mirror of https://github.com/Xhofe/alist
172 lines
9.1 KiB
172 lines
9.1 KiB
package data
import (
var initialSettingItems []model.SettingItem
func initSettings() {
// check deprecated
settings, err := op.GetSettingItems()
if err != nil {
utils.Log.Fatalf("failed get settings: %+v", err)
for i := range settings {
if !isActive(settings[i].Key) && settings[i].Flag != model.DEPRECATED {
settings[i].Flag = model.DEPRECATED
err = op.SaveSettingItem(&settings[i])
if err != nil {
utils.Log.Fatalf("failed save setting: %+v", err)
// create or save setting
for i := range initialSettingItems {
item := &initialSettingItems[i]
// err
stored, err := op.GetSettingItemByKey(item.Key)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
utils.Log.Fatalf("failed get setting: %+v", err)
// save
if stored != nil && item.Key != conf.VERSION {
item.Value = stored.Value
if stored == nil || *item != *stored {
err = op.SaveSettingItem(item)
if err != nil {
utils.Log.Fatalf("failed save setting: %+v", err)
} else {
// Not save so needs to execute hook
_, err = op.HandleSettingItemHook(item)
if err != nil {
utils.Log.Errorf("failed to execute hook on %s: %+v", item.Key, err)
func isActive(key string) bool {
for _, item := range initialSettingItems {
if item.Key == key {
return true
return false
func InitialSettings() []model.SettingItem {
var token string
if flags.Dev {
token = "dev_token"
} else {
token = random.Token()
initialSettingItems = []model.SettingItem{
// site settings
{Key: conf.VERSION, Value: conf.Version, Type: conf.TypeString, Group: model.SITE, Flag: model.READONLY},
//{Key: conf.ApiUrl, Value: "", Type: conf.TypeString, Group: model.SITE},
//{Key: conf.BasePath, Value: "", Type: conf.TypeString, Group: model.SITE},
{Key: conf.SiteTitle, Value: "AList", Type: conf.TypeString, Group: model.SITE},
{Key: conf.Announcement, Value: "### repo\nhttps://github.com/alist-org/alist", Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.SITE},
{Key: "pagination_type", Value: "all", Type: conf.TypeSelect, Options: "all,pagination,load_more,auto_load_more", Group: model.SITE},
{Key: "default_page_size", Value: "30", Type: conf.TypeNumber, Group: model.SITE},
{Key: conf.AllowIndexed, Value: "false", Type: conf.TypeBool, Group: model.SITE},
// style settings
{Key: conf.Logo, Value: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/alist-org/logo@main/logo.svg", Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.STYLE},
{Key: conf.Favicon, Value: "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/alist-org/logo@main/logo.svg", Type: conf.TypeString, Group: model.STYLE},
{Key: conf.MainColor, Value: "#1890ff", Type: conf.TypeString, Group: model.STYLE},
{Key: "home_icon", Value: "🏠", Type: conf.TypeString, Group: model.STYLE},
{Key: "home_container", Value: "max_980px", Type: conf.TypeSelect, Options: "max_980px,hope_container", Group: model.STYLE},
{Key: "settings_layout", Value: "list", Type: conf.TypeSelect, Options: "list,responsive", Group: model.STYLE},
// preview settings
{Key: conf.TextTypes, Value: "txt,htm,html,xml,java,properties,sql,js,md,json,conf,ini,vue,php,py,bat,gitignore,yml,go,sh,c,cpp,h,hpp,tsx,vtt,srt,ass,rs,lrc", Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.PREVIEW, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
{Key: conf.AudioTypes, Value: "mp3,flac,ogg,m4a,wav,opus,wma", Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.PREVIEW, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
{Key: conf.VideoTypes, Value: "mp4,mkv,avi,mov,rmvb,webm,flv", Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.PREVIEW, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
{Key: conf.ImageTypes, Value: "jpg,tiff,jpeg,png,gif,bmp,svg,ico,swf,webp", Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.PREVIEW, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
//{Key: conf.OfficeTypes, Value: "doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx", Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.PREVIEW, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
{Key: conf.ProxyTypes, Value: "m3u8", Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.PREVIEW, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
{Key: conf.ProxyIgnoreHeaders, Value: "authorization,referer", Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.PREVIEW, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
{Key: "external_previews", Value: `{}`, Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.PREVIEW},
{Key: "iframe_previews", Value: `{
"doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx": {
"pdf": {
"epub": {
}`, Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.PREVIEW},
// {Key: conf.OfficeViewers, Value: `{
// "Microsoft":"https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=$url",
// "Google":"https://docs.google.com/gview?url=$url&embedded=true",
//}`, Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.PREVIEW},
// {Key: conf.PdfViewers, Value: `{
// "pdf.js":"https://alist-org.github.io/pdf.js/web/viewer.html?file=$url"
//}`, Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.PREVIEW},
{Key: "audio_cover", Value: "https://jsd.nn.ci/gh/alist-org/logo@main/logo.svg", Type: conf.TypeString, Group: model.PREVIEW},
{Key: conf.AudioAutoplay, Value: "true", Type: conf.TypeBool, Group: model.PREVIEW},
{Key: conf.VideoAutoplay, Value: "true", Type: conf.TypeBool, Group: model.PREVIEW},
// global settings
{Key: conf.HideFiles, Value: "/\\/README.md/i", Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.GLOBAL},
{Key: "package_download", Value: "true", Type: conf.TypeBool, Group: model.GLOBAL},
{Key: conf.CustomizeHead, Value: `<script src="https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?features=String.prototype.replaceAll"></script>`, Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.GLOBAL, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
{Key: conf.CustomizeBody, Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.GLOBAL, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
{Key: conf.LinkExpiration, Value: "0", Type: conf.TypeNumber, Group: model.GLOBAL, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
{Key: conf.SignAll, Value: "false", Type: conf.TypeBool, Group: model.GLOBAL, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
{Key: conf.PrivacyRegs, Value: `(?:(?:\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.){3}(?:\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])
Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.GLOBAL, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
{Key: conf.OcrApi, Value: "https://api.nn.ci/ocr/file/json", Type: conf.TypeString, Group: model.GLOBAL},
{Key: conf.FilenameCharMapping, Value: `{"/": "|"}`, Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.GLOBAL},
{Key: conf.ForwardDirectLinkParams, Value: "false", Type: conf.TypeBool, Group: model.GLOBAL},
// aria2 settings
{Key: conf.Aria2Uri, Value: "http://localhost:6800/jsonrpc", Type: conf.TypeString, Group: model.ARIA2, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
{Key: conf.Aria2Secret, Value: "", Type: conf.TypeString, Group: model.ARIA2, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
// single settings
{Key: conf.Token, Value: token, Type: conf.TypeString, Group: model.SINGLE, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
{Key: conf.SearchIndex, Value: "none", Type: conf.TypeSelect, Options: "database,database_non_full_text,bleve,none", Group: model.INDEX},
{Key: conf.AutoUpdateIndex, Value: "false", Type: conf.TypeBool, Group: model.INDEX},
{Key: conf.IgnorePaths, Value: "", Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.INDEX, Flag: model.PRIVATE, Help: `one path per line`},
{Key: conf.MaxIndexDepth, Value: "20", Type: conf.TypeNumber, Group: model.INDEX, Flag: model.PRIVATE, Help: `max depth of index`},
{Key: conf.IndexProgress, Value: "{}", Type: conf.TypeText, Group: model.SINGLE, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
// SSO settings
{Key: conf.SSOLoginEnabled, Value: "false", Type: conf.TypeBool, Group: model.SSO, Flag: model.PUBLIC},
{Key: conf.SSOLoginplatform, Type: conf.TypeSelect, Options: "Github,Microsoft,Google,Dingtalk", Group: model.SSO, Flag: model.PUBLIC},
{Key: conf.SSOClientId, Value: "", Type: conf.TypeString, Group: model.SSO, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
{Key: conf.SSOClientSecret, Value: "", Type: conf.TypeString, Group: model.SSO, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
// qbittorrent settings
{Key: conf.QbittorrentUrl, Value: "http://admin:adminadmin@localhost:8080/", Type: conf.TypeString, Group: model.SINGLE, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
{Key: conf.QbittorrentSeedtime, Value: "0", Type: conf.TypeNumber, Group: model.SINGLE, Flag: model.PRIVATE},
if flags.Dev {
initialSettingItems = append(initialSettingItems, []model.SettingItem{
{Key: "test_deprecated", Value: "test_value", Type: conf.TypeString, Flag: model.DEPRECATED},
{Key: "test_options", Value: "a", Type: conf.TypeSelect, Options: "a,b,c"},
{Key: "test_help", Type: conf.TypeString, Help: "this is a help message"},
return initialSettingItems