order: 1
zh-CN: 全选
en-US: Check all
## zh-CN
在实现全选效果时,你可能会用到 `indeterminate` 属性
## en-US
The `indeterminate` property can help you to achieve a 'check all' effect.
Check all
<a-divider />
<a-checkbox-group v-model:value="state.checkedList" :options="plainOptions" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { reactive, watch } from 'vue';
const plainOptions = ['Apple', 'Pear', 'Orange'];
const state = reactive({
indeterminate: true,
checkAll: false,
checkedList: ['Apple', 'Orange'],
const onCheckAllChange = (e: any) => {
Object.assign(state, {
checkedList: e.target.checked ? plainOptions : [],
indeterminate: false,
() => state.checkedList,
val => {
state.indeterminate = !!val.length && val.length < plainOptions.length;
state.checkAll = val.length === plainOptions.length;