| pagination | Pagination [config](#pagination) or [`Pagination`] (/ant-design-vue/components/pagination/), hide it by setting it to `false` | object | |
| scroll | Set horizontal or vertical scrolling, can also be used to specify the width and height of the scroll area. It is recommended to set a number for `x`, if you want to set it to `true`, you need to add style `.ant-table td { white-space: nowrap; }`. | { x: number \| true, y: number } | - |
| customRender | Renderer of the table cell. The return value should be a VNode, or an object for colSpan/rowSpan config | Function(text, record, index) {}\|slot-scope | - |
| sorter | Sort function for local sort, see [Array.sort](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort)'s compareFunction. If you need sort buttons only, set to `true` | Function\|boolean | - |
| sortOrder | Order of sorted values: `'ascend'``'descend'``false` | boolean\|string | - |
| customCell | Set props on per cell | Function(record) | - |
| customHeaderCell | Set props on per header cell | Function(column) | - |
| onFilter | Callback executed when the confirm filter button is clicked, Use as a `filter` event when using template or jsx | Function | - |
| onFilterDropdownVisibleChange | Callback executed when `filterDropdownVisible` is changed, Use as a `filterDropdownVisible` event when using template or jsx | function(visible) {} | - |
| slots | When using columns, you can use this property to configure the properties that support the slot, such as `slots: { filterIcon: 'XXX'}` | object | - |
| scopedSlots | When using columns, you can use this property to configure the properties that support the slot-scope, such as `scopedSlots: { customRender: 'XXX'}` | object | - |
| title | Title of the column group | string\|slot | - |
| slots | When using columns, you can use this property to configure the properties that support the slot, such as `slots: { title: 'XXX'}` | object | - |
The values inside `dataSource` and `columns` should follow this in Table, and `dataSource[i].key` would be treated as key value default for `dataSource`.
If `dataSource[i].key` is not provided, then you should specify the primary key of dataSource value via `rowKey`. If not, warnings will show in browser console.