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import type { ExtractPropTypes, PropType } from 'vue';
import type {
} from './interface';
import { selectBaseProps } from '../vc-select';
import type { FilterFunc } from '../vc-select/interface/generator';
import omit from '../_util/omit';
import type { Key } from '../_util/type';
import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types';
import type { CheckedStrategy } from './utils/strategyUtil';
export function optionListProps<OptionsType>() {
return {
prefixCls: String,
id: String,
options: { type: Array as PropType<OptionsType[]> },
flattenOptions: { type: Array as PropType<FlattenDataNode[]> },
height: Number,
itemHeight: Number,
virtual: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
values: { type: Set as PropType<Set<RawValueType>> },
multiple: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
open: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
defaultActiveFirstOption: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
notFoundContent: PropTypes.any,
menuItemSelectedIcon: PropTypes.any,
childrenAsData: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
searchValue: String,
onSelect: {
type: Function as PropType<(value: RawValueType, option: { selected: boolean }) => void>,
onToggleOpen: { type: Function as PropType<(open?: boolean) => void> },
/** Tell Select that some value is now active to make accessibility work */
onActiveValue: { type: Function as PropType<(value: RawValueType, index: number) => void> },
onScroll: { type: Function as PropType<(e: UIEvent) => void> },
onMouseenter: { type: Function as PropType<() => void> },
export function treeSelectProps<ValueType = DefaultValueType>() {
const selectProps = omit(selectBaseProps<DataNode, ValueType>(), [
return {
multiple: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
showArrow: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
showSearch: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
open: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
defaultOpen: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
value: { type: [String, Number, Object, Array] as PropType<ValueType> },
defaultValue: { type: [String, Number, Object, Array] as PropType<ValueType> },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
placeholder: PropTypes.any,
/** @deprecated Use `searchValue` instead */
inputValue: String,
searchValue: String,
autoClearSearchValue: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
maxTagPlaceholder: { type: Function as PropType<(omittedValues: LabelValueType[]) => any> },
fieldNames: { type: Object as PropType<FieldNames> },
loadData: { type: Function as PropType<(dataNode: LegacyDataNode) => Promise<unknown>> },
treeNodeFilterProp: String,
treeNodeLabelProp: String,
treeDataSimpleMode: {
type: [Boolean, Object] as PropType<boolean | SimpleModeConfig>,
default: undefined,
treeExpandedKeys: { type: Array as PropType<Key[]> },
treeDefaultExpandedKeys: { type: Array as PropType<Key[]> },
treeLoadedKeys: { type: Array as PropType<Key[]> },
treeCheckable: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
treeCheckStrictly: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
showCheckedStrategy: { type: String as PropType<CheckedStrategy> },
treeDefaultExpandAll: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
treeData: { type: Array as PropType<DataNode[]> },
treeLine: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
treeIcon: PropTypes.any,
showTreeIcon: { type: Boolean, default: undefined },
switcherIcon: PropTypes.any,
treeMotion: PropTypes.any,
children: Array,
filterTreeNode: {
type: [Boolean, Function] as PropType<boolean | FilterFunc<LegacyDataNode>>,
default: undefined,
dropdownPopupAlign: PropTypes.any,
// Event
onSearch: { type: Function as PropType<(value: string) => void> },
onChange: {
type: Function as PropType<
(value: ValueType, labelList: any[], extra: ChangeEventExtra) => void
onTreeExpand: { type: Function as PropType<(expandedKeys: Key[]) => void> },
onTreeLoad: { type: Function as PropType<(loadedKeys: Key[]) => void> },
onDropdownVisibleChange: { type: Function as PropType<(open: boolean) => void> },
// Legacy
/** `searchPlaceholder` has been removed since search box has been merged into input box */
searchPlaceholder: PropTypes.any,
/** @private This is not standard API since we only used in `rc-cascader`. Do not use in your production */
labelRender: { type: Function as PropType<(entity: FlattenDataNode) => any> },
class Helper<T> {
ReturnOptionListProps = optionListProps<T>();
ReturnTreeSelectProps = treeSelectProps<T>();
export type OptionListProps = Partial<ExtractPropTypes<Helper<DataNode>['ReturnOptionListProps']>>;
export type TreeSelectProps<T = DefaultValueType> = Partial<