| gutter | Spacing between grids, could be a number or a object like `{ xs: 8, sm: 16, md: 24}`. or you can use array to make horizontal and vertical spacing work at the same time `[horizontal, vertical]` (supported after `1.5.0`) | number/object/array | 0 | - |
- Remove `locale-provider` Directory. `LocaleProvider` was removed in v4, please use `ConfigProvider` instead.
- Remove the `xxxl` breakpoint property from the grid layout. `xxxl` breakpoint has been removed in v4. You can customize breakpoint values using [theme customization](/docs/vue/customize-theme) with `screen[XS|SM|MD|LG|XL|XXL]` properties.
- BackTop is deprecated in `4.0.0`, and is merged into FloatButton.