// Project: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue
// Definitions: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue/types
import { AntdComponent } from '../component';
import { Option } from './option';
import { VNodeChild } from 'vue';
export declare class Mentions extends AntdComponent {
static Option: typeof Option;
$props: {
* Auto get focus when component mounted
* @default false
* @type boolean
autofocus?: boolean;
* Default value
* @type string
defaultValue?: string;
* Customize filter option logic
* @type false | (input: string, option: OptionProps) => boolean
filterOption?: false | ((input: string, option: Option) => boolean);
* Set mentions content when not match
* @type any (string | slot)
notFoundContent?: VNodeChild | JSX.Element;
* Set popup placement
* @default 'top'
placement?: 'top' | 'bottom';
* Set trigger prefix keyword
* @default '@'
* @type string | string[]
prefix?: string | string[];
* Set split string before and after selected mention
* @default ' '
split?: string;
* Customize trigger search logic
* @type (text: string, props: MentionsProps) => void
validateSearch?: (text: string, props: Mentions) => void;
* Set value of mentions
value?: string;
* Set the mount HTML node for suggestions
* @default () => HTMLElement
getPopupContainer?: (triggerNode: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement;