2021-08-17 06:36:46 +00:00
/* eslint-disable no-lonely-if */
* Legacy code. Should avoid to use if you are new to import these code.
import TreeNode from './TreeNode';
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import type {
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} from './interface';
import { warning } from '../vc-util/warning';
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import type { AllowDrop, TreeNodeProps, TreeProps } from './props';
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export function arrDel(list: Key[], value: Key) {
const clone = list.slice();
const index = clone.indexOf(value);
if (index >= 0) {
clone.splice(index, 1);
return clone;
export function arrAdd(list: Key[], value: Key) {
const clone = list.slice();
if (clone.indexOf(value) === -1) {
return clone;
export function posToArr(pos: string) {
return pos.split('-');
export function getPosition(level: string | number, index: number) {
return `${level}-${index}`;
export function isTreeNode(node: NodeElement) {
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return node && node.type && (node.type as any).isTreeNode;
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export function getDragChildrenKeys(dragNodeKey: Key, keyEntities: Record<Key, DataEntity>): Key[] {
// not contains self
// self for left or right drag
const dragChildrenKeys = [];
const entity = keyEntities[dragNodeKey];
function dig(list: DataEntity[] = []) {
list.forEach(({ key, children }) => {
return dragChildrenKeys;
export function isLastChild(treeNodeEntity: DataEntity) {
if (treeNodeEntity.parent) {
const posArr = posToArr(treeNodeEntity.pos);
return Number(posArr[posArr.length - 1]) === treeNodeEntity.parent.children.length - 1;
return false;
export function isFirstChild(treeNodeEntity: DataEntity) {
const posArr = posToArr(treeNodeEntity.pos);
return Number(posArr[posArr.length - 1]) === 0;
// Only used when drag, not affect SSR.
export function calcDropPosition(
event: MouseEvent,
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_dragNode: DragNodeEvent,
targetNode: DragNodeEvent,
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indent: number,
startMousePosition: {
x: number;
y: number;
allowDrop: AllowDrop,
flattenedNodes: FlattenNode[],
keyEntities: Record<Key, DataEntity>,
expandKeys: Key[],
direction: Direction,
): {
dropPosition: -1 | 0 | 1;
dropLevelOffset: number;
dropTargetKey: Key;
dropTargetPos: string;
dropContainerKey: Key;
dragOverNodeKey: Key;
dropAllowed: boolean;
} {
const { clientX, clientY } = event;
const { top, height } = (event.target as HTMLElement).getBoundingClientRect();
// optional chain for testing
const horizontalMouseOffset =
(direction === 'rtl' ? -1 : 1) * ((startMousePosition?.x || 0) - clientX);
const rawDropLevelOffset = (horizontalMouseOffset - 12) / indent;
// find abstract drop node by horizontal offset
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let abstractDropNodeEntity: DataEntity = keyEntities[targetNode.eventKey.value];
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if (clientY < top + height / 2) {
// first half, set abstract drop node to previous node
const nodeIndex = flattenedNodes.findIndex(
flattenedNode => flattenedNode.data.key === abstractDropNodeEntity.key,
const prevNodeIndex = nodeIndex <= 0 ? 0 : nodeIndex - 1;
const prevNodeKey = flattenedNodes[prevNodeIndex].data.key;
abstractDropNodeEntity = keyEntities[prevNodeKey];
const initialAbstractDropNodeKey = abstractDropNodeEntity.key;
const abstractDragOverEntity = abstractDropNodeEntity;
const dragOverNodeKey = abstractDropNodeEntity.key;
let dropPosition: -1 | 0 | 1 = 0;
let dropLevelOffset = 0;
// Only allow cross level drop when dragging on a non-expanded node
if (!expandKeys.includes(initialAbstractDropNodeKey)) {
for (let i = 0; i < rawDropLevelOffset; i += 1) {
if (isLastChild(abstractDropNodeEntity)) {
abstractDropNodeEntity = abstractDropNodeEntity.parent;
dropLevelOffset += 1;
} else {
const abstractDropDataNode = abstractDropNodeEntity.node;
let dropAllowed = true;
if (
isFirstChild(abstractDropNodeEntity) &&
abstractDropNodeEntity.level === 0 &&
clientY < top + height / 2 &&
dropNode: abstractDropDataNode,
dropPosition: -1,
}) &&
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abstractDropNodeEntity.key === targetNode.eventKey.value
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) {
// first half of first node in first level
dropPosition = -1;
} else if (
(abstractDragOverEntity.children || []).length &&
) {
// drop on expanded node
// only allow drop inside
if (
dropNode: abstractDropDataNode,
dropPosition: 0,
) {
dropPosition = 0;
} else {
dropAllowed = false;
} else if (dropLevelOffset === 0) {
if (rawDropLevelOffset > -1.5) {
// | Node | <- abstractDropNode
// | -^-===== | <- mousePosition
// 1. try drop after
// 2. do not allow drop
if (
dropNode: abstractDropDataNode,
dropPosition: 1,
) {
dropPosition = 1;
} else {
dropAllowed = false;
} else {
// | Node | <- abstractDropNode
// | ---==^== | <- mousePosition
// whether it has children or doesn't has children
// always
// 1. try drop inside
// 2. try drop after
// 3. do not allow drop
if (
dropNode: abstractDropDataNode,
dropPosition: 0,
) {
dropPosition = 0;
} else if (
dropNode: abstractDropDataNode,
dropPosition: 1,
) {
dropPosition = 1;
} else {
dropAllowed = false;
} else {
// | Node1 | <- abstractDropNode
// | Node2 |
// --^--|----=====| <- mousePosition
// 1. try insert after Node1
// 2. do not allow drop
if (
dropNode: abstractDropDataNode,
dropPosition: 1,
) {
dropPosition = 1;
} else {
dropAllowed = false;
return {
dropTargetKey: abstractDropNodeEntity.key,
dropTargetPos: abstractDropNodeEntity.pos,
dropContainerKey: dropPosition === 0 ? null : abstractDropNodeEntity.parent?.key || null,
* Return selectedKeys according with multiple prop
* @param selectedKeys
* @param props
* @returns [string]
export function calcSelectedKeys(selectedKeys: Key[], props: TreeProps) {
if (!selectedKeys) return undefined;
const { multiple } = props;
if (multiple) {
return selectedKeys.slice();
if (selectedKeys.length) {
return [selectedKeys[0]];
return selectedKeys;
const internalProcessProps = (props: DataNode): Partial<TreeNodeProps> => props;
export function convertDataToTree(
treeData: DataNode[],
processor?: { processProps: (prop: DataNode) => any },
): NodeElement[] {
if (!treeData) return [];
const { processProps = internalProcessProps } = processor || {};
const list = Array.isArray(treeData) ? treeData : [treeData];
return list.map(({ children, ...props }): NodeElement => {
const childrenNodes = convertDataToTree(children, processor);
return <TreeNode {...processProps(props)}>{childrenNodes}</TreeNode>;
* Parse `checkedKeys` to { checkedKeys, halfCheckedKeys } style
export function parseCheckedKeys(keys: Key[] | { checked: Key[]; halfChecked: Key[] }) {
if (!keys) {
return null;
// Convert keys to object format
let keyProps;
if (Array.isArray(keys)) {
// [Legacy] Follow the api doc
keyProps = {
checkedKeys: keys,
halfCheckedKeys: undefined,
} else if (typeof keys === 'object') {
keyProps = {
checkedKeys: keys.checked || undefined,
halfCheckedKeys: keys.halfChecked || undefined,
} else {
warning(false, '`checkedKeys` is not an array or an object');
return null;
return keyProps;
* If user use `autoExpandParent` we should get the list of parent node
* @param keyList
* @param keyEntities
export function conductExpandParent(keyList: Key[], keyEntities: Record<Key, DataEntity>): Key[] {
const expandedKeys = new Set<Key>();
function conductUp(key: Key) {
if (expandedKeys.has(key)) return;
const entity = keyEntities[key];
if (!entity) return;
const { parent, node } = entity;
if (node.disabled) return;
if (parent) {
(keyList || []).forEach(key => {
return [...expandedKeys];
* Returns only the data- and aria- key/value pairs
export function getDataAndAria(props: Partial<TreeProps | TreeNodeProps>) {
const omitProps: Record<string, string> = {};
Object.keys(props).forEach(key => {
if (key.startsWith('data-') || key.startsWith('aria-')) {
omitProps[key] = props[key];
return omitProps;