Following the Ant Design specification, we developed a Vue UI library `antd` that contains a set of high quality components and demos for building rich, interactive user interfaces.
**We recommend using npm or yarn to install**,it not only makes development easier,but also allow you to take advantage of the rich ecosystem of Javascript packages and tooling.
We provide `antd.js``antd.css` and `antd.min.js``antd.min.css` under `ant-design-vue/dist` in antd's npm package. You can also download these files directly from []( or [unpkg](
> **We strongly discourage loading the entire files** this will add bloat to your application and make it more difficult to receive bugfixes and updates. Antd is intended to be used in conjunction with a build tool, such as [webpack](, which will make it easy to import only the parts of antd that you are using.
> Note: you should import moment before using antd.js.
> Note: Don't set `libraryDirectory` if you are using webpack 1.
This allows you to import components from antd without having to manually import the corresponding stylesheet. The antd babel plugin will automatically import stylesheets.
// import js and css modularly, parsed by babel-plugin-import
If you'd like to help us improve antd, just create a [Pull Request]( Feel free to report bugs and issues [here](
> If you're new to posting issues, we ask that you read [*How To Ask Questions The Smart Way*]( and [How to Ask a Question in Open Source Community]( and [How to Report Bugs Effectively]( prior to posting. Well written bug reports help us help you!