A dog is a type of domesticated animal.Known for its loyalty and faithfulness,it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ exports[`renders ./antdv-demo/docs/collapse/demo/noarrow.md correctly 1`] = `
A dog is a type of domesticated animal.Known for its loyalty and faithfulness,it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.
diff --git a/components/progress/__tests__/__snapshots__/demo.test.js.snap b/components/progress/__tests__/__snapshots__/demo.test.js.snap
index 179b82669..9e21189b4 100644
--- a/components/progress/__tests__/__snapshots__/demo.test.js.snap
+++ b/components/progress/__tests__/__snapshots__/demo.test.js.snap
@@ -6,30 +6,30 @@ exports[`renders ./antdv-demo/docs/progress/demo/circle.md correctly 1`] = `
+ a 47,47 0 1 1 0,-94" stroke="#f3f3f3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="6" fill-opacity="0" class="ant-progress-circle-trail" style="stroke: #f3f3f3; stroke-dasharray: 295.3097094374406px 295.3097094374406px; stroke-dashoffset: -0px; transition: stroke-dashoffset .3s ease 0s, stroke-dasharray .3s ease 0s, stroke .3s, stroke-width .06s ease .3s, opacity .3s ease 0s;">
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+ a 47,47 0 1 1 0,-94" stroke="" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="6" opacity="1" fill-opacity="0" class="ant-progress-circle-path" style="stroke: #ff5500; stroke-dasharray: 206.7167966062084px 295.3097094374406px; stroke-dashoffset: -0px; transition: stroke-dashoffset .3s ease 0s, stroke-dasharray .3s ease 0s, stroke .3s, stroke-width .06s ease .3s, opacity .3s ease 0s;">
+ a 47,47 0 1 1 0,-94" stroke="#f3f3f3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="6" fill-opacity="0" class="ant-progress-circle-trail" style="stroke: #f3f3f3; stroke-dasharray: 295.3097094374406px 295.3097094374406px; stroke-dashoffset: -0px; transition: stroke-dashoffset .3s ease 0s, stroke-dasharray .3s ease 0s, stroke .3s, stroke-width .06s ease .3s, opacity .3s ease 0s;">
+ a 47,47 0 1 1 0,-94" stroke="" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="6" opacity="1" fill-opacity="0" class="ant-progress-circle-path" style="stroke: #87d068; stroke-dasharray: 295.3097094374406px 295.3097094374406px; stroke-dashoffset: -0px; transition: stroke-dashoffset .3s ease 0s, stroke-dasharray .3s ease 0s, stroke .3s, stroke-width .06s ease .3s, opacity .3s ease 0s;">
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ exports[`renders ./antdv-demo/docs/progress/demo/circle-dynamic.md correctly 1`]
+ a 47,47 0 1 1 0,-94" stroke="#f3f3f3" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="6" fill-opacity="0" class="ant-progress-circle-trail" style="stroke: #f3f3f3; stroke-dasharray: 295.3097094374406px 295.3097094374406px; stroke-dashoffset: -0px; transition: stroke-dashoffset .3s ease 0s, stroke-dasharray .3s ease 0s, stroke .3s, stroke-width .06s ease .3s, opacity .3s ease 0s;">
+ a 47,47 0 1 1 0,-94" stroke="" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="6" opacity="0" fill-opacity="0" class="ant-progress-circle-path" style="stroke: #108ee9; stroke-dasharray: 0px 295.3097094374406px; stroke-dashoffset: -0px; transition: stroke-dashoffset .3s ease 0s, stroke-dasharray .3s ease 0s, stroke .3s, stroke-width .06s ease .3s, opacity .3s ease 0s;">