refactor: remove not use code
@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-disable */
import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types';
import { defaultConfigProvider } from '../config-provider';
import BaseMixin from '../_util/BaseMixin';
import Pickr from '@simonwep/pickr/dist/pickr.es5.min';
import Icon from '../icon';
import LocaleReceiver from '../locale-provider/LocaleReceiver';
import enUS from './locale/en_US';
import debounce from 'lodash-es/debounce';
import { getOptionProps, findDOMNode } from '../_util/props-util';
let colors = '#194d33';
export default {
name: 'AColorPicker',
mixins: [BaseMixin],
inject: {
configProvider: { default: () => defaultConfigProvider },
model: {
prop: 'value',
event: 'change.value', //为了支持v-model直接返回颜色字符串 所以用了自定义的事件,与pickr自带change事件进行区分
props: {
prefixCls: String,
defaultValue: String, //默认值
config: PropTypes.object, //pickr配置
value: String, //颜色值
locale: PropTypes.object, //双语包
colorRounded: Number, //颜色数值保留几位小数
size: PropTypes.oneOf(['default', 'small', 'large']).def('default'), //尺寸
getPopupContainer: Function, //指定渲染容器
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false }, //是否禁用
format: String, //颜色格式设置
alpha: { type: Boolean, default: false }, //是否开启透明通道
hue: { type: Boolean, default: true }, //是否开启色彩预选
data() {
return {
myOpen: false,
pickr: null,
i18n: enUS,
watch: {
'configProvider.locale.ColorPicker': {
handler(val) {
if (this.locale) return;
this.i18n = val;
locale(val) {
this.i18n = val.ColorPicker || val.lang;
value(val) {
disabled(val) {
this.pickr[val ? 'disable' : 'enable']();
config: {
handler() {
deep: true,
format(val) {
const type = val.toLocaleUpperCase();
let res = this.pickr.setColorRepresentation(type);
if (res) {
} else {
throw new TypeError('format was invalid');
mounted() {
if (this.locale) {
this.i18n = this.locale.ColorPicker || this.locale.lang;
unmounted() {
methods: {
reInitialize() {
const dom = document.createElement('div');
|||| = 'color-picker' + this._uid;
const box = findDOMNode(this).querySelector('#color-picker-box' + this._uid);
setColor: debounce(function (val) {
}, 1000),
eventsBinding() {
const pickrEvents = [
Object.keys(this.$listeners).forEach(event => {
pickrEvents.includes(event) && this.pickr.on(event, this.$listeners[event]);
createPickr() {
const { getPopupContainer } = getOptionProps(this);
const { getPopupContainer: getContextPopupContainer } = this.configProvider;
const container = getPopupContainer || getContextPopupContainer;
this.pickr = Pickr.create(
el: '#color-picker' + this._uid,
container: (container && container(findDOMNode(this))) || document.body,
theme: 'monolith', // or 'monolith', or 'nano'
default: this.value || this.defaultValue || null, // 有默认颜色pickr才可以获取到_representation
components: {
// Main components
preview: true,
opacity: this.alpha,
hue: this.hue,
// Input / output Options
interaction: {
hex: true,
rgba: true,
input: true,
clear: true,
save: true,
{ i18n: this.i18n },
.on('save', (color, instance) => {
if (color) {
let _representation = instance._representation || 'HEXA';
color = color['to' + _representation]().toString(this.colorRounded || 0);
this.$emit('change.value', color || '');
.on('hide', () => {
this.setState({ myOpen: false });
handleOpenChange() {
const open = !this.myOpen;
this.setState({ myOpen: open });
this.pickr[open ? 'show' : 'hide']();
this.$emit('openChange', open);
getDefaultLocale() {
const result = {
result.lang = {
...(this.$props.locale || {}).lang,
return result;
renderColorPicker() {
const { prefixCls: customizePrefixCls } = this.$props;
const { getPrefixCls } = this.configProvider;
const prefixCls = getPrefixCls('color-picker', customizePrefixCls);
const { disabled } = getOptionProps(this);
const classString = {
[prefixCls]: true,
[`${prefixCls}-open`]: this.myOpen,
[`${prefixCls}-lg`]: this.size === 'large',
[`${prefixCls}-sm`]: this.size === 'small',
[`${prefixCls}-disabled`]: this.disabled,
return (
<div class={classString} tabindex={disabled ? -1 : 0} onClick={this.handleOpenChange}>
<div class={`${prefixCls}-selection`}>
<div id={'color-picker-box' + this._uid}>
<div id={'color-picker' + this._uid}></div>
<Icon type="down" class={`${prefixCls}-icon`} />
render() {
return (
scopedSlots={{ default: this.renderColorPicker }}
@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`ColorPicker prop locale should works 1`] = `
<div tabindex="0" class="ant-color-picker">
<div class="ant-color-picker-selection">
<div id="color-picker-box25">
<div class="pickr">
<button type="button" class="pcr-button" role="button" aria-label="toggle color picker dialog"></button>
</div><i aria-label="icon: down" class="anticon anticon-down ant-color-picker-icon"><svg viewBox="64 64 896 896" data-icon="down" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="">
<path d="M884 256h-75c-5.1 0-9.9 2.5-12.9 6.6L512 654.2 227.9 262.6c-3-4.1-7.8-6.6-12.9-6.6h-75c-6.5 0-10.3 7.4-6.5 12.7l352.6 486.1c12.8 17.6 39 17.6 51.7 0l352.6-486.1c3.9-5.3.1-12.7-6.4-12.7z"></path>
<div class="pcr-app" data-theme="monolith" aria-label="color picker dialog" role="window">
<div class="pcr-selection">
<div class="pcr-color-preview">
<button type="button" class="pcr-last-color" aria-label="use previous color"></button>
<div class="pcr-current-color"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-palette">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-palette" tabindex="0" aria-label="color selection area" role="listbox"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-chooser">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-hue pcr-slider" tabindex="0" aria-label="hue selection slider" role="slider"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-opacity" style="display:none" hidden="">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-opacity pcr-slider" tabindex="0" aria-label="selection slider" role="slider"></div>
<div class="pcr-swatches "></div>
<div class="pcr-interaction">
<input class="pcr-result" type="text" spellcheck="false" aria-label="color input field">
<input class="pcr-type active" data-type="HEXA" value="HEXA" type="button">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="RGBA" value="RGBA" type="button">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="HSLA" value="HSLA" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="HSVA" value="HSVA" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="CMYK" value="CMYK" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-save" value="1セーブ" type="button" aria-label="save and close">
<input class="pcr-cancel" value="1キャンセル" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="" aria-label="cancel and close">
<input class="pcr-clear" value="1晴れ" type="button" aria-label="clear and close">
exports[`ColorPicker save event should works 1`] = `
<div tabindex="0" class="ant-color-picker">
<div class="ant-color-picker-selection">
<div id="color-picker-box31">
<div class="pickr">
<button type="button" class="pcr-button" role="button" aria-label="toggle color picker dialog" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"></button>
</div><i aria-label="icon: down" class="anticon anticon-down ant-color-picker-icon"><svg viewBox="64 64 896 896" data-icon="down" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="">
<path d="M884 256h-75c-5.1 0-9.9 2.5-12.9 6.6L512 654.2 227.9 262.6c-3-4.1-7.8-6.6-12.9-6.6h-75c-6.5 0-10.3 7.4-6.5 12.7l352.6 486.1c12.8 17.6 39 17.6 51.7 0l352.6-486.1c3.9-5.3.1-12.7-6.4-12.7z"></path>
<div class="pcr-app visible" data-theme="monolith" aria-label="color picker dialog" role="window" style="left: 512px; top: 384px;">
<div class="pcr-selection">
<div class="pcr-color-preview">
<button type="button" class="pcr-last-color" aria-label="use previous color" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"></button>
<div class="pcr-current-color"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-palette">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-palette" tabindex="0" aria-label="color selection area" role="listbox"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-chooser">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-hue pcr-slider" tabindex="0" aria-label="hue selection slider" role="slider"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-opacity" style="display:none" hidden="">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-opacity pcr-slider" tabindex="0" aria-label="selection slider" role="slider"></div>
<div class="pcr-swatches "></div>
<div class="pcr-interaction">
<input class="pcr-result" type="text" spellcheck="false" aria-label="color input field">
<input class="pcr-type active" data-type="HEXA" value="HEXA" type="button">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="RGBA" value="RGBA" type="button">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="HSLA" value="HSLA" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="HSVA" value="HSVA" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="CMYK" value="CMYK" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-save" value="Save" type="button" aria-label="save and close">
<input class="pcr-cancel" value="Cancel" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="" aria-label="cancel and close">
<input class="pcr-clear" value="Clear" type="button" aria-label="clear and close">
exports[`ColorPicker should support default value 1`] = `
<div tabindex="0" class="ant-color-picker">
<div class="ant-color-picker-selection">
<div id="color-picker-box1">
<div class="pickr">
<button type="button" class="pcr-button" role="button" aria-label="toggle color picker dialog"></button>
</div><i aria-label="icon: down" class="anticon anticon-down ant-color-picker-icon"><svg viewBox="64 64 896 896" data-icon="down" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="">
<path d="M884 256h-75c-5.1 0-9.9 2.5-12.9 6.6L512 654.2 227.9 262.6c-3-4.1-7.8-6.6-12.9-6.6h-75c-6.5 0-10.3 7.4-6.5 12.7l352.6 486.1c12.8 17.6 39 17.6 51.7 0l352.6-486.1c3.9-5.3.1-12.7-6.4-12.7z"></path>
<div class="pcr-app" data-theme="monolith" aria-label="color picker dialog" role="window">
<div class="pcr-selection">
<div class="pcr-color-preview">
<button type="button" class="pcr-last-color" aria-label="use previous color"></button>
<div class="pcr-current-color"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-palette">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-palette" tabindex="0" aria-label="color selection area" role="listbox"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-chooser">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-hue pcr-slider" tabindex="0" aria-label="hue selection slider" role="slider"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-opacity" style="display:none" hidden="">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-opacity pcr-slider" tabindex="0" aria-label="selection slider" role="slider"></div>
<div class="pcr-swatches "></div>
<div class="pcr-interaction">
<input class="pcr-result" type="text" spellcheck="false" aria-label="color input field">
<input class="pcr-type active" data-type="HEXA" value="HEXA" type="button">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="RGBA" value="RGBA" type="button">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="HSLA" value="HSLA" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="HSVA" value="HSVA" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="CMYK" value="CMYK" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-save" value="Save" type="button" aria-label="save and close">
<input class="pcr-cancel" value="Cancel" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="" aria-label="cancel and close">
<input class="pcr-clear" value="Clear" type="button" aria-label="clear and close">
exports[`ColorPicker should support disabled 1`] = `
<div tabindex="-1" class="ant-color-picker ant-color-picker-disabled">
<div class="ant-color-picker-selection">
<div id="color-picker-box13">
<div class="pickr">
<button type="button" class="pcr-button disabled" role="button" aria-label="toggle color picker dialog"></button>
</div><i aria-label="icon: down" class="anticon anticon-down ant-color-picker-icon"><svg viewBox="64 64 896 896" data-icon="down" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="">
<path d="M884 256h-75c-5.1 0-9.9 2.5-12.9 6.6L512 654.2 227.9 262.6c-3-4.1-7.8-6.6-12.9-6.6h-75c-6.5 0-10.3 7.4-6.5 12.7l352.6 486.1c12.8 17.6 39 17.6 51.7 0l352.6-486.1c3.9-5.3.1-12.7-6.4-12.7z"></path>
<div class="pcr-app" data-theme="monolith" aria-label="color picker dialog" role="window">
<div class="pcr-selection">
<div class="pcr-color-preview">
<button type="button" class="pcr-last-color" aria-label="use previous color"></button>
<div class="pcr-current-color"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-palette">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-palette" tabindex="0" aria-label="color selection area" role="listbox"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-chooser">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-hue pcr-slider" tabindex="0" aria-label="hue selection slider" role="slider"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-opacity" style="display:none" hidden="">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-opacity pcr-slider" tabindex="0" aria-label="selection slider" role="slider"></div>
<div class="pcr-swatches "></div>
<div class="pcr-interaction">
<input class="pcr-result" type="text" spellcheck="false" aria-label="color input field">
<input class="pcr-type active" data-type="HEXA" value="HEXA" type="button">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="RGBA" value="RGBA" type="button">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="HSLA" value="HSLA" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="HSVA" value="HSVA" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="CMYK" value="CMYK" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-save" value="Save" type="button" aria-label="save and close">
<input class="pcr-cancel" value="Cancel" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="" aria-label="cancel and close">
<input class="pcr-clear" value="Clear" type="button" aria-label="clear and close">
exports[`ColorPicker should support format 1`] = `
<div tabindex="0" class="ant-color-picker ant-color-picker-open">
<div class="ant-color-picker-selection">
<div id="color-picker-box19">
<div class="pickr">
<button type="button" class="pcr-button" role="button" aria-label="toggle color picker dialog" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"></button>
</div><i aria-label="icon: down" class="anticon anticon-down ant-color-picker-icon"><svg viewBox="64 64 896 896" data-icon="down" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="">
<path d="M884 256h-75c-5.1 0-9.9 2.5-12.9 6.6L512 654.2 227.9 262.6c-3-4.1-7.8-6.6-12.9-6.6h-75c-6.5 0-10.3 7.4-6.5 12.7l352.6 486.1c12.8 17.6 39 17.6 51.7 0l352.6-486.1c3.9-5.3.1-12.7-6.4-12.7z"></path>
<div class="pcr-app visible" data-theme="monolith" aria-label="color picker dialog" role="window" style="left: 512px; top: 384px;">
<div class="pcr-selection">
<div class="pcr-color-preview">
<button type="button" class="pcr-last-color" aria-label="use previous color" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"></button>
<div class="pcr-current-color"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-palette">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-palette" tabindex="0" aria-label="color selection area" role="listbox"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-chooser">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-hue pcr-slider" tabindex="0" aria-label="hue selection slider" role="slider"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-opacity" style="display:none" hidden="">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-opacity pcr-slider" tabindex="0" aria-label="selection slider" role="slider"></div>
<div class="pcr-swatches "></div>
<div class="pcr-interaction">
<input class="pcr-result" type="text" spellcheck="false" aria-label="color input field">
<input class="pcr-type active" data-type="HEXA" value="HEXA" type="button">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="RGBA" value="RGBA" type="button">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="HSLA" value="HSLA" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="HSVA" value="HSVA" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="CMYK" value="CMYK" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-save" value="Save" type="button" aria-label="save and close">
<input class="pcr-cancel" value="Cancel" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="" aria-label="cancel and close">
<input class="pcr-clear" value="Clear" type="button" aria-label="clear and close">
exports[`ColorPicker should support v-model 1`] = `
<div tabindex="0" class="ant-color-picker">
<div class="ant-color-picker-selection">
<div id="color-picker-box7">
<div class="pickr">
<button type="button" class="pcr-button" role="button" aria-label="toggle color picker dialog"></button>
</div><i aria-label="icon: down" class="anticon anticon-down ant-color-picker-icon"><svg viewBox="64 64 896 896" data-icon="down" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" class="">
<path d="M884 256h-75c-5.1 0-9.9 2.5-12.9 6.6L512 654.2 227.9 262.6c-3-4.1-7.8-6.6-12.9-6.6h-75c-6.5 0-10.3 7.4-6.5 12.7l352.6 486.1c12.8 17.6 39 17.6 51.7 0l352.6-486.1c3.9-5.3.1-12.7-6.4-12.7z"></path>
<div class="pcr-app" data-theme="monolith" aria-label="color picker dialog" role="window">
<div class="pcr-selection">
<div class="pcr-color-preview">
<button type="button" class="pcr-last-color" aria-label="use previous color"></button>
<div class="pcr-current-color"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-palette">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-palette" tabindex="0" aria-label="color selection area" role="listbox"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-chooser">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-hue pcr-slider" tabindex="0" aria-label="hue selection slider" role="slider"></div>
<div class="pcr-color-opacity" style="display:none" hidden="">
<div class="pcr-picker"></div>
<div class="pcr-opacity pcr-slider" tabindex="0" aria-label="selection slider" role="slider"></div>
<div class="pcr-swatches "></div>
<div class="pcr-interaction">
<input class="pcr-result" type="text" spellcheck="false" aria-label="color input field">
<input class="pcr-type active" data-type="HEXA" value="HEXA" type="button">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="RGBA" value="RGBA" type="button">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="HSLA" value="HSLA" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="HSVA" value="HSVA" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-type" data-type="CMYK" value="CMYK" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="">
<input class="pcr-save" value="Save" type="button" aria-label="save and close">
<input class="pcr-cancel" value="Cancel" type="button" style="display:none" hidden="" aria-label="cancel and close">
<input class="pcr-clear" value="Clear" type="button" aria-label="clear and close">
@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import ColorPicker from '..';
import { asyncExpect } from '../../../tests/utils';
describe('ColorPicker', () => {
xit('should support default value', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(
render() {
return <ColorPicker default-value="#cd0200" getPopupContainer={p => p}></ColorPicker>;
{ sync: false, attachTo: 'body' },
await asyncExpect(() => {
}, 1000);
xit('should support v-model', async () => {
let color = 'rgba(10, 10, 10, 1)';
const wrapper = mount(
data() {
return {
render() {
return <ColorPicker v-model={this.color} getPopupContainer={p => p}></ColorPicker>;
mounted() {
this.color = 'rgba(110, 120, 130, 1)';
{ sync: false, attachTo: 'body' },
await asyncExpect(() => {
}, 1000);
xit('should support disabled', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(
data() {
return {
disabled: false,
render() {
return <ColorPicker disabled={this.disabled} getPopupContainer={p => p}></ColorPicker>;
mounted() {
this.disabled = true;
{ sync: false, attachTo: 'body' },
await asyncExpect(async () => {
await asyncExpect(() => {
}, 1000);
xit('should support format', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(
data() {
return {
format: 'RGBA',
render() {
return <ColorPicker format={this.format} getPopupContainer={p => p}></ColorPicker>;
mounted() {
this.format = 'HEX';
{ sync: false, attachTo: 'body' },
await asyncExpect(async () => {
await asyncExpect(() => {
}, 1000);
xit('prop locale should works', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(
data() {
return {
locale: {
lang: {
'btn:save': 'セーブ',
'btn:cancel': 'キャンセル',
'btn:clear': '晴れ',
render() {
return (
<ColorPicker default-value="#cd0200" locale={this.locale} getPopupContainer={p => p} />
mounted() {
this.locale = {
lang: {
'btn:save': '1セーブ',
'btn:cancel': '1キャンセル',
'btn:clear': '1晴れ',
{ sync: false, attachTo: 'body' },
await asyncExpect(async () => {
await asyncExpect(() => {
}, 1000);
xit('save event should works', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(
render() {
return (
<ColorPicker default-value="#cd0200" getPopupContainer={p => p} onSave={} />
methods: {
save(val) {
return val;
{ sync: false, attachTo: 'body' },
await asyncExpect(async () => {
await asyncExpect(() => {
}, 1000);
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
#### 透明度
开启属性 `alpha`,可以选择带 Alpha 通道的颜色。
#### Alpha
Set the property `alpha` true, to select a color with alpha channel.
<a-color-picker v-model="color" :alpha="true" />
export default {
data() {
return {
color: '#1890ff',
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
#### 基础用法
基本用法,可以使用 v-model 实现数据的双向绑定。
#### Basic
Basic usage. You can use v-model to enable a two-way bingding on data.
<a-col span="12">
<a-colorPicker v-model="color1" />
<a-col span="12">
<a-colorPicker v-model="color2" />
export default {
data() {
return {
color1: '#1890ff',
color2: '',
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
#### 颜色预设
<a target="_block" href="">更多配置</a>
#### Color Presets
Set `config.swatches ` to customize the default color presets.
<a target="_block" href="">More config settings</a>
<a-color-picker v-model="color" :config="config" />
export default {
data() {
return {
color: '#1890ff',
config: {
swatches: [
'rgba(244, 67, 54, 1)',
'rgba(233, 30, 99, 0.95)',
'rgba(156, 39, 176, 0.9)',
'rgba(103, 58, 183, 0.85)',
'rgba(63, 81, 181, 0.8)',
'rgba(33, 150, 243, 0.75)',
'rgba(3, 169, 244, 0.7)',
'rgba(0, 188, 212, 0.7)',
'rgba(0, 150, 136, 0.75)',
'rgba(76, 175, 80, 0.8)',
'rgba(139, 195, 74, 0.85)',
'rgba(205, 220, 57, 0.9)',
'rgba(255, 235, 59, 0.95)',
'rgba(255, 193, 7, 1)',
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
#### 色彩
设置属性 `hue` 为 false,可以禁用色彩选项。
#### Hue
Set property `hue` to false, can hide hue slider.
<a-color-picker v-model="color" :hue="false" />
export default {
data() {
return {
color: '#1890ff',
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
#### 尺寸
#### Size
There are three size of ColorPicker: large, medium(default), small.
<a-col span="8">
<a-colorPicker v-model="color6" size="large" />
<a-col span="8">
<a-colorPicker v-model="color6" />
<a-col span="8">
<a-colorPicker v-model="color6" size="small" />
export default {
data() {
return {
color6: '#1890ff',
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
## API
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| colorRounded | precision of color | number | 0 |
| config | pickr config | [pickr options]( | - |
| defaultValue | default color | string | - |
| disabled | whether disabled picker | boolean | false |
| format | Color format | 'HEXA' \|'RGBA' \|'HSVA' \|'HSLA' \|'CMYK' | 'HEXA' |
| getPopupContainer | to set the container of the floating layer, while the default is to create a div element in body | Function(triggerNode) | () => document.body |
| locale | locale package | [default setting]( | - |
| size | size of pickr | 'large'\|'small'\|'default' | 'default' |
| value | color value | string | - |
### Event
| Event | Description | Arguments |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `cancel` | User clicked the cancel button (return to previous color). | `PickrInstance` |
| `change` | Color has changed (but not saved). Also fired on `swatchselect` | `HSVaColorObject, PickrInstance` |
| `changestop` | User stopped to change the color | `PickrInstance` |
| `clear` | User cleared the color. | `PickrInstance` |
| `hide` | Pickr got closed | `PickrInstance` |
| `init` | Initialization done - pickr can be used | `PickrInstance` |
| `save` | User clicked the save / clear button. Also fired on clear with `null` as color. | `HSVaColorObject or null, PickrInstance` |
| `show` | Pickr got opened | `PickrInstance` |
| `swatchselect` | User clicked one of the swatches | `HSVaColorObject, PickrInstance` |
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
import ColorPicker from './ColorPicker';
/* istanbul ignore next */
ColorPicker.install = function (app) {
app.component(, ColorPicker);
return app;
export default ColorPicker;
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
## API
| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| colorRounded | 颜色数值精度 | number | 0 |
| config | pickr 配置项 | [pickr options]( | - |
| defaultValue | 默认颜色 | string | - |
| disabled | 是否禁用 | boolean | false |
| format | 定义返回的颜色格式 | 'HEXA' \|'RGBA' \|'HSVA' \|'HSLA' \|'CMYK' | 'HEXA' |
| getPopupContainer | 浮层渲染父节点,默认渲染到 body 上 | Function(triggerNode) | () => document.body |
| locale | 语言包 | [默认配置]( | - |
| size | 取色器尺寸 | 'large'\|'small'\|'default' | 'default' |
| value | 颜色值 | string | - |
### 事件
| 事件名称 | 说明 | 回调参数 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| `cancel` | 用户点击取消时(颜色返回至上个颜色) | `PickrInstance` |
| `change` | 颜色值发生变更时(非保存).`swatchselect`也会触发 | `HSVaColorObject, PickrInstance` |
| `changestop` | 用户不再改变颜色时 | `PickrInstance` |
| `clear` | 清空颜色时 | `PickrInstance` |
| `hide` | Pickr 关闭时 | `PickrInstance` |
| `init` | 初始化完成,可以使用 pickr | `PickrInstance` |
| `save` | 用户点击保存/清空按钮时 | `HSVaColorObject or null, PickrInstance` |
| `show` | Pickr 开启时 | `PickrInstance` |
| `swatchselect` | 用户切换了色板 | `HSVaColorObject, PickrInstance` |
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
export default {
'btn:save': 'Save',
'btn:cancel': 'Cancel',
'btn:clear': 'Clear',
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
export default {
'btn:save': 'پاشکەوت کردن',
'btn:cancel': 'هەڵوەشاندنەوە',
'btn:clear': 'پاککردنەوە',
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
export default {
'btn:save': '保存',
'btn:cancel': '取消',
'btn:clear': '清除',
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
export default {
'btn:save': '保存',
'btn:cancel': '取消',
'btn:clear': '清除',
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
import '../../style/index.less';
@ -155,3 +155,11 @@ export const defaultConfigProvider: ConfigProviderInnerProps = {
iconPrefixCls: computed(() => defaultIconPrefixCls),
export const useConfigContextInject = () => {
return inject(configProviderKey, defaultConfigProvider);
export const useConfigContextProvider = (props: ConfigProviderInnerProps) => {
return provide(configProviderKey, props);
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import type { App, Plugin, WatchStopHandle } from 'vue';
import { inject, computed, reactive, provide, defineComponent, watchEffect } from 'vue';
import { computed, reactive, defineComponent, watchEffect } from 'vue';
import defaultRenderEmpty from './renderEmpty';
import type { RenderEmptyHandler } from './renderEmpty';
import type { Locale } from '../locale-provider';
@ -15,16 +15,20 @@ import defaultLocale from '../locale/en_US';
import type { ValidateMessages } from '../form/interface';
import useStyle from './style';
import useTheme from './hooks/useTheme';
import defaultSeedToken from '../theme/themes/seed';
import type { ConfigProviderInnerProps, ConfigProviderProps, Theme } from './context';
import {
} from './context';
import { useProviderSize } from './SizeContext';
import { useProviderDisabled } from './DisabledContext';
import { createTheme } from '../_util/cssinjs';
import { useDesignTokenProvider } from '../theme/internal';
import { toReactive } from '../_util/toReactive';
export type {
@ -124,7 +128,7 @@ const ConfigProvider = defineComponent({
inheritAttrs: false,
props: configProviderProps(),
setup(props, { slots }) {
const parentContext = inject(configProviderKey, defaultConfigProvider);
const parentContext = useConfigContextInject();
const getPrefixCls = (suffixCls?: string, customizePrefixCls?: string) => {
const { prefixCls = 'ant' } = props;
if (customizePrefixCls) return customizePrefixCls;
@ -210,6 +214,26 @@ const ConfigProvider = defineComponent({
transformCellText: computed(() => props.transformCellText),
// ================================ Dynamic theme ================================
const memoTheme = computed(() => {
const { algorithm, token, } = mergedTheme.value || {};
const themeObj =
algorithm && (!Array.isArray(algorithm) || algorithm.length > 0)
? createTheme(algorithm)
: undefined;
return {
theme: themeObj,
token: {
const validateMessagesRef = computed(() => {
// Additional Form provider
let validateMessages: ValidateMessages = {};
@ -225,8 +249,7 @@ const ConfigProvider = defineComponent({
return validateMessages;
provide(configProviderKey, configProvider);
useProvideGlobalForm({ validateMessages: validateMessagesRef });
@ -434,12 +434,12 @@ const getBaseStyle: GenerateStyle<MenuToken> = token => {
// ============================== Export ==============================
export default (prefixCls: Ref<string>, injectStyle: Ref<boolean>): UseComponentStyleResult => {
export default (prefixCls: Ref<string>, injectStyle?: Ref<boolean>): UseComponentStyleResult => {
const useOriginHook = genComponentStyleHook(
(token, { overrideComponentToken }) => {
// Dropdown will handle menu style self. We do not need to handle this.
if (injectStyle.value === false) {
if (injectStyle?.value === false) {
return [];
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
/* stylelint-disable */
.bezierEasingMixin() {
@functions: ~`(function() {
var NEWTON_MIN_SLOPE = 0.001;
var kSplineTableSize = 11;
var kSampleStepSize = 1.0 / (kSplineTableSize - 1.0);
var float32ArraySupported = typeof Float32Array === 'function';
function A (aA1, aA2) { return 1.0 - 3.0 * aA2 + 3.0 * aA1; }
function B (aA1, aA2) { return 3.0 * aA2 - 6.0 * aA1; }
function C (aA1) { return 3.0 * aA1; }
// Returns x(t) given t, x1, and x2, or y(t) given t, y1, and y2.
function calcBezier (aT, aA1, aA2) { return ((A(aA1, aA2) * aT + B(aA1, aA2)) * aT + C(aA1)) * aT; }
// Returns dx/dt given t, x1, and x2, or dy/dt given t, y1, and y2.
function getSlope (aT, aA1, aA2) { return 3.0 * A(aA1, aA2) * aT * aT + 2.0 * B(aA1, aA2) * aT + C(aA1); }
function binarySubdivide (aX, aA, aB, mX1, mX2) {
var currentX, currentT, i = 0;
do {
currentT = aA + (aB - aA) / 2.0;
currentX = calcBezier(currentT, mX1, mX2) - aX;
if (currentX > 0.0) {
aB = currentT;
} else {
aA = currentT;
return currentT;
function newtonRaphsonIterate (aX, aGuessT, mX1, mX2) {
for (var i = 0; i < NEWTON_ITERATIONS; ++i) {
var currentSlope = getSlope(aGuessT, mX1, mX2);
if (currentSlope === 0.0) {
return aGuessT;
var currentX = calcBezier(aGuessT, mX1, mX2) - aX;
aGuessT -= currentX / currentSlope;
return aGuessT;
var BezierEasing = function (mX1, mY1, mX2, mY2) {
if (!(0 <= mX1 && mX1 <= 1 && 0 <= mX2 && mX2 <= 1)) {
throw new Error('bezier x values must be in [0, 1] range');
// Precompute samples table
var sampleValues = float32ArraySupported ? new Float32Array(kSplineTableSize) : new Array(kSplineTableSize);
if (mX1 !== mY1 || mX2 !== mY2) {
for (var i = 0; i < kSplineTableSize; ++i) {
sampleValues[i] = calcBezier(i * kSampleStepSize, mX1, mX2);
function getTForX (aX) {
var intervalStart = 0.0;
var currentSample = 1;
var lastSample = kSplineTableSize - 1;
for (; currentSample !== lastSample && sampleValues[currentSample] <= aX; ++currentSample) {
intervalStart += kSampleStepSize;
// Interpolate to provide an initial guess for t
var dist = (aX - sampleValues[currentSample]) / (sampleValues[currentSample + 1] - sampleValues[currentSample]);
var guessForT = intervalStart + dist * kSampleStepSize;
var initialSlope = getSlope(guessForT, mX1, mX2);
if (initialSlope >= NEWTON_MIN_SLOPE) {
return newtonRaphsonIterate(aX, guessForT, mX1, mX2);
} else if (initialSlope === 0.0) {
return guessForT;
} else {
return binarySubdivide(aX, intervalStart, intervalStart + kSampleStepSize, mX1, mX2);
return function BezierEasing (x) {
if (mX1 === mY1 && mX2 === mY2) {
return x; // linear
// Because JavaScript number are imprecise, we should guarantee the extremes are right.
if (x === 0) {
return 0;
if (x === 1) {
return 1;
return calcBezier(getTForX(x), mY1, mY2);
this.colorEasing = BezierEasing(0.26, 0.09, 0.37, 0.18);
// less 3 requires a return
return '';
// It is hacky way to make this function will be compiled preferentially by less
// resolve error: `ReferenceError: colorPalette is not defined`
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
/* stylelint-disable no-duplicate-selectors */
@import "bezierEasing";
@import "tinyColor";
// We create a very complex algorithm which take the place of original tint/shade color system
// to make sure no one can understand it 👻
// and create an entire color palette magicly by inputing just a single primary color.
// We are using bezier-curve easing function and some color manipulations like tint/shade/darken/spin
.colorPaletteMixin() {
@functions: ~`(function() {
var hueStep = 2;
var saturationStep = 0.16;
var saturationStep2 = 0.05;
var brightnessStep1 = 0.05;
var brightnessStep2 = 0.15;
var lightColorCount = 5;
var darkColorCount = 4;
var getHue = function(hsv, i, isLight) {
var hue;
if (hsv.h >= 60 && hsv.h <= 240) {
hue = isLight ? hsv.h - hueStep * i : hsv.h + hueStep * i;
} else {
hue = isLight ? hsv.h + hueStep * i : hsv.h - hueStep * i;
if (hue < 0) {
hue += 360;
} else if (hue >= 360) {
hue -= 360;
return Math.round(hue);
var getSaturation = function(hsv, i, isLight) {
var saturation;
if (isLight) {
saturation = hsv.s - saturationStep * i;
} else if (i === darkColorCount) {
saturation = hsv.s + saturationStep;
} else {
saturation = hsv.s + saturationStep2 * i;
if (saturation > 1) {
saturation = 1;
if (isLight && i === lightColorCount && saturation > 0.1) {
saturation = 0.1;
if (saturation < 0.06) {
saturation = 0.06;
return Number(saturation.toFixed(2));
var getValue = function(hsv, i, isLight) {
var value;
if (isLight) {
value = hsv.v + brightnessStep1 * i;
value = hsv.v - brightnessStep2 * i
if (value > 1) {
value = 1;
return Number(value.toFixed(2))
this.colorPalette = function(color, index) {
var isLight = index <= 6;
var hsv = tinycolor(color).toHsv();
var i = isLight ? lightColorCount + 1 - index : index - lightColorCount - 1;
return tinycolor({
h: getHue(hsv, i, isLight),
s: getSaturation(hsv, i, isLight),
v: getValue(hsv, i, isLight),
// It is hacky way to make this function will be compiled preferentially by less
// resolve error: `ReferenceError: colorPalette is not defined`
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
@import 'colorPalette';
// color palettes
@blue-base: #1890ff;
@blue-1: color(~`colorPalette('@{blue-6}', 1) `);
@blue-2: color(~`colorPalette('@{blue-6}', 2) `);
@blue-3: color(~`colorPalette('@{blue-6}', 3) `);
@blue-4: color(~`colorPalette('@{blue-6}', 4) `);
@blue-5: color(~`colorPalette('@{blue-6}', 5) `);
@blue-6: @blue-base;
@blue-7: color(~`colorPalette('@{blue-6}', 7) `);
@blue-8: color(~`colorPalette('@{blue-6}', 8) `);
@blue-9: color(~`colorPalette('@{blue-6}', 9) `);
@blue-10: color(~`colorPalette('@{blue-6}', 10) `);
@purple-base: #722ed1;
@purple-1: color(~`colorPalette('@{purple-6}', 1) `);
@purple-2: color(~`colorPalette('@{purple-6}', 2) `);
@purple-3: color(~`colorPalette('@{purple-6}', 3) `);
@purple-4: color(~`colorPalette('@{purple-6}', 4) `);
@purple-5: color(~`colorPalette('@{purple-6}', 5) `);
@purple-6: @purple-base;
@purple-7: color(~`colorPalette('@{purple-6}', 7) `);
@purple-8: color(~`colorPalette('@{purple-6}', 8) `);
@purple-9: color(~`colorPalette('@{purple-6}', 9) `);
@purple-10: color(~`colorPalette('@{purple-6}', 10) `);
@cyan-base: #13c2c2;
@cyan-1: color(~`colorPalette('@{cyan-6}', 1) `);
@cyan-2: color(~`colorPalette('@{cyan-6}', 2) `);
@cyan-3: color(~`colorPalette('@{cyan-6}', 3) `);
@cyan-4: color(~`colorPalette('@{cyan-6}', 4) `);
@cyan-5: color(~`colorPalette('@{cyan-6}', 5) `);
@cyan-6: @cyan-base;
@cyan-7: color(~`colorPalette('@{cyan-6}', 7) `);
@cyan-8: color(~`colorPalette('@{cyan-6}', 8) `);
@cyan-9: color(~`colorPalette('@{cyan-6}', 9) `);
@cyan-10: color(~`colorPalette('@{cyan-6}', 10) `);
@green-base: #52c41a;
@green-1: color(~`colorPalette('@{green-6}', 1) `);
@green-2: color(~`colorPalette('@{green-6}', 2) `);
@green-3: color(~`colorPalette('@{green-6}', 3) `);
@green-4: color(~`colorPalette('@{green-6}', 4) `);
@green-5: color(~`colorPalette('@{green-6}', 5) `);
@green-6: @green-base;
@green-7: color(~`colorPalette('@{green-6}', 7) `);
@green-8: color(~`colorPalette('@{green-6}', 8) `);
@green-9: color(~`colorPalette('@{green-6}', 9) `);
@green-10: color(~`colorPalette('@{green-6}', 10) `);
@magenta-base: #eb2f96;
@magenta-1: color(~`colorPalette('@{magenta-6}', 1) `);
@magenta-2: color(~`colorPalette('@{magenta-6}', 2) `);
@magenta-3: color(~`colorPalette('@{magenta-6}', 3) `);
@magenta-4: color(~`colorPalette('@{magenta-6}', 4) `);
@magenta-5: color(~`colorPalette('@{magenta-6}', 5) `);
@magenta-6: @magenta-base;
@magenta-7: color(~`colorPalette('@{magenta-6}', 7) `);
@magenta-8: color(~`colorPalette('@{magenta-6}', 8) `);
@magenta-9: color(~`colorPalette('@{magenta-6}', 9) `);
@magenta-10: color(~`colorPalette('@{magenta-6}', 10) `);
// alias of magenta
@pink-base: #eb2f96;
@pink-1: color(~`colorPalette('@{pink-6}', 1) `);
@pink-2: color(~`colorPalette('@{pink-6}', 2) `);
@pink-3: color(~`colorPalette('@{pink-6}', 3) `);
@pink-4: color(~`colorPalette('@{pink-6}', 4) `);
@pink-5: color(~`colorPalette('@{pink-6}', 5) `);
@pink-6: @pink-base;
@pink-7: color(~`colorPalette('@{pink-6}', 7) `);
@pink-8: color(~`colorPalette('@{pink-6}', 8) `);
@pink-9: color(~`colorPalette('@{pink-6}', 9) `);
@pink-10: color(~`colorPalette('@{pink-6}', 10) `);
@red-base: #f5222d;
@red-1: color(~`colorPalette('@{red-6}', 1) `);
@red-2: color(~`colorPalette('@{red-6}', 2) `);
@red-3: color(~`colorPalette('@{red-6}', 3) `);
@red-4: color(~`colorPalette('@{red-6}', 4) `);
@red-5: color(~`colorPalette('@{red-6}', 5) `);
@red-6: @red-base;
@red-7: color(~`colorPalette('@{red-6}', 7) `);
@red-8: color(~`colorPalette('@{red-6}', 8) `);
@red-9: color(~`colorPalette('@{red-6}', 9) `);
@red-10: color(~`colorPalette('@{red-6}', 10) `);
@orange-base: #fa8c16;
@orange-1: color(~`colorPalette('@{orange-6}', 1) `);
@orange-2: color(~`colorPalette('@{orange-6}', 2) `);
@orange-3: color(~`colorPalette('@{orange-6}', 3) `);
@orange-4: color(~`colorPalette('@{orange-6}', 4) `);
@orange-5: color(~`colorPalette('@{orange-6}', 5) `);
@orange-6: @orange-base;
@orange-7: color(~`colorPalette('@{orange-6}', 7) `);
@orange-8: color(~`colorPalette('@{orange-6}', 8) `);
@orange-9: color(~`colorPalette('@{orange-6}', 9) `);
@orange-10: color(~`colorPalette('@{orange-6}', 10) `);
@yellow-base: #fadb14;
@yellow-1: color(~`colorPalette('@{yellow-6}', 1) `);
@yellow-2: color(~`colorPalette('@{yellow-6}', 2) `);
@yellow-3: color(~`colorPalette('@{yellow-6}', 3) `);
@yellow-4: color(~`colorPalette('@{yellow-6}', 4) `);
@yellow-5: color(~`colorPalette('@{yellow-6}', 5) `);
@yellow-6: @yellow-base;
@yellow-7: color(~`colorPalette('@{yellow-6}', 7) `);
@yellow-8: color(~`colorPalette('@{yellow-6}', 8) `);
@yellow-9: color(~`colorPalette('@{yellow-6}', 9) `);
@yellow-10: color(~`colorPalette('@{yellow-6}', 10) `);
@volcano-base: #fa541c;
@volcano-1: color(~`colorPalette('@{volcano-6}', 1) `);
@volcano-2: color(~`colorPalette('@{volcano-6}', 2) `);
@volcano-3: color(~`colorPalette('@{volcano-6}', 3) `);
@volcano-4: color(~`colorPalette('@{volcano-6}', 4) `);
@volcano-5: color(~`colorPalette('@{volcano-6}', 5) `);
@volcano-6: @volcano-base;
@volcano-7: color(~`colorPalette('@{volcano-6}', 7) `);
@volcano-8: color(~`colorPalette('@{volcano-6}', 8) `);
@volcano-9: color(~`colorPalette('@{volcano-6}', 9) `);
@volcano-10: color(~`colorPalette('@{volcano-6}', 10) `);
@geekblue-base: #2f54eb;
@geekblue-1: color(~`colorPalette('@{geekblue-6}', 1) `);
@geekblue-2: color(~`colorPalette('@{geekblue-6}', 2) `);
@geekblue-3: color(~`colorPalette('@{geekblue-6}', 3) `);
@geekblue-4: color(~`colorPalette('@{geekblue-6}', 4) `);
@geekblue-5: color(~`colorPalette('@{geekblue-6}', 5) `);
@geekblue-6: @geekblue-base;
@geekblue-7: color(~`colorPalette('@{geekblue-6}', 7) `);
@geekblue-8: color(~`colorPalette('@{geekblue-6}', 8) `);
@geekblue-9: color(~`colorPalette('@{geekblue-6}', 9) `);
@geekblue-10: color(~`colorPalette('@{geekblue-6}', 10) `);
@lime-base: #a0d911;
@lime-1: color(~`colorPalette('@{lime-6}', 1) `);
@lime-2: color(~`colorPalette('@{lime-6}', 2) `);
@lime-3: color(~`colorPalette('@{lime-6}', 3) `);
@lime-4: color(~`colorPalette('@{lime-6}', 4) `);
@lime-5: color(~`colorPalette('@{lime-6}', 5) `);
@lime-6: @lime-base;
@lime-7: color(~`colorPalette('@{lime-6}', 7) `);
@lime-8: color(~`colorPalette('@{lime-6}', 8) `);
@lime-9: color(~`colorPalette('@{lime-6}', 9) `);
@lime-10: color(~`colorPalette('@{lime-6}', 10) `);
@gold-base: #faad14;
@gold-1: color(~`colorPalette('@{gold-6}', 1) `);
@gold-2: color(~`colorPalette('@{gold-6}', 2) `);
@gold-3: color(~`colorPalette('@{gold-6}', 3) `);
@gold-4: color(~`colorPalette('@{gold-6}', 4) `);
@gold-5: color(~`colorPalette('@{gold-6}', 5) `);
@gold-6: @gold-base;
@gold-7: color(~`colorPalette('@{gold-6}', 7) `);
@gold-8: color(~`colorPalette('@{gold-6}', 8) `);
@gold-9: color(~`colorPalette('@{gold-6}', 9) `);
@gold-10: color(~`colorPalette('@{gold-6}', 10) `);
@preset-colors: pink, magenta, red, volcano, orange, yellow, gold, cyan, lime, green, blue, geekblue,
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
@root-entry-name: default;
@import './themes/compact.less';
@import './core/index';
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
// Config global less under antd
[class*=~' @{ant-prefix}-'] {
// remove the clear button of a text input control in IE10+
input::-ms-reveal {
display: none;
@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
/* stylelint-disable property-no-vendor-prefix, at-rule-no-vendor-prefix */
// Reboot
// Normalization of HTML elements, manually forked from Normalize.css to remove
// styles targeting irrelevant browsers while applying new styles.
// Normalize is licensed MIT.
// HTML & Body reset
body {
// remove the clear button of a text input control in IE10+
input::-ms-reveal {
display: none;
// Document
// 1. Change from `box-sizing: content-box` so that `width` is not affected by `padding` or `border`.
// 2. Change the default font family in all browsers.
// 3. Correct the line height in all browsers.
// 4. Prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes in IE on Windows Phone and in iOS.
// 5. Setting @viewport causes scrollbars to overlap content in IE11 and Edge, so
// we force a non-overlapping, non-auto-hiding scrollbar to counteract.
// 6. Change the default tap highlight to be completely transparent in iOS.
*::after {
box-sizing: border-box; // 1
@{html-selector} {
font-family: sans-serif; // 2
line-height: 1.15; // 3
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; // 4
-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; // 4
-ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; // 5
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: fade(@black, 0%); // 6
// IE10+ doesn't honor `<meta name="viewport">` in some cases.
@-ms-viewport {
width: device-width;
// Body
// 1. remove the margin in all browsers.
// 2. As a best practice, apply a default `body-background`.
body {
margin: 0; // 1
color: @text-color;
font-size: @font-size-base;
font-family: @font-family;
font-variant: @font-variant-base;
line-height: @line-height-base;
background-color: @body-background; // 2
font-feature-settings: @font-feature-settings-base;
// Suppress the focus outline on elements that cannot be accessed via keyboard.
// This prevents an unwanted focus outline from appearing around elements that
// might still respond to pointer events.
// Credit:
[tabindex='-1']:focus {
outline: none !important;
// Content grouping
// 1. Add the correct box sizing in Firefox.
// 2. Show the overflow in Edge and IE.
hr {
box-sizing: content-box; // 1
height: 0; // 1
overflow: visible; // 2
// Typography
// remove top margins from headings
// By default, `<h1>`-`<h6>` all receive top and bottom margins. We nuke the top
// margin for easier control within type scales as it avoids margin collapsing.
h6 {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
color: @heading-color;
font-weight: 500;
// Reset margins on paragraphs
// Similarly, the top margin on `<p>`s get reset. However, we also reset the
// bottom margin to use `em` units instead of `em`.
p {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 1em;
// Abbreviations
// 1. remove the bottom border in Firefox 39-.
// 2. Add the correct text decoration in Chrome, Edge, IE, Opera, and Safari.
// 3. Add explicit cursor to indicate changed behavior.
// 4. Duplicate behavior to the data-* attribute for our tooltip plugin
abbr[data-original-title] {
// 4
text-decoration: underline; // 2
text-decoration: underline dotted; // 2
border-bottom: 0; // 1
cursor: help; // 3
address {
margin-bottom: 1em;
font-style: normal;
line-height: inherit;
textarea {
-webkit-appearance: none;
dl {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 1em;
ol ol,
ul ul,
ol ul,
ul ol {
margin-bottom: 0;
dt {
font-weight: 500;
dd {
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
margin-left: 0; // Undo browser default
blockquote {
margin: 0 0 1em;
dfn {
font-style: italic; // Add the correct font style in Android 4.3-
strong {
font-weight: bolder; // Add the correct font weight in Chrome, Edge, and Safari
small {
font-size: 80%; // Add the correct font size in all browsers
// Prevent `sub` and `sup` elements from affecting the line height in
// all browsers.
sup {
position: relative;
font-size: 75%;
line-height: 0;
vertical-align: baseline;
sub {
bottom: -0.25em;
sup {
top: -0.5em;
// Links
a {
color: @link-color;
text-decoration: @link-decoration;
background-color: transparent; // remove the gray background on active links in IE 10.
outline: none;
cursor: pointer;
transition: color 0.3s;
-webkit-text-decoration-skip: objects; // remove gaps in links underline in iOS 8+ and Safari 8+.
&:hover {
color: @link-hover-color;
&:active {
color: @link-active-color;
&:hover {
text-decoration: @link-hover-decoration;
outline: 0;
&:focus {
text-decoration: @link-focus-decoration;
outline: @link-focus-outline;
&[disabled] {
color: @disabled-color;
cursor: not-allowed;
// Code
samp {
font-size: 1em; // Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers.
font-family: @code-family;
pre {
// remove browser default top margin
margin-top: 0;
// Reset browser default of `1em` to use `em`s
margin-bottom: 1em;
// Don't allow content to break outside
overflow: auto;
// Figures
figure {
// Apply a consistent margin strategy (matches our type styles).
margin: 0 0 1em;
// Images and content
img {
vertical-align: middle;
border-style: none; // remove the border on images inside links in IE 10-.
// Avoid 300ms click delay on touch devices that support the `touch-action` CSS property.
// In particular, unlike most other browsers, IE11+Edge on Windows 10 on touch devices and IE Mobile 10-11
// DON'T remove the click delay when `<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">` is present.
// However, they DO support emoving the click delay via `touch-action: manipulation`.
// See:
// *
// *
// *
textarea {
touch-action: manipulation;
// Tables
table {
border-collapse: collapse; // Prevent double borders
caption {
padding-top: 0.75em;
padding-bottom: 0.3em;
color: @text-color-secondary;
text-align: left;
caption-side: bottom;
// Forms
textarea {
margin: 0; // remove the margin in Firefox and Safari
color: inherit;
font-size: inherit;
font-family: inherit;
line-height: inherit;
input {
overflow: visible; // Show the overflow in Edge
select {
text-transform: none; // remove the inheritance of text transform in Firefox
// 1. Prevent a WebKit bug where (2) destroys native `audio` and `video`
// controls in Android 4.
// 2. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.
@{html-selector} [type="button"], /* 1 */
[type="submit"] {
-webkit-appearance: button; // 2
// remove inner border and padding from Firefox, but don't restore the outline like Normalize.
[type='submit']::-moz-focus-inner {
padding: 0;
border-style: none;
input[type='checkbox'] {
box-sizing: border-box; // 1. Add the correct box sizing in IE 10-
padding: 0; // 2. remove the padding in IE 10-
input[type='month'] {
// remove the default appearance of temporal inputs to avoid a Mobile Safari
// bug where setting a custom line-height prevents text from being vertically
// centered within the input.
// See
// and
-webkit-appearance: listbox;
textarea {
overflow: auto; // remove the default vertical scrollbar in IE.
// Textareas should really only resize vertically so they don't break their (horizontal) containers.
resize: vertical;
fieldset {
// Browsers set a default `min-width: min-content;` on fieldsets,
// unlike e.g. `<div>`s, which have `min-width: 0;` by default.
// So we reset that to ensure fieldsets behave more like a standard block element.
// See
// and
min-width: 0;
margin: 0;
// Reset the default outline behavior of fieldsets so they don't affect page layout.
padding: 0;
border: 0;
// 1. Correct the text wrapping in Edge and IE.
// 2. Correct the color inheritance from `fieldset` elements in IE.
legend {
display: block;
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%; // 1
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
padding: 0;
color: inherit; // 2
font-size: 1.5em;
line-height: inherit;
white-space: normal; // 1
progress {
vertical-align: baseline; // Add the correct vertical alignment in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
// Correct the cursor style of incement and decement buttons in Chrome.
[type='number']::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
height: auto;
[type='search'] {
// This overrides the extra rounded corners on search inputs in iOS so that our
// `.form-control` class can properly style them. Note that this cannot simply
// be added to `.form-control` as it's not specific enough. For details, see
outline-offset: -2px; // 2. Correct the outline style in Safari.
-webkit-appearance: none;
// remove the inner padding and cancel buttons in Chrome and Safari on macOS.
[type='search']::-webkit-search-decoration {
-webkit-appearance: none;
// 1. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.
// 2. Change font properties to `inherit` in Safari.
::-webkit-file-upload-button {
font: inherit; // 2
-webkit-appearance: button; // 1
// Correct element displays
output {
display: inline-block;
summary {
display: list-item; // Add the correct display in all browsers
template {
display: none; // Add the correct display in IE
// Always hide an element with the `hidden` HTML attribute (from PureCSS).
// Needed for proper display in IE 10-.
[hidden] {
display: none !important;
mark {
padding: 0.2em;
background-color: @yellow-1;
::selection {
color: @text-color-inverse;
background: @text-selection-bg;
// Utility classes
.clearfix {
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
@import '../themes/index';
@import '../mixins/iconfont';
.@{iconfont-css-prefix} {
& > & {
line-height: 0;
vertical-align: 0;
&[tabindex] {
cursor: pointer;
.@{iconfont-css-prefix}-spin::before {
display: inline-block;
animation: loadingCircle 1s infinite linear;
.@{iconfont-css-prefix}-spin {
display: inline-block;
animation: loadingCircle 1s infinite linear;
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
@import '../mixins/index';
@import 'base';
@import 'global';
@import 'iconfont';
@import 'motion';
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
// @import '../mixins/motion'; This has moved to theme/xxx inside.
@import 'motion/fade';
@import 'motion/move';
@import 'motion/other';
@import 'motion/slide';
@import 'motion/zoom';
// For common/openAnimation
.ant-motion-collapse-legacy {
overflow: hidden;
&-active {
transition: height @animation-duration-base @ease-in-out,
opacity @animation-duration-base @ease-in-out !important;
.ant-motion-collapse {
overflow: hidden;
transition: height @animation-duration-base @ease-in-out,
opacity @animation-duration-base @ease-in-out !important;
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
.fade-motion(@className, @keyframeName) {
@name: ~'@{ant-prefix}-@{className}';
.make-motion(@name, @keyframeName);
.@{name}-appear {
opacity: 0;
animation-timing-function: linear;
.@{name}-leave {
animation-timing-function: linear;
.make-motion(@className, @keyframeName);
.@{className}-appear {
opacity: 0;
animation-timing-function: linear;
.@{className}-leave {
animation-timing-function: linear;
.fade-motion(fade, antFade);
@keyframes antFadeIn {
0% {
opacity: 0;
100% {
opacity: 1;
@keyframes antFadeOut {
0% {
opacity: 1;
100% {
opacity: 0;
@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
.move-motion(@className, @keyframeName) {
@name: ~'@{ant-prefix}-@{className}';
.make-motion(@name, @keyframeName);
.@{name}-appear {
opacity: 0;
animation-timing-function: @ease-out-circ;
.@{name}-leave {
animation-timing-function: @ease-in-circ;
.make-motion(@className, @keyframeName);
.@{className}-appear {
opacity: 0;
animation-timing-function: @ease-out-circ;
.@{className}-leave {
animation-timing-function: @ease-in-circ;
.move-motion(move-up, antMoveUp);
.move-motion(move-down, antMoveDown);
.move-motion(move-left, antMoveLeft);
.move-motion(move-right, antMoveRight);
@keyframes antMoveDownIn {
0% {
transform: translateY(100%);
transform-origin: 0 0;
opacity: 0;
100% {
transform: translateY(0%);
transform-origin: 0 0;
opacity: 1;
@keyframes antMoveDownOut {
0% {
transform: translateY(0%);
transform-origin: 0 0;
opacity: 1;
100% {
transform: translateY(100%);
transform-origin: 0 0;
opacity: 0;
@keyframes antMoveLeftIn {
0% {
transform: translateX(-100%);
transform-origin: 0 0;
opacity: 0;
100% {
transform: translateX(0%);
transform-origin: 0 0;
opacity: 1;
@keyframes antMoveLeftOut {
0% {
transform: translateX(0%);
transform-origin: 0 0;
opacity: 1;
100% {
transform: translateX(-100%);
transform-origin: 0 0;
opacity: 0;
@keyframes antMoveRightIn {
0% {
transform: translateX(100%);
transform-origin: 0 0;
opacity: 0;
100% {
transform: translateX(0%);
transform-origin: 0 0;
opacity: 1;
@keyframes antMoveRightOut {
0% {
transform: translateX(0%);
transform-origin: 0 0;
opacity: 1;
100% {
transform: translateX(100%);
transform-origin: 0 0;
opacity: 0;
@keyframes antMoveUpIn {
0% {
transform: translateY(-100%);
transform-origin: 0 0;
opacity: 0;
100% {
transform: translateY(0%);
transform-origin: 0 0;
opacity: 1;
@keyframes antMoveUpOut {
0% {
transform: translateY(0%);
transform-origin: 0 0;
opacity: 1;
100% {
transform: translateY(-100%);
transform-origin: 0 0;
opacity: 0;
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
@keyframes loadingCircle {
100% {
transform: rotate(360deg);
@click-animating-true: ~"[@{ant-prefix}-click-animating='true']";
@click-animating-with-extra-node-true: ~"[@{ant-prefix}-click-animating-without-extra-node='true']";
@{click-animating-with-extra-node-true} {
position: relative;
html {
--antd-wave-shadow-color: @primary-color;
--scroll-bar: 0;
@click-animating-with-extra-node-true-after: ~'@{click-animating-with-extra-node-true}::after';
.@{ant-prefix}-click-animating-node {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
display: block;
border-radius: inherit;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 @primary-color;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 var(--antd-wave-shadow-color);
opacity: 0.2;
animation: fadeEffect 2s @ease-out-circ, waveEffect 0.4s @ease-out-circ;
animation-fill-mode: forwards;
content: '';
pointer-events: none;
@keyframes waveEffect {
100% {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 @primary-color;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 @wave-animation-width var(--antd-wave-shadow-color);
@keyframes fadeEffect {
100% {
opacity: 0;
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
.slide-motion(@className, @keyframeName) {
@name: ~'@{ant-prefix}-@{className}';
.make-motion(@name, @keyframeName);
.@{name}-appear {
opacity: 0;
animation-timing-function: @ease-out-quint;
.@{name}-leave {
animation-timing-function: @ease-in-quint;
.slide-motion-legacy(@className, @keyframeName) {
@name: ~'@{className}';
.make-motion(@name, @keyframeName);
.@{name}-appear {
opacity: 0;
animation-timing-function: @ease-out-quint;
.@{name}-leave {
animation-timing-function: @ease-in-quint;
.slide-motion-legacy(slide-up, antSlideUp);
.slide-motion-legacy(slide-down, antSlideDown);
.slide-motion-legacy(slide-left, antSlideLeft);
.slide-motion-legacy(slide-right, antSlideRight);
.slide-motion(slide-up, antSlideUp);
.slide-motion(slide-down, antSlideDown);
.slide-motion(slide-left, antSlideLeft);
.slide-motion(slide-right, antSlideRight);
@keyframes antSlideUpIn {
0% {
transform: scaleY(0.8);
transform-origin: 0% 0%;
opacity: 0;
100% {
transform: scaleY(1);
transform-origin: 0% 0%;
opacity: 1;
@keyframes antSlideUpOut {
0% {
transform: scaleY(1);
transform-origin: 0% 0%;
opacity: 1;
100% {
transform: scaleY(0.8);
transform-origin: 0% 0%;
opacity: 0;
@keyframes antSlideDownIn {
0% {
transform: scaleY(0.8);
transform-origin: 100% 100%;
opacity: 0;
100% {
transform: scaleY(1);
transform-origin: 100% 100%;
opacity: 1;
@keyframes antSlideDownOut {
0% {
transform: scaleY(1);
transform-origin: 100% 100%;
opacity: 1;
100% {
transform: scaleY(0.8);
transform-origin: 100% 100%;
opacity: 0;
@keyframes antSlideLeftIn {
0% {
transform: scaleX(0.8);
transform-origin: 0% 0%;
opacity: 0;
100% {
transform: scaleX(1);
transform-origin: 0% 0%;
opacity: 1;
@keyframes antSlideLeftOut {
0% {
transform: scaleX(1);
transform-origin: 0% 0%;
opacity: 1;
100% {
transform: scaleX(0.8);
transform-origin: 0% 0%;
opacity: 0;
@keyframes antSlideRightIn {
0% {
transform: scaleX(0.8);
transform-origin: 100% 0%;
opacity: 0;
100% {
transform: scaleX(1);
transform-origin: 100% 0%;
opacity: 1;
@keyframes antSlideRightOut {
0% {
transform: scaleX(1);
transform-origin: 100% 0%;
opacity: 1;
100% {
transform: scaleX(0.8);
transform-origin: 100% 0%;
opacity: 0;
@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
.zoom-motion(@className, @keyframeName, @duration: @animation-duration-base) {
@name: ~'@{ant-prefix}-@{className}';
.make-motion(@name, @keyframeName, @duration);
.@{name}-appear {
transform: scale(0); // need this by yiminghe
opacity: 0;
animation-timing-function: @ease-out-circ;
&-prepare {
transform: none;
.@{name}-leave {
animation-timing-function: @ease-in-out-circ;
.make-motion(@className, @keyframeName, @duration);
.@{className}-appear {
transform: scale(0); // need this by yiminghe
opacity: 0;
animation-timing-function: @ease-out-circ;
&-prepare {
transform: none;
.@{className}-leave {
animation-timing-function: @ease-in-out-circ;
// For Modal, Select choosen item
.zoom-motion(zoom, antZoom);
// For Popover, Popconfirm, Dropdown
.zoom-motion(zoom-big, antZoomBig);
// For Tooltip
.zoom-motion(zoom-big-fast, antZoomBig, @animation-duration-fast);
.zoom-motion(zoom-up, antZoomUp);
.zoom-motion(zoom-down, antZoomDown);
.zoom-motion(zoom-left, antZoomLeft);
.zoom-motion(zoom-right, antZoomRight);
@keyframes antZoomIn {
0% {
transform: scale(0.2);
opacity: 0;
100% {
transform: scale(1);
opacity: 1;
@keyframes antZoomOut {
0% {
transform: scale(1);
100% {
transform: scale(0.2);
opacity: 0;
@keyframes antZoomBigIn {
0% {
transform: scale(0.8);
opacity: 0;
100% {
transform: scale(1);
opacity: 1;
@keyframes antZoomBigOut {
0% {
transform: scale(1);
100% {
transform: scale(0.8);
opacity: 0;
@keyframes antZoomUpIn {
0% {
transform: scale(0.8);
transform-origin: 50% 0%;
opacity: 0;
100% {
transform: scale(1);
transform-origin: 50% 0%;
@keyframes antZoomUpOut {
0% {
transform: scale(1);
transform-origin: 50% 0%;
100% {
transform: scale(0.8);
transform-origin: 50% 0%;
opacity: 0;
@keyframes antZoomLeftIn {
0% {
transform: scale(0.8);
transform-origin: 0% 50%;
opacity: 0;
100% {
transform: scale(1);
transform-origin: 0% 50%;
@keyframes antZoomLeftOut {
0% {
transform: scale(1);
transform-origin: 0% 50%;
100% {
transform: scale(0.8);
transform-origin: 0% 50%;
opacity: 0;
@keyframes antZoomRightIn {
0% {
transform: scale(0.8);
transform-origin: 100% 50%;
opacity: 0;
100% {
transform: scale(1);
transform-origin: 100% 50%;
@keyframes antZoomRightOut {
0% {
transform: scale(1);
transform-origin: 100% 50%;
100% {
transform: scale(0.8);
transform-origin: 100% 50%;
opacity: 0;
@keyframes antZoomDownIn {
0% {
transform: scale(0.8);
transform-origin: 50% 100%;
opacity: 0;
100% {
transform: scale(1);
transform-origin: 50% 100%;
@keyframes antZoomDownOut {
0% {
transform: scale(1);
transform-origin: 50% 100%;
100% {
transform: scale(0.8);
transform-origin: 50% 100%;
opacity: 0;
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
@root-entry-name: default;
@import './themes/dark.less';
@import './core/index';
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
// This is same as `index.less` but given `root-entry-name` for `dist/antd.less` usage
@root-entry-name: default;
@import './index';
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
@import './themes/index';
@import './core/index';
@ -1 +0,0 @@
import './index.less';
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
.box(@position: absolute) {
position: @position;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
// mixins for clearfix
// ------------------------
.clearfix() {
&::before {
display: table;
content: '';
&::after {
display: table;
clear: both;
content: '';
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
// Compatibility for browsers.
// Placeholder text
.placeholder(@color: @input-placeholder-color) {
// Firefox
/* stylelint-disable-next-line selector-no-vendor-prefix */
&::-moz-placeholder {
opacity: 1; // Override Firefox's unusual default opacity; see
&::placeholder {
color: @color;
user-select: none; //
&:placeholder-shown {
text-overflow: ellipsis;
@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
// customize dark components background in popover containers(like Modal, Drawer, Card, Popover, Popconfirm, Notification, ...)
// for dark theme
.popover-customize-bg(@containerClass, @background: @popover-background, @prefix: @ant-prefix)
(@theme = dark) {
@picker-prefix-cls: ~'@{prefix}-picker';
@slider-prefix-cls: ~'@{prefix}-slider';
@anchor-prefix-cls: ~'@{prefix}-anchor';
@collapse-prefix-cls: ~'@{prefix}-collapse';
@tab-prefix-cls: ~'@{prefix}-tabs';
@timeline-prefix-cls: ~'@{prefix}-timeline';
@tree-prefix-cls: ~'@{prefix}-tree';
@card-prefix-cls: ~'@{prefix}-card';
@badge-prefix-cls: ~'@{prefix}-badge';
@transfer-prefix-cls: ~'@{prefix}-transfer';
@calendar-prefix-cls: ~'@{prefix}-picker-calendar';
@calendar-picker-prefix-cls: ~'@{prefix}-picker';
@table-prefix-cls: ~'@{prefix}-table';
@popover-border: @border-width-base @border-style-base @popover-customize-border-color;
.@{containerClass} {
.@{card-prefix-cls} {
background-color: @background;
.@{transfer-prefix-cls} {
&-list {
&-header {
background: @background;
border-bottom: @popover-border;
&-content-item:not(.@{transfer-prefix-cls}-list-content-item-disabled):hover {
background-color: @item-hover-bg;
tr.@{table-prefix-cls}-expanded-row {
&:hover {
> td {
background: #272727;
.@{table-prefix-cls}.@{table-prefix-cls}-small {
thead {
> tr {
> th {
background-color: @background;
border-bottom: @popover-border;
.@{table-prefix-cls} {
background-color: @background;
.@{table-prefix-cls}-row-expand-icon {
border: @popover-border;
tfoot {
> tr {
> th,
> td {
border-bottom: @popover-border;
thead {
> tr {
> th {
background-color: #272727;
border-bottom: @popover-border;
tbody {
> tr {
> td {
border-bottom: @popover-border;
&.@{table-prefix-cls}-cell-fix-right {
background-color: @background;
&.@{table-prefix-cls}-row:hover {
> td {
background: @table-header-sort-active-bg;
&.@{table-prefix-cls}-bordered {
.@{table-prefix-cls}-title {
border: @popover-border;
// ============================= Cell =============================
thead > tr > th,
tbody > tr > td,
tfoot > tr > th,
tfoot > tr > td {
border-right: @popover-border;
// Fixed right should provides additional border
.@{table-prefix-cls}-cell-fix-right-first::after {
border-right: @popover-border;
// ============================ Header ============================
table > {
thead {
> tr:not(:last-child) > th {
border-bottom: @border-width-base @border-style-base @border-color-split;
// =========================== Content ============================
.@{table-prefix-cls}-container {
border: @popover-border;
// ========================== Expandable ==========================
.@{table-prefix-cls}-expanded-row-fixed {
&::after {
border-right: @popover-border;
.@{table-prefix-cls}-footer {
border: @popover-border;
.@{table-prefix-cls}-filter-trigger-container-open {
background-color: #525252;
.@{calendar-prefix-cls}-full {
background-color: @background;
.@{calendar-picker-prefix-cls}-panel {
background-color: @background;
.@{calendar-prefix-cls}-date {
border-top: 2px solid @popover-customize-border-color;
.@{tab-prefix-cls} {
&.@{tab-prefix-cls}-card .@{tab-prefix-cls}-card-bar .@{tab-prefix-cls}-tab-active {
background-color: @background;
border-bottom: @border-width-base solid @background;
.@{badge-prefix-cls} {
&-count {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px @background;
.@{tree-prefix-cls} {
&-show-line {
.@{tree-prefix-cls}-switcher {
background: @background;
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
.iconfont-mixin() {
display: inline-block;
color: @icon-color;
font-style: normal;
line-height: 0;
text-align: center;
text-transform: none;
vertical-align: -0.125em; // for SVG icon, see
text-rendering: optimizelegibility;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
> * {
line-height: 1;
svg {
display: inline-block;
&::before {
display: none; // dont display old icon.
& &-icon {
display: block;
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
// Mixins
// --------------------------------------------------
@import 'size';
@import 'compatibility';
@import 'clearfix';
@import 'iconfont';
@import 'typography';
@import 'customize';
@import 'box';
@import 'modal-mask';
@import 'motion';
@import 'reset';
@import 'operation-unit';
@import 'rounded-arrow';
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
@import 'box';
.modal-mask() {
pointer-events: none;
&.@{ant-prefix}-zoom-appear {
transform: none; // reset scale avoid mousePosition bug
opacity: 0;
animation-duration: @animation-duration-slow;
user-select: none; //
&-mask {
z-index: @zindex-modal-mask;
height: 100%;
background-color: @modal-mask-bg;
&-hidden {
display: none;
&-wrap {
overflow: auto;
outline: 0;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
.motion-common(@duration: @animation-duration-base) {
animation-duration: @duration;
animation-fill-mode: both;
.motion-common-leave(@duration: @animation-duration-base) {
animation-duration: @duration;
animation-fill-mode: both;
.make-motion(@className, @keyframeName, @duration: @animation-duration-base) {
.@{className}-appear {
animation-play-state: paused;
.@{className}-leave {
animation-play-state: paused;
.@{className}-appear.@{className}-appear-active {
animation-name: ~'@{keyframeName}In';
animation-play-state: running;
.@{className}-leave.@{className}-leave-active {
animation-name: ~'@{keyframeName}Out';
animation-play-state: running;
pointer-events: none;
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
.operation-unit() {
color: @link-color;
text-decoration: none;
outline: none;
cursor: pointer;
transition: color 0.3s;
&:hover {
color: @link-hover-color;
&:active {
color: @link-active-color;
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
.reset-component() {
box-sizing: border-box;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
color: @text-color;
font-size: @font-size-base;
font-variant: @font-variant-base;
line-height: @line-height-base;
list-style: none;
font-feature-settings: @font-feature-settings-base;
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
.roundedArrow(@width, @outer-radius, @bg-color: var(--antd-arrow-background-color)) {
@corner-height: unit(((@outer-radius) * (1 - 1 / sqrt(2))));
@width-without-unit: unit(@width);
@outer-radius-without-unit: unit(@outer-radius);
@inner-radius-without-unit: unit(@arrow-border-radius);
@a-x: @width-without-unit - @corner-height;
@a-y: 2 * @width-without-unit + @corner-height;
@b-x: @a-x + @outer-radius-without-unit * (1 / sqrt(2));
@b-y: 2 * @width-without-unit;
@c-x: 2 * @width-without-unit - @inner-radius-without-unit;
@c-y: 2 * @width-without-unit;
@d-x: 2 * @width-without-unit;
@d-y: 2 * @width-without-unit - @inner-radius-without-unit;
@e-x: 2 * @width-without-unit;
@e-y: @f-y + @outer-radius-without-unit * (1 / sqrt(2));
@f-x: 2 * @width-without-unit + @corner-height;
@f-y: @width-without-unit - @corner-height;
@g-x: @f-x - 1;
@g-y: @f-y;
@h-x: @a-x;
@h-y: @a-y - 1;
border-radius: 0 0 @arrow-border-radius;
pointer-events: none;
&::before {
position: absolute;
top: -@width;
left: -@width;
width: @width * 3;
height: @width * 3;
background: @bg-color;
// Hack firefox:
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: ceil(-@width + 1px) ceil(-@width + 1px);
content: '';
clip-path: path(
'M @{a-x} @{a-y} A @{outer-radius-without-unit} @{outer-radius-without-unit} 0 0 1 @{b-x} @{b-y} L @{c-x} @{c-y} A @{inner-radius-without-unit} @{inner-radius-without-unit} 0 0 0 @{d-x} @{d-y} L @{e-x} @{e-y} A @{outer-radius-without-unit} @{outer-radius-without-unit} 0 0 1 @{f-x} @{f-y} L @{g-x} @{g-y} L @{h-x} @{h-y} Z'
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
// Sizing shortcuts
.size(@width; @height) {
width: @width;
height: @height;
.square(@size) {
.size(@size; @size);
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
// =============== Common ===============
.typography-paragraph() {
margin-bottom: 1em;
.typography-title(@fontSize; @fontWeight; @lineHeight; @headingColor; @headingMarginBottom;) {
margin-bottom: @headingMarginBottom;
color: @headingColor;
font-weight: @fontWeight;
font-size: @fontSize;
line-height: @lineHeight;
.typography-title-1() {
.typography-title-2() {
.typography-title-3() {
.typography-title-4() {
.typography-title-5() {
@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
@import './default.less';
@line-height-base: 1.66667;
@mode: compact;
@font-size-base: 12px;
@font-size-lg: @font-size-base + 2px;
// default paddings
@default-padding-lg: 24px; // containers
@default-padding-md: 16px; // small containers and buttons
@default-padding-sm: 12px; // Form controls and items
@default-padding-xs: 8px; // small items
@default-padding-xss: 4px; // more small
// vertical paddings
@padding-lg: 16px; // containers
@padding-md: 8px; // small containers and buttons
@padding-sm: 8px; // Form controls and items
@padding-xs: 4px; // small items
@padding-xss: 0px; // more small
// vertical padding for all form controls
@control-padding-horizontal: @padding-sm;
@control-padding-horizontal-sm: @default-padding-xs;
// vertical margins
@margin-lg: 16px; // containers
@margin-md: 8px; // small containers and buttons
@margin-sm: 8px; // Form controls and items
@margin-xs: 4px; // small items
@margin-xss: 0px; // more small
// height rules
@height-base: 28px;
@height-lg: 32px;
@height-sm: 22px;
// Button
// ---
@btn-padding-horizontal-base: @default-padding-sm - 1px;
@btn-padding-horizontal-lg: @btn-padding-horizontal-base;
@btn-padding-horizontal-sm: @default-padding-xs - 1px;
@btn-square-only-icon-size-lg: 16px;
@btn-square-only-icon-size: 14px;
@btn-square-only-icon-size-sm: 12px;
// Breadcrumb
// ---
@breadcrumb-font-size: @font-size-base;
@breadcrumb-icon-font-size: @font-size-base;
@dropdown-line-height: 18px;
// Menu
@menu-item-padding: 0 12px;
@menu-horizontal-line-height: 38px;
@menu-inline-toplevel-item-height: 32px;
@menu-item-height: 32px;
@menu-item-vertical-margin: 0px;
@menu-item-boundary-margin: 0px;
@menu-icon-margin-right: 8px;
// Checkbox
@checkbox-size: 14px;
@checkbox-group-item-margin-right: 6px;
// picker
@picker-panel-cell-height: 22px;
@picker-panel-cell-width: 32px;
@picker-text-height: 32px;
@picker-time-panel-cell-height: 24px;
@picker-panel-without-time-cell-height: 48px;
// Form
// ---
@form-item-margin-bottom: 16px;
@form-vertical-label-padding: 0 0 4px;
// Rate
// ---
@rate-star-size: 16px;
// Radio
// ---
@radio-size: 14px;
@radio-wrapper-margin-right: 6px;
// Switch
// ---
@switch-height: 20px;
@switch-sm-height: 14px;
@switch-min-width: 40px;
@switch-sm-min-width: 24px;
@switch-inner-margin-min: 4px;
@switch-inner-margin-max: 22px;
// Slider
// ---
@slider-handle-size: 12px;
@slider-handle-margin-top: -4px;
// Input
// ---
@input-padding-vertical-base: round(
(round(((@input-height-base - @font-size-base * @line-height-base) / 2) * 10) / 10) -
@input-padding-horizontal-lg: 11px;
// PageHeader
// ---
@page-header-padding: 16px;
@page-header-padding-vertical: 8px;
@page-header-heading-title: 16px;
@page-header-heading-sub-title: 12px;
@page-header-tabs-tab-font-size: 14px;
// Pagination
// ---
@pagination-mini-options-size-changer-top: 1px;
@pagination-item-size-sm: 22px;
// Cascader
// ----
@cascader-dropdown-line-height: @dropdown-line-height;
// Select
// ---
@select-dropdown-height: @height-base;
@select-single-item-height-lg: 32px;
@select-multiple-item-height: @input-height-base - max(@input-padding-vertical-base, 4) * 2; // Normal 24px
@select-multiple-item-height-lg: 24px;
@select-multiple-item-spacing-half: 3px;
// Tree
// ---
@tree-title-height: 20px;
// Transfer
// ---
@transfer-item-padding-vertical: 3px;
@transfer-list-search-icon-top: 8px;
@transfer-header-height: 36px;
// Comment
// ---
@comment-actions-margin-bottom: 0px;
@comment-actions-margin-top: @margin-xs;
@comment-content-detail-p-margin-bottom: 0px;
// Steps
// ---
@steps-icon-size: 24px;
@steps-icon-custom-size: 20px;
@steps-icon-custom-font-size: 20px;
@steps-icon-custom-top: 2px;
@steps-icon-margin: 2px 8px 2px 0;
@steps-icon-font-size: @font-size-base;
@steps-dot-top: 4px;
@steps-icon-top: 0px;
@steps-small-icon-size: 20px;
@steps-vertical-icon-width: 12px;
@steps-vertical-tail-width: 12px;
@steps-vertical-tail-width-sm: 10px;
// Collapse
// ---
//@collapse-header-padding-extra: 32px;
@collapse-content-padding: @padding-md @padding-lg;
// List
// ---
@list-item-meta-description-font-size: @font-size-sm;
@list-item-padding-sm: 4px 12px;
@list-item-padding-lg: 12px 16px;
// Drawer
// ---
@drawer-header-padding: 11px @padding-lg;
@drawer-footer-padding-vertical: @padding-sm;
@drawer-footer-padding-horizontal: @padding-sm;
@drawer-header-close-size: 44px;
// Modal
// --
@modal-header-padding: 11px @modal-header-padding-horizontal;
@modal-footer-padding-vertical: @padding-sm;
@modal-header-close-size: 44px;
@modal-confirm-body-padding: 24px 24px 16px;
// Message
// ---
@message-notice-content-padding: 8px 16px;
// popover
// --
@popover-min-height: 28px;
@popover-padding-horizontal: @default-padding-sm;
// Card
// ---
@card-padding-base: 16px;
@card-head-height: 36px;
@card-head-font-size: @card-head-font-size-sm;
@card-head-padding: 8.5px;
@card-padding-base: 12px;
@card-padding-base-sm: @card-padding-base;
@card-head-height-sm: 30px;
@card-head-padding-sm: 6px;
@card-actions-li-margin: 4px 0;
@card-head-tabs-margin-bottom: -9px;
// Table
// ---
@table-padding-vertical: 12px;
@table-padding-horizontal: 8px;
@table-padding-vertical-md: 8px;
@table-padding-horizontal-md: 8px;
@table-padding-vertical-sm: 4px;
@table-padding-horizontal-sm: 4px;
@table-selection-column-width: 32px;
// Statistic
// ---
@statistic-content-font-size: 20px;
// Alert
// ---
@alert-with-description-no-icon-padding-vertical: 7px;
@alert-with-description-padding-vertical: 11px;
@alert-icon-top: 7px + @font-size-base * (@line-height-base / 2) - (@font-size-base / 2);
@alert-with-description-icon-size: 20px;
// Skeleton
// ---
@skeleton-paragraph-margin-top: 20px;
@skeleton-paragraph-li-margin-top: 12px;
@skeleton-paragraph-li-height: 14px;
@skeleton-title-height: 14px;
@skeleton-title-paragraph-margin-top: 20px;
// Descriptions
@descriptions-title-margin-bottom: 8px;
@descriptions-default-padding: 12px @padding-lg;
@descriptions-item-padding-bottom: @padding-xs;
// Avatar
// ---
@avatar-size-base: 28px;
@avatar-size-lg: 32px;
@avatar-size-sm: 22px;
@avatar-font-size-base: 16px;
@avatar-font-size-lg: 20px;
@avatar-font-size-sm: 12px;
// Badge
// ---
@badge-height: 18px;
// Tag
// ---
@tag-line-height: 18px;
// Notification
// ---
@notification-padding-vertical: 12px;
@notification-padding-horizontal: 16px;
// Result
// ---
@result-title-font-size: 20px;
@result-icon-font-size: 64px;
@result-extra-margin: 24px 0 0 0;
// Anchor
// ---
@anchor-link-top: 4px;
@anchor-link-left: 16px;
@anchor-link-padding: @anchor-link-top 0 @anchor-link-top @anchor-link-left;
// Tabs
// ---
@tabs-card-horizontal-padding: 4px @padding-md;
// Progress
// ---
@progress-circle-text-font-size: 0.833333em;
// Image
// ---
@image-size-base: 48px;
@image-font-size-base: 24px;
@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
@import './default.less';
@theme: dark;
// color palettes
@blue-1: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{blue-base}', 8) `), @component-background, 15%);
@blue-2: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{blue-base}', 7) `), @component-background, 25%);
@blue-3: mix(@blue-base, @component-background, 30%);
@blue-4: mix(@blue-base, @component-background, 45%);
@blue-5: mix(@blue-base, @component-background, 65%);
@blue-6: mix(@blue-base, @component-background, 85%);
@blue-7: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{blue-base}', 5) `), @component-background, 90%);
@blue-8: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{blue-base}', 4) `), @component-background, 95%);
@blue-9: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{blue-base}', 3) `), @component-background, 97%);
@blue-10: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{blue-base}', 2) `), @component-background, 98%);
@purple-1: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{purple-base}', 8) `), @component-background, 15%);
@purple-2: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{purple-base}', 7) `), @component-background, 25%);
@purple-3: mix(@purple-base, @component-background, 30%);
@purple-4: mix(@purple-base, @component-background, 45%);
@purple-5: mix(@purple-base, @component-background, 65%);
@purple-6: mix(@purple-base, @component-background, 85%);
@purple-7: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{purple-base}', 5) `), @component-background, 90%);
@purple-8: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{purple-base}', 4) `), @component-background, 95%);
@purple-9: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{purple-base}', 3) `), @component-background, 97%);
@purple-10: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{purple-base}', 2) `), @component-background, 98%);
@cyan-1: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{cyan-base}', 8) `), @component-background, 15%);
@cyan-2: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{cyan-base}', 7) `), @component-background, 25%);
@cyan-3: mix(@cyan-base, @component-background, 30%);
@cyan-4: mix(@cyan-base, @component-background, 45%);
@cyan-5: mix(@cyan-base, @component-background, 65%);
@cyan-6: mix(@cyan-base, @component-background, 85%);
@cyan-7: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{cyan-base}', 5) `), @component-background, 90%);
@cyan-8: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{cyan-base}', 4) `), @component-background, 95%);
@cyan-9: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{cyan-base}', 3) `), @component-background, 97%);
@cyan-10: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{cyan-base}', 2) `), @component-background, 98%);
@green-1: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{green-base}', 8) `), @component-background, 15%);
@green-2: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{green-base}', 7) `), @component-background, 25%);
@green-3: mix(@green-base, @component-background, 30%);
@green-4: mix(@green-base, @component-background, 45%);
@green-5: mix(@green-base, @component-background, 65%);
@green-6: mix(@green-base, @component-background, 85%);
@green-7: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{green-base}', 5) `), @component-background, 90%);
@green-8: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{green-base}', 4) `), @component-background, 95%);
@green-9: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{green-base}', 3) `), @component-background, 97%);
@green-10: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{green-base}', 2) `), @component-background, 98%);
@magenta-1: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{magenta-base}', 8) `), @component-background, 15%);
@magenta-2: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{magenta-base}', 7) `), @component-background, 25%);
@magenta-3: mix(@magenta-base, @component-background, 30%);
@magenta-4: mix(@magenta-base, @component-background, 45%);
@magenta-5: mix(@magenta-base, @component-background, 65%);
@magenta-6: mix(@magenta-base, @component-background, 85%);
@magenta-7: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{magenta-base}', 5) `), @component-background, 90%);
@magenta-8: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{magenta-base}', 4) `), @component-background, 95%);
@magenta-9: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{magenta-base}', 3) `), @component-background, 97%);
@magenta-10: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{magenta-base}', 2) `), @component-background, 98%);
@pink-1: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{pink-base}', 8) `), @component-background, 15%);
@pink-2: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{pink-base}', 7) `), @component-background, 25%);
@pink-3: mix(@pink-base, @component-background, 30%);
@pink-4: mix(@pink-base, @component-background, 45%);
@pink-5: mix(@pink-base, @component-background, 65%);
@pink-6: mix(@pink-base, @component-background, 85%);
@pink-7: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{pink-base}', 5) `), @component-background, 90%);
@pink-8: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{pink-base}', 4) `), @component-background, 95%);
@pink-9: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{pink-base}', 3) `), @component-background, 97%);
@pink-10: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{pink-base}', 2) `), @component-background, 98%);
@red-1: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{red-base}', 8) `), @component-background, 15%);
@red-2: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{red-base}', 7) `), @component-background, 25%);
@red-3: mix(@red-base, @component-background, 30%);
@red-4: mix(@red-base, @component-background, 45%);
@red-5: mix(@red-base, @component-background, 65%);
@red-6: mix(@red-base, @component-background, 85%);
@red-7: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{red-base}', 5) `), @component-background, 90%);
@red-8: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{red-base}', 4) `), @component-background, 95%);
@red-9: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{red-base}', 3) `), @component-background, 97%);
@red-10: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{red-base}', 2) `), @component-background, 98%);
@orange-1: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{orange-base}', 8) `), @component-background, 15%);
@orange-2: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{orange-base}', 7) `), @component-background, 25%);
@orange-3: mix(@orange-base, @component-background, 30%);
@orange-4: mix(@orange-base, @component-background, 45%);
@orange-5: mix(@orange-base, @component-background, 65%);
@orange-6: mix(@orange-base, @component-background, 85%);
@orange-7: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{orange-base}', 5) `), @component-background, 90%);
@orange-8: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{orange-base}', 4) `), @component-background, 95%);
@orange-9: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{orange-base}', 3) `), @component-background, 97%);
@orange-10: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{orange-base}', 2) `), @component-background, 98%);
@yellow-1: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{yellow-base}', 8) `), @component-background, 15%);
@yellow-2: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{yellow-base}', 7) `), @component-background, 25%);
@yellow-3: mix(@yellow-base, @component-background, 30%);
@yellow-4: mix(@yellow-base, @component-background, 45%);
@yellow-5: mix(@yellow-base, @component-background, 65%);
@yellow-6: mix(@yellow-base, @component-background, 85%);
@yellow-7: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{yellow-base}', 5) `), @component-background, 90%);
@yellow-8: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{yellow-base}', 4) `), @component-background, 95%);
@yellow-9: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{yellow-base}', 3) `), @component-background, 97%);
@yellow-10: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{yellow-base}', 2) `), @component-background, 98%);
@volcano-1: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{volcano-base}', 8) `), @component-background, 15%);
@volcano-2: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{volcano-base}', 7) `), @component-background, 25%);
@volcano-3: mix(@volcano-base, @component-background, 30%);
@volcano-4: mix(@volcano-base, @component-background, 45%);
@volcano-5: mix(@volcano-base, @component-background, 65%);
@volcano-6: mix(@volcano-base, @component-background, 85%);
@volcano-7: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{volcano-base}', 5) `), @component-background, 90%);
@volcano-8: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{volcano-base}', 4) `), @component-background, 95%);
@volcano-9: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{volcano-base}', 3) `), @component-background, 97%);
@volcano-10: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{volcano-base}', 2) `), @component-background, 98%);
@geekblue-1: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{geekblue-base}', 8) `), @component-background, 15%);
@geekblue-2: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{geekblue-base}', 7) `), @component-background, 25%);
@geekblue-3: mix(@geekblue-base, @component-background, 30%);
@geekblue-4: mix(@geekblue-base, @component-background, 45%);
@geekblue-5: mix(@geekblue-base, @component-background, 65%);
@geekblue-6: mix(@geekblue-base, @component-background, 85%);
@geekblue-7: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{geekblue-base}', 5) `), @component-background, 90%);
@geekblue-8: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{geekblue-base}', 4) `), @component-background, 95%);
@geekblue-9: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{geekblue-base}', 3) `), @component-background, 97%);
@geekblue-10: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{geekblue-base}', 2) `), @component-background, 98%);
@lime-1: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{lime-base}', 8) `), @component-background, 15%);
@lime-2: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{lime-base}', 7) `), @component-background, 25%);
@lime-3: mix(@lime-base, @component-background, 30%);
@lime-4: mix(@lime-base, @component-background, 45%);
@lime-5: mix(@lime-base, @component-background, 65%);
@lime-6: mix(@lime-base, @component-background, 85%);
@lime-7: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{lime-base}', 5) `), @component-background, 90%);
@lime-8: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{lime-base}', 4) `), @component-background, 95%);
@lime-9: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{lime-base}', 3) `), @component-background, 97%);
@lime-10: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{lime-base}', 2) `), @component-background, 98%);
@gold-1: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{gold-base}', 8) `), @component-background, 15%);
@gold-2: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{gold-base}', 7) `), @component-background, 25%);
@gold-3: mix(@gold-base, @component-background, 30%);
@gold-4: mix(@gold-base, @component-background, 45%);
@gold-5: mix(@gold-base, @component-background, 65%);
@gold-6: mix(@gold-base, @component-background, 85%);
@gold-7: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{gold-base}', 5) `), @component-background, 90%);
@gold-8: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{gold-base}', 4) `), @component-background, 95%);
@gold-9: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{gold-base}', 3) `), @component-background, 97%);
@gold-10: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{gold-base}', 2) `), @component-background, 98%);
// Color used by default to control hover and active backgrounds and for
// alert info backgrounds.
@primary-1: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{primary-color}', 8) `), @component-background, 15%);
@primary-2: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{primary-color}', 7) `), @component-background, 25%);
@primary-3: mix(@primary-color, @component-background, 30%);
@primary-4: mix(@primary-color, @component-background, 45%);
@primary-5: mix(@primary-color, @component-background, 65%);
@primary-6: @primary-color;
@primary-7: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{primary-color}', 5) `), @component-background, 90%);
@primary-8: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{primary-color}', 4) `), @component-background, 95%);
@primary-9: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{primary-color}', 3) `), @component-background, 97%);
@primary-10: mix(color(~`colorPalette('@{primary-color}', 2) `), @component-background, 98%);
// Layer background
@popover-background: #1f1f1f;
@popover-customize-border-color: #3a3a3a;
@body-background: @black;
@component-background: #141414;
@text-color: fade(@white, 85%);
@text-color-secondary: fade(@white, 45%);
@text-color-inverse: @white;
@icon-color-hover: fade(@white, 75%);
@heading-color: fade(@white, 85%);
// The background colors for active and hover states for things like
// list items or table cells.
@item-active-bg: @primary-1;
@item-hover-bg: fade(@white, 8%);
// Border color
@border-color-base: #434343; // base border outline a component
@border-color-split: #303030; // split border inside a component
@background-color-light: fade(@white, 4%); // background of header and selected item
@background-color-base: fade(@white, 8%); // Default grey background color
// Disabled states
@disabled-color: fade(@white, 30%);
@disabled-bg: @background-color-base;
@disabled-color-dark: fade(@white, 30%);
// Tree
// ---
@tree-bg: transparent;
// List
// ---
@list-customize-card-bg: transparent;
// Shadow
// ---
@shadow-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45);
@shadow-color-inverse: @component-background;
@box-shadow-base: @shadow-2;
@shadow-1-up: 0 -6px 16px -8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.32), 0 -9px 28px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2),
0 -12px 48px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
@shadow-1-down: 0 6px 16px -8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.32), 0 9px 28px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2),
0 12px 48px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
@shadow-1-right: 6px 0 16px -8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.32), 9px 0 28px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2),
12px 0 48px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
@shadow-2: 0 3px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.48), 0 6px 16px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.32),
0 9px 28px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
// Buttons
// ---
@btn-shadow: 0 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.015);
@btn-primary-shadow: 0 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.045);
@btn-text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
@btn-default-bg: transparent;
@btn-default-ghost-color: @text-color;
@btn-default-ghost-border: fade(@white, 25%);
@btn-text-hover-bg: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.03);
// Checkbox
// ---
@checkbox-check-bg: transparent;
// Descriptions
// ---
@descriptions-bg: @background-color-light;
// Divider
// ---
@divider-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 12%);
// Modal
// ---
@modal-header-bg: @popover-background;
@modal-header-border-color-split: @border-color-split;
@modal-content-bg: @popover-background;
@modal-footer-border-color-split: @border-color-split;
// Radio
// ---
@radio-solid-checked-color: @white;
@radio-dot-disabled-color: fade(@white, 20%);
// Radio buttons
// ---
@radio-disabled-button-checked-bg: fade(@white, 20%);
@radio-disabled-button-checked-color: @disabled-color;
// Layout
// ---
@layout-body-background: @body-background;
@layout-header-background: @popover-background;
@layout-trigger-background: #262626;
// Input
// ---
@input-bg: transparent;
@input-placeholder-color: fade(@white, 30%);
@input-icon-color: fade(@white, 30%);
@input-number-handler-active-bg: @item-hover-bg;
@input-icon-hover-color: fade(@white, 85%);
// Select
// ---
@select-background: transparent;
@select-dropdown-bg: @popover-background;
@select-clear-background: @component-background;
@select-selection-item-bg: fade(@white, 8);
@select-selection-item-border-color: @border-color-split;
@select-multiple-disabled-background: @component-background;
@select-multiple-item-disabled-color: #595959;
@select-multiple-item-disabled-border-color: @popover-background;
// Cascader
// ---
@cascader-bg: transparent;
@cascader-menu-bg: @popover-background;
@cascader-menu-border-color-split: @border-color-split;
// Tooltip
// ---
// Tooltip background color
@tooltip-bg: #434343;
// Menu
// ---
// dark theme
@menu-dark-inline-submenu-bg: @component-background;
@menu-dark-bg: @popover-background;
@menu-popup-bg: @popover-background;
// Message
// ---
@message-notice-content-bg: @popover-background;
// Notification
@notification-bg: @popover-background;
@link-hover-color: @primary-5;
@link-active-color: @primary-7;
// Table
// --
@table-header-bg: #1d1d1d;
@table-body-sort-bg: fade(@white, 1%);
@table-row-hover-bg: #262626;
@table-header-cell-split-color: fade(@white, 8%);
@table-header-sort-bg: #262626;
@table-header-filter-active-bg: #434343;
@table-header-sort-active-bg: #303030;
@table-fixed-header-sort-active-bg: #222;
@table-filter-btns-bg: @popover-background;
@table-expanded-row-bg: @table-header-bg;
@table-filter-dropdown-bg: @popover-background;
@table-expand-icon-bg: transparent;
// Tag
// ---
@info-color-deprecated-bg: @primary-1;
@info-color-deprecated-border: @primary-3;
@success-color-deprecated-bg: @green-1;
@success-color-deprecated-border: @green-3;
@warning-color-deprecated-bg: @orange-1;
@warning-color-deprecated-border: @orange-3;
@error-color-deprecated-bg: @red-1;
@error-color-deprecated-border: @red-3;
// TimePicker
// ---
@picker-basic-cell-hover-with-range-color: darken(@primary-color, 35%);
@picker-basic-cell-disabled-bg: #303030;
@picker-border-color: @border-color-split;
@picker-bg: transparent;
@picker-date-hover-range-border-color: darken(@primary-color, 20%);
// Dropdown
// ---
@dropdown-menu-bg: @popover-background;
@dropdown-menu-submenu-disabled-bg: transparent;
// Steps
// ---
@steps-nav-arrow-color: fade(@white, 20%);
@steps-background: transparent;
// Avatar
// ---
@avatar-bg: fade(@white, 30%);
// Progress
// ---
@progress-steps-item-bg: fade(@white, 8%);
// Calendar
// ---
@calendar-bg: @popover-background;
@calendar-input-bg: @calendar-bg;
@calendar-border-color: transparent;
@calendar-full-bg: @component-background;
// Badge
// ---
@badge-text-color: @white;
// Popover
@popover-bg: @popover-background;
// Drawer
@drawer-bg: @popover-background;
// Card
// ---
@card-actions-background: @component-background;
@card-skeleton-bg: #303030;
@card-shadow: 0 1px 2px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.64), 0 3px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.48),
0 5px 12px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.36);
// Transfer
// ---
@transfer-item-hover-bg: #262626;
// Comment
// ---
@comment-bg: transparent;
@comment-author-time-color: fade(@white, 30%);
@comment-action-hover-color: fade(@white, 65%);
// Rate
// ---
@rate-star-bg: fade(@white, 12%);
// Switch
// ---
@switch-bg: @white;
// Pagination
// ---
@pagination-item-bg: transparent;
@pagination-item-bg-active: transparent;
@pagination-item-link-bg: transparent;
@pagination-item-disabled-bg-active: fade(@white, 25%);
@pagination-item-disabled-color-active: @black;
@pagination-item-input-bg: @pagination-item-bg;
// PageHeader
// ---
@page-header-back-color: @icon-color;
@page-header-ghost-bg: transparent;
// Slider
// ---
@slider-rail-background-color: #262626;
@slider-rail-background-color-hover: @border-color-base;
@slider-dot-border-color: @border-color-split;
@slider-dot-border-color-active: @primary-4;
// Skeleton
// ---
@skeleton-to-color: fade(@white, 16%);
// Alert
// ---
@alert-success-border-color: @green-3;
@alert-success-bg-color: @green-1;
@alert-success-icon-color: @success-color;
@alert-info-border-color: @primary-3;
@alert-info-bg-color: @primary-1;
@alert-info-icon-color: @info-color;
@alert-warning-border-color: @gold-3;
@alert-warning-bg-color: @gold-1;
@alert-warning-icon-color: @warning-color;
@alert-error-border-color: @red-3;
@alert-error-bg-color: @red-1;
@alert-error-icon-color: @error-color;
// Timeline
// ---
@timeline-color: @border-color-split;
@timeline-dot-color: @primary-color;
// Mentions
// ---
@mentions-dropdown-bg: @popover-background;
// Segmented
// ---
@segmented-bg: fade(@black, 25%);
@segmented-hover-bg: fade(@black, 45%);
@segmented-selected-bg: #333333;
@segmented-label-color: fade(@white, 65%);
@segmented-label-hover-color: fade(@white, 85%);
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
// Default using variable as entry to support site variable version
// This will be replaced in webpack bundle
// @root-entry-name: variable;
// @import './default.less';
// @import './variable.less';
@import './@{root-entry-name}.less';
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
@root-entry-name: variable;
@import './themes/variable.less';
@import './core/index';
Reference in New Issue