| showQuickJumper | determine whether you can jump to pages directly | boolean | false |
| showSizeChanger | determine whether `pageSize` can be changed | boolean | false |
| showTotal | to display the total number and range | Function(total, range) | - |
| simple | whether to use simple mode | boolean | - |
| size | specify the size of `Pagination`, can be set to `small` | string | "" |
| total | total number of data items | number | 0 |
### events
| Events Name | Description | Arguments |
| --- | --- | --- |
| change | a callback function, executed when the page number is changed, and it takes the resulting page number and pageSize as its arguments | Function(page, pageSize) | noop |
| showSizeChange | a callback function, executed when `pageSize` is changed | Function(current, size) | noop |