2018-01-25 08:29:23 +00:00
< script >
import IconSet from '@/examples/components/IconSet/index'
const md = {
cn : ` # 图标 Icon
语义化的矢量图形 。
# # 图标的命名规范
我们为每个图标赋予了语义化的命名 , 命名规则如下 :
- 实心和描线图标保持同名 , 用 \ ` - o \` 来区分,比如 \` question-circle \` (实心) 和 \` question-circle-o \` (描线);
- 命名顺序 : \ ` [图标名]-[形状?]-[描线?]-[方向?] \` 。
> \ ` ? \` 为可选。
完整的图标设计规范请访问 [ 图标规范 ] ( / d o c s / s p e c / i c o n ) 。
# # 如何使用
使用 \ ` <a-icon /> \` 标签声明组件,指定图标对应的 type 属性,示例代码如下:
\ ` \` \` html
< a -icon type = "link" / >
\ ` \` \`
# # 本地部署
图标默认托管在 [ iconfont . cn ] ( http : //iconfont.cn),默认公网可访问。如需本地部署,可参考 [示例](https://github.com/ant-design/antd-init/tree/master/examples/local-iconfont)。
# # 图标列表
> 点击图标复制代码 。
` ,
us : ` # Icon
Semantic vector graphics .
# # Icons naming convention
We provide semantic name for every icon , and naming rules are as follows :
- Scanning line icon has the similar name with its solid one , but it ' s distinguished by \ ` -o \` , for example, \` question-circle \` (a full circle) and \` question-circle-o \` (an empty circle);
- Naming sequence : \ ` [name]-[shape?]-[outline?]-[direction?] \` .
> \ ` ? \` means is optional.
See more design detail at [ here ] ( / d o c s / s p e c / i c o n ) .
# # How To Use
Use tag < a -icon / > to create an icon and set its type in the type prop , for example :
\ ` \` \` html
< a -icon type = "link" / >
\ ` \` \`
# # Local deployment
By default , icons are deployed at [ iconfont . cn ] ( http : //iconfont.cn), publicly available repository of a huge set of icons. In case you need to use a locally deployed version of the icon font, you can refer to [this example](https://github.com/ant-design/antd-init/tree/master/examples/local-iconfont)。
# # List of icons
> Click the icon and copy the code 。
` ,
export default {
2018-03-21 05:31:55 +00:00
category : 'Components' ,
type : 'General' ,
title : 'Icon' ,
subtitle : '图标' ,
2018-01-25 08:29:23 +00:00
render ( ) {
return (
< div >
< md cn = { md . cn } us = { md . us } / >
< md cn = '### 方向性图标' us = '### Directional Icons' / >
< IconSet class = 'icons' catigory = 'direction' / >
< md cn = '### 提示建议性图标' us = '### Suggested Icons' / >
< IconSet class = 'icons' catigory = 'suggestion' / >
< md cn = '### 网站通用图标' us = '### Application Icons' / >
< IconSet class = 'icons' catigory = 'other' / >
< md cn = '### 品牌和标识' us = '### Brand and Logos' / >
< IconSet class = 'icons' catigory = 'logo' / >
< / div >
} ,
< / script >