treeNode 中 label,value,children 字段为 treeData 中对应的字段 | object | {children:'children', label:'title', value: 'value' } | | 3.0.0 |
| filterTreeNode | 是否根据输入项进行筛选,默认用 treeNodeFilterProp 的值作为要筛选的 TreeNode 的属性值 | boolean\|Function(inputValue: string, treeNode: TreeNode) (函数需要返回 bool 值) | Function | | |
| getPopupContainer | 菜单渲染父节点。默认渲染到 body 上,如果你遇到菜单滚动定位问题,试试修改为滚动的区域,并相对其定位。 | Function(triggerNode) | () => document.body | | |
| labelInValue | 是否把每个选项的 label 包装到 value 中,会把 value 类型从 `string` 变为 `{value: string, label: VNode, halfChecked(treeCheckStrictly 时有效): string[] }` 的格式 | boolean | false | | |
@ -66,21 +66,23 @@ export const context = {
export const imageGroupProps = () => ({
previewPrefixCls: String,
preview: {
type: [Boolean, Object] as PropType<boolean | ImagePreviewType>,
default: true as boolean | ImagePreviewType,
icons: {
type: Object as PropType<PreviewProps['icons']>,
default: () => ({}),
const Group = defineComponent({
compatConfig: { MODE: 3 },
name: 'PreviewGroup',
inheritAttrs: false,
props: {
previewPrefixCls: String,
preview: {
type: [Boolean, Object] as PropType<boolean | ImagePreviewType>,
default: true as boolean | ImagePreviewType,
icons: {
type: Object as PropType<PreviewProps['icons']>,
default: () => ({}),
props: imageGroupProps(),
setup(props, { slots }) {
const preview = computed<PreviewGroupPreview>(() => {
const defaultValues = {
Reference in New Issue