
217 lines
7.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2017-10-26 07:18:08 +00:00
2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
"name": "ant-design-vue",
2020-05-08 10:00:38 +00:00
"version": "1.5.5",
2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
"title": "Ant Design Vue",
"description": "An enterprise-class UI design language and Vue-based implementation",
"keywords": [
"main": "lib/index.js",
"module": "es/index.js",
"typings": "types/index.d.ts",
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2020-03-23 03:00:24 +00:00
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2020-04-03 07:56:30 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-09-28 11:20:26 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2020-04-05 13:38:32 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-12-10 09:28:57 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-12-20 03:02:21 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2020-04-05 13:38:32 +00:00
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2020-04-05 13:38:32 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-25 14:12:00 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-09-28 11:20:26 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-12-20 03:02:21 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-12-23 14:11:25 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-25 14:12:00 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-12-20 03:02:21 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-12-10 05:16:16 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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Feat 1.5.0 (#1853) * feat: add Result component * fix: update md template tag html>tpl - fix `result` typo - update jest `result` snapshots * refactor: svg file to functional component icon - update jest snapshot * feat: add result * Feat descriptions (#1251) * feat: add descriptions * fix: add descriptions types and fix docs * fix: lint change code * fix: demo warning * fix: update demo, snapshot and remove classnames * test: add descriptions test * fix: descriptions demo (#1498) * feat: add page header (#1250) * feat: add page-header component * update site: page-header * ts definition update: page-header * get page-header props with getComponentFromProp func * optimize page-header * doc: add page-header * breadcrumb itemRender add pure function support * style: format code * feat: update style to 3.23.6 from 2.13.6 * feat: update style to 3.26.8 from 3.23.6 * chore: update util * chore: update util * feat: update affix * feat: update alert * feat: update anchor * feat: update auto-complete * feat: update avatar * feat: update back-top * feat: update badge * feat: update button * feat: update breadcrumb * feat: update ts * docs: update doc * feat: update calendat * feat: update card * feat: update carousel * feat: update carousel * feat: update checkbox * feat: update comment * feat: update config-provider * docs: update doc * feat: update collapse * feat: update locale * feat: update date-picker * feat: update divider * feat: update drawer * feat: update dropdown * feat: update rc-trigger * feat: update dropdown * feat: update empty * test: add empty test * feat: update form * feat: update form * feat: update spin * feat: update grid * docs: update grid doc * feat: update icon * feat: update slider * feat: update textarea * feat: update input-number * feat: update layout * feat: update list * feat: update menu * feat: meaage add key for update content * feat: modal add closeIcon support * feat: update notification * feat: add pagination disabled support * feat: popconfirm add disabled support * test: update popover * feat: progress support custom line-gradiend * feat: update radio * test: update radio test * docs: update rate demo * feat: skeleton add avatar support number type * test: add switch test * test: update statistic test * fix: input clear icon event * feat: steps add type、 v-model、subTitle * feat: delete typography component * feat: delete Typography style * perf: update select * feat: add download transformFile previewFile actio * docs: update upload * feat: update tree-select * docs: update tree-select * feat: tree add blockNode selectable * docs: add tree demo * test: update snap * docs: updatedoc * feat: update tag * docs: update ad doc * feat: update tooltip * feat: update timeline * feat: time-picker add clearIcon * docs: update tabs * feat: transfer support custom children * test: update transfer test * feat: update table * test: update table test * test: update test * feat: calendar update locale * test: update test snap * feat: add mentions (#1790) * feat: mentions style * feat: theme default * feat: add mentions component * feat: mentions API * feat: add unit test for mentions * feat: update mentions demo * perf: model and inheritAttrs for mentions * perf: use getComponentFromProp instead of this.$props * perf: mentions rm defaultProps * feat: rm rows in mentionsProps * fix: mentions keyDown didn't work * docs: update mentions api * perf: mentions code * feat: update mentions * bump 1.5.0-alpha.1 * feat: pageheader add ghost prop * docs: update descriptions demo * chore: page-header add ghost type * fix: color error * feat: update to 3.26.12 * fix: some prop default value * fix(typo): form, carousel, upload. duplicate identifier (#1848) * Add Mentions Type (#1845) * feat: add mentions type * feat: add mentions in ant-design-vue.d.ts * docs: update doc * docs: add changelog * fix: mentions getPopupCotainer value (#1850) * docs: update doc * docs: uptate demo * docs: update demo * docs: delete demo * docs: delete doc * test: update snapshots * style: format code * chore: update travis * docs: update demo Co-authored-by: Sendya <> Co-authored-by: zkwolf <> Co-authored-by: drafish <> Co-authored-by: Amour1688 <>
2020-03-07 11:45:13 +00:00
"dom-align": "^1.10.4",
2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
"dom-closest": "^0.2.0",
"dom-scroll-into-view": "^2.0.0",
2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
"enquire.js": "^2.1.6",
"intersperse": "^1.0.0",
Feat 1.5.0 (#1853) * feat: add Result component * fix: update md template tag html>tpl - fix `result` typo - update jest `result` snapshots * refactor: svg file to functional component icon - update jest snapshot * feat: add result * Feat descriptions (#1251) * feat: add descriptions * fix: add descriptions types and fix docs * fix: lint change code * fix: demo warning * fix: update demo, snapshot and remove classnames * test: add descriptions test * fix: descriptions demo (#1498) * feat: add page header (#1250) * feat: add page-header component * update site: page-header * ts definition update: page-header * get page-header props with getComponentFromProp func * optimize page-header * doc: add page-header * breadcrumb itemRender add pure function support * style: format code * feat: update style to 3.23.6 from 2.13.6 * feat: update style to 3.26.8 from 3.23.6 * chore: update util * chore: update util * feat: update affix * feat: update alert * feat: update anchor * feat: update auto-complete * feat: update avatar * feat: update back-top * feat: update badge * feat: update button * feat: update breadcrumb * feat: update ts * docs: update doc * feat: update calendat * feat: update card * feat: update carousel * feat: update carousel * feat: update checkbox * feat: update comment * feat: update config-provider * docs: update doc * feat: update collapse * feat: update locale * feat: update date-picker * feat: update divider * feat: update drawer * feat: update dropdown * feat: update rc-trigger * feat: update dropdown * feat: update empty * test: add empty test * feat: update form * feat: update form * feat: update spin * feat: update grid * docs: update grid doc * feat: update icon * feat: update slider * feat: update textarea * feat: update input-number * feat: update layout * feat: update list * feat: update menu * feat: meaage add key for update content * feat: modal add closeIcon support * feat: update notification * feat: add pagination disabled support * feat: popconfirm add disabled support * test: update popover * feat: progress support custom line-gradiend * feat: update radio * test: update radio test * docs: update rate demo * feat: skeleton add avatar support number type * test: add switch test * test: update statistic test * fix: input clear icon event * feat: steps add type、 v-model、subTitle * feat: delete typography component * feat: delete Typography style * perf: update select * feat: add download transformFile previewFile actio * docs: update upload * feat: update tree-select * docs: update tree-select * feat: tree add blockNode selectable * docs: add tree demo * test: update snap * docs: updatedoc * feat: update tag * docs: update ad doc * feat: update tooltip * feat: update timeline * feat: time-picker add clearIcon * docs: update tabs * feat: transfer support custom children * test: update transfer test * feat: update table * test: update table test * test: update test * feat: calendar update locale * test: update test snap * feat: add mentions (#1790) * feat: mentions style * feat: theme default * feat: add mentions component * feat: mentions API * feat: add unit test for mentions * feat: update mentions demo * perf: model and inheritAttrs for mentions * perf: use getComponentFromProp instead of this.$props * perf: mentions rm defaultProps * feat: rm rows in mentionsProps * fix: mentions keyDown didn't work * docs: update mentions api * perf: mentions code * feat: update mentions * bump 1.5.0-alpha.1 * feat: pageheader add ghost prop * docs: update descriptions demo * chore: page-header add ghost type * fix: color error * feat: update to 3.26.12 * fix: some prop default value * fix(typo): form, carousel, upload. duplicate identifier (#1848) * Add Mentions Type (#1845) * feat: add mentions type * feat: add mentions in ant-design-vue.d.ts * docs: update doc * docs: add changelog * fix: mentions getPopupCotainer value (#1850) * docs: update doc * docs: uptate demo * docs: update demo * docs: delete demo * docs: delete doc * test: update snapshots * style: format code * chore: update travis * docs: update demo Co-authored-by: Sendya <> Co-authored-by: zkwolf <> Co-authored-by: drafish <> Co-authored-by: Amour1688 <>
2020-03-07 11:45:13 +00:00
"is-mobile": "^2.2.1",
2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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2020-04-09 10:33:00 +00:00
"vue-ref": "^2.0.0",
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2019-08-15 14:14:59 +00:00
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