| font | Text style | [Font](#font) | [Font](#font) | |
| gap | The spacing between watermarks | \[number, number\] | \[100, 100\] | |
| offset | The offset of the watermark from the upper left corner of the container. The default is `gap/2` | \[number, number\] | \[gap\[0\]/2, gap\[1\]/2\] | |
### Font
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| color | font color | string | rgba(0,0,0,.15) | |
| fontSize | font size | number | 16 | |
| fontWeight | font weight | `normal` \| `light` \| `weight` \| number | normal | |
| fontFamily | font family | string | sans-serif | |
| fontStyle | font style | `none` \| `normal` \| `italic` \| `oblique` | normal | |