| form | Decorated by `Form.create()` will be automatically set `this.form` property, so just pass to form, you don't need to set it by yourself after 1.7.0. | object | n/a |
| autoFormCreate | Automate Form.create, Recommended for use under the `template` component, and cannot be used with `Form.create()` |Function(form)| |
| options | The `options` corresponding to `Form.create(options)` | Object | {} |
If you use the `template` syntax, you can use ʻautoFormCreate` to turn on automatic validation and data collection, but each `Form.Item` only to `decorator` for its first child. More complex features suggest `JSX`.
| mapPropsToFields | Convert props to field value(e.g. reading the values from Redux store). And you must mark returned fields with [`Form.createFormField`](#Form.createFormField) | (props) => Object{ fieldName: FormField { value } } |
| validateMessages | Default validate message. And its format is similar with [newMessages](https://github.com/yiminghe/async-validator/blob/master/src/messages.js)'s returned value | Object { [nested.path]: String } |
| onFieldsChange | Specify a function that will be called when the value a `Form.Item` gets changed. Usage example: saving the field's value to Redux store. | Function(props, fields) |
| onValuesChange | A handler while value of any field is changed | (props, values) => void |
> Note: Before using `getFieldsValue` `getFieldValue` `setFieldsValue` and so on, please make sure that corresponding field had been registered with `getFieldDecorator`.
| Method | Description | Type |
| ------ | ----------- | ---- |
| getFieldDecorator | Two-way binding for form, please read below for details. | |
| getFieldError | Get the error of a field. | Function(name) |
| getFieldsError | Get the specified fields' error. If you don't specify a parameter, you will get all fields' error. | Function(\[names: string\[]]) |
| getFieldsValue | Get the specified fields' values. If you don't specify a parameter, you will get all fields' values. | Function(\[fieldNames: string\[]]) |
| getFieldValue | Get the value of a field. | Function(fieldName: string) |
| isFieldsTouched | Check whether any of fields is touched by `getFieldDecorator`'s `options.trigger` event | (names?: string\[]) => boolean |
| isFieldTouched | Check whether a field is touched by `getFieldDecorator`'s `options.trigger` event | (name: string) => boolean |
| isFieldValidating | Check if the specified field is being validated. | Function(name) |
| resetFields | Reset the specified fields' value(to `initialValue`) and status. If you don't specify a parameter, all the fields will be reset. | Function(\[names: string\[]]) |
| validateFields | Validate the specified fields and get theirs values and errors. If you don't specify the parameter of fieldNames, you will vaildate all fields. | Function(\[fieldNames: string\[]], [options: object], callback: Function(errors, values)) |
| validateFieldsAndScroll | This function is similar to `validateFields`, but after validation, if the target field is not in visible area of form, form will be automatically scrolled to the target field area. | same as `validateFields` |
After wrapped by `getFieldDecorator`, `value`(or other property defined by `valuePropName`) `onChange`(or other property defined by `trigger`) props will be added to form controls,the flow of form data will be handled by Form which will cause:
1. You shouldn't use `onChange` to collect data, but you still can listen to `onChange`(and so on) events.
2. You can not set value of form control via `value``defaultValue` prop, and you should set default value with `initialValue` in `getFieldDecorator` instead.
| id | The unique identifier is required. support [nested fields format](https://github.com/react-component/form/pull/48). | string | |
| options.getValueFromEvent | Specify how to get value from event or other onChange arguments | function(..args) | [reference](https://github.com/react-component/form#option-object) |
| options.initialValue | You can specify initial value, type, optional value of children node. (Note: Because `Form` will test equality with `===` internaly, we recommend to use vairable as `initialValue`, instead of literal) | | n/a |
| options.normalize | Normalize value to form component, [a select-all example](https://codesandbox.io/s/kw4l2vqqmv) | function(value, prevValue, allValues): any | - |
- If Form.Item has multiple children that had been decorated by `getFieldDecorator`, `help` and `required` and `validateStatus` can't be generated automatically.
| Property | Description | Type | Default Value |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------------- |
| colon | Used with `label`, whether to display `:` after label text. | boolean | true |
| extra | The extra prompt message. It is similar to help. Usage example: to display error message and prompt message at the same time. | string\|slot | |
| hasFeedback | Used with `validateStatus`, this option specifies the validation status icon. Recommended to be used only with `Input`. | boolean | false |
| labelCol | The layout of label. You can set `span``offset` to something like `{span: 3, offset: 12}` or `sm: {span: 3, offset: 12}` same as with `<Col>` | [object](/ant-design/components/grid/#Col) | |
| required | Whether provided or not, it will be generated by the validation rule. | boolean | false |
| validateStatus | The validation status. If not provided, it will be generated by validation rule. options: 'success' 'warning' 'error' 'validating' | string | |
| fieldDecoratorId | Corresponds to the first parameter `id` of `getFieldDecorator(id, options)`. If you need to collect data, you need to set this field. | string | |
| fieldDecoratorOptions | Corresponds to the second parameter `options` of `getFieldDecorator(id, options)`. | object | {} |