| title | The text shown in the tooltip | string\|slot | - |
### Common API
The following APIs are shared by Tooltip, Popconfirm, Popover.
| Property | Description | Type | Default |
| -------- | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
| arrowPointAtCenter | Whether the arrow is pointed at the center of target | boolean | `false` |
| autoAdjustOverflow | Whether to adjust popup placement automatically when popup is off screen | boolean | `true` |
| defaultVisible | Whether the floating tooltip card is visible by default | boolean | `false` |
| getPopupContainer | The DOM container of the tip, the default behavior is to create a `div` element in `body`. | Function(triggerNode) | () => document.body |
| mouseEnterDelay | Delay in seconds, before tooltip is shown on mouse enter | number | 0 |
| mouseLeaveDelay | Delay in seconds, before tooltip is hidden on mouse leave | number | 0.1 |
| overlayClassName | Class name of the tooltip card | string | - |
| overlayStyle | Style of the tooltip card | object | - |
| placement | The position of the tooltip relative to the target, which can be one of `top``left``right``bottom``topLeft``topRight``bottomLeft``bottomRight``leftTop``leftBottom``rightTop``rightBottom` | string | `top` |