401 lines
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401 lines
13 KiB
import Vue from 'vue'
import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'
import { asyncExpect } from '@/tests/utils'
import Table from '..'
describe('Table.rowSelection', () => {
const columns = [{
title: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'name',
const data = [
{ key: 0, name: 'Jack' },
{ key: 1, name: 'Lucy' },
{ key: 2, name: 'Tom' },
{ key: 3, name: 'Jerry' },
function getTableOptions (props = {}, listeners = {}) {
return {
propsData: {
dataSource: data,
rowSelection: {},
listeners: {
sync: false,
attachedToDocument: true,
function renderedNames (wrapper) {
return wrapper.findAll({ name: 'TableRow' }).wrappers.map(row => {
return row.props().record.name
function getStore (wrapper) {
return wrapper.vm._vnode.componentInstance.store
it('select by checkbox', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions())
const checkboxes = wrapper.findAll('input')
const checkboxAll = checkboxes.at(0)
checkboxAll.element.checked = true
await asyncExpect(() => {
selectedRowKeys: [0, 1, 2, 3],
selectionDirty: true,
checkboxes.at(1).element.checked = false
await asyncExpect(() => {
selectedRowKeys: [1, 2, 3],
selectionDirty: true,
checkboxes.at(1).element.checked = true
await asyncExpect(() => {
selectedRowKeys: [1, 2, 3, 0],
selectionDirty: true,
it('select by radio', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions({ rowSelection: { type: 'radio' }}))
const radios = wrapper.findAll('input')
radios.at(0).element.checked = true
await asyncExpect(() => {
selectedRowKeys: [0],
selectionDirty: true,
radios.at(radios.length - 1).element.checked = true
radios.at(radios.length - 1).trigger('change')
await asyncExpect(() => {
selectedRowKeys: [3],
selectionDirty: true,
it('pass getCheckboxProps to checkbox', () => {
const rowSelection = {
getCheckboxProps: record => ({ props: {
disabled: record.name === 'Lucy',
name: record.name,
const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions({ rowSelection }))
const checkboxes = wrapper.findAll('input').wrappers
it('works with pagination', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions({ pagination: { pageSize: 2 }}))
const checkboxAll = wrapper.find({ name: 'SelectionCheckboxAll' })
const pagers = wrapper.findAll({ name: 'Pager' })
checkboxAll.find('input').element.checked = true
await asyncExpect(() => {
expect(checkboxAll.vm.$data).toEqual({ checked: true, indeterminate: false })
await asyncExpect(() => {
expect(checkboxAll.vm.$data).toEqual({ checked: false, indeterminate: false })
await asyncExpect(() => {
expect(checkboxAll.vm.$data).toEqual({ checked: true, indeterminate: false })
// https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/4020
it('handles defaultChecked', async () => {
const rowSelection = {
getCheckboxProps: record => ({
defaultChecked: record.key === 0,
const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions({ rowSelection }))
await asyncExpect(() => {
const checkboxs = wrapper.findAll('input')
checkboxs.at(2).element.checked = true
await asyncExpect(() => {
const checkboxs = wrapper.findAll('input')
it('can be controlled', async () => {
const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions({ rowSelection: { selectedRowKeys: [0] }}))
selectedRowKeys: [0],
selectionDirty: false,
wrapper.setProps({ rowSelection: { selectedRowKeys: [1] }})
await asyncExpect(() => {
selectedRowKeys: [1],
selectionDirty: false,
it('fires change & select events', async () => {
const handleChange = jest.fn()
const handleSelect = jest.fn()
const rowSelection = {
onChange: handleChange,
onSelect: handleSelect,
const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions({ rowSelection }))
const checkboxs = wrapper.findAll('input')
checkboxs.at(checkboxs.length - 1).element.checked = true
checkboxs.at(checkboxs.length - 1).trigger('change')
await asyncExpect(() => {
expect(handleChange).toBeCalledWith([3], [{ key: 3, name: 'Jerry' }])
expect(handleSelect.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual({ key: 3, name: 'Jerry' })
expect(handleSelect.mock.calls[0][2]).toEqual([{ key: 3, name: 'Jerry' }])
it('fires selectAll event', async () => {
const handleSelectAll = jest.fn()
const rowSelection = {
onSelectAll: handleSelectAll,
const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions({ rowSelection }))
const checkboxs = wrapper.findAll('input')
checkboxs.at(0).element.checked = true
await asyncExpect(() => {
expect(handleSelectAll).toBeCalledWith(true, data, data)
checkboxs.at(0).element.checked = false
await asyncExpect(() => {
expect(handleSelectAll).toBeCalledWith(false, [], data)
it('render with default selection correctly', async () => {
const rowSelection = {
selections: true,
const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions({ rowSelection }))
const dropdownWrapper = mount({
render () {
return wrapper.find({ name: 'Trigger' }).vm.getComponent()
}, { sync: false })
await asyncExpect(() => {
await asyncExpect(() => {
it('click select all selection', () => {
const handleSelectAll = jest.fn()
const rowSelection = {
onSelectAll: handleSelectAll,
selections: true,
const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions({ rowSelection }))
const dropdownWrapper = mount({
render () {
return wrapper.find({ name: 'Trigger' }).vm.getComponent()
}, { sync: false })
dropdownWrapper.findAll('.ant-dropdown-menu-item > div').at(0).trigger('click')
expect(handleSelectAll).toBeCalledWith(true, data, data)
it('fires selectInvert event', () => {
const handleSelectInvert = jest.fn()
const rowSelection = {
onSelectInvert: handleSelectInvert,
selections: true,
const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions({ rowSelection }))
const checkboxes = wrapper.findAll('input')
checkboxes.at(1).element.checked = true
const dropdownWrapper = mount({
render () {
return wrapper.find({ name: 'Trigger' }).vm.getComponent()
}, { sync: false })
const div = dropdownWrapper.findAll('.ant-dropdown-menu-item > div')
div.at(div.length - 1).trigger('click')
expect(handleSelectInvert).toBeCalledWith([1, 2, 3])
// it('fires selection event', () => {
// const handleSelectOdd = jest.fn()
// const handleSelectEven = jest.fn()
// const rowSelection = {
// selections: [{
// key: 'odd',
// text: '奇数项',
// onSelect: handleSelectOdd,
// }, {
// key: 'even',
// text: '偶数项',
// onSelect: handleSelectEven,
// }],
// }
// const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions({ rowSelection }))
// const dropdownWrapper = mount({
// render () {
// return wrapper.find({ name: 'Trigger' }).vm.getComponent()
// },
// })
// expect(dropdownWrapper.find('.ant-dropdown-menu-item').length).toBe(4)
// dropdownWrapper.find('.ant-dropdown-menu-item > div').at(2).trigger('click')
// expect(handleSelectOdd).toBeCalledWith([0, 1, 2, 3])
// dropdownWrapper.find('.ant-dropdown-menu-item > div').at(3).trigger('click')
// expect(handleSelectEven).toBeCalledWith([0, 1, 2, 3])
// })
// it('could hide default selection options', () => {
// const rowSelection = {
// hideDefaultSelections: true,
// selections: [{
// key: 'odd',
// text: '奇数项',
// }, {
// key: 'even',
// text: '偶数项',
// }],
// }
// const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions({ rowSelection }))
// const dropdownWrapper = mount({
// render () {
// return wrapper.find({ name: 'Trigger' }).vm.getComponent()
// },
// })
// expect(dropdownWrapper.find('.ant-dropdown-menu-item').length).toBe(2)
// })
// it('handle custom selection onSelect correctly when hide default selection options', () => {
// const handleSelectOdd = jest.fn()
// const handleSelectEven = jest.fn()
// const rowSelection = {
// hideDefaultSelections: true,
// selections: [{
// key: 'odd',
// text: '奇数项',
// onSelect: handleSelectOdd,
// }, {
// key: 'even',
// text: '偶数项',
// onSelect: handleSelectEven,
// }],
// }
// const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions({ rowSelection }))
// const dropdownWrapper = mount({
// render () {
// return wrapper.find({ name: 'Trigger' }).vm.getComponent()
// },
// })
// expect(dropdownWrapper.find('.ant-dropdown-menu-item').length).toBe(2)
// dropdownWrapper.find('.ant-dropdown-menu-item > div').at(0).trigger('click')
// expect(handleSelectOdd).toBeCalledWith([0, 1, 2, 3])
// dropdownWrapper.find('.ant-dropdown-menu-item > div').at(1).trigger('click')
// expect(handleSelectEven).toBeCalledWith([0, 1, 2, 3])
// })
// // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/4245
// it('handles disabled checkbox correctly when dataSource changes', () => {
// const rowSelection = {
// getCheckboxProps: record => ({ disabled: record.disabled }),
// }
// const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions({ rowSelection }))
// const newData = [
// { key: 0, name: 'Jack', disabled: true },
// { key: 1, name: 'Lucy', disabled: true },
// ]
// wrapper.setProps({ dataSource: newData })
// wrapper.find('input').forEach((checkbox) => {
// expect(checkbox.props().disabled).toBe(true)
// })
// })
// // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/4779
// it('should not switch pagination when select record', () => {
// const newData = []
// for (let i = 0; i < 20; i += 1) {
// newData.push({
// key: i.toString(),
// name: i.toString(),
// })
// }
// const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions({
// rowSelection: {},
// dataSource: newData,
// }))
// wrapper.find('Pager').last().trigger('click') // switch to second page
// wrapper.find('input').first().trigger('change', { target: { checked: true }})
// wrapper.update()
// expect(renderedNames(wrapper)).toEqual(['10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19'])
// })
// it('highlight selected row', () => {
// const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions())
// wrapper.find('input').at(1).trigger('change', { target: { checked: true }})
// expect(wrapper.find('tbody tr').at(0).hasClass('ant-table-row-selected')).toBe(true)
// })
// it('fix selection column on the left', () => {
// const wrapper = mount(Table, getTableOptions({
// rowSelection: { fixed: true },
// }))
// expect(wrapper).toMatchSnapshot()
// })