2021-09-25 08:51:32 +00:00
order: 3
zh-CN: 可交互
en-US: Interactive
## zh-CN
## en-US
Provide additional interactive capacity of editable and copyable.
<a-typography-paragraph v-model:content="editableStr" editable />
<a-typography-paragraph v-model:content="customIconStr" editable>
<template #editableIcon><HighlightOutlined /></template>
<template #editableTooltip>click to edit text</template>
2022-03-12 01:56:32 +00:00
Trigger edit with:
@change="e => (chooseTrigger = radioToState(e.target.value))"
<a-radio value="icon">icon</a-radio>
<a-radio value="text">text</a-radio>
<a-radio value="both">both</a-radio>
:editable="{ triggerType: chooseTrigger }"
<template #editableTooltip>click to edit text</template>
<a-typography-paragraph v-model:content="customEnterIconStr" editable>
<template #editableIcon><HighlightOutlined /></template>
<template #editableTooltip>click to edit text</template>
<template #editableEnterIcon="{ className }">
<CheckOutlined :class="className" />
<a-typography-paragraph v-model:content="noEnterIconStr" editable>
<template #editableIcon><HighlightOutlined /></template>
<template #editableTooltip>click to edit text</template>
<template #editableEnterIcon>{{ null }}</template>
2021-09-25 08:51:32 +00:00
<a-typography-paragraph v-model:content="hideTooltipStr" :editable="{ tooltip: false }" />
:editable="{ maxlength: 50, autoSize: { maxRows: 5, minRows: 3 } }"
<a-typography-paragraph copyable>This is a copyable text.</a-typography-paragraph>
<a-typography-paragraph :copyable="{ text: 'Hello, Ant Design!' }">
Replace copy text.
<a-typography-paragraph copyable content="Custom Copy icon and replace tooltips text.">
<template #copyableIcon="{ copied }">
<SmileOutlined v-if="!copied" key="copy-icon" />
<SmileFilled v-else key="copied-icon" />
<template #copyableTooltip="{ copied }">
<span v-if="!copied" key="copy-tooltip">click here</span>
<span v-else key="copied-tooltip">you clicked!!</span>
2022-01-11 15:30:47 +00:00
<a-typography-paragraph :copyable="{ tooltip: false }">
2021-09-25 08:51:32 +00:00
Hide Copy tooltips.
2023-04-28 06:08:21 +00:00
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref, watch } from 'vue';
2022-03-12 01:56:32 +00:00
import {
} from '@ant-design/icons-vue';
2021-09-25 08:51:32 +00:00
2023-04-28 06:08:21 +00:00
const editableStr = ref('This is an editable text.');
watch(editableStr, () => {
console.log('editableStr', editableStr.value);
const chooseTrigger = ref<('icon' | 'text')[]>(['icon']);
2022-03-12 01:56:32 +00:00
2023-04-28 06:08:21 +00:00
const radioToState = (input: string): ('icon' | 'text')[] => {
switch (input) {
case 'text':
return ['text'];
case 'both':
return ['icon', 'text'];
case 'icon':
return ['icon'];
2022-03-12 01:56:32 +00:00
2023-04-28 06:08:21 +00:00
const stateToRadio = () => {
if (chooseTrigger.value.indexOf('text') !== -1) {
return chooseTrigger.value.indexOf('icon') !== -1 ? 'both' : 'text';
return 'icon';
const customIconStr = ref('Custom Edit icon and replace tooltip text.');
const hideTooltipStr = ref('Hide Edit tooltip.');
const lengthLimitedStr = ref('This is an editable text with limited length.');
const clickTriggerStr = ref('Text or icon as trigger - click to start editing.');
const customEnterIconStr = ref('Editable text with a custom enter icon in edit field.');
const noEnterIconStr = ref('Editable text with no enter icon in edit field.');
2021-09-25 08:51:32 +00:00