doc: markdown format (#5240)

Wang JiangDi 2022-02-14 09:21:39 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 8f9875e518
commit 43b218806a
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 10 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ cover:
| ---------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------------- | --------- |
| delay | 延迟显示加载效果的时间(防止闪烁) | number (毫秒) | - |
| indicator | 加载指示符 | vNode \| slot | - |
| size | 组件大小,可选值为 `small` `default` `large` | string | 'default' |
| size | 组件大小,可选值为 `small` `default` `large` | string | `default` |
| spinning | 是否为加载中状态 | boolean | true |
| tip | 当作为包裹元素时,可以自定义描述文案 | string | - |
| wrapperClassName | 包装器的类属性 | string | - |

View File

@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ Ant Design 依次提供了三级选项卡,分别用于不同的场景。
| animated | 是否使用动画切换 Tabs`tabPosition=top | bottom` 时有效 | boolean \| {inkBar:boolean, tabPane:boolean} | true, 当 type="card" 时为 false | |
| centered | 标签居中展示 | boolean | false | 3.0 |
| hideAdd | 是否隐藏加号图标,在 `type="editable-card"` 时有效 | boolean | false | |
| size | 大小,提供 `large` `default``small` 三种大小 | string | 'default' | |
| size | 大小,提供 `large` `default``small` 三种大小 | string | `default` | |
| tabBarStyle | tab bar 的样式对象 | object | - | |
| tabPosition | 页签位置,可选值有 `top` `right` `bottom` `left` | string | 'top' | |
| type | 页签的基本样式,可选 `line`、`card` `editable-card` 类型 | string | 'line' | |
| tabPosition | 页签位置,可选值有 `top` `right` `bottom` `left` | string | `top` | |
| type | 页签的基本样式,可选 `line`、`card` `editable-card` 类型 | string | `line` | |
| tabBarGutter | tabs 之间的间隙 | number | 无 | |
### Tabs 插槽

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Uploading is the process of publishing information (web pages, text, pictures, v
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| accept | File types that can be accepted. See [input accept Attribute]( | string | - | |
| action | Uploading URL | string\|(file) => `Promise` | - | |
| method | http method of upload request | string | 'post' | 1.5.0 |
| method | http method of upload request | string | `post` | 1.5.0 |
| directory | support upload whole directory ([caniuse]( | boolean | false | |
| beforeUpload | Hook function which will be executed before uploading. Uploading will be stopped with `false` or a rejected Promise returned. **Warningthis function is not supported in IE9**。 | (file, fileList) => `boolean | Promise` | - | |
| customRequest | override for the default xhr behavior allowing for additional customization and ability to implement your own XMLHttpRequest | Function | - | |
@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ Uploading is the process of publishing information (web pages, text, pictures, v
| disabled | disable upload button | boolean | false | |
| fileList | List of files that have been uploaded (controlled). Here is a common issue [#2423]( when using it | object\[] | - | |
| headers | Set request headers, valid above IE10. | object | - | |
| listType | Built-in stylesheets, support for three types: `text`, `picture` or `picture-card` | string | 'text' | |
| listType | Built-in stylesheets, support for three types: `text`, `picture` or `picture-card` | string | `text` | |
| multiple | Whether to support selected multiple file. `IE10+` supported. You can select multiple files with CTRL holding down while multiple is set to be true | boolean | false | |
| name | The name of uploading file | string | 'file' | |
| name | The name of uploading file | string | `file` | |
| previewFile | Customize preview file logic | (file: File \| Blob) => Promise<dataURL: string> | - | 1.5.0 |
| showUploadList | Whether to show default upload list, could be an object to specify `showPreviewIcon` and `showRemoveIcon` individually | Boolean or { showPreviewIcon?: boolean, showRemoveIcon?: boolean } | true | |
| supportServerRender | Need to be turned on while the server side is rendering. | boolean | false | |

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ cover:
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| accept | 接受上传的文件类型, 详见 [input accept Attribute]( | string | 无 | |
| action | 上传的地址 | string\|(file) => `Promise` | 无 | |
| method | 上传请求的 http method | string | 'post' | 1.5.0 |
| method | 上传请求的 http method | string | `post` | 1.5.0 |
| directory | 支持上传文件夹([caniuse]( | boolean | false | |
| beforeUpload | 上传文件之前的钩子,参数为上传的文件,若返回 `false` 则停止上传。支持返回一个 Promise 对象Promise 对象 reject 时则停止上传resolve 时开始上传( resolve 传入 `File``Blob` 对象则上传 resolve 传入对象)。**注意IE9 不支持该方法**。 | (file, fileList) => `boolean | Promise` | 无 | |
| customRequest | 通过覆盖默认的上传行为,可以自定义自己的上传实现 | Function | 无 | |
@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ cover:
| disabled | 是否禁用 | boolean | false | |
| fileList | 已经上传的文件列表(受控) | object\[] | 无 | |
| headers | 设置上传的请求头部IE10 以上有效 | object | 无 | |
| listType | 上传列表的内建样式,支持三种基本样式 `text`, `picture``picture-card` | string | 'text' | |
| listType | 上传列表的内建样式,支持三种基本样式 `text`, `picture``picture-card` | string | `text` | |
| multiple | 是否支持多选文件,`ie10+` 支持。开启后按住 ctrl 可选择多个文件。 | boolean | false | |
| name | 发到后台的文件参数名 | string | 'file' | |
| name | 发到后台的文件参数名 | string | `file` | |
| previewFile | 自定义文件预览逻辑 | (file: File \| Blob) => Promise<dataURL: string> | 无 | 1.5.0 |
| showUploadList | 是否展示 uploadList, 可设为一个对象,用于单独设定 showPreviewIcon 和 showRemoveIcon | Boolean or { showPreviewIcon?: boolean, showRemoveIcon?: boolean } | true | |
| supportServerRender | 服务端渲染时需要打开这个 | boolean | false | |