| strokeColor | The color of progress bar, render `linear-gradient` when passing an object | string \| { from: string; to: string; direction: string } | - |
| strokeWidth | To set the width of the progress bar, unit: `px` | number | 10 |
### `type="circle"`
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| strokeColor | The color of circular progress, render `linear-gradient` when passing an object | string \| object | - |
| strokeWidth | To set the width of the circular progress, unit: percentage of the canvas width | number | 6 |
| width | To set the canvas width of the circular progress, unit: `px` | number | 132 |
### `type="dashboard"`
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| gapDegree | The gap degree of half circle, 0 ~ 295 | number | 75 |
| gapPosition | The gap position, options: `top``bottom``left``right` | string | `bottom` |
| strokeWidth | To set the width of the dashboard progress, unit: percentage of the canvas width | number | 6 |
| width | To set the canvas width of the dashboard progress, unit: `px` | number | 132 |