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// base rc-input-number@7.3.4
import type { DecimalClass, ValueType } from './utils/MiniDecimal';
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import getMiniDecimal, { toFixed } from './utils/MiniDecimal';
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import StepHandler from './StepHandler';
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import { getNumberPrecision, num2str, validateNumber } from './utils/numberUtil';
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import useCursor from './hooks/useCursor';
import useFrame from './hooks/useFrame';
import type { HTMLAttributes, PropType } from 'vue';
import { watch, computed, ref, defineComponent } from 'vue';
import type { ChangeEvent, KeyboardEventHandler } from '../../_util/EventInterface';
import KeyCode from '../../_util/KeyCode';
import classNames from '../../_util/classNames';
* We support `stringMode` which need handle correct type when user call in onChange
* format max or min value
* 1. if isInvalid return null
* 2. if precision is undefined, return decimal
* 3. format with precision
* I. if max > 0, round down with precision. Example: max= 3.5, precision=0 afterFormat: 3
* II. if max < 0, round up with precision. Example: max= -3.5, precision=0 afterFormat: -4
* III. if min > 0, round up with precision. Example: min= 3.5, precision=0 afterFormat: 4
* IV. if min < 0, round down with precision. Example: max= -3.5, precision=0 afterFormat: -3
const getDecimalValue = (stringMode: boolean, decimalValue: DecimalClass) => {
if (stringMode || decimalValue.isEmpty()) {
return decimalValue.toString();
return decimalValue.toNumber();
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const getDecimalIfValidate = (value: ValueType) => {
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const decimal = getMiniDecimal(value);
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return decimal.isInvalidate() ? null : decimal;
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export const inputNumberProps = () => ({
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/** value will show as string */
stringMode: { type: Boolean as PropType<boolean> },
defaultValue: { type: [String, Number] as PropType<ValueType> },
value: { type: [String, Number] as PropType<ValueType> },
prefixCls: { type: String as PropType<string> },
min: { type: [String, Number] as PropType<ValueType> },
max: { type: [String, Number] as PropType<ValueType> },
step: { type: [String, Number] as PropType<ValueType>, default: 1 },
tabindex: { type: Number as PropType<number> },
controls: { type: Boolean as PropType<boolean>, default: true },
readonly: { type: Boolean as PropType<boolean> },
disabled: { type: Boolean as PropType<boolean> },
autofocus: { type: Boolean as PropType<boolean> },
keyboard: { type: Boolean as PropType<boolean>, default: true },
/** Parse display value to validate number */
parser: { type: Function as PropType<(displayValue: string | undefined) => ValueType> },
/** Transform `value` to display value show in input */
formatter: {
type: Function as PropType<
(value: ValueType | undefined, info: { userTyping: boolean; input: string }) => string
/** Syntactic sugar of `formatter`. Config precision of display. */
precision: { type: Number as PropType<number> },
/** Syntactic sugar of `formatter`. Config decimal separator of display. */
decimalSeparator: { type: String as PropType<string> },
onInput: { type: Function as PropType<(text: string) => void> },
onChange: { type: Function as PropType<(value: ValueType) => void> },
onPressEnter: { type: Function as PropType<KeyboardEventHandler> },
onStep: {
type: Function as PropType<
(value: ValueType, info: { offset: ValueType; type: 'up' | 'down' }) => void
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onBlur: { type: Function as PropType<(e: FocusEvent) => void> },
onFocus: { type: Function as PropType<(e: FocusEvent) => void> },
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export default defineComponent({
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compatConfig: { MODE: 3 },
2021-12-19 15:15:27 +00:00
name: 'InnerInputNumber',
inheritAttrs: false,
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props: {
lazy: Boolean,
2021-12-19 15:15:27 +00:00
slots: ['upHandler', 'downHandler'],
setup(props, { attrs, slots, emit, expose }) {
const inputRef = ref<HTMLInputElement>();
const focus = ref(false);
const userTypingRef = ref(false);
const compositionRef = ref(false);
const decimalValue = ref(getMiniDecimal(props.value));
function setUncontrolledDecimalValue(newDecimal: DecimalClass) {
if (props.value === undefined) {
decimalValue.value = newDecimal;
// ====================== Parser & Formatter ======================
* `precision` is used for formatter & onChange.
* It will auto generate by `value` & `step`.
* But it will not block user typing.
* Note: Auto generate `precision` is used for legacy logic.
* We should remove this since we already support high precision with BigInt.
* @param number Provide which number should calculate precision
* @param userTyping Change by user typing
const getPrecision = (numStr: string, userTyping: boolean) => {
if (userTyping) {
return undefined;
if (props.precision >= 0) {
return props.precision;
return Math.max(getNumberPrecision(numStr), getNumberPrecision(props.step));
// >>> Parser
const mergedParser = (num: string | number) => {
const numStr = String(num);
if (props.parser) {
return props.parser(numStr);
let parsedStr = numStr;
if (props.decimalSeparator) {
parsedStr = parsedStr.replace(props.decimalSeparator, '.');
// [Legacy] We still support auto convert `$ 123,456` to `123456`
return parsedStr.replace(/[^\w.-]+/g, '');
// >>> Formatter
const inputValue = ref<string | number>('');
const mergedFormatter = (number: string, userTyping: boolean) => {
if (props.formatter) {
return props.formatter(number, { userTyping, input: String(inputValue.value) });
let str = typeof number === 'number' ? num2str(number) : number;
// User typing will not auto format with precision directly
if (!userTyping) {
const mergedPrecision = getPrecision(str, userTyping);
if (validateNumber(str) && (props.decimalSeparator || mergedPrecision >= 0)) {
// Separator
const separatorStr = props.decimalSeparator || '.';
str = toFixed(str, separatorStr, mergedPrecision);
return str;
// ========================== InputValue ==========================
* Input text value control
* User can not update input content directly. It update with follow rules by priority:
* 1. controlled `value` changed
* * [SPECIAL] Typing like `1.` should not immediately convert to `1`
* 2. User typing with format (not precision)
* 3. Blur or Enter trigger revalidate
const initValue = (() => {
const initValue = props.value;
if (decimalValue.value.isInvalidate() && ['string', 'number'].includes(typeof initValue)) {
return Number.isNaN(initValue) ? '' : initValue;
return mergedFormatter(decimalValue.value.toString(), false);
inputValue.value = initValue;
// Should always be string
function setInputValue(newValue: DecimalClass, userTyping: boolean) {
inputValue.value = mergedFormatter(
// Invalidate number is sometime passed by external control, we should let it go
// Otherwise is controlled by internal interactive logic which check by userTyping
// You can ref 'show limited value when input is not focused' test for more info.
newValue.isInvalidate() ? newValue.toString(false) : newValue.toString(!userTyping),
// >>> Max & Min limit
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const maxDecimal = computed(() => getDecimalIfValidate(props.max));
const minDecimal = computed(() => getDecimalIfValidate(props.min));
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const upDisabled = computed(() => {
if (!maxDecimal.value || !decimalValue.value || decimalValue.value.isInvalidate()) {
return false;
return maxDecimal.value.lessEquals(decimalValue.value);
const downDisabled = computed(() => {
if (!minDecimal.value || !decimalValue.value || decimalValue.value.isInvalidate()) {
return false;
return decimalValue.value.lessEquals(minDecimal.value);
// Cursor controller
const [recordCursor, restoreCursor] = useCursor(inputRef, focus);
// ============================= Data =============================
* Find target value closet within range.
* e.g. [11, 28]:
* 3 => 11
* 23 => 23
* 99 => 28
const getRangeValue = (target: DecimalClass) => {
// target > max
if (maxDecimal.value && !target.lessEquals(maxDecimal.value)) {
return maxDecimal.value;
// target < min
if (minDecimal.value && !minDecimal.value.lessEquals(target)) {
return minDecimal.value;
return null;
* Check value is in [min, max] range
const isInRange = (target: DecimalClass) => !getRangeValue(target);
* Trigger `onChange` if value validated and not equals of origin.
* Return the value that re-align in range.
const triggerValueUpdate = (newValue: DecimalClass, userTyping: boolean): DecimalClass => {
let updateValue = newValue;
let isRangeValidate = isInRange(updateValue) || updateValue.isEmpty();
// Skip align value when trigger value is empty.
// We just trigger onChange(null)
// This should not block user typing
if (!updateValue.isEmpty() && !userTyping) {
// Revert value in range if needed
updateValue = getRangeValue(updateValue) || updateValue;
isRangeValidate = true;
if (!props.readonly && !props.disabled && isRangeValidate) {
const numStr = updateValue.toString();
const mergedPrecision = getPrecision(numStr, userTyping);
if (mergedPrecision >= 0) {
updateValue = getMiniDecimal(toFixed(numStr, '.', mergedPrecision));
// Trigger event
if (!updateValue.equals(decimalValue.value)) {
updateValue.isEmpty() ? null : getDecimalValue(props.stringMode, updateValue),
// Reformat input if value is not controlled
if (props.value === undefined) {
setInputValue(updateValue, userTyping);
return updateValue;
return decimalValue.value;
// ========================== User Input ==========================
const onNextPromise = useFrame();
// >>> Collect input value
const collectInputValue = (inputStr: string) => {
// Update inputValue incase input can not parse as number
inputValue.value = inputStr;
// Parse number
if (!compositionRef.value) {
const finalValue = mergedParser(inputStr);
const finalDecimal = getMiniDecimal(finalValue);
if (!finalDecimal.isNaN()) {
triggerValueUpdate(finalDecimal, true);
// Trigger onInput later to let user customize value if they want do handle something after onChange
// optimize for chinese input experience
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/8196
onNextPromise(() => {
let nextInputStr = inputStr;
if (!props.parser) {
nextInputStr = inputStr.replace(/。/g, '.');
if (nextInputStr !== inputStr) {
// >>> Composition
const onCompositionStart = () => {
compositionRef.value = true;
const onCompositionEnd = () => {
compositionRef.value = false;
// >>> Input
const onInternalInput = (e: ChangeEvent) => {
// ============================= Step =============================
const onInternalStep = (up: boolean) => {
// Ignore step since out of range
if ((up && upDisabled.value) || (!up && downDisabled.value)) {
// Clear typing status since it may caused by up & down key.
// We should sync with input value.
userTypingRef.value = false;
let stepDecimal = getMiniDecimal(props.step);
if (!up) {
stepDecimal = stepDecimal.negate();
const target = (decimalValue.value || getMiniDecimal(0)).add(stepDecimal.toString());
const updatedValue = triggerValueUpdate(target, false);
props.onStep?.(getDecimalValue(props.stringMode, updatedValue), {
offset: props.step,
type: up ? 'up' : 'down',
// ============================ Flush =============================
* Flush current input content to trigger value change & re-formatter input if needed
const flushInputValue = (userTyping: boolean) => {
const parsedValue = getMiniDecimal(mergedParser(inputValue.value));
let formatValue: DecimalClass = parsedValue;
if (!parsedValue.isNaN()) {
// Only validate value or empty value can be re-fill to inputValue
// Reassign the formatValue within ranged of trigger control
formatValue = triggerValueUpdate(parsedValue, userTyping);
} else {
formatValue = decimalValue.value;
if (props.value !== undefined) {
// Reset back with controlled value first
setInputValue(decimalValue.value, false);
} else if (!formatValue.isNaN()) {
// Reset input back since no validate value
setInputValue(formatValue, false);
const onKeyDown: KeyboardEventHandler = event => {
const { which } = event;
userTypingRef.value = true;
if (which === KeyCode.ENTER) {
if (!compositionRef.value) {
userTypingRef.value = false;
if (props.keyboard === false) {
// Do step
if (!compositionRef.value && [KeyCode.UP, KeyCode.DOWN].includes(which)) {
onInternalStep(KeyCode.UP === which);
const onKeyUp = () => {
userTypingRef.value = false;
// >>> Focus & Blur
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const onBlur = (e: FocusEvent) => {
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focus.value = false;
userTypingRef.value = false;
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emit('blur', e);
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// ========================== Controlled ==========================
// Input by precision
() => props.precision,
() => {
if (!decimalValue.value.isInvalidate()) {
setInputValue(decimalValue.value, false);
{ flush: 'post' },
// Input by value
() => props.value,
() => {
const newValue = getMiniDecimal(props.value);
decimalValue.value = newValue;
const currentParsedValue = getMiniDecimal(mergedParser(inputValue.value));
// When user typing from `1.2` to `1.`, we should not convert to `1` immediately.
// But let it go if user set `formatter`
if (!newValue.equals(currentParsedValue) || !userTypingRef.value || props.formatter) {
// Update value as effect
setInputValue(newValue, userTypingRef.value);
{ flush: 'post' },
// ============================ Cursor ============================
() => {
if (props.formatter) {
{ flush: 'post' },
() => props.disabled,
val => {
if (val) {
focus.value = false;
focus: () => {
blur: () => {
return () => {
const {
prefixCls = 'rc-input-number',
step = 1,
controls = true,
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2021-12-19 15:15:27 +00:00
class: className,
} = { ...(attrs as HTMLAttributes), ...props };
const { upHandler, downHandler } = slots;
const inputClassName = `${prefixCls}-input`;
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const eventProps = {} as any;
if (lazy) {
eventProps.onChange = onInternalInput;
} else {
eventProps.onInput = onInternalInput;
2021-12-19 15:15:27 +00:00
return (
class={classNames(prefixCls, className, {
[`${prefixCls}-focused`]: focus.value,
[`${prefixCls}-disabled`]: disabled,
[`${prefixCls}-readonly`]: readonly,
[`${prefixCls}-not-a-number`]: decimalValue.value.isNaN(),
!decimalValue.value.isInvalidate() && !isInRange(decimalValue.value),
{controls && (
v-slots={{ upNode: upHandler, downNode: downHandler }}
<div class={`${inputClassName}-wrap`}>
aria-valuemin={min as any}
aria-valuemax={max as any}
decimalValue.value.isInvalidate() ? null : (decimalValue.value.toString() as any)
2022-04-01 13:31:20 +00:00
onFocus={(e: FocusEvent) => {
2021-12-19 15:15:27 +00:00
focus.value = true;
2022-04-01 13:31:20 +00:00
emit('focus', e);
2021-12-19 15:15:27 +00:00
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