mirror of https://github.com/Xhofe/alist
251 lines
6.5 KiB
251 lines
6.5 KiB
package _139
import (
jsoniter "github.com/json-iterator/go"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
// do others that not defined in Driver interface
func (d *Yun139) isFamily() bool {
return d.Type == "family"
func encodeURIComponent(str string) string {
r := url.QueryEscape(str)
r = strings.Replace(r, "+", "%20", -1)
r = strings.Replace(r, "%21", "!", -1)
r = strings.Replace(r, "%27", "'", -1)
r = strings.Replace(r, "%28", "(", -1)
r = strings.Replace(r, "%29", ")", -1)
r = strings.Replace(r, "%2A", "*", -1)
return r
func calSign(body, ts, randStr string) string {
body = encodeURIComponent(body)
strs := strings.Split(body, "")
body = strings.Join(strs, "")
body = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(body))
res := utils.GetMD5EncodeStr(body) + utils.GetMD5EncodeStr(ts+":"+randStr)
res = strings.ToUpper(utils.GetMD5EncodeStr(res))
return res
func getTime(t string) time.Time {
stamp, _ := time.ParseInLocation("20060102150405", t, time.Local)
return stamp
func (d *Yun139) request(pathname string, method string, callback base.ReqCallback, resp interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
url := "https://yun.139.com" + pathname
req := base.RestyClient.R()
randStr := random.String(16)
ts := time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
if callback != nil {
body, err := utils.Json.Marshal(req.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sign := calSign(string(body), ts, randStr)
svcType := "1"
if d.isFamily() {
svcType = "2"
"Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*",
"CMS-DEVICE": "default",
"Authorization": "Basic " + d.Authorization,
"mcloud-channel": "1000101",
"mcloud-client": "10701",
//"mcloud-route": "001",
"mcloud-sign": fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s,%s", ts, randStr, sign),
"mcloud-version": "6.6.0",
"Origin": "https://yun.139.com",
"Referer": "https://yun.139.com/w/",
"x-DeviceInfo": "||9|6.6.0|chrome|95.0.4638.69|uwIy75obnsRPIwlJSd7D9GhUvFwG96ce||macos 10.15.2||zh-CN|||",
"x-huawei-channelSrc": "10000034",
"x-inner-ntwk": "2",
"x-m4c-caller": "PC",
"x-m4c-src": "10002",
"x-SvcType": svcType,
var e BaseResp
res, err := req.Execute(method, url)
if !e.Success {
return nil, errors.New(e.Message)
if resp != nil {
err = utils.Json.Unmarshal(res.Body(), resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.Body(), nil
func (d *Yun139) post(pathname string, data interface{}, resp interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return d.request(pathname, http.MethodPost, func(req *resty.Request) {
}, resp)
func (d *Yun139) getFiles(catalogID string) ([]model.Obj, error) {
start := 0
limit := 100
files := make([]model.Obj, 0)
for {
data := base.Json{
"catalogID": catalogID,
"sortDirection": 1,
"startNumber": start + 1,
"endNumber": start + limit,
"filterType": 0,
"catalogSortType": 0,
"contentSortType": 0,
"commonAccountInfo": base.Json{
"account": d.Account,
"accountType": 1,
var resp GetDiskResp
_, err := d.post("/orchestration/personalCloud/catalog/v1.0/getDisk", data, &resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, catalog := range resp.Data.GetDiskResult.CatalogList {
f := model.Object{
ID: catalog.CatalogID,
Name: catalog.CatalogName,
Size: 0,
Modified: getTime(catalog.UpdateTime),
IsFolder: true,
files = append(files, &f)
for _, content := range resp.Data.GetDiskResult.ContentList {
f := model.ObjThumb{
Object: model.Object{
ID: content.ContentID,
Name: content.ContentName,
Size: content.ContentSize,
Modified: getTime(content.UpdateTime),
Thumbnail: model.Thumbnail{Thumbnail: content.ThumbnailURL},
//Thumbnail: content.BigthumbnailURL,
files = append(files, &f)
if start+limit >= resp.Data.GetDiskResult.NodeCount {
start += limit
return files, nil
func (d *Yun139) newJson(data map[string]interface{}) base.Json {
common := map[string]interface{}{
"catalogType": 3,
"cloudID": d.CloudID,
"cloudType": 1,
"commonAccountInfo": base.Json{
"account": d.Account,
"accountType": 1,
return utils.MergeMap(data, common)
func (d *Yun139) familyGetFiles(catalogID string) ([]model.Obj, error) {
pageNum := 1
files := make([]model.Obj, 0)
for {
data := d.newJson(base.Json{
"catalogID": catalogID,
"contentSortType": 0,
"pageInfo": base.Json{
"pageNum": pageNum,
"pageSize": 100,
"sortDirection": 1,
var resp QueryContentListResp
_, err := d.post("/orchestration/familyCloud/content/v1.0/queryContentList", data, &resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, catalog := range resp.Data.CloudCatalogList {
f := model.Object{
ID: catalog.CatalogID,
Name: catalog.CatalogName,
Size: 0,
IsFolder: true,
Modified: getTime(catalog.LastUpdateTime),
files = append(files, &f)
for _, content := range resp.Data.CloudContentList {
f := model.ObjThumb{
Object: model.Object{
ID: content.ContentID,
Name: content.ContentName,
Size: content.ContentSize,
Modified: getTime(content.LastUpdateTime),
Thumbnail: model.Thumbnail{Thumbnail: content.ThumbnailURL},
//Thumbnail: content.BigthumbnailURL,
files = append(files, &f)
if 100*pageNum > resp.Data.TotalCount {
return files, nil
func (d *Yun139) getLink(contentId string) (string, error) {
data := base.Json{
"appName": "",
"contentID": contentId,
"commonAccountInfo": base.Json{
"account": d.Account,
"accountType": 1,
res, err := d.post("/orchestration/personalCloud/uploadAndDownload/v1.0/downloadRequest",
data, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return jsoniter.Get(res, "data", "downloadURL").ToString(), nil
func unicode(str string) string {
textQuoted := strconv.QuoteToASCII(str)
textUnquoted := textQuoted[1 : len(textQuoted)-1]
return textUnquoted